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Thailand's 'Jack The Ripper' Sentenced To Death


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Meanwhile in the UK our version of "Jack the Ripper" Ian Sutcliffe who murdered 13 prostitutes has had the audacity to

appeal for a release date,after serving around 30 years in prison.

Think I prefer Thai Justice in this instance. when their gone their gone for good!

Even the bleeding heart Liberals on this Post would find it hard to defend this lunatic.

Who is Ian Sutcliffe?

As for him being released his case is somewhat complicated by the fact that despite inirtially being in the Prison system, he has been transfered to Psychiatric services and has spent the last 20 odd years at Broadmoor on a Section 47 (MHA 1983). He could well end up in an MSU in the next year or so, but I'd be highly surprised if he was released directly from Broadmoor.

Edited by mrtoad
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Hey son. Why are you hitting your sister? Whack, whack, whack, whack. Now that will teach you not to hit people....

The death penalty. State sponsored murder. The ultimate penalty steeped in the ultimate hypocrisy.

Don't you just love these bleeding heart liberals that live in their own little utopia? As soon as any news report pertaining to the death penalty comes up I always think 'here we go again - just watch them come out of the woodwork'. Maybe you should change your user name from way2muchcoffee to

way2muchcrap because that's what it is. Wake up and welcome to the real world.

Actually thought I was in the real world of civilized people who have developed emotionally and have moved past being motivated by base and petty revenge. I believed I was amongst people who actually use their brains to analyze the world, and use compassion as a moral compass to keep their atavistic animal natures in check. I guess I was mistaken.

Yes, you are seriously mistaken. I fail to see how you can suggest the death penalty is motivated by base and petty revenge. Its about someone who has forfeited their rights to live in society when they have committed crimes that are barbaric, repulsive and disgusting. Just how do you justify allowing someone to live that has no regard for anyone else's life is beyond me and most ordinary thinking people? I for one am quite happy in knowing that these sick f%$ks will not get a chance to roam our streets one day and I have no problem sleeping at night and guess what, I would gladly flick the switch.

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Love ya avatar, wadsy. The world can't have enough SWAT teams. :D

BTW - in a civilised society, who make the decision that someone has "forfeited their rights to live"? :)

And what do they say to the (numerous) people who have been wrongly convicted (you know, verballing, contaminated DNA - that sort of stuff) and then judicially murdered by the state?

"Errr....sorry about that. Collateral damage, and all that stuff!" :D

ps I can see you lurking, nd.

Edited by jackspratt
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I just love the 'bleeding hearts', the civil libiterians and doo gooders that race onto the threads when this sort of thing happens. Comeon jack get real, people like this don't actually get roped into half a dozen or so murders by mistake, this guy was up to no good, you can seriously support guys like this getting off on legal technicalities?

Its all fun and games until a sicko like this kills someone one of these people love, then their 'story' changes. :)

Not surprisingly, the irony in my post went straight over your head.

If I had known you were going to read it, I would have included some drawings to make it easier for you. It seems smileys are not enough. :D

More typical Jackspratt rubbish. You know what you meant & so did anyone else thats written a few of your anti police/im the man posts. :D

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Love ya avatar, wadsy. The world can't have enough SWAT teams. :D

BTW - in a civilised society, who make the decision that someone has "forfeited their rights to live"? :)

And what do they say to the (numerous) people who have been wrongly convicted (you know, verballing, contaminated DNA - that sort of stuff) and then judicially murdered by the state?

Errr....sorry about that. Collateral damage, and all that stuff! :D

ps I can see you lurking, nd.

Thats my favourite thing about you Jack, you don't miss much :D .

Listen in my civilised world (if you so describe it that way), I could quite comfortably make those types of decisions. Don't you think its time law and order retook the streets jack? Isnt it about time that the innocent stopped being victims at the hands of the justice system.....ohh and I know what your going to say about that but lets face it, in this day and age your talking about those rare cases where someone is wrongly convicted.

Your probably unaware jack, that most GRUBS in jail will claim they 'didnt do it' they were 'verballed' etc. WHAT A LOAD OF BS. Its like all those people when caught red handed doing something wrong, they say "I've never done that before" What a crock jack, what a crock.

Anyway, arnt you running late for your bleeding hearts meeting? :D

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I just love the 'bleeding hearts', the civil libiterians and doo gooders that race onto the threads when this sort of thing happens. Comeon jack get real, people like this don't actually get roped into half a dozen or so murders by mistake, this guy was up to no good, you can seriously support guys like this getting off on legal technicalities?

Its all fun and games until a sicko like this kills someone one of these people love, then their 'story' changes. :)

Not surprisingly, the irony in my post went straight over your head.

If I had known you were going to read it, I would have included some drawings to make it easier for you. It seems smileys are not enough. :D

More typical Jackspratt rubbish. You know what you meant & so did anyone else thats written a few of your anti police/im the man posts. :D

You are a lot smarter than I gave you credit for, nd.

You can actually tell what is in my mind when I am posting, better than I can myself. Wow!

BTW - I write all my own material, so that excludes "anyone else". :D

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Hey jack,

Do you mind if I have this post framed in your honor.....it was so funny

The links didn't work for me, but that is by the bye.

You are correct - I should have researched the difference between a tropical storm, and a thunderstorm.


It looks like your meat head was shining thru in that thread :D:D

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Hey jack,

Do you mind if I have this post framed in your honor.....it was so funny

The links didn't work for me, but that is by the bye.

You are correct - I should have researched the difference between a tropical storm, and a thunderstorm.


It looks like your meat head was shining thru in that thread :D:D

Still stalking, nd?

Sad for you really.

Anyway, probably time this thread got back on track. Mine really is bigger than yours. :D

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Hey son. Why are you hitting your sister? Whack, whack, whack, whack. Now that will teach you not to hit people....

The death penalty is state sponsored murder. The ultimate penalty steeped in the ultimate hypocrisy.

Ohh dear, theres one in every crowd :)

YeSS indeed sadly there is generally but ONE sensible person in every crowd.

And there are unfortunately many others like you who get aroused by other peoples execution. That is why the world we live in is screwed up. The job of a state is not ( an eye for a eye etc) But well some people will never uderstand that so let's go on bombing other countries killing milions in half a centry. Killing 10% of nicaraguas population en executing black people as if they were cattle. And all these in name of justice.

The death penalty is Indeed state sponsored murder

Why not make torture legal again that will teach the scum doesn't it? lol

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I would be interested to know what evidence was presented to the court barring a confession which is almost always procured by beating, sleep deprivation and other methods of coercion by the police.

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