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Breast Grabber Attacks At Nai Harn Lake


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This morning around 7.30 am I was riding my bicycle around Nai Harn lake as usual when i noticed a slow moving motorbike following me for a while.

I was not terribly concerned as I had no bag with me that could be stolen and there were already a lot of people exercising around the lake.

However when I happened to be at a spot where there were no other people close by he rode his motorbike alongside me and grabbed my breast, I hit his arm and he drove off. I went to Chalong police station to report it. They were not sure if the newly installed surveillance camera at the lake was capturing video or not.

I just want other women to be careful in the area and watch out for the guy:

Asian male,

chin long black hair,

one broken front tooth,

light blue, washed out Jeans jacket with long arms,

motorbike registration:



Edited by g00dgirl
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Yes let's hope the police can do something but I really doubt they will. They can but they won't seems to be my feeling. Oh except look at some survellance camera. FOr what? to see the license plate number? or see if the recognize him?

She already has the lp#.

G00dgirl you do know that there was an attempted rape at about the same time, some months back? the girl was jogging from Promthep. But I don't think she described him as having long hair.

And they certainly didn't catch the guy.. (and if they did he would probably be out on bail)

Thanks for the warning.

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Yes let's hope the police can do something but I really doubt they will. They can but they won't seems to be my feeling. Oh except look at some survellance camera. FOr what? to see the license plate number? or see if the recognize him?

She already has the lp#.

G00dgirl you do know that there was an attempted rape at about the same time, some months back? the girl was jogging from Promthep. But I don't think she described him as having long hair.

And they certainly didn't catch the guy.. (and if they did he would probably be out on bail)

Thanks for the warning.

Yes I know about the other attacks and that was one reason why I posed this and why I reported it to police. Same area so might as well be the same guy.

I was the one who brought up the surveillance camera because I wanted to know what they say. (I had been curious for a while if that camera is actually recording video or not.)

They asked me what I wanted them to do. So I told them I was concerned for other women in the area who exercise there and so they said they will send patrols there in the mornings now.

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They are the police, they should know what they Need to do not ask you. Why not find out who he is, see if he matched the description of the other guys. (Although both of those women who were attacked i nai harn said he had short hair. But that was around August or july)

Why don' t the police arrest him for starters..

Of course they want to do nothing! Did it seemed like they cared?

Thanks for posting.

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Gawd, I just typed a lengthy reply and then accidentally wiped it all out. So I'll give the abridged version in point form:

- They should not have asked you what you wanted done, they should have taken your statement and commenced an investigation without prompting. Their attitude to you was unprofessional and lazy.

- In any event, had you asked for an investigation, they probably would have been forced to at least put the allegations to the owner of the motorcycle, since you had given them the registration number. They would be hard pressed to find an excuse for not investigating in those particular circumstances (in the event that you later complained about inaction.)

- Their offer of increasing patrols in the area to deter recurrences is rubbish - they will do nothing. (Why would they increase patrols to catch the guy when they already have enough information to probably establish who he is? Their offer to increase patrols was a lazy man's brush-off line.)

- The fact that the BiB will do nothing will probably lead the individual involved to think he got away with it. He may therefore be tempted to repeat his behavious or be emboldened to do something far more serious.

- It is unlikely that you are the first victim. However, probably many went unreported because of the reputation the BiB have for indifference, and any others that may have been reported - to different police officers - probably received the same treatment as you experienced and so there would be no record of these reports.

I'm not having a dig at you GG (but yes, I am having a dig at the BiB), I'm merely pointing out that it may have been better to demand action be taken.

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- They should not have asked you what you wanted done, they should have taken your statement and commenced an investigation without prompting. Their attitude to you was unprofessional and lazy.
I'm not having a dig at you GG (but yes, I am having a dig at the BiB), I'm merely pointing out that it may have been better to demand action be taken.

From what I have seen, the idea of the police as public servants, out there to stop crime, is not in sync with the local system.. Unless theres some profit in it for them, they just seem uninterested in doing any police work, and will be looking for the easiest way to either avoid it, ignore it, or make parties settle even when someone was obviously guilty and could easily be dealt with.

A Thai woman I know had a grievance and a crime committed against her.. When she tried to have this solved with police insistence they sort of flat out told her, unless you pay 30k we wont investigate.

I used to think the police were biased against us (farang) but over time I think its just a case of different expectations as to what their role is.

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- They should not have asked you what you wanted done, they should have taken your statement and commenced an investigation without prompting. Their attitude to you was unprofessional and lazy.
I'm not having a dig at you GG (but yes, I am having a dig at the BiB), I'm merely pointing out that it may have been better to demand action be taken.

From what I have seen, the idea of the police as public servants, out there to stop crime, is not in sync with the local system.. Unless theres some profit in it for them, they just seem uninterested in doing any police work, and will be looking for the easiest way to either avoid it, ignore it, or make parties settle even when someone was obviously guilty and could easily be dealt with.

A Thai woman I know had a grievance and a crime committed against her.. When she tried to have this solved with police insistence they sort of flat out told her, unless you pay 30k we wont investigate.

I used to think the police were biased against us (farang) but over time I think its just a case of different expectations as to what their role is.

I agree LivinLOS, this is also my impression after living here for a couple of years.

They don't get paid much, they don't have enough staff and there are more serious things happening at the same time. If anything their actions (taking a written statement, offering to do something) even exceeded my expectations. I also know that Thai people expect help from police only if they personally know someone or if they pay for it.

I did not go in with the expectation for the same course of action one would see from police in other countries and so I kept my post here well neutral and without judgement on purpose.

I don't have a problem with the way police work here, if anything I might even prefer it over a police state with surveillance, regulation of everything and invasion of privacy all over.

In addition to this I don't pay taxes here.

I gave them all info I could and what they do with it is up to them.

I find it just as important to alert the public (forum post), it might be more effective.

So instead of wasting energy to write your opinion about the system here, just inform some of your neighbors in the area that might not read the forum so that people can be careful in the coming days at the lake.

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Glad your Ok G00dgirl.

I used to think the police were biased against us (farang) but over time I think its just a case of different expectations as to what their role is.

Yeah Lilos I have pretty much come to the same conclusion after living here for a while. One recent case of which I know some detail was only pursued because the victims were wealthy Thai's and connected with the police. Even in that case, a grand theft, the perpetrators were only required to return the stolen money (which was obtained using a stolen credit/debit card) because they claimed they had found it or something. :D

Second and third world policing is clearly very different than what we are used to. "Justice" is seldom the goal or the outcome. When I think of all the training I had to go through, and motivation, determination and pride I saw in fellow officers i worked with, well, none of that exists here. Sure there were some lazy fcuks, but on the whole they were honest and hard working. We were well paid too. I was glad to work in neither a podunk town or a large metropolis where those attributes are harder to find within the police ranks. Its interesting to note that back home this is a sexual assault and taken vary seriously. Not here tho. :D

Here the police are wholly corrupt revenue generators, and at times mediators, (for a fee) but certainly not perceived as public servants by either themselves or the public. We've seen time and again that they are unable to function in any type of stressful and demanding situations. Thai's will generally recommend not involving the police for just about anything. This concept of paying for them to do work they should be doing already...I had never heard of that before coming to Thailand. I guess that is why they say "TIT." :D

Gawd, I just typed a lengthy reply and then accidentally wiped it all out. So I'll give the abridged version in point form:

hate when that happens. I have gotten into the habit of cntrl-c'ing every now and then if I am typing a lot.

- In any event, had you asked for an investigation, they probably would have been forced to at least put the allegations to the owner of the motorcycle, since you had given them the registration number. They would be hard pressed to find an excuse for not investigating in those particular circumstances (in the event that

I am not entirely sure that they even have an automated system in place to track registered owners of bikes or cars here. It would probably at a minimum require a call to the LTD where the bike is registered and then someone thumbing through some indexes. Thai Police ---> :)

Edited by ScubaBuddha
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So instead of wasting energy to write your opinion about the system here, just inform some of your neighbors in the area that might not read the forum so that people can be careful in the coming days at the lake.

Oops, sorry. Didn't see that bit till after I wasted said energy on said system. :)

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- They should not have asked you what you wanted done, they should have taken your statement and commenced an investigation without prompting. Their attitude to you was unprofessional and lazy.
I'm not having a dig at you GG (but yes, I am having a dig at the BiB), I'm merely pointing out that it may have been better to demand action be taken.

From what I have seen, the idea of the police as public servants, out there to stop crime, is not in sync with the local system.. Unless theres some profit in it for them, they just seem uninterested in doing any police work, and will be looking for the easiest way to either avoid it, ignore it, or make parties settle even when someone was obviously guilty and could easily be dealt with.

A Thai woman I know had a grievance and a crime committed against her.. When she tried to have this solved with police insistence they sort of flat out told her, unless you pay 30k we wont investigate.

I used to think the police were biased against us (farang) but over time I think its just a case of different expectations as to what their role is.

I've seen that as well, although it's amazing what one can achieve if one has friends or relatives in the BiB. If a matter is sufficiently serious and the police refuse to investigate it, write to the Governor and include the line that you were going to report the inaction to the local media, but wanted to first establish whether intervention from the Governor could achieve some appropriate attention to the complaint. Indeed, if the police make it clear they won't act in relation to a matter that involves a criminal offence (unless they are paid to do so), mention of the fact that you will be left with no option but to report the matter to the governor may achieve the desired outcome (or a brick through your house window).

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Thank you for your post, G00dgirl. I shall let my friends know & ask them to pass this information on too.

I'm sorry to hear of your experience but glad that you are ok.

Agree. I'll be sure to tell my friends too. We all thought the rapist had moved away - perhaps not....

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Thinking about it more, it seems likely its not the same person (he seems far more timid). Which means some pervert has 'learned' from the rapist that he can get away with it.

Not exactly good news for the Western female population. Will others decide its OK to attack Western females?

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Thinking about it more, it seems likely its not the same person (he seems far more timid). Which means some pervert has 'learned' from the rapist that he can get away with it.

Not exactly good news for the Western female population. Will others decide its OK to attack Western females?

I don't know...same location, same time of day. And as far as "getting away with it," if the goal was to rape them, then he didn't "get away with it." Both girls fought back to varying degrees.

I was thinking about something since my last post, and your post reminded me of it.

G00girl mentioned that she was able to slap his hand away, and the other victim fought until someone else noticed and scared the attacker away. That was good. What to do if you are sexually assaulted is not a nice thing to contemplate, but it's important to know that what to do if confronted by a potential rapist is different than what is recommend you do during other crimes. What I mean by that is if your a victim of, or a witness to, say, a robbery, the advice is to not fight back or "be a hero", otherwise you jeopardize yourself further. It's only property. But in a sexual assault, rather obviously, it's advised that is a woman is attacked, she fight and scream as much as possible. That has shown to repel attacks. Plus, scratching or injuring the attacker also creates evidence in the form of injuries on him, defensive injuries on the victim, and other evidence like skin under the victims nails, and possibly blood transfer going either direction, not that a victim is going to be thinking this at the time. In the process of all that, the assaulter may decide this ones not worth the effort.

I just wanted to remind everyone of that. That goes for guys too. Anyone can be a victim.

Also, not to sound too paranoid, but buy and keep accessible a small can of pepper spray and check expiration. It only lasts a couple years.

Edited by ScubaBuddha
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Its good to see you got the registration number, hopefully the police do something about this depraved individual strikes again.

Just finished up my jog around Nai Hairn Lagoon, daytime, jogged on past a very nice looking brunette, young lady, noticed the complete Thai creep slowly going by checking her out.........Too many people around at 5:00pm for the creepster to do anything I think.

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Just finished up my jog around Nai Hairn Lagoon, daytime, jogged on past a very nice looking brunette, young lady, noticed the complete Thai creep slowly going by checking her out.........Too many people around at 5:00pm for the creepster to do anything I think.

If thats true.. did you clock the plate ??

Really if theres a predator out there that visible.. And you think its the same guy.. Something needs to happen now before someone's attacked (not that GG wasnt but you know what I mean).

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If thats true.. did you clock the plate ??

Really if theres a predator out there that visible.. And you think its the same guy.. Something needs to happen now before someone's attacked (not that GG wasnt but you know what I mean).

sorry, did not see the plate, thought about it too late.

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If thats true.. did you clock the plate ??

Really if theres a predator out there that visible.. And you think its the same guy.. Something needs to happen now before someone's attacked (not that GG wasnt but you know what I mean).

I volunteer for sniper duty. Put me on in a ghillie suit on the hill overlooking the lake. Joggers will never need to worry again. :)

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Take a photograph of him, one normally has a 'phone to hand. Peverts, like gibbon photographers in Patong, absolutely hate it.

Even if no photograph is taken, just the action will trigger something in his revolting brain that he is a marked man.

Good Idea mate, But

You put this Tw@t on par with someone who takes photographs of Gibbons in Patong?

or is that slang for something or do people actually take photographs of Gibbons in Patong?



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Good Idea mate, But

You put this Tw@t on par with someone who takes photographs of Gibbons in Patong?

or is that slang for something or do people actually take photographs of Gibbons in Patong?



A gibbon photographer is only a pervert if the gibbon is underage. :D

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Thinking about it more, it seems likely its not the same person (he seems far more timid). Which means some pervert has 'learned' from the rapist that he can get away with it.

Not exactly good news for the Western female population. Will others decide its OK to attack Western females?

I don't know...same location, same time of day. And as far as "getting away with it," if the goal was to rape them, then he didn't "get away with it." Both girls fought back to varying degrees.

I was thinking about something since my last post, and your post reminded me of it.

G00girl mentioned that she was able to slap his hand away, and the other victim fought until someone else noticed and scared the attacker away. That was good. What to do if you are sexually assaulted is not a nice thing to contemplate, but it's important to know that what to do if confronted by a potential rapist is different than what is recommend you do during other crimes. What I mean by that is if your a victim of, or a witness to, say, a robbery, the advice is to not fight back or "be a hero", otherwise you jeopardize yourself further. It's only property. But in a sexual assault, rather obviously, it's advised that is a woman is attacked, she fight and scream as much as possible. That has shown to repel attacks. Plus, scratching or injuring the attacker also creates evidence in the form of injuries on him, defensive injuries on the victim, and other evidence like skin under the victims nails, and possibly blood transfer going either direction, not that a victim is going to be thinking this at the time. In the process of all that, the assaulter may decide this ones not worth the effort.

I just wanted to remind everyone of that. That goes for guys too. Anyone can be a victim.

Also, not to sound too paranoid, but buy and keep accessible a small can of pepper spray and check expiration. It only lasts a couple years.

I could be wrong, but I though he succeeded in his first attempt and it was the second woman that eventually managed to attract attention from someone who came to her aid (others didn't!). I also thought she was hurt fighting him off.

Either way, he wasn't just trying to grope a boob - he was out to rape. That's why I think its not the same man, its someone who heard about what had happened and thought it was easy to grope a farang woman - they're all 'asking for it' anyway. (Sorry, but some Thais think this)

Agree with you to a certain extent, women who look self-possessed etc. are less likely to suffer this type of assault. But once it happens the attacker is likely to have a knife or whatever, and threaten that they will stab you if you scream. Not many people will scream in that situation.

Hopefully someone will post whether they tracked down the man from his number plate - it can't be difficult...

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I could be wrong, but I though he succeeded in his first attempt and it was the second woman that eventually managed to attract attention from someone who came to her aid (others didn't!). I also thought she was hurt fighting him off.

Yeah of course if he's holding a gun to your head its a different story.

I guess it depends on which incidents were talking about, and what is considered "successful". The only one I would consider as "successful" was the one where the guy interned the woman's house. The two assaults at the lake that I am aware of, one was attempted rape, the other a sexual assault (grabbing of her breast). Semantics really. No way to know what was in the guys head, if he was considering trying to go further or was just a drunk, stupid, and horny bugger having what in his mind was "a little fun" after a all-niter on the piss.

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