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Good work Jayenram! You included about 25% extra for the settling factor. For those wanting to put fill on land you should remember that you measure the dirt in the truck where it is all fluffed up but when you put it on the ground it will settle over time so if you want to raise the level by one meter you should actually add extra.....and 25% is a good estimate of what to use..... If you use a tractor or similar equipment to compact the dirt you still need the same amount only you are mechanically settling it faster.


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You are correct Chownah. If we talk about sandy clay, 1 m3 in the bank, i.e. prior to digging, will give you approximately 1.40 m3 loose (in the truck). When spead and mechanically compacted you will have approximately 1.1 m3.

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My neighbour (Thai) paid Bht 90.00 per cubic metre for landfill this morning. This amounts to approximately Bht 180,000.00 per rai to raise land by 1.00 metre.

I would say he got ripped off Jay. I have just raised 7 Rai, two meters and it cost me 850,000 baht in Phuket.

I am also in the process of adding about 1 meter height to my 1.5 Rai of land in Nakhon and I have been quoted 40,000 baht.

Up where you are mate, you should be able to get the same price as all rural areas - cheap!

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I would say he got ripped off Jay. I have just raised 7 Rai, two meters and it cost me 850,000 baht in Phuket.

I am also in the process of adding about 1 meter height to my 1.5 Rai of land in Nakhon and I have been quoted 40,000 baht.

Up where you are mate, you should be able to get the same price as all rural areas - cheap!

I suppose it all depends upon the haulage distance. I paid Bht 250.00 per 4 wheel truck load (about 3.2 m3 loose) 5 years ago. A mate of mine was charging Bht 250.00 per truck 2 years ago with a haulage distance of 2 km. However, he was also getting paid for digging the 'fishing pool' at the source.


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I would say he got ripped off Jay. I have just raised 7 Rai, two meters and it cost me 850,000 baht in Phuket.

I am also in the process of adding about 1 meter height to my 1.5 Rai of land in Nakhon and I have been quoted 40,000 baht.

Up where you are mate, you should be able to get the same price as all rural areas - cheap!

I suppose it all depends upon the haulage distance. I paid Bht 250.00 per 4 wheel truck load (about 3.2 m3 loose) 5 years ago. A mate of mine was charging Bht 250.00 per truck 2 years ago with a haulage distance of 2 km. However, he was also getting paid for digging the 'fishing pool' at the source.


fair comment mate, but I still think its way over the top in price.

My land in Nakhon - I have just been told, that they are actually "stealing" the soil from the river that that the land borders, so that is why its that cheap :o

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this is the pattaya price, 100baht per cubic met, a 10 wheel lorry carries 6 cubic meters and is 600 baht, just goto the place just befor pattaya klang and order it there, they grade it for free if the land area is a rai or more...

in the sticks reckon on 50 baht for infill per cubic met...

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I think 90 baht per cubic meter is near the high end for fill dirt. I typically pay about that but I don't really mind paying 100 if its good dirt and the drivers are good and can put it exactly where I want it. This is for din dahm....black dirt...good for growing stuff. Also this is for maybe up to 50 cubic meters.

I just built a road across my rice field so I can get to the back in the rainy season without wallowing in the mud. Its about 150m long and 6m wide and the embankment averages about 70 cm tall. What I did was to combine this project with building a pond. I hired a medium sized backhoe for 3,000 baht per day plus fuel (which runs about 1000 baht per day) and two trucks (2 cubic meter) at 25 baht per dump to haul from the pond excavation to the roadbed site.....each load had to be carried an average distance of about 100m. The price for the backhoe is good because the operator (he lives in my neighborhood and so of course is sort of a long distance relative) is absolutely phenomenol. When I tell him what I want he often propose something slightly different and I've alway taken him up on his ideas and I ALWAYS end up with something better than my original idea!!!! Plus if he's not quite finished with something at the end of the day HE'LL ACTUALLY STAY LATE AND FINISH IT WITHOUT CHARGE!!!!! The trucks are so so on the price. I know I could get cheaper because they are too happy when I pay them at the end of the day and too eager to reassure me that when I need them they'll be available. One of the truck drivers is from my neighborhood so I didn't bargain hard on the price. Its a reasonable price and not quibbling on a mostly reasonable price gives you a bigger face in the village. Also....around here if you hire workers this way you also feed them lunch and after work lao pah (illegal whiskey) and snacks.


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I would say he got ripped off Jay. I have just raised 7 Rai, two meters and it cost me 850,000 baht in Phuket.

I am also in the process of adding about 1 meter height to my 1.5 Rai of land in Nakhon and I have been quoted 40,000 baht.

Up where you are mate, you should be able to get the same price as all rural areas - cheap!

I suppose it all depends upon the haulage distance. I paid Bht 250.00 per 4 wheel truck load (about 3.2 m3 loose) 5 years ago. A mate of mine was charging Bht 250.00 per truck 2 years ago with a haulage distance of 2 km. However, he was also getting paid for digging the 'fishing pool' at the source.


fair comment mate, but I still think its way over the top in price.

My land in Nakhon - I have just been told, that they are actually "stealing" the soil from the river that that the land borders, so that is why its that cheap :o

Hey Tornado, If you think Jayenram paid too much for fill, have you seen the link http://www.thaibuilding.blogspot.com/ which thai_norman posted in the Brick or Block thread? I'll copy and paste a bit for you:

"now here in Pattaya its 650baht per cubic meter of infill, although out in the sticks its as low as 350baht per cubic meter,".

Can you believe it? Is this guy joking or what? He say that in the sticks 350baht per cubic meter is a LOW price.


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so you used black dirt to build a road thru your land? does that seem stoopid?

No, I used the black dirt for everything around my house. I used the excavation material from the pond for the road. But actually the black dirt here in northern Thailand is way more structural than the black dirt from a temperate climate zone. It's obviously not as good as laterite (duh) but when its compacted and has a cover of crushed rock it works fine...only you can not bring heavily loaded trucks in right after a heavy rain. The important thing is to build the road above the level of the surround and with a good crown and get it really compacted before it rains. Then the rain will run off quickly without saturating the road bed so much.


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Hey Tornado, If you think Jayenram paid too much for fill, have you seen the link http://www.thaibuilding.blogspot.com/  which thai_norman posted in the Brick or Block thread?  I'll copy and paste a bit for you:

"now here in Pattaya its 650baht per cubic meter of infill, although out in the sticks its as low as 350baht per cubic meter,".

Can you believe it?  Is this guy joking or what?  He say that in the sticks 350baht per cubic meter is a LOW price.

I think if you quote the statement on the website correctly, you'll find that it states "now here in Pattaya its 650baht for 6 cubic meter of infill, although out in the sticks its as low as 350baht per lorry load".

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Hey Tornado, If you think Jayenram paid too much for fill, have you seen the link http://www.thaibuilding.blogspot.com/  which thai_norman posted in the Brick or Block thread?  I'll copy and paste a bit for you:

"now here in Pattaya its 650baht per cubic meter of infill, although out in the sticks its as low as 350baht per cubic meter,".

Can you believe it?  Is this guy joking or what?  He say that in the sticks 350baht per cubic meter is a LOW price.

I think if you quote the statement on the website correctly, you'll find that it states "now here in Pattaya its 650baht for 6 cubic meter of infill, although out in the sticks its as low as 350baht per lorry load".

I did qoute it correctly. I did a straight copy and paste. He saw his error and corrected it. And he was even polite enough to thank me showing that he is actively taking steps to assure that all his information is correct and up to date. Good work on his part!!


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I did qoute it correctly.  I did a straight copy and paste.  He saw his error and corrected it.  And he was even polite enough to thank me showing that he is actively taking steps to assure that all his information is correct and up to date.  Good work on his part!!


My turn to apologise then!

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chownah is quite correct and i did quickly zoom in there and correct it on both hosts, i also did thk him for pointing out my mistake, i have to admit that i done most of the blog over about 3 hours one drunken evening and i didnt see that i had typed cubic meter as opposed to lorry load, i apologise for the confusion caused.

a better laid out version of the blog :o

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