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Chiang Mai Toy Ride

Date: 21 February 2010

Location: Around chiang Mai


Chiang Mai ToyRide 2010: helping children in need with charity

motorcycle parade, party, food, live music, games and toy giveaway!

Chiang Mai, Thailand – 21 February 2010: On this festive Sunday morning, hundreds of riders on motorcycles of all types and sizes, laden with toys, games and stuffed animals, will parade through Chiang Mai and then create a massive pile of toys to be given to boys, girls and babies in need. Following the ride to the X-Centre Zorb Ball field, the charity party kicks off at noon with bands for kids, rock 'n' blues for farang, clowns, magicians, a monkey show, games and prizes for the kids, food from local vendors, awards for best decorated bikes and, once again, the highlight of last year’s event: the toy giveaway to the children!

All motorcyclists are invited to join the event whether their bikes are large or small. And there’s no admission charge: just bring along a new toy to warm a needy child’s heart.

• Annual Charity Motorcycle Ride and Party on Sunday, 21 February 2010

• Motorcycles of all sizes and riders of all ages welcome!

• 9:45 am – meet at Tesco Khamtien for the ride/parade through Chiang Mai

• Noon – party at X-Centre near Mae Rim with music, games, food and toy giveaway

• Admission/donation: one new toy and a great big smile!

It’s not just about the toys. With the generous donations from our sponsors and riders, we have given away hundreds of toys and blankets, athletic equipment, medical supplies and food to hundreds of children and their families. In 2009 we expanded our giving with our “Playgrounds Plus” program, which provides new playground equipment, educational and athletic supplies, or construction necessary for the well being of the students. These donations are individually tailored to each poor school, targeting kids who are “under the radar.” Besides our main fundraising event and “Children’s Day Remote,” a toy/blanket giveaway in a remote village, donations from individuals and businesses fund our Playgrounds Plus events throughout the year, as well as our annual Christmas Eve Giveaway in the acute care wards at Chiang Mai’s Maharaj Hospital when ailing kids get a visit from Santa bearing bags of stuffed animals.


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