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When Will The Authorities Use Force?


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Don't get me wrong I dont want blood on the streets or anything but i have just read in the TV news updates (great job by the way) that the red shirts have started cutting at barbed wire fences at the army barracks, will throw blood at government house and will cut power to and storm the barracks.

This is not peaceful protesting anymore. Isn't it time the authorities stepped in and maintained civil order? Surely the government cant let them run amok just to say that they didnt use force.

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Whenever there's a demonstration and the government of the day 'step in to maintain order' it always ends up with the police cracking as many heads per minute as they can.

Is this what you mean ? I would be careful what you wish for, it will quite probably descend into a bloodbath at the first sign of trouble. It's just that nobody wants to be seen to start it.

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Whenever there's a demonstration and the government of the day 'step in to maintain order' it always ends up with the police cracking as many heads per minute as they can.

Is this what you mean ? I would be careful what you wish for, it will quite probably descend into a bloodbath at the first sign of trouble. It's just that nobody wants to be seen to start it.

Agree with you, but now grenade launchers have been fired into barracks and 2 soldiers injured! Time to break up the rally?

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i'm at the airport and while here we have over a hundred soldiers that ive seen putting barrackades at the ready, only one group was carrying rifles. from here you could beleive it was all a hoax.

went ouut down town last night, saw 4 red shirts on bikes one had a flag. its like any other day here. can't believe i thought i needed to come early... ah well..

signed: Non-event.

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now i hear a grenade has been launched hurting two soldiers. maybe that will get a reaction. if not, throwing blood on gov house sounds like a good way to spread the aids virus and garner the disgust of onlookers.

imho, we are done here. NEXT!

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I just did a two question poll....one of which was, "Do you think the protests will end in violence?"

Not 5 minutes later I read the in latest update that a M79 grenade was fired into a military compound and 2 soldiers wounded.

Guess my question was made irrelevent by events in less than 5 minutes.

But to your question, "Is it time for the government to use force?" my answer is still, "No, not yet"

That could change in the future, depending on events as they occur.


P.S. (personal opinion...not a fact) I guess now we know where those M-79 "triggering assembly"s went, don't we.

Edited by IMA_FARANG
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Yes, they must show restraint. Overreacting is playing directly into Thaksin's trap.

So your saying that even though they have used military weapons against the army, the authorities should still show restraint? To what extent? wait for another 5, 10 20 50 soldiers or innocent bystanders to be injured or killed?

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Yes, they must show restraint. Overreacting is playing directly into Thaksin's trap.

So your saying that even though they have used military weapons against the army, the authorities should still show restraint? To what extent? wait for another 5, 10 20 50 soldiers or innocent bystanders to be injured or killed?

I said restraint. I didn't say not react. They may have to use tear gas to disperse the crowd, that sort of thing. As someone who has been tear gassed, I can say it isn't pleasant, but its not a bullet either ...

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Yes, they must show restraint. Overreacting is playing directly into Thaksin's trap.

So your saying that even though they have used military weapons against the army, the authorities should still show restraint? To what extent? wait for another 5, 10 20 50 soldiers or innocent bystanders to be injured or killed?

I said restraint. I didn't say not react. They may have to use tear gas to disperse the crowd, that sort of thing. As someone who has been tear gassed, I can say it isn't pleasant, but its not a bullet either ...

My apologies, when i said use force i meant react to the situation. Tear gas and water cannons would be first line of defense. I didnt mean they should go out and just shoot them.

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Yes, they must show restraint. Overreacting is playing directly into Thaksin's trap.

So your saying that even though they have used military weapons against the army, the authorities should still show restraint? To what extent? wait for another 5, 10 20 50 soldiers or innocent bystanders to be injured or killed?

A lot more than that will be injured or killed if the army react too quickly.

It is not ALL the reds that threw the grenade, it was one or two red supporters (assuming it was reds - which I do).

The government and army still need to show some restraint.

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Since the red faction sympathisers seem to enjoy yelling "double standards" at every single opportunity, I say we listen to them this time.

We should use exactly the same force employed by the Somchai government previously. Let's kill just a few demonstrators by "accident". The reds supported that argument previously. Would that likely descend into civil war? Maybe. But at least then we would be "fair" and that is what the reds want, correct?

Personally, I think the concept of fairness is ridiculous. Life isn't fair. The whining red mob should simply go home and accept that good/justice has triumphed over evil/Thaksin. The excrable demagogue will not be returning.

Failing the quick departure of the reds, I expect the likely outcome is violence. There is a small chance of a defection by a coalition partner, and if that happens it might give us a few months of respite before the whole mess starts over again, but there is no chance of the red mob ever winning.

If the reds can't accept defeat, there will be no choice but to punish them until they do. The rest of the Thai people have rights too, and those rights were violated mercilessly by their supposed saviour and leader. Democracy or not, you can not whitewash the crimes of a tyrant, and that is what this protest is all about.

Use force if you have to, but get rid of the red miscreants as soon as possible.

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Yes, they must show restraint. Overreacting is playing directly into Thaksin's trap.

So your saying that even though they have used military weapons against the army, the authorities should still show restraint? To what extent? wait for another 5, 10 20 50 soldiers or innocent bystanders to be injured or killed?

A lot more than that will be injured or killed if the army react too quickly.

It is not ALL the reds that threw the grenade, it was one or two red supporters (assuming it was reds - which I do).

The government and army still need to show some restraint.

Simply because the guy who fired/threw the grenade wore a red shirt, does not mean he was red. False flag operations are a constant part of these kinds of disagreements.

Edited by Pakboong
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Yes, they must show restraint. Overreacting is playing directly into Thaksin's trap.

So your saying that even though they have used military weapons against the army, the authorities should still show restraint? To what extent? wait for another 5, 10 20 50 soldiers or innocent bystanders to be injured or killed?

A lot more than that will be injured or killed if the army react too quickly.

It is not ALL the reds that threw the grenade, it was one or two red supporters (assuming it was reds - which I do).

The government and army still need to show some restraint.

Simply because the guy who fired/threw the grenade wore a red shirt, does not mean he was red. False flag operations are a constant part of these kinds of disagreements.

you sound like tony webster!

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Simply because the guy who fired/threw the grenade wore a red shirt, does not mean he was red. False flag operations are a constant part of these kinds of disagreements.

you sound like tony webster!

according to the nation, they have arrested the guy.

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OK - a couple of guys drive to the scene, launch grenades from their car then drive away. In the meantime 100,000 citizens carry on with their peaceful demonstration.

Question - against whom should the police/army use force?

BTW - not at all trying to play down the seriousness of this cowardly attack.

Edited by chickenslegs
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shouldnt the authorities step in and stop the 1000 litres of mixed human blood being thrown? purely on a health issue?

Nope, but they should instigate a court action against the leaders of this group for coordinating such a dispicable act. Its malicious damage, simple.

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Maybe now they have given blood they might faint in the heat. Then the army can load up up in army trucks (like they did in the south) and ship them back up north.

As this blood throwing isnt going to change things, what have they got planned next??

Suicide ??

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you sound like tony webster!

Please provide the evidence that you have to authorities so they can deal with the offenders, I am assuming that you have evidence for this.

You are like suthep, first the turd throwers were red shirts, then the guns were stolen by red shirts, it really is laughable.

many examples of drama queens over reacting can be found in many threads over the past week, even one post talking about A10s flying over Udon thani :)

the fact is barring one incident that may or may not be linked to the reds it has been a peaceful protest, and I know how much that annoys some of you so i will keep repeating it.

Oh, and why mention me in a thread that I had not even posted in? seems a little childish to me, Like I actually matter in the bigger picture, it is an anonymous internet forum yet some of you seem to think your opinions are gospel and the opinions of others are trash, if any of you can PROVE my posts to be wrong then please feel free, you are all adept at posting untruths and wrong opinions yet seem to get all uppity when someone else writes a post that you disagree with.

Whistleblower :D come on blow the whistle, you must have lots of proof for all these wrongdoings you keep accusing people of.

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the fact is barring one incident that may or may not be linked to the reds it has been a peaceful protest, and I know how much that annoys some of you so i will keep repeating it.


It doesn't annoy me. It's a peaceful protest ... Fantastic.

** But it's not over yet. **

And that is exactly the same thing that red supporters would say when someone says the reds have lost (this round at least).

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you sound like tony webster!

Please provide the evidence that you have to authorities so they can deal with the offenders, I am assuming that you have evidence for this.

You are like suthep, first the turd throwers were red shirts, then the guns were stolen by red shirts, it really is laughable.

many examples of drama queens over reacting can be found in many threads over the past week, even one post talking about A10s flying over Udon thani :)

the fact is barring one incident that may or may not be linked to the reds it has been a peaceful protest, and I know how much that annoys some of you so i will keep repeating it.

Oh, and why mention me in a thread that I had not even posted in? seems a little childish to me, Like I actually matter in the bigger picture, it is an anonymous internet forum yet some of you seem to think your opinions are gospel and the opinions of others are trash, if any of you can PROVE my posts to be wrong then please feel free, you are all adept at posting untruths and wrong opinions yet seem to get all uppity when someone else writes a post that you disagree with.

Whistleblower :D come on blow the whistle, you must have lots of proof for all these wrongdoings you keep accusing people of.

Breaking in to an army barracks by cutting the fences = illegal entry - source The Nation newspaper.

Collection of human blood for throwing at Government buildings = willful damage to property (let alone the health hazzards and it being bloody stupid) - source the leader of your beloved redshirts!!!!!!

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"You are like suthep, first the turd throwers were red shirts, then the guns were stolen by red shirts, it really is laughable."

It was one of your beloved red shirt leaders that said they would throw male turds at the PM, female turds at the deputy PM and 3rd sex turds at Gen Prem'

So everyone heard it from the horses mouth so to speak. Are you now gonna say he didnt say this????

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you sound like tony webster!

Please provide the evidence that you have to authorities so they can deal with the offenders, I am assuming that you have evidence for this.

You are like suthep, first the turd throwers were red shirts, then the guns were stolen by red shirts, it really is laughable.

many examples of drama queens over reacting can be found in many threads over the past week, even one post talking about A10s flying over Udon thani :)

the fact is barring one incident that may or may not be linked to the reds it has been a peaceful protest, and I know how much that annoys some of you so i will keep repeating it.

Oh, and why mention me in a thread that I had not even posted in? seems a little childish to me, Like I actually matter in the bigger picture, it is an anonymous internet forum yet some of you seem to think your opinions are gospel and the opinions of others are trash, if any of you can PROVE my posts to be wrong then please feel free, you are all adept at posting untruths and wrong opinions yet seem to get all uppity when someone else writes a post that you disagree with.

Whistleblower :D come on blow the whistle, you must have lots of proof for all these wrongdoings you keep accusing people of.

whats the point in proving you wrong?

you made the same challenge two days ago and i did prove you wrong on another thread


post's #12 #17 #33

you have not even responded with an admission or god forbid an apology for being wrong

you are very good at spinning bad things into good but won't admit you are wrong when you are

you would make a good red MP

so really guys, don't waste your time responding to the troll Tonywebster, its pointless, as are reading most of his red biased comments

Edited by blackman
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