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Suffering From Elevated Iq Levels?

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Are you suffering from elevated IQ levels? Too smart for your own good? Studies have shown that excess intelligence is related to increased stress, social maladaptation, and frequent headaches. Symptomatic behaviour, such as knowing things better than your teacher, questioning authority, and criticising people will bring you into embarrassing situations and hamper your career. Your friends will avoid you, your teachers will be vexed, and your government will grow suspicious of you. The terminal stages are critical thinking and atheism. Don't let that happen to you!

There is a tried and tested therapy: Thai television. A minimal dosage of 2hrs per day will work wonders after only a week. Watch the comedy shows and feel the wonderful relief of laughter when a bag of paint bursts on the main character's head. Watch your favourite soap opera actress (who can't act) and cry with her over her 264th breakup with her boyfriend. Watch the quiz shows and stuff your brain with disposable (and evidently useless) knowledge that can be discussed at your next hairdresser visit. In cooperation with Channel 3, 5, 7, 11, TPBS, and NBST, MCOT has devised a programme that will not only give a you a guaranteed IQ reduction and knowledge prevention, but -if applied consistently- will bring back that charming smile of total ignorance on your face.

Cheers, CMX

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The terminal stages are critical thinking and atheism

I nearly said " Oh God! I am terminally ill!" Then realised that many people are atheistic. Mind you, I thought Tony Blair was intelligent and articulate - intil he admitted his faith in the man in the sky and converted to Catholicism.

Doea this mean though that I have to watch television sometimes? Even Thai television?

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Thanks for my morning laugh, folks. For the very reasons stated I don't have a TV in Thailand. I can watch never ending soccer matches at the local bars where I play pool with my friends.

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The crowd that I hang out with are not the problem. :)

Oh I get, you just like to hang around with the stupid farangs

At least most of them can write a correct sentence. :D

Ulysses, James, chill out, high IQ is not contageous. You don't change it by mixing with anybody. Once you have it, you get stigmatised as a 'Smart arse' and it will make you unpopular with your mates. Anything/anybody smart is unpopular, because the majority is dumb (the law of nature).

OP, why bother? High IQ is not an overwhelming trait for expats/Thais. Chill out, you are in a safe place. :D

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The crowd that I hang out with are not the problem. :)

Oh I get, you just like to hang around with the stupid farangs

At least most of them can write a correct sentence. :D

Ulysses, James, chill out, high IQ is not contageous. You don't change it by mixing with anybody. Once you have it, you get stigmatised as a 'Smart arse' and it will make you unpopular with your mates. Anything/anybody smart is unpopular, because the majority is dumb (the law of nature).

OP, why bother? High IQ is not an overwhelming trait for expats/Thais. Chill out, you are in a safe place. :D

This would explain why I prefer being alone. Not enough room for two of me in the same conversation.

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