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Thai Dogs Vs Farang Rights. What Comes First?


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why even bother with the crap posturing, nobody cares to visit you pack leader. will you be sniffing butts and licking balls next or just howling at the moon?

You don't threaten a man's family, canine or human, especially on his own property. It just isn't done. :) That is why.

Ithink you need to take a step back and look again. This is an INTERNET FORUM. This is not your property.

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I understand where Villagefarang is coming from and people here are getting two entirely different issues mixed up. One is loose running dogs OFF AN OWNER'S PROPERTY! Villagefarang is talking about his dogs on HIS PROPERTY! His dogs wouldn't frighten me because I'm not scared of any dog, and especially not a yappy one behind a fence. I see those every day.

But, I also see a few nasty dogs belonging to Thais, and they ARE off the owner's property. One nasty dog lives a block from my hotel. I l always carry a hunk of green bamboo when I walk down that street... WHICH I HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO DO! I'd have no problem beating that evil cure to death in front of its owner if it ever attacked anyone. But, although the dog follows me snarling every time I walk that street it instinctively KNOWS I'm too dangerous to attack. I'd hate to be a farang child with that dog though. The child would be frightened and probably run...and then it WOULD BE ATTACKED. I have a farang friend who goes out of his way to keep from walking that particular road.

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Ian you are talking good sense as you often do. My beef was with VF's pride in his untrained mob scaring people. If they are on his property and do not scare people who are off his property, then I could care less. However if his dogs are a public menace and he is proud of that, then....

There places in my moo bahn where I cannot go without a stick in hand because of aggressive dogs, and I am talking about a public street. But when you have a stick, the dogs are much less aggressive.

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Villagefarang: 95% of the time on TV.com I can see the other point of view, even when I might disagree with it. But you seem to have a total lack of respect and empathy for humans. I find that people learn best when they personally experience what they disdain.

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You don't think that a person has a right to walk on a public beach without being attacked and bitten by dogs?
If a dog bites you, then you did something wrong. You have brain so use it. All they have is instinct. What in the world are you doing in a place where nobody else goes, beach or elsewhere? If there are other people there, why did the dog attack you and not the others? Dogs don't bite for no reason. Talk about "rights" all you want but discard common sense and suffer the consequences.

People should not have to be extra careful in order to not get harassed and bitten by dogs. Dogs are not in charge. Dogs were brought here by people. If a dog bites my young daughter, should it be willy nillly explained away with 'she did something wrong'?

I don't care whether the dog has a reason to bite or not, I don't want to be bitten by a dog. Same re; whether a dog has a reason to bark, I don't want to be harassed when walking and riding my bicycle, and I don't want to woken 3 to 4 times every night.

I'm not as concerned about dog psychology as much as I am about irresponsible pet owners who allow their pets to harass and harm others. If you need a dog for protection, put that dog in a caged fence around your yard. You could also get its vocal chords cut, but you either like or don't care about the noise that annoys the neighbors. If I raised venomous snakes and scorpions to protect my house, I think some of the folks in my neighborhood might be concerned it I let them roam free.

Fact remains, there are millions of untethered dogs in Thailand, about half of which have no so-called 'owners' and half which do. All make noise, and most are potentially harmful. Incidentally, wolves don't bark. It was only when wolves became domesticated (hence: dogs) that they were encouraged by people to develop barking.

I've never been bitten by a dog, because I take aggressive action against dogs which threaten me. However, I'm a 6' tall grown man. What about the weaker, less aggressive people among us. I haven't owned a dog for decades because I choose not to add to the very big problem of too many dogs in Thailand.

Another point that hasn't been mentioned herein: Many, probably most dogs, are taken from their mothers too soon. That results in nervous dogs which are quick to anger and aggression and barking. It happens most often with small dogs, because people in their unfathamoble ignorance, see a cute little puppy in a cage and decide to purchase and take it home right away. Very dumb, but very prevalent. I've seen and heard the results hundreds of times in Thailand. Probably over half the once-cute little dogs here in Thailand have major barking and aggression problems.

Then there's the issue of abandoned dogs - easily thousands per day. When the once-cute dog gets bigger and less-cute, the owners drive it out to an out-lying area and dump it. On my one little soi/street alone, at least 12 dogs per week are abandoned. I see new fightened aimless dogs every evening when I drive home. Multiply that by the hundreds of thousands of rural sois in Thailand, and you get millions of abandoned, starving miserable dogs. Add to that the complete lack of animal shelters, and you have a 3rd world country overrun by problem dogs.

I know first hand that there are much less dog problems in Burma and Laos. Tell that to your Thai friends and see how instantly defensive they become (even though they've probably never been to those countries).

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Villagefarang: 95% of the time on TV.com I can see the other point of view, even when I might disagree with it. But you seem to have a total lack of respect and empathy for humans. I find that people learn best when they personally experience what they disdain.

All this cowardly bravado about brutalizing, maiming, and poisoning dogs is supposed to make me feel all warm and fuzzy toward my fellow man? :)

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People do have dreams of what their perfect world would look like. In mine there would be no annoying screams from other's ill-mannered little brats. My desires do not give me the right to go around beating or poisoning them, however.

Just because someone has an irrational fear of dogs does not make all barking dogs a hazard. The villagers around here seem to be reassured by the sound of their dogs.

For those with over 600 dogs a year added to the single street they live on, you have my sympathies but that is hardly common, and I'm sure you are not misrepresenting the facts. :)

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People do have dreams of what their perfect world would look like. In mine there would be no annoying screams from other's ill-mannered little brats. My desires do not give me the right to go around beating or poisoning them, however.

Just because someone has an irrational fear of dogs does not make all barking dogs a hazard. The villagers around here seem to be reassured by the sound of their dogs.

For those with over 600 dogs a year added to the single street they live on, you have my sympathies but that is hardly common, and I'm sure you are not misrepresenting the facts. :)

You must be taking the piss here, I find it hard to believe you could seriously use such a stupid parallel, but I'll go with it:

I'll tell you what, the day my 3 year old bites you as you walk home you can put her down. Likewise if sh shits in your driveway or is found roaming your property at night barking.

Edited by t.s
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I'll tell you what, the day my 3 year old bites you as you walk home you can put her down. Likewise if she shits in your driveway or is found roaming your property

Kids do bite and yours will no doubt bite a tormenting playmate at some point. That will not be an excuse for anyone to harm your kid, however.

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Wow, Put it down to experience, If you have to pass them again carry a big stick. Its not rocket Science. If a Heinz 57 Soi dog barks at me, I tend to Ignore it, if it barks and comes running at me, wether walking, on a motorbike or cycle. I run at the Dog showing lots of aggression, I'm no dog phsycologist but it works for me. The Dog or Dogs seem to remember me later. Thats just the way I am, Its a reaction, the thought comes later. I'm not going to have a Dog bite me without having the satisfaction of giving it something to remember.

Its just that your a stranger. I'm sure feeding them will be equally as effective and I'm not talking about Poison.

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People should not have to be extra careful in order to not get harassed and bitten by dogs. Dogs are not in charge. Dogs were brought here by people. If a dog bites my young daughter, should it be willy nillly explained away with 'she did something wrong'?

I don't care whether the dog has a reason to bite or not, I don't want to be bitten by a dog. Same re; whether a dog has a reason to bark, I don't want to be harassed when walking and riding my bicycle, and I don't want to woken 3 to 4 times every night.

I'm not as concerned about dog psychology as much as I am about irresponsible pet owners who allow their pets to harass and harm others. If you need a dog for protection, put that dog in a caged fence around your yard. You could also get its vocal chords cut, but you either like or don't care about the noise that annoys the neighbors. If I raised venomous snakes and scorpions to protect my house, I think some of the folks in my neighborhood might be concerned it I let them roam free.

Fact remains, there are millions of untethered dogs in Thailand, about half of which have no so-called 'owners' and half which do. All make noise, and most are potentially harmful. Incidentally, wolves don't bark. It was only when wolves became domesticated (hence: dogs) that they were encouraged by people to develop barking.

I've never been bitten by a dog, because I take aggressive action against dogs which threaten me. However, I'm a 6' tall grown man. What about the weaker, less aggressive people among us. I haven't owned a dog for decades because I choose not to add to the very big problem of too many dogs in Thailand.

Another point that hasn't been mentioned herein: Many, probably most dogs, are taken from their mothers too soon. That results in nervous dogs which are quick to anger and aggression and barking. It happens most often with small dogs, because people in their unfathamoble ignorance, see a cute little puppy in a cage and decide to purchase and take it home right away. Very dumb, but very prevalent. I've seen and heard the results hundreds of times in Thailand. Probably over half the once-cute little dogs here in Thailand have major barking and aggression problems.

Then there's the issue of abandoned dogs - easily thousands per day. When the once-cute dog gets bigger and less-cute, the owners drive it out to an out-lying area and dump it. On my one little soi/street alone, at least 12 dogs per week are abandoned. I see new fightened aimless dogs every evening when I drive home. Multiply that by the hundreds of thousands of rural sois in Thailand, and you get millions of abandoned, starving miserable dogs. Add to that the complete lack of animal shelters, and you have a 3rd world country overrun by problem dogs.

I know first hand that there are much less dog problems in Burma and Laos. Tell that to your Thai friends and see how instantly defensive they become (even though they've probably never been to those countries).

Yes if your lil daughter was tormenting a dog pulling his ears and hitting him or her with a stick without reason because she copies her dad then yes she did something wrong. But if nothing like that happend the owner should take responsibility of the dog and the dog might even have to be put down.

You share the world with other people live with it you can't have it your way 100% we all have to accept certain things. I dont like being woken up by dogs either but it doesnt bother me much. My dogs sleep inside and never bark at night (unless some major disturbance is happening but then people dont hear much because its inside my home)

The mind boggles at the amount of dogs you have near your place every month 30 exta dogs there. There must be over a 300 dogs in your lil soi, i wonder how they support themselves. With more then a 300 dogs in your soi you have every reason to complain. I do think you made the facts up a bit because no way a small soi would support 300 dogs or more.

Just opened the gate again and let my dogs roam free.. as usual the first one came home after only 5 minutes she is lazy old girl. Still waiting for the male to come back after marking his territory and exploring everything. Listening now for trouble as i always do, but nobody is outside now. Its actually quite a sleepy village during the day and this is one of the reasons my dogs can walk free there. When the male gets back i lock the gate again and all is done.

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Poisoned Pork is the best bet. What if you where a lil girl? Or any child or elderly person who may have been seriously torn to peices by the pack. I would killem on that General Principle

Wach out with poison plz . :D

If somebody (a kid,thai lady) picks up the "pork chop" before the dog does.........

verry dangerous ! They can get verry ill or worse ......

If somebody accusses you .......you were bitten......they saw you ........

Mega-problems can comme to you ! :)

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People do have dreams of what their perfect world would look like. In mine there would be no annoying screams from other's ill-mannered little brats. My desires do not give me the right to go around beating or poisoning them, however.

Just because someone has an irrational fear of dogs does not make all barking dogs a hazard. The villagers around here seem to be reassured by the sound of their dogs.

For those with over 600 dogs a year added to the single street they live on, you have my sympathies but that is hardly common, and I'm sure you are not misrepresenting the facts. :)

Why do a few dog owners have to make such dumb statements?

When I was a kid a group of us who were living in small-town-America were our riding our bikes. Two German shepherds chased us, and because I was in the lead, they went after me. I was remarkably fortunate...none of their bites connected with skin, but there were teeth marks ripped through my loose-fitting pants in several places. The moronic owner came out and said, "Oh, they're very gentle dogs. They wouldn't hurt you."

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I hope you got a immunoglobulin shot at the site of the bite to go with your course of rabies vaccines as a serious bite should be treated that way and Thai's tend to overlook it's necessity due to cost. It is expensive (mine was 32,000b) and doesn't sound like you got it, it must be done in the first 48 hours. It's a shame you were unable to get good info before you went to the hospital..

Therefore I urge anyone here in Thailand to get a simple rabies vaccination before it's required, rabies is rampant and so are the soi dogs, cats, and irresponsible or ignorant pet owners and laws/enforcement non existent..

I was very shocked to discover, being a reasonably well versed person medically, that Rabies symptoms can take as much as 4 years to manifest in infected mammals so all of that previous thinking about quarantine or whatever (like Old Yeller) goes out the window and only applies to an animal that is already potentially demonstrating symptoms to establish whether or not they are just aggressive or infected..

Recently right here a woman was bitten 2 months prior to her showing symptoms and dying and there is only 2 recently recorded cases of survival of rabies and both were in the States and took months of treatment, including medically induced coma, recovery & therapy though they have returned to normal life with no real aftereffects fortunately they are medical anomalies though treated with a new drug and treatment course.. Rabies in Thailand is 100% fatal..

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The dogs rights & the dog owners right extend to the property line.

If your dog crosses onto public property & bites me I will try & kill or maim it. Self defense.

And any cop who would take the side of a mutt versus a parent protecting his child is no better than a baboon.

Wild dogs are a huge problem in this country. Sickening.

Edited by powderpuff
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the thai solution would be to return with a big bag full of poisoned pork.

That would be my solution too.

Minced meat & rat poison are cheap enough.

You're doing the next potential victim a favour.

Do you not care that you're likely to poison an entirely innocent dog?

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If my rights are restricted to my property line, perhaps yours should be restricted to your property line as well. Just a thought.

It sounds like you are overcompensating for your nom de plume. Besides a pet is not a wild animal. Not so sure about you. Lets all take chill pill.

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People do have dreams of what their perfect world would look like. In mine there would be no annoying screams from other's ill-mannered little brats. My desires do not give me the right to go around beating or poisoning them, however.

Just because someone has an irrational fear of dogs does not make all barking dogs a hazard. The villagers around here seem to be reassured by the sound of their dogs.

For those with over 600 dogs a year added to the single street they live on, you have my sympathies but that is hardly common, and I'm sure you are not misrepresenting the facts. :)

Why do a few dog owners have to make such dumb statements?

When I was a kid a group of us who were living in small-town-America were our riding our bikes. Two German shepherds chased us, and because I was in the lead, they went after me. I was remarkably fortunate...none of their bites connected with skin, but there were teeth marks ripped through my loose-fitting pants in several places. The moronic owner came out and said, "Oh, they're very gentle dogs. They wouldn't hurt you."

If you had stopped and refrained from trying to kick the dog, you would not be hounded by your present day dog phobia.

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I've never been in this situation but I'd say forget about it. You say the dogs come from a building site - the woman may well work there and know the dogs but that doesn't mean that they're hers. And, in any case, people in Thailand often have different - looser, more relaxed - relationships with animals so ownership is pretty hard to establish. If I were you, I'd take my medicine and - if you want to do something about it - go back to the same spot but with a pick-axe handle this time. I'd deal with the dogs that way.

Get yourself a tazer. The noise scares the shit out of dogs.

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People do have dreams of what their perfect world would look like. In mine there would be no annoying screams from other's ill-mannered little brats. My desires do not give me the right to go around beating or poisoning them, however.

Just because someone has an irrational fear of dogs does not make all barking dogs a hazard. The villagers around here seem to be reassured by the sound of their dogs.

For those with over 600 dogs a year added to the single street they live on, you have my sympathies but that is hardly common, and I'm sure you are not misrepresenting the facts. :)

Why do a few dog owners have to make such dumb statements?

When I was a kid a group of us who were living in small-town-America were our riding our bikes. Two German shepherds chased us, and because I was in the lead, they went after me. I was remarkably fortunate...none of their bites connected with skin, but there were teeth marks ripped through my loose-fitting pants in several places. The moronic owner came out and said, "Oh, they're very gentle dogs. They wouldn't hurt you."

If you had stopped and refrained from trying to kick the dog, you would not be hounded by your present day dog phobia.

You see what I mean. You're incredibly dense. Where did I say I tried to kick the dog????? I was riding my bicycle. You will invent any absurdity to try and sound right.

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