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Thaksin Supporters


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To be accurate, two terrorist organizations and two countries that are renowned for committing human rights abuses that Amnesty International usually ignored.

Doh I forgot about Cuba, I should have added, (a victimized country with great cigars and better health care than the US). And call them what you will however to be accurate, the only difference between a Terrorist and a Patriot is who's side your on.

Bringing that into context with Taxsin's thugs, they truly believe they are doing the right thing in their minds and that Taxsin is their salvation. I'm sure that if all of his supporters had even a High School education that he would loose half of them.

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Yeah, but most of them are dirt poor and have little chance to break out of it. Who could blame them? :)

Well ... at least you aren't claiming it is a Democracy movement :D

But he does seem to be advocating a wealth re-distribution system funded by the middle class.


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Yeah, but most of them are dirt poor and have little chance to break out of it. Who could blame them? :)

Well ... at least you aren't claiming it is a Democracy movement :D

But he does seem to be advocating a wealth re-distribution system funded by the middle class.


I thought it was part of the Publicity Stunt, not meant for real, but people already felt better simply hearing it!

I consider it cheap, very cheap, reckless, it was after all ONLY about the votes, to get the absolute power, about none else!

This is what gives the whole affair it's bitter taste and the smell of .... you know!

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Yeah, but most of them are dirt poor and have little chance to break out of it. Who could blame them? :D

Well ... at least you aren't claiming it is a Democracy movement :D

But he does seem to be advocating a wealth re-distribution system funded by the middle class.


If I was advocating anything it would be not be the middle class who would pay. There are those who could easily afford to spread around a little wealth to benefit the poor instead of funding airport takeovers. :)

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Yeah, but most of them are dirt poor and have little chance to break out of it. Who could blame them? :D

Well ... at least you aren't claiming it is a Democracy movement :D

But he does seem to be advocating a wealth re-distribution system funded by the middle class.


If I was advocating anything it would be not be the middle class who would pay. There are those who could easily afford to spread around a little wealth to benefit the poor instead of funding airport takeovers. :)

You mean like the guy that offered the loans that got the farmers into trouble in the first place? The same one that is now on the run from the law?

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That is not the point. They got some help that no one else had ever given them. They could care less less about anything else.

Happily much of that support has continued, since Thaksin left office, so they should eventually notice that it's not just him, that can deliver social-justice/bread-and-circuses.

IMO Thaksin's main legacy will be, that no subsequent government can afford the former level of uncaring, for the poorer voters. Nor should they. The rich need to let some of the gravy trickle down, if they want to avoid revolution, by the masses. :)

But that trickle-down has to be real, not just more pork to feed the regional-leaders or village-headmen, and schemes like the village-loans fund need to be properly monitored and controlled. Perhaps the Red-Shirt schools might like to add entrepreneurial-skills to their existing curriculum ? :D

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You mean like the guy that offered the loans that got the farmers into trouble in the first place? The same one that is now on the run from the law?

Do you mean the bogeyman?


Nah .. the guy I mean has a name. Thaksin.

BTW did you look at the drop in tourist numbers after the airport debacle and the drop in tourist numbers after the Songkran debacle?

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