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It's actually beyond hilarious and then a left turn. He used to call Thaksin, "Thailand's best Prime Minister ever". No wonder, after Thaksin promoted Sondhi's banker to president of the state bank whence he quickly 'forgave' Sondhi his B1,000,000,000 debt. I too would love a PM who wiped out my LOC debt!!!

What Thaksin did 'forgiving' his buddy Sondhi's debt was a perfect example of what a scoundrel he was; but what does that make Sondhi? Sondhi created PAD right after his banker was fired for mishandling bank funds of up to FORTY billion Bhat. Could this whole, purer than Thou, yellow shirt movement all have to with an attempted audit of Sondhi's finances? "Don't look at MY money look at Thaksin's!"

The days before he was raving about how great Thaksin was. funny that, more than funny actually

These two have a lover's quarrel and look at how the country was dragged down.

Trying to take sides with the Reds or the Yellows is like your uncle giving you the choice of his second hand Ford Pinto or Chev Vega. [There is a nice new BMW hidden in the garage.]

Both sides have inherent structural failures and misguided aspirations.

Whether the Yellow side prevails, or the Red, or they fight on for the next decade, Thailand is looking at a very bleak future.

Too bad the Silent Majority could not come to life, [The White Shirt Movement] and put in institutions that run them both off the road.


Historically, I call the period from about 2005 to about 2011, the Sondhi Era in Thailand.

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whichever way you look at it, politics are a ridiculous waste of time. What you read/see in the media is probably only 1/10th of the real story, so who's to trust when they're all crooks?!?!?!

whichever way you look at it, politics are a ridiculous waste of time. What you read/see in the media is probably only 1/10th of the real story, so who's to trust when they're all crooks?!?!?!

well a ridiculous waste of resources and freedoms, also, and not just in Thailand. The root cause of the dis-functioning and underachieving of democracies, everywhere, is the Party systems of politics.

They are like a modern day form of elitism where the PM, or president, becomes dictator for 4 years.

The 6 Nations of aboriginal North America have the oldest, 800 year, and most successful democracy, ever. Benjamin Franklin is said to have adopted some of their concepts in building the American form of democracy.

The mistake HE made, even though he is revered as genius, was NOT copying the whole design. THEN he would have been a genius!

If the Reds achieve their goal of repatriating Thaksin as President of a Republic, it will set back Thailand's chances of achieving it's great potential by at least one, probably two, decades. The long standing suppression of their voices will be replaced by the suppression of other 'elements', which will NEVER sit well with the whole of Thai Society.

It would lead to something Thailand has not seen for decades, stability: a stable garbage scow, NOT the the luxury liner that Thailand could be.

I have talked to red shirts, yellow shirts, and, most importantly, white shirts, the Silent Majority, about my plan for stability, peace AND prosperity in Thailand.

They all like it, but you what? It would spoil the 'fun' of gangland politics.

whichever way you look at it, politics are a ridiculous waste of time. What you read/see in the media is probably only 1/10th of the real story, so who's to trust when they're all crooks?!?!?!

Well said etimago!!!! Mirrors my sentiments completely and succinctly...


Sondhi's political methods are so child like, it amazes me that anybody falls for them. His gossip, smear techniques are something you would expect in a high school.

Sondhi's political methods are so child like, it amazes me that anybody falls for them. His gossip, smear techniques are something you would expect in a high school.

Or middle school!!!


Well this thread is quiet, I thought it would be full of the thaier than thai yellow shirted farangs writing at length about how it is all Thaksins fault and that Sondhi is in fact a genius of the highest calibre, a freedom fighter and a lone crusader against corruption.


Eveybody knew Sonthi wasn't an angel, I knew some journalists who weren't paid by him in the mid 90s crunch for months, he claimed bankruptcy.

But what he excelled at was being a fighter, he was the one who brought Thaksin down. His exposures of nepotism and policy corruption made fascinating listening, and indeed the whole ASTV set up with shirts and rallies has been copied wholesale by the red shirts.

He should have put a patent on it!

But as with so many fighters, in times of peace he's surplus to requirements, his abrasive and sometimes over the top remarks alienated many.

But his desire for clean politics strikes a chord with many, the true socialists of the red shirts, not the Thaksin lovers, may well agree with his sentiments, but it's an awesome task to rid Thailand of money patronage politics.

One thing's for sure, Thaksin's part of that problem, not the solution.

Well this thread is quiet, I thought it would be full of the thaier than thai yellow shirted farangs writing at length about how it is all Thaksins fault and that Sondhi is in fact a genius of the highest calibre, a freedom fighter and a lone crusader against corruption.

Perhaps you underestimate those you regard as 'thaier than thai yellow shirted farangs' ? :)

A crook is a crook, and Sondhi is no saint, after all he used to be one of Thaksin's good friends & allies. But like many others, he gradually saw through the 'people's hero', stopped supporting him, and then began exposing corruption by Thaksin/TRT.

He was only ever one of several leaders of the PAD, so is definitely not a lone crusader, why would anybody ever think that he was ? His original motivation certainly included trying to get back, at someone who he had initially regarded as a friend, but it still had the positive effect of exposing a lot of corruption.

If only the UDD or PTP were to follow this example, rather than being a cheering-team for one particular ex-PM, then they might be more effective in encouraging democracy & freedom. But perhaps there are reasons why exposing corruption is low on their priority-list ? :D

Eveybody knew Sonthi wasn't an angel, I knew some journalists who weren't paid by him in the mid 90s crunch for months, he claimed bankruptcy.

But what he excelled at was being a fighter, he was the one who brought Thaksin down. His exposures of nepotism and policy corruption made fascinating listening, and indeed the whole ASTV set up with shirts and rallies has been copied wholesale by the red shirts.

He should have put a patent on it!

But as with so many fighters, in times of peace he's surplus to requirements, his abrasive and sometimes over the top remarks alienated many.

But his desire for clean politics strikes a chord with many, the true socialists of the red shirts, not the Thaksin lovers, may well agree with his sentiments, but it's an awesome task to rid Thailand of money patronage politics.

One thing's for sure, Thaksin's part of that problem, not the solution.

Thailand - times of peace

Sondhi - clean politics

There's good some good material in this one Post for one of those word matching questions on an IQ test. [select the words do not fit] LOL

Well this thread is quiet, I thought it would be full of the thaier than thai yellow shirted farangs writing at length about how it is all Thaksins fault and that Sondhi is in fact a genius of the highest calibre, a freedom fighter and a lone crusader against corruption.

A crook is a crook, and Sondhi is no saint, after all he used to be one of Thaksin's good friends & allies. But like many others, he gradually saw through the 'people's hero', stopped supporting him, and then began exposing corruption by Thaksin/TRT.

He was only ever one of several leaders of the PAD, so is definitely not a lone crusader, why would anybody ever think that he was ? His original motivation certainly included trying to get back, at someone who he had initially regarded as a friend, but it still had the positive effect of exposing a lot of corruption.

If only the UDD or PTP were to follow this example, rather than being a cheering-team for one particular ex-PM, then they might be more effective in encouraging democracy & freedom. But perhaps there are reasons why exposing corruption is low on their priority-list ? :)

Ricrardo, why did Sondhi NOT feel disposed to expose the corruption BY Thaksin that Sondhi directly benefited from? I ALREADY know Thaksin was and is a crook and dangerous to the future of Thailand, so I don't NEED 10 pages 'education' about him.

However, I could use some enlightenment on whether Wikipedia is accurate concerning the facts? that, when Thaksin gained Office, he raised the banker of his crony pal, buddy, Sondhi's banker to the Top banking position in the country, whereby they promptly FORGAVE Sondhi over a billion in debts. [That's $40,000,000 in real money folks.] Can you address this Topic, or start one of your own if you want to diatribe what we already know about Thaksin?

Do YOU really think it's impossible to think they are BOTH scoundrels? In my opinion, it's NOT a case of one of them being Mr. Right and the other being Mrs. Wrong!

Hearing YOUR leader talk about corruption makes me turn purple.

If you stick handle the above point in Wiki, by actually addressing the Issue, then maybe somebody could clarify how the same banker, according to Wiki, got under investigation for Bhat 40,000,000,000 in murky loans and then fired. Is this all just Red propoganda planted in Wiki, huh? <<< This deflection of accounting appears to be Sondhi's original intentions. He didn't care if he threw Thaksin, an airport or two, and Thailand under the bus to change the topic of conversation.

Now that he is rich, again, has he ever made moves to repay whoever it was who lost all that money to HIM? or is that his reward for being a national hero?

I don't even think it was Thaksin who started looking all of the above corrupt money dealings, but Sondhi sure made sure attention was taken off those things, didn't he?

Just confirm or deny these historic events, please. i do NOT need 10 pages about Thaksin to cover up these allegations. I don't like Thaksin, EITHER.


You know what, Thailand is heading for 'more' troubles than it has already seen, in a very troubled past.

If the Yellows stay encamped, it is more of the same; if the Reds win the day it will just be a different kind of MESS.


Everyone in Thai politics knows Sonthi's murky past, The Nation and Thai papers exposed all his shady financial actions years ago.

But he wasn't the PM and he wasn't changing laws to benefit his clan and ensure he would remain untouchable.

It is no coincidence that the New Politics Party are similar to Palang Tham in the past, both emphasise ethics over size, and of course both have Jamlong.

As with Palang Tham, the New Politics Party will have minimal influence in the near future.

The battle was won, even if temporary, Thaksin fled, the Democrats have taken over, no need for Sonthi now.

whichever way you look at it, politics are a ridiculous waste of time. What you read/see in the media is probably only 1/10th of the real story, so who's to trust when they're all crooks?!?!?!


I used to date a woman who lectured in Corporate Psychology at a major US university.

One night over dinner she was telling me about her field, stuff like "a corporate division is losing money, the president is replaced" and other obvious stuff you don't need a degree in to figure out. I mentioned, as nicely as possible, that there is no one way to know all of what goes on outside of public disclosure, and you have to consider things like backroom discussions, who plays golf with the boss, etc.

That was the last time I saw her. :)

Well this thread is quiet, I thought it would be full of the thaier than thai yellow shirted farangs writing at length about how it is all Thaksins fault and that Sondhi is in fact a genius of the highest calibre, a freedom fighter and a lone crusader against corruption.

Along the same sort of lines in a recent thread on a Human Rights Abuses report concerning the current government, a poster predicted that before long the thread would be full of yellow-shirted, Abhisit apologists defending his record. It never happened. Why? Well because that poster's assumption, and yours, that anyone who speaks out against Thaksin must therefore be a yellow shirt / PAD member / Democrat Party supporter, is simply a figment of your distorted imagination.


Quote by Tonywebster:

Well this thread is quiet, I thought it would be full of the thaier than thai yellow shirted farangs writing at length about how it is all Thaksins fault and that Sondhi is in fact a genius of the highest calibre, a freedom fighter and a lone crusader against corruption.

Sorry Tony whilst I pick myself off the floor - nice one!!! :):D

Well this thread is quiet, I thought it would be full of the thaier than thai yellow shirted farangs writing at length about how it is all Thaksins fault and that Sondhi is in fact a genius of the highest calibre, a freedom fighter and a lone crusader against corruption.

A crook is a crook, and Sondhi is no saint, after all he used to be one of Thaksin's good friends & allies. But like many others, he gradually saw through the 'people's hero', stopped supporting him, and then began exposing corruption by Thaksin/TRT.

He was only ever one of several leaders of the PAD, so is definitely not a lone crusader, why would anybody ever think that he was ? His original motivation certainly included trying to get back, at someone who he had initially regarded as a friend, but it still had the positive effect of exposing a lot of corruption.

If only the UDD or PTP were to follow this example, rather than being a cheering-team for one particular ex-PM, then they might be more effective in encouraging democracy & freedom. But perhaps there are reasons why exposing corruption is low on their priority-list ? :D

Ricrardo, why did Sondhi NOT feel disposed to expose the corruption BY Thaksin that Sondhi directly benefited from? I ALREADY know Thaksin was and is a crook and dangerous to the future of Thailand, so I don't NEED 10 pages 'education' about him.

However, I could use some enlightenment on whether Wikipedia is accurate concerning the facts? that, when Thaksin gained Office, he raised the banker of his crony pal, buddy, Sondhi's banker to the Top banking position in the country, whereby they promptly FORGAVE Sondhi over a billion in debts. [That's $40,000,000 in real money folks.] Can you address this Topic, or start one of your own if you want to diatribe what we already know about Thaksin?

Do YOU really think it's impossible to think they are BOTH scoundrels? In my opinion, it's NOT a case of one of them being Mr. Right and the other being Mrs. Wrong!

Hearing YOUR leader talk about corruption makes me turn purple.

If you stick handle the above point in Wiki, by actually addressing the Issue, then maybe somebody could clarify how the same banker, according to Wiki, got under investigation for Bhat 40,000,000,000 in murky loans and then fired. Is this all just Red propoganda planted in Wiki, huh? <<< This deflection of accounting appears to be Sondhi's original intentions. He didn't care if he threw Thaksin, an airport or two, and Thailand under the bus to change the topic of conversation.

Now that he is rich, again, has he ever made moves to repay whoever it was who lost all that money to HIM? or is that his reward for being a national hero?

I don't even think it was Thaksin who started looking all of the above corrupt money dealings, but Sondhi sure made sure attention was taken off those things, didn't he?

Just confirm or deny these historic events, please. i do NOT need 10 pages about Thaksin to cover up these allegations. I don't like Thaksin, EITHER.


You know what, Thailand is heading for 'more' troubles than it has already seen, in a very troubled past.

If the Yellows stay encamped, it is more of the same; if the Reds win the day it will just be a different kind of MESS.

Where to begin ?

Wish I could insert replies to each of your many points, using another colour to show which were my own comments, and which were yours, but forum-rules don't allow that, even if it might be clearer that way.

And next time you respond to something I post, please don't modify my post by underlining certain sections, this is against forum-rules. I don't make the rules, but I do try to follow them, as I don't wish to have a 'holiday' or get banned.

1. I have no idea (but can make a guess) why Sondhi didn't raise corrupt events which involved himself, ask him, not me ! I don't speak for him, indeed agreed with the gist of the OP and Tonywebster, when I said "Sondhi is no saint".

2. I'm not offering 10 pages of comment, especially about Thaksin, am I ? Where did I say that ? :D

3. I personally would regard Wikipedia as a not-terribly-reliable source, given its ease of ammendment, and discussing Wikipedia would indeed be off-topic, so I won't, Thanks !

4. I don't wish to, and have not, posted a diatribe about Thaksin, so why do you say I should ?

5. I do agree that it's perfectly possible that they're both scoundrels, nowhere in my post did I say that one was Mr Right & the other Mrs Wrong, please re-read my post and I think you'll understand that. IMO one is a bigger scoundrel, and one a smaller one, who still shows-up for his court-cases. :)

6. Nether Thaksin nor Sondhi is "my leader", I haven't said they are, why do you allege that ?

7. I could care less what colour you are, or may turn to. But don't go having a heart-attack or stroke, please !

8. Is Sondhi all that rich again now ? If so, he should consider clearing his old debts, and Thaksin might consider that he now owes the poor people at Temasek a bit too, for having bought his business at-the-peak !

9. I don't particularly agree with your claim that Sondhi is "a national hero". I'd view him more as one of the leaders of a useful pressure-group which, especially in its early days, did the nation a service by exposing corruption in the government.

10. I'm not trying cover up any allegations, and wouldn't.

Can't a chap agree with Tonywebster that Sondhi is not perfect, and is not a lone crusader against corruption, without you jumping all over me ? Thank Heavens that I didn't also comment on his "genius of the highest calibre" or "freedom fighter" status ! :D

Sondhi's political methods are so child like, it amazes me that anybody falls for them. His gossip, smear techniques are something you would expect in a high school.

Works just fine when the electorate is child like.

Everyone in Thai politics knows Sonthi's murky past, The Nation and Thai papers exposed all his shady financial actions years ago.

But he wasn't the PM and he wasn't changing laws to benefit his clan and ensure he would remain untouchable.

It is no coincidence that the New Politics Party are similar to Palang Tham in the past, both emphasise ethics over size, and of course both have Jamlong.

As with Palang Tham, the New Politics Party will have minimal influence in the near future.

The battle was won, even if temporary, Thaksin fled, the Democrats have taken over, no need for Sonthi now.

I think you have confused Sondhi with General Sonthi Boonyaratglin. They are two different people.


The most interesting aspect of this struggle to me is that the leadership of the two competing groups are not Thais, they are ethnic Chinese.

Well this thread is quiet, I thought it would be full of the thaier than thai yellow shirted farangs writing at length about how it is all Thaksins fault and that Sondhi is in fact a genius of the highest calibre, a freedom fighter and a lone crusader against corruption.

Along the same sort of lines in a recent thread on a Human Rights Abuses report concerning the current government, a poster predicted that before long the thread would be full of yellow-shirted, Abhisit apologists defending his record. It never happened. Why? Well because that poster's assumption, and yours, that anyone who speaks out against Thaksin must therefore be a yellow shirt / PAD member / Democrat Party supporter, is simply a figment of your distorted imagination.

Well if you read the whole forum you will see that anyone who is pro red shirt sentiment must be a supporter of Thaksin, or anyone that is against the yellows or dems must be a supporter of thaksin, sadly that is the way this forum is, people need to pigeon hole others.

But in reality the anti Thaksin people on here do tend to have pro yellow sentiments, this is clear from reading the threads, the ojority are like this on here, or that is ceratinly the way they portray themselves with their comments. I am not foolish enough to just stereotype and I myself have pointed out that people who are against the current government are not automatically pro Thaksin, this is what is thrown at you if you mention any anti Democrat sentiments on here.

But at the end of the day who cares, if the Thais want to continue fuc_king their country up just let them get on with it, I don't have a vote, I don't count here.

Everyone in Thai politics knows Sonthi's murky past, The Nation and Thai papers exposed all his shady financial actions years ago.

But he wasn't the PM and he wasn't changing laws to benefit his clan and ensure he would remain untouchable.

It is no coincidence that the New Politics Party are similar to Palang Tham in the past, both emphasise ethics over size, and of course both have Jamlong.

As with Palang Tham, the New Politics Party will have minimal influence in the near future.

The battle was won, even if temporary, Thaksin fled, the Democrats have taken over, no need for Sonthi now.

I think you have confused Sondhi with General Sonthi Boonyaratglin. They are two different people.

I don't think so.

Everyone in Thai politics knows Sonthi's murky past, The Nation and Thai papers exposed all his shady financial actions years ago.

But he wasn't the PM and he wasn't changing laws to benefit his clan and ensure he would remain untouchable.

It is no coincidence that the New Politics Party are similar to Palang Tham in the past, both emphasise ethics over size, and of course both have Jamlong.

As with Palang Tham, the New Politics Party will have minimal influence in the near future.

The battle was won, even if temporary, Thaksin fled, the Democrats have taken over, no need for Sonthi now.

I think you have confused Sondhi with General Sonthi Boonyaratglin. They are two different people.

I don't think so.

on 19 September 2006, the Thai military, led by General Sonthi Boonyaratglin

Sondhi Limthongkul (Thai: สนธิ ลิ้มทองกุล; traditional Chinese: 林明達; pinyin:

Well this thread is quiet, I thought it would be full of the thaier than thai yellow shirted farangs writing at length about how it is all Thaksins fault and that Sondhi is in fact a genius of the highest calibre, a freedom fighter and a lone crusader against corruption.

Perhaps you underestimate those you regard as 'thaier than thai yellow shirted farangs' ? :)

A crook is a crook, and Sondhi is no saint, after all he used to be one of Thaksin's good friends & allies. But like many others, he gradually saw through the 'people's hero', stopped supporting him, and then began exposing corruption by Thaksin/TRT.

He was only ever one of several leaders of the PAD, so is definitely not a lone crusader, why would anybody ever think that he was ? His original motivation certainly included trying to get back, at someone who he had initially regarded as a friend, but it still had the positive effect of exposing a lot of corruption.

If only the UDD or PTP were to follow this example, rather than being a cheering-team for one particular ex-PM, then they might be more effective in encouraging democracy & freedom. But perhaps there are reasons why exposing corruption is low on their priority-list ? :D

Add Chamlong Srimuang, once leader of Palang Dharma who handed the keys of the PDP over to Thaksin, why did he turn against Thaksin, envy?

Does anyone of the "enlightend ones" here know who Chamlong is, does "Young Turks" ring a bell?

Ah' well Mr.Thaksin didn't start to make Thai Politics,

but he got his hands badly bruised in trying to till the power

balance, into his favor, which failed badly!

...now he' barking up the wall..... forever!

Would love to read this guy's biography! :)

the critical part:

Sondhi was born in Bangkok to Chinese immigrant parents from Hainan[15][16]. He majored in history at the University of California, Los Angeles, where he was a reporter for the student newspaper, The Daily Bruin, from 1966 to 1969. He received his M.A. from Utah State University in 1972.

Everyone in Thai politics knows Sonthi's murky past, The Nation and Thai papers exposed all his shady financial actions years ago.

But he wasn't the PM and he wasn't changing laws to benefit his clan and ensure he would remain untouchable.

It is no coincidence that the New Politics Party are similar to Palang Tham in the past, both emphasise ethics over size, and of course both have Jamlong.

As with Palang Tham, the New Politics Party will have minimal influence in the near future.

The battle was won, even if temporary, Thaksin fled, the Democrats have taken over, no need for Sonthi now.

I think you have confused Sondhi with General Sonthi Boonyaratglin. They are two different people.

I don't think so.

on 19 September 2006, the Thai military, led by General Sonthi Boonyaratglin

Sondhi Limthongkul (Thai: สนธิ ลิ้มทองกุล; traditional Chinese: 林明達; pinyin:

The coup led by Sonthi Binyaratgalin could only happen due to the efforts over the previous 18 months by Sonthi Limtongkun.

in exposing Thaksin's corruption and misrule.

We're not talking about General Sonthi in this thread.

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