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bangkok blue

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Don't rule out a return of Multichoice but on ku band in June.

If the issue is piracy in Asia then you can almost guarantee it.

Look at the footprint for IntelSat 10 at 68.5E C-band (which is I assume where you're getting the signal from).

IntelSat 10 68.5E Beams

Logic suggests that at the very least they have been told to shift to the two Ku Bands for Europe/Africa and Europe/Middle East.

So even if it does come back on Ku band, my guess is it won't be broadcast on the Ku-Asia beam.

Same result. Time to look for alternatives.

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The scheduler at WETV confirms that as things stand, they will lose the C band signal from 31st May. The best translation of Mrs Millwall_fan's discussion with him is that they are 'actively engaged' in seeking out alternatives. One thing Thais are very good at is finding ways round problems just such as this. Let's hope so.

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The scheduler at WETV confirms that as things stand, they will lose the C band signal from 31st May. The best translation of Mrs Millwall_fan's discussion with him is that they are 'actively engaged' in seeking out alternatives. One thing Thais are very good at is finding ways round problems just such as this. Let's hope so.

but it took one of their customers to notify them that their C band signal was to be axed at the end of may :)

i dont hold out much hope im afraid, im sure the world cup will be ok for football fans, although the only commentary could be only in thai?, theres a slim chance much else will be offered apart from what we get on True :D

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It's true they didn't know about it until we told them, but thats probably due to cultural differences - 31st May is light years away!! That they've recently restored the 2 full channels dedicated to Supersport, indicates the importance they attach to it. If there is a way, I believe they'll find it. If anyone out there in Thai Visa Land knows of a way do let us know!

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It's true they didn't know about it until we told them, but thats probably due to cultural differences - 31st May is light years away!! That they've recently restored the 2 full channels dedicated to Supersport, indicates the importance they attach to it. If there is a way, I believe they'll find it. If anyone out there in Thai Visa Land knows of a way do let us know!


requires someone to have the satellite feed (supersport in yr case) then via slingbox directed to you, i know its a longshot, but you never know

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I actually have a Slingbox, which I use in the office to watch sport from my home network. If you have someone back at home willing to let you share their broadband and host it for you, it is a viable alternative.

It needs decent bandwidth for a decent picture though; and the compression and transmission means the actual picture is quite a few seconds behind the live transmission.

Having said that, the whole point of Supersport being cut is to stop the pirates draining revenue from people who are paying big bucks for the legitimate signal.

So I would anticipate that a satellite provider may now pick up the World Cup broadcasts, and retransmit them with dual audio feeds.

I don't think anyone can really complain, you've had a long period of nice cheap sport (a proper Supersport card is about Bt5,000 a month I think).

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I've been told to wait till June for clarification about the availability of Multichoice on the China ku band. Even heard talk of True Visions getting involved. How's that eh?!!

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