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Thaksin Cause For Mixed Emotions In N. & Ne

Gonzo the Face

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In CM [because of being his hometown] and other areas of the North and Northeast, it would seem that there is a wide range of mixed emotions about Mr. Thaksin. There are many many ways of describing the how, what , when and why of this feeling , but I feel that it exists.

the following seems to fit the description perfectly, so you can see why there are so many emotions with regard to Mr. T.

Mixed Emotions

A husband and wife were sitting watching a TV program about psychologygy

and explaining the phenomenon of "mixed emotions".

The husband turned to his wife and said, "Honey, that's a bunch of crap.

I bet you can't tell me anything that will make me happy and sad at the same time."

She said: "Out of all your friends, you have the biggest pecker... "


Do You have a better example ?


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Firstly these are in no way as good as the OP's.

But I have the old Mercedes classics...

Watching your mother-in- law go over a cliff in your brand new Mercedes


Accidentally driving your new Mercedes over a cliff but achieving 65 miles per gallon on the way down.

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