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Scottish Man Found Dead Inside His Jomtien Apt


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Scottish man found dead inside his Jomtien Apartment

Police Captain Anuchaert from Pattaya Police Station received a call from the Jomtien Paradise Condominium Complex to inform them of the discovery of dead body inside one of the rooms. At the location, on13th floor inside room number 293 was the body of Mr. Ian Pitclear aged 63 from Scotland. The body was discovered after Mr. Pitclear, who works as the manager at the complex, failed to turn up for work. It was known that he was sick for some time and was a heavy smoker. He was also suffering from a suspected cancerous growth on his head. For now, the exact cause of death is unknown and Police are waiting for the results of a post mortem before they conclude their investigations into this case.

-Pattaya City News

Saturday 7th May 2005

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Sloppy journalism once again from Pattaya City news :o

I live in the building and Ian was a personal friend of mine (and well liked by all Farang residents here)

He did show up for work as usual at 8 in the morning, but apparently he did not feel very well so he decided to go take a rest in one of the appartments in airconditioned comfort.

Obviously it was worse then he himself suspected because he probably passed away shortly after he went to the room of what we think is either a massive stroke or a hart seizure.

Some of the people in the building started to suspect something strange happened since he left his desk like he would when he went for a very short break. His keys were there, his motorbike was parked in his usual place in the basement,...

We started looking early afternoon, but it was not until the day after in the morning when we finally found his remains (there's more then 400 appartments here!).

He will be sorely missed by his friends, the Australian Embassy is trying to track down his relatives (Ian was born Scottish, but emigrated to Australia at a young age and took up citizenship there).

There will be an Irish funeral in the near future (when we'll have a beer, as he would have wished), on which we will hold a small fundraising so to make sure his Thai wife he left won't have any problems in the near future...


Edited by monty
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i knew both ian and his wife, although ian i hadnt spoken to in a year or two, he was a real nice guy, he had lived in thepasit for at least 9 years, he werent earning good money so his wife aint gonna have no savings, i dont think ian had a valid visa for god knows how many years, thats the sort of money he was earning, his wife phoned my galfriend when she was in the police station being questioned, shes a real nice lady and deserves some help, i hope the irish evening gives her some funds to live on for a few months, she is a friend of my galfriend so she will help her to a certain degree, but obviously she aint rich and niether am i.

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Shame. Seems like natural causes, but to die alone, even if LOS could now be regarded as his home ......

I understand what your saying,

still, most come into the world alone and probably is how we will leave,

that whole dying thing is a tough call on the where and when ... mod8(smoking%20pipe)a.gif

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Thai Norman,

Don't need to worry about his wife, she'll be allright for the next couple of months!

Ian was doing allright the last couple of years, he brokered the sales and rentals from quite a few condo's in the buildng on which he got his commisions.

He owned two motorbikes, one of them a recent Honda Phantom chopper and both are in her name....

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Thai Norman,

Don't need to worry about his wife, she'll be allright for the next couple of months!

Ian was doing allright the last couple of years, he brokered the sales and rentals from quite a few condo's in the buildng on which he got his commisions.

He owned two motorbikes, one of them a recent Honda Phantom chopper and both are in her name....

:D:D Hmmm i don't think 2 motorbikes are going to put bread on the table for very long. I'm sure he was a top guy but it never ceases toi amaze me when expats leave no provisions for their wifes/kids.

Lot of guys I know are living on pensions so when they kick the bucket pension=0 so i don't what happens the wife after, lets face it , there is a ganeration gap with alot of farang/thai unions mostly with the farang 30 years older.

Is it ignorance or selfishnes that these guys don't provide for their partners as alot of them (partners) are probally too old to play the field again when the husband finally sucumbes to liver disease from 10 bottles of chang a day ( again no referance to subjet who passed away) but you do see it lot :o:D

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For what it is worth, the Irish Funeral last night went pretty well, most of Ian's friends were there.

Mr William Osbourne, the wife is left with roughly 130.000 Baht.

This is what most Thai uneducated laborers earn in 2 years.

They have no kids.

She is a little over 30 years, so she can still lead a productive life...

I don't see a reason why being married with a farang should enable a Thai women to live in luxury for the rest of her life without having to work ever again....

She is probably being taken care of way better then any motorbike taxidriver would have done after he kills himself hitting an electricity pole drunk out of his mind after a game of pool...

And I guess if you live on a pension and your marriage is legally registered, the wife will get widow pension after the pensioner dies.

It's like that for Belgian nationals, I obviously have no idea about other countries but would guess the same provisions are made.

And in this case the women would most probably end up with the same income a bank director would have!


you are unfortunately correct in the fact that most farangs neglect to make provisions for the day they die. I know of one elderly women receiving this widow pension, but this is only because the friends of the deceized helped and guided her through all the paperwork and embassy stuff. She was utterly unprepared, didn't know anything about the legal possibilities available to her, the guy didn't even leave a will!

Edited by monty
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