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I Can Finally Leave Thailand.


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Out side the tourist area's in Thailand the locals are ok. Alot of them do still say bad things about farangs when they think you cant understand them ( i know i speak thai ) . But in the tourist area's the some of the thing i have heard said about farangs is awful. Vene the the tourists are stood right infront of them spending there money in a shop. Many thais can still only sad bad things about farang and laugh to eachother about them.

My advice to Farangs who live here and like it, and also think the local thai's like them. Is DONT ever learn the thai language. If you do you will quickly understand you are not really welcome here even if you are spending money

If you ran a tourist oriented business, you might understand why some Thais resent farangs. I have a security system that allows me to see and hear everything going on downstairs in my shop, but I hardly ever watch it. When I do on occasion, I often see foreign customers arguing about everything and anything and speaking to the Thai staff like they were idiots. However, when I come down and ask about their problem, the same customers are polite and respectful and suddenly have no complaints.

I'm amazed at how most Thais can suffer this constant abuse and still realize that most farangs are good people.

As far as being able to understand that Thais are constantly talking badly about us. You are not the only one who can speak Thai. My experience - outside of really sleazy bars - is that they go out of their way to put up with the wacky things that some of us do. The truth is that Thailand is filled with farangs who are the worst kind of losers and social rejects. When Thais talk badly about us, it is usually about the kind of farang who very much deserves it. annoyed.gif

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When some people feel like they have an obligation to do or finish something (because it is the right thing to do), some people do it. That, my friend, takes massive mental strength and a moral base that is firm.

The last thing it is is weakness. Sure, it is easy to walk away from responsibility and many do.

Interesting comment about "frustrated guys who live in the middle of nowhere." Many actually like it there. For them, the positives of living in rural Thailand outweigh the negatives.

Some of that might be related to ones background: rural vs urban. Believe it or not, some people really do hate big cities, traffic, pollution, crime, etc.

And when you start getting bored, you can take a trip to the "big city."

Let me say it one more time for clarity: "It seems psychologically weak to be so critical of others who don't like this place. Some posters can't even contemplate that other people might have a different opinion and think they are Thai bashers or delusional or poor or have a visa problem, whatever."

That does not mean there are not people who love Thailand. It only means the reaction by these people to those who don't love Thailand bears analysis.

You are talking like someone who knows not much about the place.

Yes, many like it there, I for one. But I was talking about the frustrated hordes. Nobody criticises the opinion of others, but wonder about the way some are handling their unsatisfactory existence. This has absolutely nothing to do with material matters like visa problems or their wealth.

Re last sentence: So it's quite ok with you, that certain Farangs are here only because of the possibility of a cheap life with women and simultaneously do nothing else than offend the locals and their culture.

Edited by Birdman
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Out side the tourist area's in Thailand the locals are ok. Alot of them do still say bad things about farangs when they think you cant understand them ( i know i speak thai ) . But in the tourist area's the some of the thing i have heard said about farangs is awful. Vene the the tourists are stood right infront of them spending there money in a shop. Many thais can still only sad bad things about farang and laugh to eachother about them.

My advice to Farangs who live here and like it, and also think the local thai's like them. Is DONT ever learn the thai language. If you do you will quickly understand you are not really welcome here even if you are spending money

If you ran a tourist oriented business, you might understand why some Thais resent farangs. I have a security system that allows me to see and hear everything going on downstairs in my shop, but I hardly ever watch it. When I do on occasion, I often see foreign customers arguing about everything and anything and speaking to the Thai staff like they were idiots. However, when I come down and ask about their problem, the same customers are polite and respectful and suddenly have no complaints.

I'm amazed at how most Thais can suffer this constant abuse and still realize that most farangs are good people.

As far as being able to understand that Thais are constantly talking badly about us. You are not the only one who can speak Thai. My experience - outside of really sleazy bars - is that they go out of their way to put up with the wacky things that some of us do. The truth is that Thailand is filled with farangs who are the worst kind of losers and social rejects. When Thais talk badly about us, it is usually about the kind of farang who very much deserves it. annoyed.gif

That also is very, very true.

If you consider you're average Pattaya 'holiday maker', would this person command any respect in their own country? The worst of all breeds heads to places like this, so it's little wonder that the Thai's perception of 'farang' is mired in negativity.

I had this discussion recently with a really nice Thai fella, used to be a chauffeur. He had come to the difficult realisation that farang that came to Thailand were not necessarily the same as all farang so he'd dropped his prejudices towards us. I had to agree. Was a really enlightening conversation.

The meeting of East and West, particularly in Thailand has not really been a happy one in my opinion.

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I guess my only question to you is how the F*&k could you waste 15 years of your life in a country full of people you hate so much ??? And please stop using the kids for an excuse for staying, not being able to make it in any other country for the last 15 years might be your real problem.

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safe travels my friend

finally someone is honest about thailand and the culture,,i lived for on 3yrs,,that was enough,,,lots of old farlangs paying for their young brides,,treating the family to save face,,comon guys what planet do you live

just a quickie,,,one day i was asked to do the so called buda day at the temple,,thought well yeah,,give it a go,,anyway 1 hour before leaving the whole tribe of leeches turn up with pick up to go,,i get on motorbike to go and the so called g/friend says lets go by car,,when i ask why,,only 2kms she reply's she wants to travel with mum and the many thousand that turned up to go,,thinking to myself and looking at saying good bye to 3000bt i thought <deleted>?k it and said i'm not going,,watched the many scroungers put there head down and sulk off,,the driver even asked for 300bt for fuel as travelled 200metres down the road,,after a great arguement and people telling me i have black heart and have lost my face,,i kept my money,,went into town,,booked a hotel and had a proper holiday

this is one of many stories i can tell,,the morals in thailand on a scale of 1-10 are -50,,again good on yer,,safe journeys and try to save your son,,don't worry to much about the leeches as they only care of one thing,,and i think we all know what that is

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certain Farangs are here only because of the possibility of a cheap life with women

Let's be honest, almost all of us are here for one or the other or for young boys. We would all be in the South of France having the time of our lives if it were cheap. :)

Not all of us.

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Almost everybody. :)

I hear you matey.

I know quite a few on this board and not one is like that, they're not here for sex tourism. Guess your average Pattaya sexpat wouldn't bother talking to us lot on a forum like this anyway.

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certain Farangs are here only because of the possibility of a cheap life with women

Let's be honest, almost all of us are here for one or the other or for young boys. We would all be in the South of France having the time of our lives if it were cheap. :)

I don’t agree. I met a whole lot of fellows who don’t know the sex of the people they are here for. When they got here they knew but as they kept walking down Soi after Soi and seeing stranger and stranger things after a while they stopped knowing the difference between men and women. Lord knows it is sometimes hard to tell, ahem ahem. Personally I am here for the curling.

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In these 16 years in Thailand I can not recall I ever had a FRIEND among the local people.



I pity you guys .. honestly.

I was here about 4 months when I met my best friend and a fairly large group of other friends .. going on 7 years later they are all close friends. (None of us live in tourist towns, they are all professionals, 2 were finishing degrees when we met and are now a DDS and a MD.

In the time I have lived here the folks that I know who have left and were hating on Thailand when they left had all failed here in some significant way. A few failed marraiges ... a couple of faiiled businesses .. and some that just failed to adapt and adjust to living in Thailand. All of them had spent far more money here in Thailand than they ever intended and the ones with the failed marraiges were leaving land and houses behind them when they moved back "home".

I am NOT saying that every person that fails to adjust to life here is a failure. In fact, "crap happens" and relationships fail and Thailand is FAR harder on failed relationships than most other places I think.

Now ... If the OP is hearing all this negative crap from Thais (in Thai) outside of places where they deal with drunken rotten tourists then perhaps .......

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Many years ago I heard the phrase that you can never go back home. I paid no attention and didn't think about it when I went back home. I found out then that it was true. Everything was just different. My original home no longer existed, my home became Thailand warts and all. Thailand is now home.

I think that's true to an extent but you also change. I couldn't wait to leave England but after 6 years in Thailand I'm back and seeing the UK in a new light. I enjoyed my time there and will hopefully return many times but life is better for me and my family in an established western democracy with all its faults. My wife had more rights here on arrival than I would ever have in LoS.

I never thought I'd say it but It's great to be back at work. I have a sense of purpose and belonging. Weekends have meaning again and I relish the feeling of having a day off rather than wondering how I'm going to fill my day and fighting the temptation to open that first beer. Oh, ...and no 90 day reporting! :)

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Almost everybody. :)

I know quite a few on this board and not one is like that, they're not here for sex tourism. Guess your average Pattaya sexpat wouldn't bother talking to us lot on a forum like this anyway.

As long as we are being honest. On the subject of "sex tourists" I have to say that I've been here for over 20 years. In that time, I've virtually never met a straight man who lives here, who was not fooling around in the bars and massage parlors or with "off-duty" prostitutes - who they claimed were "good girls" - or sneaking off with local woman - who thought they were interested in marrying for them - for quickies or for an affair and money was almost always involved.

There are an awful lot of hypocritical guys who are here for sex who claim not to be because they do not pay cash money after every encounter - not that I'm trying cause any contoversy. :D

Edited by Ulysses G.
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certain Farangs are here only because of the possibility of a cheap life with women

Let's be honest, almost all of us are here for one or the other or for young boys. We would all be in the South of France having the time of our lives if it were cheap. :)

The S. of France? You must be joking!

I do have to admit ... being able to afford to retire here at 39 and not dent my retirement accounts back home helped me decide to stay.

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Almost everybody. :)

I know quite a few on this board and not one is like that, they're not here for sex tourism. Guess your average Pattaya sexpat wouldn't bother talking to us lot on a forum like this anyway.

As long as we are being honest, on the subject of "sex tourists" I have to say that I've been here for over 20 years. In that time, I've virtually never met a straight man who lives here, who was not fooling around in the bars and massage parlors or with "off-duty" prostitutes - who they claimed were "good girls" - or sneaking off with local woman - who thought they were interested in marrying for them - for quickies or for an affair and money was almost always involved.

There are an awful lot of hypocritical guys who are here for sex who claim not to be because they do not pay cash money after every encounter - not that I'm trying cause any contoversy. :D

I've met them too. Some of us tried to setup stable family circumstances . . . a mistake here, it's too screwed up.

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certain Farangs are here only because of the possibility of a cheap life with women

Let's be honest, almost all of us are here for one or the other or for young boys. We would all be in the South of France having the time of our lives if it were cheap. :)

The S. of France? You must be joking!

I do have to admit ... being able to afford to retire here at 39 and not dent my retirement accounts back home helped me decide to stay.

Thirty nine!!!

How mush?

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I did offer a "because its cheap" option. :D

It's not that cheap. Well, it used to be, but I always ended up spending 10 times what I would back home . . . not cheap.

Excuse me, but you are not interested in sex and yet you spend "10 times" what you spend at home in a third world country. How can that be? :)

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I did offer a "because its cheap" option. :D

It's not that cheap. Well, it used to be, but I always ended up spending 10 times what I would back home . . . not cheap.

Excuse me, but you are not interested in sex and yet you spend "10 times" what you spend at home in a third world country. How can that be? :)

Well, maybe not ten times. I was married here for 7 years. So it wasn't me doing the spending.

Just looking at the budget spreadsheets for 2010 and I still can't find any allowance on there for visiting prostitutes. Biggest spend on grocery is milk. 19,776 Baht a year!

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I did offer a "because its cheap" option. :D

It's not that cheap. Well, it used to be, but I always ended up spending 10 times what I would back home . . . not cheap.

Excuse me, but you are not interested in sex and yet you spend "10 times" what you spend at home in a third world country. How can that be? :)

The plants for his garden are 50% of the price in the UK.......but in Thailand he buys 20 instead of just one........thus spending 10 times as much!!! :D

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I did offer a "because its cheap" option. :D

It's not that cheap. Well, it used to be, but I always ended up spending 10 times what I would back home . . . not cheap.

Excuse me, but you are not interested in sex and yet you spend "10 times" what you spend at home in a third world country. How can that be? :)

The plants for his garden are 50% of the price in the UK.......but in Thailand he buys 20 instead of just one........thus spending 10 times as much!!! :D

:D:D:D That's exactly how it is!


You say to yourself . . . Oh, that's cheap! I'll take a gross of them!

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"Racism ( it is getting even worse day by day now ) Even my Son says so. Just from going to school he and all his friend ( most of them are half Thai / Half Farang ) they say how bad it can be . Most of them cant wait to leave Thailand and go to study in Uni in another country"

Racism lol, how about the shit we give the Thai's, u should come out with us one night:)

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certain Farangs are here only because of the possibility of a cheap life with women

Let's be honest, almost all of us are here for one or the other or for young boys. We would all be in the South of France having the time of our lives if it were cheap. :D

The S. of France? You must be joking!

I do have to admit ... being able to afford to retire here at 39 and not dent my retirement accounts back home helped me decide to stay.

Actually, I will retire in South of France (Ramatuelle exactly) family holiday house is already waiting for me... But a present, and in my mid-forties, I am quite happy with my life in S.E. Asia. :)

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certain Farangs are here only because of the possibility of a cheap life with women

Let's be honest, almost all of us are here for one or the other or for young boys. We would all be in the South of France having the time of our lives if it were cheap. :D

The S. of France? You must be joking!

I do have to admit ... being able to afford to retire here at 39 and not dent my retirement accounts back home helped me decide to stay.

Actually, I will retire in South of France (Ramatuelle exactly) family holiday house is already waiting for me... But a present, and in my mid-forties, I am quite happy with my life in S.E. Asia. :)

Are a lot of you like, international gangsters . . . or worse . . . bankers or something?

Lot of people retiring very young these days. Good for you!

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I have an odd pice of property or two ... They are the basis of my retirment account and have to stay that way for a long time before I can sell them and properly retire and not take major hits in the wallet.

I do have to say that I understand what the guy that talked about returning to work and liking it means though ... after 6+ years of learning and doing some travel in Thailand, I am back to working. I could not be a teacher here but I did find myself a good job and am having a blast at it! It is good to be drawing 0 (zero) funds from US accounts and actually putting a bit of cash in the rainy day sock again :)

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Re last sentence: So it's quite ok with you, that certain Farangs are here only because of the possibility of a cheap life with women and simultaneously do nothing else than offend the locals and their culture.

And just what is WRONG with a cheap life with women? Is it only proper if it costs a lot of money?

Is it only proper when we put some phony marriage certificate on it? I've seen more phony marriages for convenience than loving ones.

Is sex with a beautiful woman somehow WRONG when both parties are in agreement? I fail to see the problem?

If two people enjoy each other's company and both treat each other with respect, I don't see a lot wrong with someone providing a valuable service for an accepted price... if both adult parties are agreeable.

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