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Thai Pm Rejects Protesters' Demand Amid March On Barracks


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A true democracy means - for example: Five people finish dinner. They vote on who will do the dishes... three men vs. two women... guess who is doing the dishes? This is 'pure' democracy and you don't want any part of it...

I don't know, sounds good to me.

If we're going down that road, any parliamentary system means that up to half of the parliament will be doing its best to hinder the efforts of the governing party/ies. It's definitely not in the opposition's interests if the government does a good job and is hugely popular. This is hardly conducive to the efficient running of the country for the benefit of the people. Benevolent dictatorship anyone?

Yes and it also means that some PM (no name) can bribe the other party leader to switch allegiance and give him the majority . Of course ordinary ppl that votes can also be bribed , and in the case of thailand its done since democracy exist , but that is far more easier to control and to detect bribery to 25 millions ppl and thus to punish it then to one or two big shot along a dinner . Is it not ?

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A true democracy means - for example: Five people finish dinner. They vote on who will do the dishes... three men vs. two women... guess who is doing the dishes? This is 'pure' democracy and you don't want any part of it...

I don't know, sounds good to me.

If we're going down that road, any parliamentary system means that up to half of the parliament will be doing its best to hinder the efforts of the governing party/ies. It's definitely not in the opposition's interests if the government does a good job and is hugely popular. This is hardly conducive to the efficient running of the country for the benefit of the people. Benevolent dictatorship anyone?

I also dont understand what makes thai ppl think that any popularly elected PM (meaning by the people) would be a dictator or to take he reverse logic why the parlementary system they have can not generate dictators . Its really troubling . Among all european top gov executive , i dont see any dictator .

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With all due respect , i think you are misinformed .

In USA each party nominates his candidate , yes . However during the presidential election one of the choosen candidates is elected as president by the whole of the american people (its the one that has the more vote)


Same principle in all european country .

No, you are wrong.

First off, the voters don't elect the president in the US, the electoral college do. See here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electoral_vote

Secondly, in several European countries the PM isn't elected in an election, he/she is elected by the MPs that win or manage to gather a coalition strong enough to govern. Often the party leader of the biggest party in the coalition, but doesn't have to be.

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A true democracy means - for example: Five people finish dinner. They vote on who will do the dishes... three men vs. two women... guess who is doing the dishes? This is 'pure' democracy and you don't want any part of it...

I don't know, sounds good to me.

If we're going down that road, any parliamentary system means that up to half of the parliament will be doing its best to hinder the efforts of the governing party/ies. It's definitely not in the opposition's interests if the government does a good job and is hugely popular. This is hardly conducive to the efficient running of the country for the benefit of the people. Benevolent dictatorship anyone?

I also dont understand what makes thai ppl think that any popularly elected PM (meaning by the people) would be a dictator or to take he reverse logic why the parlementary system they have can not generate dictators . Its really troubling . Among all european top gov executive , i dont see any dictator .

Someone finally learned to use quotes correctly. Party Time!!!! :)

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In America the popular vote does not matter in the Presidential election. In fact there are some states that are so heavily one-sided that people do not bother to vote since nationally their vote wouldn't matter. (Very short-sighted of them since there are always other positions that run at the same time as well)

But your *moresomekl* idea of how a Parliamentary Democracy works is seriously flawed.

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In America the popular vote does not matter in the Presidential election. In fact there are some states that are so heavily one-sided that people do not bother to vote since nationally their vote wouldn't matter. (Very short-sighted of them since there are always other positions that run at the same time as well)

But your *moresomekl* idea of how a Parliamentary Democracy works is seriously flawed.

I totally disagree on the US , anyway i am not american and i can tell you it works perfectly in Europe .

Yes i can see how parlamentary democracy is working in Thailand hahaha .

Every day there is travel warning by foreign embassies , the current PM must take refuge in army barracks , the old one Mr T , is called a crook by most ppl in the forum . For 50 million THB a piece anyone can buy vote in the parliament . shall i continue ?

Congrats you have the best system in the world ....

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Does anyone really thinks, the RED Shirts Thugs can oust the PM

Unfortunately they cannot.

The Red Shirt poor people who lives in INFRAHUMAN conditions with 50 euros a month , no pension, no medical care whatsoever and no rights whatsoever, cannot do anything against the most brutal regime on the face on earth, which have brutally killed dozens of thousands of innocent during the years.

Thailand is a stone-age country , where 99.99% of the people are slaves and hardly have money to eat once a day and 0.01% are richer than any billionaire on the Forbes list.

Anyway, congratulations for you to support the most brutal assassins of the history of the planet and insult the poor people who works like beasties for few cents a day and barely have some rice to eat (once a day when they are lucky).

I have spent long time in countryside in Thailand,I can speak Thai, Lao, Ysaan and Korat fairly well,I can tell you in some villages even the RICHEST people have the basement of mud . When anyone get sick, he will automatically die because the cost medical care can be worth 100 years of an average salary of a farmer.

Takhsin tried to change the most brutal system in the world, and he was wiped out.... 50 euros a month for the miserable (they are thugs for you because they would like to eat twice a day at least on the weekends) is something unaceppatble to the elite who has dozens of billion of dollar.

Myanmar regime is full of doves and angels compared to Thailand.

What this country need is a French-style revolution, nothing more nothing less.... "the sun is me" sentence is still alive in Thailand in this century....

Umm ... going a bit overboard with the statistics aren't you?

99.99% don't have any money. 0.01% are billionaires.

65 million people. 64,993,500 don't have any money. 6,500 are billionaires (Thaksin being one of them ofcourse).

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In America the popular vote does not matter in the Presidential election. In fact there are some states that are so heavily one-sided that people do not bother to vote since nationally their vote wouldn't matter. (Very short-sighted of them since there are always other positions that run at the same time as well)

But your *moresomekl* idea of how a Parliamentary Democracy works is seriously flawed.

I totally disagree on the US , anyway i am not american and i can tell you it works perfectly in Europe .

Yes i can see how parlamentary democracy is working in Thailand hahaha .

Every day there is travel warning by foreign embassies , the current PM must take refuge in army barracks , the old one Mr T , is called a crook by most ppl in the forum . For 50 million THB a piece anyone can buy vote in the parliament . shall i continue ?

Congrats you have the best system in the world ....


You can disagree with my observations on the US all you want since talking about the US is off-topic anyways :D But the simple facts are as I stated them.

Note --- I said "Parliamentary Democracy" not Democracy in Thailand .. but your observations about Thailand and Europe seems fairly skewed too.

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With all due respect , i think you are misinformed .

In USA each party nominates his candidate , yes . However during the presidential election one of the choosen candidates is elected as president by the whole of the american people (its the one that has the more vote)


Same principle in all european country .

No, you are wrong.

First off, the voters don't elect the president in the US, the electoral college do. See here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electoral_vote

Secondly, in several European countries the PM isn't elected in an election, he/she is elected by the MPs that win or manage to gather a coalition strong enough to govern. Often the party leader of the biggest party in the coalition, but doesn't have to be.

The electoral college in the US is just a rubber stamp for the will of the voters . Its has no significant role after the election .

As for Europe i was talking about France , Germany , UK and so on ... shall i continue ?

Fine let you guys continue to have a PM capable of buying vote in the parliament for 50 milions baths a piece , asking yourself if the PM is elected or not , having travel warning from most embassy , poor people living on a shoe string that no one cares about , airport closed , billions of bahts lost now and before , and the army staging coup when the going gets hard , something that i think they dont like at all .

Good luck ...............

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Unfortunately they cannot.

The Red Shirt poor people who lives in INFRAHUMAN conditions with 50 euros a month , no pension, no medical care whatsoever and no rights whatsoever, cannot do anything against the most brutal regime on the face on earth, which have brutally killed dozens of thousands of innocent during the years.

Thailand is a stone-age country , where 99.99% of the people are slaves and hardly have money to eat once a day and 0.01% are richer than any billionaire on the Forbes list.

Anyway, congratulations for you to support the most brutal assassins of the history of the planet and insult the poor people who works like beasties for few cents a day and barely have some rice to eat (once a day when they are lucky).

I have spent long time in countryside in Thailand,I can speak Thai, Lao, Ysaan and Korat fairly well,I can tell you in some villages even the RICHEST people have the basement of mud . When anyone get sick, he will automatically die because the cost medical care can be worth 100 years of an average salary of a farmer.

Takhsin tried to change the most brutal system in the world, and he was wiped out.... 50 euros a month for the miserable (they are thugs for you because they would like to eat twice a day at least on the weekends) is something unaceppatble to the elite who has dozens of billion of dollar.

Myanmar regime is full of doves and angels compared to Thailand.

What this country need is a French-style revolution, nothing more nothing less.... "the sun is me" sentence is still alive in Thailand in this century....

LOL .. this may be the funniest post in the history of TVF. More statements of fact that are just wrong .. and ending in a clear violation of not only forum rules but also the law.

(and what an amazing claim for languages! I am impressed! LOL)

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In America the popular vote does not matter in the Presidential election. In fact there are some states that are so heavily one-sided that people do not bother to vote since nationally their vote wouldn't matter. (Very short-sighted of them since there are always other positions that run at the same time as well)

But your *moresomekl* idea of how a Parliamentary Democracy works is seriously flawed.

I totally disagree on the US , anyway i am not american and i can tell you it works perfectly in Europe .

Yes i can see how parlamentary democracy is working in Thailand hahaha .

Every day there is travel warning by foreign embassies , the current PM must take refuge in army barracks , the old one Mr T , is called a crook by most ppl in the forum . For 50 million THB a piece anyone can buy vote in the parliament . shall i continue ?

Congrats you have the best system in the world ....


You can disagree with my observations on the US all you want since talking about the US is off-topic anyways :D But the simple facts are as I stated them.

Note --- I said "Parliamentary Democracy" not Democracy in Thailand .. but your observations about Thailand and Europe seems fairly skewed too.

Ok in France some ppl dont go to vote thats on a case to case basis and an individual choice .

Yes the US is off topics .

But Thailand is on the topic and i was refering to parlementary democracy IN THAILAND ... Not in Japan or in general

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Moresomekl --- again you are wrong about the Electoral College. And about how Parliamentary democracies work.

No am not wrong , decision by the electoral college reflects the will of the voters

Yes parlementary democracy can work , problem is that in the case of Thailand it does not as events have prooven

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Unfortunately they cannot.

The Red Shirt poor people who lives in INFRAHUMAN conditions with 50 euros a month , no pension, no medical care whatsoever and no rights whatsoever, cannot do anything against the most brutal regime on the face on earth, which have brutally killed dozens of thousands of innocent during the years.

Thailand is a stone-age country , where 99.99% of the people are slaves and hardly have money to eat once a day and 0.01% are richer than any billionaire on the Forbes list.

Anyway, congratulations for you to support the most brutal assassins of the history of the planet and insult the poor people who works like beasties for few cents a day and barely have some rice to eat (once a day when they are lucky).

I have spent long time in countryside in Thailand,I can speak Thai, Lao, Ysaan and Korat fairly well,I can tell you in some villages even the RICHEST people have the basement of mud . When anyone get sick, he will automatically die because the cost medical care can be worth 100 years of an average salary of a farmer.

Takhsin tried to change the most brutal system in the world, and he was wiped out.... 50 euros a month for the miserable (they are thugs for you because they would like to eat twice a day at least on the weekends) is something unaceppatble to the elite who has dozens of billion of dollar.

Myanmar regime is full of doves and angels compared to Thailand.

What this country need is a French-style revolution, nothing more nothing less.... "the sun is me" sentence is still alive in Thailand in this century....

LOL .. this may be the funniest post in the history of TVF. More statements of fact that are just wrong .. and ending in a clear violation of not only forum rules but also the law.

(and what an amazing claim for languages! I am impressed! LOL)

Hahahaha so Thailand has 6,500 (0.01% of 65 million) billionaires then? Holy moly, we are the richest nation in the world! Gee, I should petition Forbes magazine now to revise their 100 most richest people list. What incredible insight, jdrake72! Also, I didn't know we are paying people in Euro currency now :)

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Does anyone really thinks, the RED Shirts Thugs can oust the PM

Unfortunately they cannot.

The Red Shirt poor people who lives in INFRAHUMAN conditions with 50 euros a month , no pension, no medical care whatsoever and no rights whatsoever, cannot do anything against the most brutal regime on the face on earth, which have brutally killed dozens of thousands of innocent during the years.

Thailand is a stone-age country , where 99.99% of the people are slaves and hardly have money to eat once a day and 0.01% are richer than any billionaire on the Forbes list.

Anyway, congratulations for you to support the most brutal assassins of the history of the planet and insult the poor people who works like beasties for few cents a day and barely have some rice to eat (once a day when they are lucky).

I have spent long time in countryside in Thailand,I can speak Thai, Lao, Ysaan and Korat fairly well,I can tell you in some villages even the RICHEST people have the basement of mud . When anyone get sick, he will automatically die because the cost medical care can be worth 100 years of an average salary of a farmer.

Takhsin tried to change the most brutal system in the world, and he was wiped out.... 50 euros a month for the miserable (they are thugs for you because they would like to eat twice a day at least on the weekends) is something unaceppatble to the elite who has dozens of billion of dollar.

Myanmar regime is full of doves and angels compared to Thailand.

What this country need is a French-style revolution, nothing more nothing less.... "the sun is me" sentence is still alive in Thailand in this century....

Umm ... going a bit overboard with the statistics aren't you?

99.99% don't have any money. 0.01% are billionaires.

65 million people. 64,993,500 don't have any money. 6,500 are billionaires (Thaksin being one of them ofcourse).

There is some truth in what drake says . besides the statistics . Problem is that the reds association with Mr T seems to be doing them not so much good . But then that is may be only in Bangkok by the middle class in this forum , as the other thais can not write in english

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did anybody really think Abhisit would give into the demands of these people? It will all go away when a more aggressive campaign as to the real nature of the fugitive they are supporting comes to light. To me it's just so weird that they let this cowardly behavior continue from abroad and just a simple campaign with education as the focus might be the best defense. Butwho knows,, everything i thought was normal is, just not here. :)

I could not see him doing that, and I am glad he stood his ground.

Does anyone really thinks, the RED Shirts Thugs can oust the PM

To refer to the R/Shirts as "Tugs" is wrong, they are Thai nationals and they have the right to take part in street protests against their political leaders activity if they feel neglected as a social group, which they obviously do, that is democracy old boy, similar street protests are currently taking place in several Western countries, (not to mention globally) and nobody will refer to them as tugs, such remarks would only be made by political leaders of a dictatorship, or a one party state.

The duty of the PM (and his cabinet) is to manage the country, thus it is his job to defuse the current street protests and this can not / will not take place by simply refusing to resign, he should ask them why they want him to resign, ask for details and proof of their objections, and then begin to make clarifications about his political visions regarding Thailand, the benefits of which would reflect to the advantage of all Thais, no matter their background or social class.

This, and only this will result into a positive solution of the current problem.

I note in my above posting a typographical error ... re: Thugs.

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Moresomekl --- again you are wrong about the Electoral College. And about how Parliamentary democracies work.

No am not wrong , decision by the electoral college reflects the will of the voters

Yes parlementary democracy can work , problem is that in the case of Thailand it does not as events have prooven

Wrong --- very recently Bush won against gore (Electoral College vote) but Gore won the popular vote.

(and the PM of France is appointed by the President ... the PM of the UK is appointed by the Queen from the party that wins the most seats)

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Yes I do, and I think they will.

Abhisit never won a popular election but was installed by a Parliamentary vote.

Why not accept the gauntlet and stand for election?

It isn't gonna happen. Why don't the redshirts just wait for the 2011 elections instead of further discrediting themselves?

Because the puppet master will have lost his momentum in his troubled times. He and his personal plan are the only reasons they are out there now. If he doesnot cut it now, he may be too late.

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Wrong --- very recently Bush won against gore (Electoral College vote) but Gore won the popular vote.

(and the PM of France is appointed by the President ... the PM of the UK is appointed by the Queen from the party that wins the most seats)

Very recently ? yeah ten years ago , and the vote was recounted then and it was found that Bush had a slim majority .

The PM of France is not the chief executive my friend , you should inform yourself better .

The PM of the UK is appointed by the Queen as per the wish of the majority of the british people , just a rubber stamp

What else ...?

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Yes I do, and I think they will.

Abhisit never won a popular election but was installed by a Parliamentary vote.

Why not accept the gauntlet and stand for election?

It isn't gonna happen. Why don't the redshirts just wait for the 2011 elections instead of further discrediting themselves?

Because the puppet master will have lost his momentum in his troubled times. He and his personal plan are the only reasons they are out there now. If he does not cut it now, he may be too late.

For the hundredth time:


He stood for election and is the head of his party.

When PTP could NOT make a coalition,

rules state the 2nd biggest vote getting PARTY, can then try.

The Dems succeeded and then ALL the coalition partners voted in Abhisit.

Mandate and properly done, constitutionally legal, election sequence.

Stop believing the lies, and check the <deleted>' facts for yourself,

and then stop parroting the lies. It's not rocket science.

Edited by animatic
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Yes I do, and I think they will.

Abhisit never won a popular election but was installed by a Parliamentary vote.

Why not accept the gauntlet and stand for election?

It isn't gonna happen. Why don't the redshirts just wait for the 2011 elections instead of further discrediting themselves?

Because the puppet master will have lost his momentum in his troubled times. He and his personal plan are the only reasons they are out there now. If he doesnot cut it now, he may be too late.

Perhaps you ought to read this before jumping to conclusions


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Yes I do, and I think they will.

Abhisit never won a popular election but was installed by a Parliamentary vote.

Why not accept the gauntlet and stand for election?

It isn't gonna happen. Why don't the redshirts just wait for the 2011 elections instead of further discrediting themselves?

Because the puppet master will have lost his momentum in his troubled times. He and his personal plan are the only reasons they are out there now. If he does not cut it now, he may be too late.

For the hundredth time:


He stood for election and is the head of his party.

When PTP could NOT make a coalition,

rules state the 2nd biggest vote getting PARTY, can then try.

The Dems succeeded and then ALL the coalition partners voted in Abhisit.

Mandate and properly done, constitutionally legal, election sequence.

Stop believing the lies, and check the <deleted>' facts for yourself,

and then stop parroting the lies. It's not rocket science.

Abhisit wons the vote of 0.000000001% of the thai people , that is true

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Yes I do, and I think they will.

Abhisit never won a popular election but was installed by a Parliamentary vote.

Why not accept the gauntlet and stand for election?

It isn't gonna happen. Why don't the redshirts just wait for the 2011 elections instead of further discrediting themselves?

Because the puppet master will have lost his momentum in his troubled times. He and his personal plan are the only reasons they are out there now. If he doesnot cut it now, he may be too late.

Perhaps you ought to read this before jumping to conclusions


Without thaksin and his personal fight, they wouldnot be in the streets.

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Abhisit wons the vote of 0.000000001% of the thai people , that is true

More like 30% of voters

In fact, in the last election more people voted for the Dems' than voted for the PTP.

How do ya' like that fact?

Edited by Moonrakers
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There just is no educating you, is there? You have a lot in common with Thaksin supporters in that way!

BTW ... Gore won the popular vote, period. Please check the facts before replying.

The PM of the UK may represent a minority of the voters since no party wins 50% often. (always?)

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Because the puppet master will have lost his momentum in his troubled times. He and his personal plan are the only reasons they are out there now. If he doesnot cut it now, he may be too late.

Perhaps you ought to read this before jumping to conclusions


Without thaksin and his personal fight, they wouldnot be in the streets.

Probably not as they would have no money to come to BKK . Does that seem fair to you ?

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There just is no educating you, is there? You have a lot in common with Thaksin supporters in that way!

BTW ... Gore won the popular vote, period. Please check the facts before replying.

The PM of the UK may represent a minority of the voters since no party wins 50% often. (always?)

I was watching CNN when the results were announced on Bush / Gore contest ... So i should know .

Then if the case the UK PM has to form a coalition with the secund party , but in any case he has more then 0.000000001% of the popular votes unlike the thai PM

Thank you

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There just is no educating you, is there? You have a lot in common with Thaksin supporters in that way!

BTW ... Gore won the popular vote, period. Please check the facts before replying.

The PM of the UK may represent a minority of the voters since no party wins 50% often. (always?)

I was watching CNN when the results were announced on Bush / Gore contest ... So i should know .

Then if the case the UK PM has to form a coalition with the secund party , but in any case he has more then 0.000000001% of the popular votes unlike the thai PM

Thank you

You is the one who needs an education i think ...

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