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Men in thailand are woosies


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Well say the word respect and you all come out of the woodwork, but ask to meet for a drink and as we say in Oz, all the so called men turn to Jelly, gee guys don't worry I'm not after your women, who must be desperate to be with guys like you, I'll bring my own.

Oh is that the reason some of us can still pick up the young ones and you can't

EX Pats your a pack of woosie babies if you ask me

No wonder you all complain about the bar girls, you just sit in your corner and whinge like old women

maybe we should have an old woman sewing class I bet you'd all turn up

But I must say after 152 reads of my invitation there are two real men out there, and i don't need to say your web names as you know who you are.

In Oz if we can't make it because we are over seas, we would write and say

Love to be there mate but can't, have a drink for Me

So to all the pretend men on this site, go back to your sewing the three real men will drink beer and do what real men do.

Nahhh I will not even bother to tell you what that is you would not understand


A discusted male

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Did you ever think, maybe not everyone has as high of an opinion of you as you do? Yor are far too wordly and wonderful a person for lowly me to associate with. I've heard a term that describes you to a tee  "His Majesty the baby"

I'll buy my own thank's :o

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I dont drink alcohol,........ i dont get drunk,...................... i dont waste money on getting drunk,................... i dont get hangovers,....................... i do remember everything i have done,........................... i never have to worry about failing a breath test,...........i don't get blackouts.................. i never wake up with an ugly woman,.........my breath does not stink of beer...................... i have noticed that most heavy drinkers are lonely people with few friends...................i dont get into fights with other drunks..........i have loads of money.....i have loads of real friends.........i get more women by not drinking than i could of ever got by being a drinker..............I dont drink alcohol.

I wish i was a real man...............................

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Real men do not need to get drunk; do not go to gogo bars; do not talk about bar girls; do not have to pay real women and do not #### bar girls!

I don't have to get drunk...I like to get drunk. Gogo bars are OK if your wife is with you. It's difficult not to talk about bar girls since they are so prevelent. You ALWAYS pay for women, either financially or emotionally.and.... finally....

Real men ##### bar girls but don't have to pay!

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>>I dont drink alcohol,........

>>i dont get drunk,......................

>>i dont waste money on getting drunk,...................

>>i dont get hangovers,.......................

>>i do remember everything i have done,...........................

>>i never have to worry about failing a breath test,...........

>>i don't get blackouts..................

>>i never wake up with an ugly woman,.........

my breath does not stink of beer......................

>>i have noticed that most heavy drinkers are lonely people with few friends...................

>>i dont get into fights with other drunks..........

>>i have loads of money.....

>>i have loads of real friends.........

>>i get more women by not drinking than i could of ever got by being a drinker..............

>>I dont drink alcohol.

Yes but You tell a lot of lies I see

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>>Did you ever think, maybe not everyone has as high of an

>>opinion of you as you do? Yor are far too wordly and

>>wonderful a person for lowly me to associate with. I've

>heard a term that describes you to a tee  "His Majesty the >>baby"

jjrbus thats not the sun shining out of my rear

Its a torch in my back pocket

Please don't get on your knees

I'd rather a girl

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>>I don't have to get drunk...I like to get drunk.

>>Gogo bars are OK if your wife is with you.

>>It's difficult not to talk about bar girls since they are so prevelent.

>>You ALWAYS pay for women, either financially or >>emotionally.and.... finally....

>>Real men ##### bar girls but don't have to pay!

Well Thai adventure you hit it on the head my mate

Getting married for sex is like

Buying a 747 to eat the peanuts

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>>I dont drink alcohol,........

>>i dont get drunk,......................

>>i dont waste money on getting drunk,...................

>>i dont get hangovers,.......................

>>i do remember everything i have done,...........................

>>i never have to worry about failing a breath test,...........

>>i don't get blackouts..................

>>i never wake up with an ugly woman,.........

my breath does not stink of beer......................

>>i have noticed that most heavy drinkers are lonely people with few friends...................

>>i dont get into fights with other drunks..........

>>i have loads of money.....

>>i have loads of real friends.........

>>i get more women by not drinking than i could of ever got by being a drinker..............

>>I dont drink alcohol.

Yes but You tell a lot of lies I see

All true, I do not drink.

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BEGS, sounds like you got it together alright.OZZIEMAN sounds just like I used to,#### it is sure good to be sober and enjoy the things that you talk of,But I still member my last drunk, it lasted for about 10 years and cost me unknown thousands of dollars and jobs,I lost one job in 1974 that was clearing me $100,000 a year,Got fired in Bahrain,came to Thailand and layed drunk for 6 weeks and spent $15,000 or $20,000 and went on home,and don't member a #### thing.aint had a drink in 22 years and enjoy it ,and hearing you tell it..but you gotta figure that those guys just don't know what else to do,and can't stop what they are doing,but someday they might admit that they got a problem and then they can live the good life,just like you and I.
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Begs u smug git ,sounds like you had a drink problem , fair play to giving up , not everyone who drinks goes on 2 day binges mate.

Oz I mailed u , I asked a few earlier this year , their loss.

Not everyone who drinks is a drunk , Kevin you sound like you're in denial.

Keep telling everyone , as they slope off to the nearest bar to get away from the bore. :o:D


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Begs u smug git ,sounds like you had a drink problem , fair play to giving up , not everyone who drinks goes on 2 day binges mate.

Yep Chon, when i was first in Pattaya i used to go on 36 hour sessions, i was always a guy that just never wanted to go home. I had some great times, also some real bad hangovers. I was never an everyday drinker, but when i went for a drink....i went for a drink!!... :o ..Big Style!

So i packed it up, i never cut down, i couldn't, i just stopped, for me i have done things like that all my life, if i do something i really go for it, it's my nature.

I miss the crack at times, but for me my life has improved drastically, ######, i even have a job!!

I used to love a nice social drink, then i came to Pattaya and that drinking turned into something else cos i never had to get up in the morning, so i thought what the ######, carry on.

Kevin is not in denial, he is a friend of Bill W.

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He only asked to have a drink and meet a few people. Damm and you guys take a magical mystery tour through the +'s and -"s of being a drunk and a girl chaser.

I don't drink either but I like to get out of the aprtment from time to time without the mrs and laugh a bit. And checking out the tail in a gogo bar is not really a crime worth all that blah blah.

This is not meant to be rude or hurtful but just an obvious judgement on my part. I don't think the majority of guys onhere got the extra $$ to go out to Nana etc, and the others are probably like 90% of the other expats I have met around the world, unsociable.

Keep it real!

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CHONO, No I ###### sure am not in denial,if I was and thought that I could have a drink like others folks,I would not have what I have today and have been sober all these years, I was just like has been said by some on here,

I never had A drink in my life,When I went to have A beer ,I got drunk,and I stayed that was as long as I could,when I detoxed,they thought that I would pobly die from alcohol withdrawels.I have no doubt in my mind,,I AM AN ALCOHOLIC.

And Bill W. was one of the founders of ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS,Him and another drunk got together in Acron Ohio in 1935 and that was the coming together of AA. And I have friends all over the world and seems like with the tag line I am meeting new friends almost everyday. :o

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I got to say your quote on, "But I must say after 152 reads of my invitation there are two real men out there, and i don't need to say your web names as you know who you are."

I reailize who I am, I am Bud, I enjoy having bum bum when ever my email queens come to the airport to pick me up, I accept their free ride to the hotel, their free bum bum all night, kick em out in a few days and invite the next email lover over for the night or two if she is good, its all good and its all free, but who are these coass, middle class or poor Thai ladies, let me see Kathe and D80? So much class these ladies have, never thinking of doing anything like the email proposal girls or the bar ladies do, they have class, they were raised properly, like some of the other guys on this site who do not go so low as to ball a bar lady or start up an email groupie list who follow the farangs to the hotel after picking them up at the airport. Like any basket ball star who has lots of money he as well as lots of groupies looking to ball him when ever he is free for the moment or night, so goes it for the rich or middle class farang arriving in Bangkok on holiday, but never drink, it kills the sex.


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Here is another good reason why I never drink anymore,,

Yesterday, University scientists released the results of a recent analysis

that revealed the presence of female hormones in beer. Men should take a concerned look at their beer consumption. The theory is that beer contains female hormones (hops contain phytoestrogens) and that by drinking enough beer, men turn into women. To test the theory, 100 men were fed 8 pints of beer each within a 1 hour period. It was then observed that 100% of the test subjects:

1) Gained weight.

2) Talked excessively without making sense.

3) Became overly emotional.

4) Couldn't drive.

5) Failed to think rationally.

6) Argued over nothing.

7) Had to sit down while urinating.

8) Refused to apologize when obviously wrong.

No further testing was considered necessary. :o

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Did I hear my name being called 'round here??

My God! How sad some perticular person's life actually is when he claimed to be having the time of his life. Hahaha Perhaps one day he will grow up...hmmm... doubt it...most people would have realised they didn't invent 'fun' by now....even most teenagers would have, really...so maybe this one is a lost cause...

Oh well, time to get back to my rosary beads!!


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OH no Dr. PP, your going to ban me? I though we were friends now, tell me Dr. what rules I been breaking this time? Well, guess I need to spend more time playing the forum politics, greasing the palms of the forum police.

Yho D80, I really hoped we could be friends, you see even though your kind of boring and have all those upper class ideals, I still think you kind of get a kick out of reading about what you never had.

Oh, before the non complient Buddy gets his vacation, look over the new Bud photos on the web site, you all know the drill, open site go to resume page.


Let me know if you like the new non complient Buddy look.


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