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A Super Mr. Or Mrs. Fixit For Industrial Hearing Protectors ?


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Sawasdee Khrup, TeeVee Friends,

One day was lucky enough to find at a flea market near our house a pair of the kind of imported ear-protectors (big, headphone-like looking things that completely cover the ears) that are sometimes worn at firing ranges or on construction sites.

Well, the plastic headband snapped, and my attempts with a powerful epoxy glue to weld them back together have failed.

Just curious if someone knows a person who is a real master of fixing things up; kind of a "mechanical genius type."

I think the answer here may lie in not only using some other kind of epoxy or glue, but also in creating some kind of wrapper of something around the area of the fracture which will also, itself, be epoxied on : with the idea that the underside is smooth so the top of me noggin' doesn't get no dings.

These ear-protectors were invaluable for surviving Loy Krathong near the bridge last year, and they really add something to meditating.

thanks ! ~o:38;

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I keep several sets in my shop. Looking at them, I don't see any good way to repair them if they broke. There just isn't much there to work with. Not sure which style or model you may have. Maybe the ones you have are repairable. However, if you're fond of your ears, I suggest a look around at some of the better tool stores in your area. I bought mine at two different tool shops here in CR at around 200 baht each. Two of the local music shops that sell guitars, amps, etc. carry some different models here but they are more expensive. The models the music stores carry are a lot nicer than the everyday models I use but mine work fine, get dirty and get dropped and dinged so I don't have a need for the fancy ones. Maybe a look around CM will turn up a nice model that you appreciate more than the one that needs repaired? Your ears are worth it.

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