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Child Born In Uk To Thai Mum With Uk Dad.....is The Attached True?

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This is a question and answer from another website. It is about a young guy that was born in the UK to a Thai mum and UK dad. Is this, in fact, true? Surely many families will have been affected if true. Any comments/advice?

<H1 style="MARGIN: auto 0cm">"Can i get a thai passport? can i buy land once i have a passport?</H1>my mother is thai and my dad is english, i have lived in england all my life (19 years) and have an english passport.

<H2 style="MARGIN: auto 0cm">Best Answer - Chosen by Voters</H2>As a child to a Thai mother, you are entitled to dual citizenship. You can go to the Thai Embassy in London with your mother. Take both your certificate of birth and your british passport with you. The embassy compelled to give you the Thai nationality, and hence the passport. You do not buy them, but you would have to pay a fee approx. 1,000 baht (about 63 baht to a pound).

The catch is when you turn 20 years of age, you must give up your British citizenship and have proper official evidence to present to the Thai embassy within six months. Otherwise, you then loose your Thai nationality.

That is the Thai law on nationality.

Only one incident that a Thai can hold dual (or more citizenship) that is a Thai women married to a foreigner, and by doing so she gains additional nationality, then she is allowed to retain the Thai nationality unless she opts to give it up. (This law has just been reinterpreted about ten years ago.) Once you have the Thai passport, you then entitled to everything as a Thai person has, voting right, purchasing land, and the duty of serving in the armed forces, namely.

Good luck and welcome to Thailand."



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