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Visa enquiry

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I am travelling to Thailand in the next couple of weeks (from the UK). I was wondering if anyone would be able to offer me any advice on how easy / hard it is to extend my tourist visa once I am in Thailand. Especially a month visa rather then a 10 dy visa as I am doing a Dive Master course in Koh Tao which is 6 weeks. I have had trouble obtaining a three month visa from the UK due to job restrictions and time off etc, so unable to get to Thai Embassy.

I ahve been to Thailand a few times before, and loved it, but always left when my 30 days is up.

If anyone could offer any advice or help I would be very grateful.

Thanks for your time

Kind regards


(I am 26 yrs old)

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Hi Beth, You can apply to the Hull consulate for a 3 month  visa, it can be done by post & takes about 5 working days, you should have time to apply & get it back if you post it off tommorrow. Otherwise you will have to get a month entry visa on arrival at BKK airport which you will only be able to extend by 10-15 days (depending on the immigration officer you encounter at the time) or else go to the border at malaysia, where they will give you another 1 month tourist visa (this takes 2 full days & 1 night stay in Had Yai)

Have a great trip & enjoy the course.


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All you need is a normal 60 day tourist visa which could be extended 30 days if required.  Get it.  Or you may not even get out of the UK.  Visa free entry requires a return ticket within the 30 day visa free entry period and airline can refuse to let you board.  Most will allow you to fly if you can prove money to pay way out but it could still be a problem.  As Boo says, you can get by mail so that 'no time' excuse does not make it.
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Send you passport using special delivery and include a return special delivery and they will turn it around in 2 days (they did at the Birmingham consulate anyway). It is always advisable to send your passport via special delivery anyway because if it gets lost, you won't be able to travel.

Give my love to the mad Swede if he's still there. He does a great lantern trick with the puffer fish :o

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