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Web Design Thai Displaying As ?


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Hi I have been programming for years i did a site in Thai once years ago but i can't remember how

I have been running a simple test but the thai always displays as ???

Any ideas this is driving me nuts.

I have tried making a test.php using the following.




<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="th" />

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=tis-620" />












<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="th" />

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />








the files have been saved as UTF-8 uploaded to the server i have even checked and on the server it is saved in Thai

I have tried changing the encoding on my browser just will not seem to work???

Edited by shadiadi
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If you see squares or question marks instead of the symbol you need to make sure you have the language pack installed necessary to show the symbols.

Installing Windows XP Language Packs:

(depending on the version of XP you have, you may need to insert your WINDOWS XP SETUP CD) then go to Control Panel >> Add/Remove Programs >> Windows Components scroll down in the list and put a checkmark next to “language packs”. If you cant find that, then go here instead Control Panel >> Regional and Language Options >> Languages then made sure both boxes under Supplemental Language Support are checked. Click NEXT and then let it do its thing. You will probably then have to reboot.

How to Configure Regional and Language Support for User Accounts:



Windows Vista Ultimate language pack release information:


Installing Language Interface Packs:


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mm i can read this post fine which has Thai in it and other websites, so thats not the problem i think it must be a server sided issue i saved the php file as an html file and it works fine so it would appear the people who are running my server haven't configured something in php properly but they don't seem to know what it is.

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