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When A Dog Steals Your Sandal In Chiang Mai ...


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Sawasdee Khrup, TV CM Friends,

Last night we left the back-gate open by mistake, and this morning one of our sandals (human big-foot size) has disappeared.

Our psychic powers reveal nothing except the word: "dog."

Now, if you were a dog, and made off with a large sandal: would you crawl underneath something and chew it all up; or, would you travel far away. Would you bury it ?

What do your psychic powers tell you are the odds of finding that (much cherished) sandal ?

best, ~o:37;

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Me thinks buried.

Tonight, leave another sandal (same one is best, as nothing to lose) out for the doggy. Hide everything else away.

Attach a super long piece of string to the sandal, that will uncoil as the dog makes off.

In the morning, follow the string = you will find the sandal and its partner (possibly a bit on the chewed side though).

On a side note. When i hit "View New Posts" and saw this title, the name Orang37 sprang instantly to mind, before i even saw the username. :) )

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Me thinks buried.

Tonight, leave another sandal (same one is best, as nothing to lose) out for the doggy. Hide everything else away.

Attach a super long piece of string to the sandal, that will uncoil as the dog makes off.

In the morning, follow the string = you will find the sandal and its partner (possibly a bit on the chewed side though).

On a side note. When i hit "View New Posts" and saw this title, the name Orang37 sprang instantly to mind, before i even saw the username. :) )

You could always sprinkle some breadcrumbs over the other sandal too, but chances are they'd probably get eaten along the way, so in the absence of a portable GPS tracker, I reckon you'd best take Eek's advice and go with the string, or lighter still, a nicely wound strand of cotton. Around 2,000,000 mm should do the trick.

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Short true story. MIL called wife and said someone took her false teeth from table. I mentioned packrat and sure enough she found the teeth and other goodies behind a water pump in storage/Thai kitchen. If there is a storage or likely looking nesting spot, start there. The little varmints can carry off some rather large objects. Normally dogs chew and you would have seen parts/pieces near by.

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Sawasdee Khrup, TV CM Friends,

Well, "happy ending" to this tale: after a long bicycle ride; came back home (cough, cough, cough); there, on the vinyl cover over the car, was the sandal. And it does not appear to be seriously chewed, no pieces missing, which is more than we can say for our human's mind.

My guess is a neighbor found it, recognized it was big-foot size, and knew it was my human's.

Chok, dee, mai ?

Thanks for your great suggestions ! Khun Eek's suggestion of attaching a thread made my human's brain resonate on the frequency of the story of Theseus and the Minotaur, and Ariadne's thread, which is much appreciated.

How many farangs are there in Chiang Mai who have half their lives taken away by something wild, and never get it back ? See, could-a been worse :)

best, ~o:37;

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Don't worry from my similar experience it will reappear in a day or two. Thats what happened to my orange fluro sandals.

I bought bright orange fluro so they were easier to see in the day and dusk. The sandals was made of very very firm rubber and would have had to be literally torn apart.

After the faithful hound took off with one I found it no worries.

It went through the dog like a dose of salts and there were bright orange speckled doggie doo all over the backyard.

The pooch is now very gun shy of the remaining orphan sandal.

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How many farangs are there in Chiang Mai who have half their lives taken away by something wild, and never get it back ?

dont know about half my life, but my first love (was it?) ravaged me senseless, and stole my virginity, and never have i had it returned :)

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Actually this can be a "kin" big problem..We have no gates and the 2 dogs who live on the street ,well in the reception area of the resort stole and chewed up my sons shoes regularly..Ok we can put our shoes indoors but...."kin dogs"!..Anyway with great suprise after saying they cost 1000 baht in the UK not asking for 1000 baht the dogs were given away..Now my shoes are getting chewed up...The manager's dogs are suspects now..Its ongoing, I'am not cool about it but hey if its not one thing its another so try to keep my cool....The worst thing was my neighbours labrador bright dog (farang missionary) was shiting in my garden and raiding my closed bin everyday...He wondered why I got upset! He said he did his best well I said would you let your dog run wild in America?> No he said no well then don't do it here...He's now moved down to Pattaya to save a few down there..Oh the dog he gave it away..Nice dog bad owner....

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re ..... Last night we left the back-gate open by mistake, and this morning one of our sandals (human big-foot size) has disappeared.

you were lucky .... about a year ago i took my real leather shoes ( 2000 baht ... two of them ) to a mobile ( BIG mistake ) repairer

i never saw the shoes or the repairer again ..... and my new 2000 baht ones fit lovely ... such is life : )


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re ..... Last night we left the back-gate open by mistake, and this morning one of our sandals (human big-foot size) has disappeared.

you were lucky .... about a year ago i took my real leather shoes ( 2000 baht ... two of them ) to a mobile ( BIG mistake ) repairer

i never saw the shoes or the repairer again ..... and my new 2000 baht ones fit lovely ... such is life

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Brother Big-Foot Dave2,

Please accept our deep consolations on your loss(es).

We have an inkling that Khun Tilac2, who posted on this thread today; suspiciously, a week after the thread had gone "cold" : may be the very dog who took our sandal but didn't get away with it, and now has taken yours, and has come back from his hideaway in Phuket to gloat. You know the old "return to the scene of the crime" psychology.

It seems possible that Khun ThaiGuy55, also joining the thread suspiciously late, who maybe has a thing for paper, may be working as a "shoe spotter" for Khun Tilac's nefarious shoe fetish, or kleptopodomania, or whatever it is.

We all need to watch our shoes ! The price of being shod is vigiliance !

best, ~o:37;

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