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I Can Finally Leave Thailand.


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BAD FOOD ? are you for real, adios, bye bye , good ridance im sure you wont be missed !!

I only get bad food here. But then, I'm doing the cooking. Never was the sharpest knife in the drawer.

I still can't fry rice. I have no idea how this magic is performed.

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I can think of nothing at all positive about Thailand anymore and especially so now that I have kids to think about.

nothing positive? sorry I don't get that at all... even when it drives me crazy (and it does!) there are always positives... Wats, people, nature, Buddhism etc.

I would not swap economic collapse, PC madness and material selfishness back in Europe for Thailand despite it's faults (it can get draining which is why I travel every few months but I enjoy coming back) but to say nothing positive is rather sad.

I've never been excited by Wats. After I'd visited half a dozen or so that was enough for me.

Are Thai people really so friendly? Maybe they are, but back home I always find the people more friendly and more genuinely so.

Nature? If there is any nature worth anything the Thais will find some way to either eat it or make money from it.

If Buddhism results in a lack of common sense, an unfounded reliance on amulets and blind devotion to old men in robes I'd sooner give it a miss.

Most Thais would be better off living an a post economic collapsed Europe than their impoverished own country.

I think the average Thai has the average European beat when it comes to material craving.

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I can think of nothing at all positive about Thailand anymore and especially so now that I have kids to think about.

nothing positive? sorry I don't get that at all... even when it drives me crazy (and it does!) there are always positives... Wats, people, nature, Buddhism etc.

I would not swap economic collapse, PC madness and material selfishness back in Europe for Thailand despite it's faults (it can get draining which is why I travel every few months but I enjoy coming back) but to say nothing positive is rather sad.

I've never been excited by Wats. After I'd visited half a dozen or so that was enough for me.

Are Thai people really so friendly? Maybe they are, but back home I always find the people more friendly and more genuinely so.

Nature? If there is any nature worth anything the Thais will find some way to either eat it or make money from it.

If Buddhism results in a lack of common sense, an unfounded reliance on amulets and blind devotion to old men in robes I'd sooner give it a miss.

Most Thais would be better off living an a post economic collapsed Europe than their impoverished own country.

I think the average Thai has the average European beat when it comes to material craving.

A little unfair. The average European has ready access to material goods, they're surrounded by them . . . hence they don't crave them. The average Thai worries about the (small) electric bill.

Many problems here. But it is still the developing world. Some of are their own making, but so are ours.

Apples with apples . . .

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Many years ago I heard the phrase that you can never go back home. I paid no attention and didn't think about it when I went back home. I found out then that it was true. Everything was just different. My original home no longer existed, my home became Thailand warts and all. Thailand is now home.

I think that's true to an extent but you also change. I couldn't wait to leave England but after 6 years in Thailand I'm back and seeing the UK in a new light. I enjoyed my time there and will hopefully return many times but life is better for me and my family in an established western democracy with all its faults. My wife had more rights here on arrival than I would ever have in LoS.

I never thought I'd say it but It's great to be back at work. I have a sense of purpose and belonging. Weekends have meaning again and I relish the feeling of having a day off rather than wondering how I'm going to fill my day and fighting the temptation to open that first beer. Oh, ...and no 90 day reporting! :)

My wife had MORE RIGHTS here on ARRIVAL than i would EVER have in Thailand (That says it all ) !

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I can think of nothing at all positive about Thailand anymore and especially so now that I have kids to think about.

nothing positive? sorry I don't get that at all... even when it drives me crazy (and it does!) there are always positives... Wats, people, nature, Buddhism etc.

I would not swap economic collapse, PC madness and material selfishness back in Europe for Thailand despite it's faults (it can get draining which is why I travel every few months but I enjoy coming back) but to say nothing positive is rather sad.

I've never been excited by Wats. After I'd visited half a dozen or so that was enough for me.

Are Thai people really so friendly? Maybe they are, but back home I always find the people more friendly and more genuinely so.

Nature? If there is any nature worth anything the Thais will find some way to either eat it or make money from it.

If Buddhism results in a lack of common sense, an unfounded reliance on amulets and blind devotion to old men in robes I'd sooner give it a miss.

Most Thais would be better off living an a post economic collapsed Europe than their impoverished own country.

I think the average Thai has the average European beat when it comes to material craving.

Nature? UK used to be 90% covered by forest- what is it now 5%?? When it comes to destroying nature Europeans are way ahead in the scheme of things.

Buddhism- yes, blind devotion to old men...as opposed to what?- Christianity is blind devotion to an imaginary old man.. At least the Buddhist men are real...

Impoverished country? Well thailand is a middle income country on the way up, Europe is stagnating and the people will become increasingly impoverished as their pensions and government handouts are cut in the coming years..

The fact that so many people are comparing Thailand with their countries in the West as equals, just shows how far Thailand is developing...

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My grandfather thought the moon landing was faked.

Laughing man, it is you who doesn't have a clue but the problem is you don't have a clue what you don't have a clue about.

Every body knows it was all set up and filmed in the dessert (if I remember well in some military camp in New mexico). No one's ever been to the moon.

Mods, is this allowed? I just cannot start working because first I couldn't stop laughing but now I get a terrible headache and still I'm not sure if I really get it.

I just have to say one more thing: Harry! Harry! Harry! You're a real hero man!

"just a quickie,,,one day i was asked to do the so called buda day at the temple,,thought well yeah,,give it a go,,anyway 1 hour before leaving the whole tribe of leeches turn up with pick up to go,,i get on motorbike to go and the so called g/friend says lets go by car,,when i ask why,,only 2kms she reply's she wants to travel with mum and the many thousand that turned up to go,,thinking to myself and looking at saying good bye to 3000bt i thought <deleted>?k it and said i'm not going,,watched the many scroungers put there head down and sulk off,,the driver even asked for 300bt for fuel as travelled 200metres down the road,,after a great arguement and people telling me i have black heart and have lost my face,,i kept my money,,went into town,,booked a hotel and had a proper holiday"

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My grandfather thought the moon landing was faked.

Laughing man, it is you who doesn't have a clue but the problem is you don't have a clue what you don't have a clue about.

Every body knows it was all set up and filmed in the dessert (if I remember well in some military camp in New mexico). No one's ever been to the moon.

have you guys been under thailand blazing sun for too long already....? LOL

i got it now.... a new discovery--neil was actually somewhere in the back wood of tennessee doing his moonwalk and saying.... a giant step for mankind.... an interesting proposition from vacationing men in thailand.... :D

ever think about or consider going back to whereth we embark from.... so many expats would have some peace and quietness for a season....

thus conforming to the title of the post--we can finally leave thailand and leave all the no good expats in utter disgust and ultimate contempt.... LOL they won't survive a day without us good guys.... lrotf :):D

Edited by nakachalet
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It is important to let the opportunity to go home open. There are sadly a lot of people here, who can not afford to go home again.

I never forget this, mentiond before:

..... not all Thai's feel farangs are welcome as tourists to spend there money here but they are not and never will be welcome to live here and mix in with the local Thai people.

I wish you good look at home.

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I felt that way some years back. I remember sitting in the big bird on the runway at Don Muang and thinking how happy I was to be leaving. I really thought I would never return to Thailand. That was late 1996 and the Thai economy was sinking fast.

I arrived in S. Kalifornia and couldn't believe how much it had changed in only 5 years. Within 2 weeks I was planning how I could get back to Thailand. I lasted two years in So-Cal and could stand it no longer. The grass always looks greener. I plan on being here in Thailand until I cash in my chips. All I have to do is take a short trip back to the US to remind me how good I have it here.

+1 to that! Every time I get a bit tired of Thailand all I have to do is go spend a week or two back in the US or Europe- then I'm reminded of all the GOOD things about Thailand. Racism is everywhere. No place is perfect, but there are plenty of places far worse than the Land of Smile. :)

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I felt that way some years back. I remember sitting in the big bird on the runway at Don Muang and thinking how happy I was to be leaving. I really thought I would never return to Thailand. That was late 1996 and the Thai economy was sinking fast.

I arrived in S. Kalifornia and couldn't believe how much it had changed in only 5 years. Within 2 weeks I was planning how I could get back to Thailand. I lasted two years in So-Cal and could stand it no longer. The grass always looks greener. I plan on being here in Thailand until I cash in my chips. All I have to do is take a short trip back to the US to remind me how good I have it here.

+1 to that! Every time I get a bit tired of Thailand all I have to do is go spend a week or two back in the US or Europe- then I'm reminded of all the GOOD things about Thailand. Racism is everywhere. No place is perfect, but there are plenty of places far worse than the Land of Smile. :)

Lest we forget!


Sometimes when things seem mildly irritating, slight cultural traits that get on your nerves (we are in their country after all), minor inconveniences (could do with a bit of water up here mind), . . . well, we only ever remember the good times don't we?

Last time I was in the UK, it was a nightmare. Ripped off by an insurance company, arrested by an idiot harbour master (over an small oil spill I didn't cause but was trying to clean up), worked 18 hours a day plus weekends, ended up in hospital and took 3 months to recover . . .

LEST . . . WE . . . FORGET!!!

Let's make the most of it! (note to self)

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Agree with the earlier poster that its best if people who constantly complain or don't like Thailand to just leave- if they stay here their negative attitude is picked up by thai's who then may lump all farang's in the same boat. So to the OP, good move- makes sense for the OP and good for those of us who live here.

But i hope you are moving to a large city wherever you come from..the racism your half asian son will get in a rural community in the West is likely to be far worse than anything he experienced here.

It's not only about farangs but also for kids coming from Thai-Chinese relationships or any other. But then I have to say that Thai-Chinese couples and their kiddies display in average a better behavior, show more integrity and are hard working.


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15 years ago, and certainly 20, the vast majority of expats living here were professionals and senior mangement in multinational companies. The locals understandably held this group in quite high regard. Tourists of all types were coming, but the tourism sector was considerably smaller then(several million arrivals per annum smaller) and the Spanish market for Brits had not discovered Thailand yet.

Now we have a huge number of retiree's and early or semi-retired farangs living here, some living on shoe string budgets. This 'new' group has possibly changed the perception of farangs for some locals. Farang driving pick up trucks, renting cheap condo's and getting married to the local equivalent of Vicky Pollard.

It is perhaps how the farang resident community has slowly changed which has led to how some locals perceive and respond to us when compared with 15+ years ago.

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15 years ago, and certainly 20, the vast majority of expats living here were professionals and senior mangement in multinational companies. The locals understandably held this group in quite high regard. Tourists of all types were coming, but the tourism sector was considerably smaller then(several million arrivals per annum smaller) and the Spanish market for Brits had not discovered Thailand yet.

Now we have a huge number of retiree's and early or semi-retired farangs living here, some living on shoe string budgets. This 'new' group has possibly changed the perception of farangs for some locals. Farang driving pick up trucks, renting cheap condo's and getting married to the local equivalent of Vicky Pollard.

It is perhaps how the farang resident community has slowly changed which has led to how some locals perceive and respond to us when compared with 15+ years ago.

BINGO! although i must add i have never encountered any negative reactions from the locals.

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Can someone elaborate on why they think Thailand isn't what it was 5 years ago for tourists and ex-pats?

Progress or lack thereof.

Thailand has not moved forward in almost a decade. It's like R&D disappeared. Everything innovative is of foreign origin, even the scams. :D

This is a country without a roadmap. How can it move forward when the government is like a cross between the dysfunctional Italians/Israelis/Taiwanese? I remember when I first visited back in the 90's, yes there were all sorts of problems, but there was a sense of purpose, of direction. Now there is just this sense of gloom and doom and waiting. Waiting on this giant weight of political stupidity to be lifted.

And I still cannot drink the tap water. In a country with such an abundance of potential, it is inexcusable that the same arguments are still rehashed and that the people in a position to make a difference won't step up and make a difference.

Where is the nation's Nelson Mandela and where is its Botha to take the decision to move forward?

I have to agree with this. I have been coming to Thailand for over twenty years sometimes staying for up to 180 days a year. I can give you a recent example of this. I was talking to a bloke that lives here in Thailand in a bar in Hong Kong and I was bemoaning the lack of infrastructure in Thailand compared to Hong Kong.

This was graphically illustrated to me when I did my recent Visa run to Malaysia. I have some friends that live thirty five kilometres from the Malaysian border and so I killed two birds with one stone and visited them and got my Visa re-stamped for another sixty days. We went down to the border and the signpost for the border crossing on the Thai side was a hand stencilled sign. The road to the border was an unmetalled road of some 2K long. The Immigration and Customs were four Portakabins on both the departure and arrivals side staffed with unsmiling, surly staff.

Contrast that to the Malaysian side where all the infrastructure was in place and the staff were courteous and helpful. I love Thailand but the casual racism, corruption and infrastructure problems do it no favours and when it has to compete with other ASEAN countries, it is going to miss out. It is not just me who feels like this as the taxi driver was moaning about the state of the country to my Thai girlfriend last night. :)

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Can someone elaborate on why they think Thailand isn't what it was 5 years ago for tourists and ex-pats?

Progress or lack thereof.

Thailand has not moved forward in almost a decade. It's like R&D disappeared. Everything innovative is of foreign origin, even the scams. :D

This is a country without a roadmap. How can it move forward when the government is like a cross between the dysfunctional Italians/Israelis/Taiwanese? I remember when I first visited back in the 90's, yes there were all sorts of problems, but there was a sense of purpose, of direction. Now there is just this sense of gloom and doom and waiting. Waiting on this giant weight of political stupidity to be lifted.

And I still cannot drink the tap water. In a country with such an abundance of potential, it is inexcusable that the same arguments are still rehashed and that the people in a position to make a difference won't step up and make a difference.

Where is the nation's Nelson Mandela and where is its Botha to take the decision to move forward?

I have to agree with this. I have been coming to Thailand for over twenty years sometimes staying for up to 180 days a year. I can give you a recent example of this. I was talking to a bloke that lives here in Thailand in a bar in Hong Kong and I was bemoaning the lack of infrastructure in Thailand compared to Hong Kong.

This was graphically illustrated to me when I did my recent Visa run to Malaysia. I have some friends that live thirty five kilometres from the Malaysian border and so I killed two birds with one stone and visited them and got my Visa re-stamped for another sixty days. We went down to the border and the signpost for the border crossing on the Thai side was a hand stencilled sign. The road to the border was an unmetalled road of some 2K long. The Immigration and Customs were four Portakabins on both the departure and arrivals side staffed with unsmiling, surly staff.

Contrast that to the Malaysian side where all the infrastructure was in place and the staff were courteous and helpful. I love Thailand but the casual racism, corruption and infrastructure problems do it no favours and when it has to compete with other ASEAN countries, it is going to miss out. It is not just me who feels like this as the taxi driver was moaning about the state of the country to my Thai girlfriend last night. :)

Politics is one side of it I guess. The other perhaps this 'sufficiency economy' stuff.

Of my observations of Issan people, the one and pretty much only thing which really stops them dead in their tracks is . . . quite simply . . . Lao Kao. I despise this stuff. It ruins families, communities, development, ambition. There's a whole bunch of these folks sat outside across the road from the end of my path right now. All swilling this stuff. The nice lady next door seems to be getting ruined on it of late. I can hear her shouting at her husband (very nice chap too), screaming drunk . . . then I hear the retching and vomiting going on for hours.

I just wandered round to Mum's house. There was another group sat in a shabby Issan style sala, doing the same thing.

I feel very uneasy around these people when they are in this condition, which seems to be increasing in frequency of late. Some venture into my home too and it takes a while and some spikes in blood pressure to remove them.

Time to trim the bottom of the gates so they close properly I think. I don't mean to be anti-social but there's only so much of this I can take.

Edited by MJP
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^indeed UG, thailand is fine just the way it is. I am annoyed when people try to make thailand into smth its not, wanting to make it the same as back home in the west.

Thailand would not be Thailand if it wasn't the way it was. :)

Agree 100%.

What right have we got to try and change things anyway.

If advice is sought, it is given - otherwise evolution has to evolve.

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All of a sudden everyone is expecting a first world country that costs a pittance. Isn't the fact that it is a fairly safe 3rd world country the reason that most of us are here?

Where's all this 3rd world stuff coming from? It's hardly 3rd world, it's a newly industrialized country. Being a newly industrialized country takes a bit of getting used to for the society.

I'm sat here in one of the poorest areas. It's not really 3rd world even here. There's roads (okay of variable quality), electricity (reliable too these days), water (an issue right now), everyone eats, has a roof over their heads, most people ride new or newish scooters (in fact it's me that has the worst one here), some drive pick-up trucks (way more costly than I would ever buy in the UK) . . .

Add to that there's a supply chain of all the basic needs. They also have health care.

The only thing is the booze. They'd do so much better than even this if they kept off the Lao Kao.

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khun steven....

but excuse me....

did you or did you not notice on each entrance to and departure from thailand....

on each side of the street, there is a large white concrete building which clearly says thailand immigrantion....?

just want to clarify your spurious observation and statement regarding there were only four portakabins (?)....

just an observation.... if and when you learn to converse in thai a little.... you will surely find out that thai people are very receptive and most are not at all racist as many perceived them to be--mostly due to their limited ability to express themselves in the ways you are accustomed to....

unless of course, you would consider not being able to communicate in english with you.... as a form of racism.... :D

the thai population love their king, queen and their royal children.... many would be willing and happy to sacrifice their lives for the royalties at any given moment....

it is really ironical, how many of us would be willing to do something remotely like that in our own country.... for whomever and whatever reasons.... :)

one thing though.... i dislike thailand flies very much.... it is all over the place.... but then i detest spanish flies even more.... :D

to the many fellow farangs.... if you are so very displeased with so many things in thailand.... choose another country of your liking.... so you can create a paradise for yourself.... like so many of us who have done just that in different parts of the most agonizingly unorganized thailand.... :D

Can someone elaborate on why they think Thailand isn't what it was 5 years ago for tourists and ex-pats?

Progress or lack thereof.

Thailand has not moved forward in almost a decade. It's like R&D disappeared. Everything innovative is of foreign origin, even the scams. :D

This is a country without a roadmap. How can it move forward when the government is like a cross between the dysfunctional Italians/Israelis/Taiwanese? I remember when I first visited back in the 90's, yes there were all sorts of problems, but there was a sense of purpose, of direction. Now there is just this sense of gloom and doom and waiting. Waiting on this giant weight of political stupidity to be lifted.

And I still cannot drink the tap water. In a country with such an abundance of potential, it is inexcusable that the same arguments are still rehashed and that the people in a position to make a difference won't step up and make a difference.

Where is the nation's Nelson Mandela and where is its Botha to take the decision to move forward?

I have to agree with this. I have been coming to Thailand for over twenty years sometimes staying for up to 180 days a year. I can give you a recent example of this. I was talking to a bloke that lives here in Thailand in a bar in Hong Kong and I was bemoaning the lack of infrastructure in Thailand compared to Hong Kong.

This was graphically illustrated to me when I did my recent Visa run to Malaysia. I have some friends that live thirty five kilometres from the Malaysian border and so I killed two birds with one stone and visited them and got my Visa re-stamped for another sixty days. We went down to the border and the signpost for the border crossing on the Thai side was a hand stencilled sign. The road to the border was an unmetalled road of some 2K long. The Immigration and Customs were four Portakabins on both the departure and arrivals side staffed with unsmiling, surly staff.

Contrast that to the Malaysian side where all the infrastructure was in place and the staff were courteous and helpful. I love Thailand but the casual racism, corruption and infrastructure problems do it no favours and when it has to compete with other ASEAN countries, it is going to miss out. It is not just me who feels like this as the taxi driver was moaning about the state of the country to my Thai girlfriend last night. :D

Edited by nakachalet
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I think what is holding things back most of all is thai mentality

Thai mentality of today is not Thai mentality of yesterday.

I have young Thai people working with me and I have young Thai people living with me.

And in the 13 years I've been here, I noticed a huge difference/evolution in mentality.

Believe me on that, it will change soon.

Edited by eurasianthai
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khun steven....

but excuse me....

did you or did you not notice on each entrance to and departure from thailand....

on each side of the street, there is a large white concrete building which clearly says thailand immigrantion....?

just want to clarify your spurious observation and statement regarding there were only four portakabins (?)....

just an observation.... if and when you learn to converse in thai a little.... you will surely find out that thai people are very receptive and most are not at all racist as many perceived them to be--mostly due to their limited ability to express themselves in the ways you are accustomed to....

unless of course, you would consider not being able to communicate in english with you.... as a form of racism.... :D

the thai population love their king, queen and their royal children.... many would be willing and happy to sacrifice their lives for the royalties at any given moment....

it is really ironical, how many of us would be willing to do something remotely like that in our own country.... for whomever and whatever reasons.... :)

one thing though.... i dislike thailand flies very much.... it is all over the place.... but then i detest spanish flies even more.... :D

to the many fellow farangs.... if you are so very displeased with so many things in thailand.... choose another country of your liking.... so you can create a paradise for yourself.... like so many of us who have done just that in different parts of the most agonizingly unorganized thailand.... :D

I suspect you form part of a v small minority if you seriously believe the Thais are not racist! And to assume that farangs say this because Thais don't speak English is - frankly - beyond belief.

Whilst I respect the way the Thais love their Royal family, it is hardly an argument to support anything. I really don't know where you're going with this point.

As for the flies - I can honestly say that I've NEVER known anyone to complain about them before as a negative for Thailand! They are not a problem here at all compared to other hot countries!

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to the many fellow farangs.... if you are so very displeased with so many things in thailand.... choose another country of your liking....

Is that the same as, if you don't like it here, then leave? :)

It is much much more palatable to say:

Life is too short to live somewhere that makes you unhappy, find a place that makes you happy!

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