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I doubt whether I am alone in suffering from LBM's after either Thai food, Thai water or just 'Thai air', but my approach is this;

Lots of water, to drink.

Eat small meals

'Sit it out'

However there are conflicting views on many web sites and medical advice sites.

This is regarding Immodium. When is this a truly useful drug? Much opinion says, use only for travel, let the badness pass freely, do not obstruct.

Yet other advice says, if LBM's are without blood or mucus or fever take Immodium to reduce the water loss from the gut.

What is the truth, here? Is Immodium a wonder drug or a hindrance to recovery?

I am interested to hear from fellow sufferers. Nobody likes the LBM's but they are a fact of life, well for me and many buddies. Maybe I am unlucky not to have an iron stomach and intestine, who knows?

Well, that's it. tell me more folks.....


Well if it's going like that for days..you might have a problem. If it doesnt pass I'd say its more than just eating smth that doesnt agree with you. Seek medical attention or rx help.


You mention suffering LBM from Thai sources?

is it only here in Thailand these symtoms have appeared. If so are you new to the LOS.

Most farangs, with or without an iron stomach have to go through the bacteria barrier to acclimatize their system to food and water.

Rather than resorting to drugs perhaps go through the barrier choosing carefully what you consume and how much at each sitting.



a change in the pattern of your loaf pinching activities that lasts for more than a week or so should be investigated , as should the appearance of blood or mucus in the stool.

if you are normally a once a day man with a solid type stool and you suddenly change to a four times a day liquid pebbledash merchant or some other type of stool and it doesnt right itself within a few days then you should get yourself checked out.


a change in the pattern of your loaf pinching activities that lasts for more than a week or so should be investigated , as should the appearance of blood or mucus in the stool.

if you are normally a once a day man with a solid type stool and you suddenly change to a four times a day liquid pebbledash merchant or some other type of stool and it doesnt right itself within a few days then you should get yourself checked out.


I have never really been a once a day, solid stool type. But after coming to Thailand I spent the first 7+ years with the trots, though not seveve. I didn't really think about having it checked out - after all what can they do about it?? I still am not right, but it suddenly got a lot better a year ago - which I put down to mental attitude as I feel much happier and more confident in my mid 30's than I did though my unhappy youth. I also went from 66 kg to 79 kg.

I have also encountered a lot of people here who have had operations on their intestines, often having sections removed. I never heard of this back in the UK - is it a more prevalent thing in LOS and if so is that because of a different outlook in the surgical profession, or because of diet or what??


I've done a bit of travelling in my life, often to lands far less hygienic than Thailand.

“Montezuma’s revenge” in all its various disguises is often only a mouthful away.

The best solution, which works 99% of the time for me, is at the first sign, switch to eating natural yoghurt and well done plain toast (drinking only boiled water).

After about 24 hours my system regains its natural balance.

Should you try this and it doesn't work after 24 hours, please seek professional medical help.

But always, whatever you decide, drink lots and lots of clean water.

Many people refer to this problem as beer squirts...

Viagra will do it also, at least for me. I get the problem :o every time I come to LOS but the problem is less severe now that viagra is out of the equation....

Many people refer to this problem as beer squirts...

Viagra will do it also, at least for me. I get the problem :o every time I come to LOS but the problem is less severe now that viagra is out of the equation....

I would think that being on Viagra and having the "Hershey squirts" would make it a bit tough on the old squatter but at least you would have a firm place to put the toilet paper roll. :D

Many people refer to this problem as beer squirts...

Viagra will do it also, at least for me. I get the problem :o every time I come to LOS but the problem is less severe now that viagra is out of the equation....

I would think that being on Viagra and having the "Hershey squirts" would make it a bit tough on the old squatter but at least you would have a firm place to put the toilet paper roll. :D

Well better that than using the Viagra to make the plug. OMG! :D:D

Take a little white pill and it is all over with - why suffer through Bangkok Belly - your friendly Chemist will know what to do.

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