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Red Shirts Blood Campaign Is Dangerous : Health Groups


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Daftest thing I ever heard of, if the reds wanted to find a way to shoot themselves in the foot then this is definitely it.


What other peaceful mechanisms would you recommend now that Abhisit has refused to abide by Monday's request?

Something that allows you to 'up the ante' for a start. Where do you go from spilling blood collected from protesters. A mass suicide?, a mass burning of monks? I am not even sure that your description of this being a 'peaceful mechanism' is accurate either. It is symbolic of a very violent mechanism, and maybe the next stage is to take out the symbolism. Of course Abhisit has refused Mondays request. The Government as it sits is legal and constituional and the thought of this group of red lunatics running the country would be enough to move myself and my family out of here.

Yes, this is what I am most concerned about, and yet the protestors have reportedly refrained from violence so far. So what peaceful alternatives do you recommend for tomorrrow?

Go back home. Prepare for next election with a real program. Get rid of those muppets who are acting as leaders today. Does it sound peaceful enough?

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Sean, they came to town with a non-negotiable demand and they were denied. They lost. They went for all or nothing, and they got nothing. It is their fault for a dumb strategy. If they come and asked for a reasonable SOMETHING, they likely would have gotten something. Whose fault is it that their leadership is out of touch with reality? Time for them to regroup, period.

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Didn't their beloved leader say he would come running home if red shirt blood were spilled? Despite the heat and exhaustion, I'm sure at least some of the red shirts would've remembered that promise....

Plausible denial. His new "home" is Dubai. Reports are he is due back there Friday. That pretty much means admitting defeat for the red shirts. He is not coming back to Thailand in glory.

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I wonder what new and brilliant idea the Red Shirt leaders will come up with for Wednesday????

They've done feces and blood. They are quickly running out of bodily fluids.

Wednesday will be fling collected tubs of ejaculate day. :)

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Does anybody find it slightly amusing that Thais would rather part with their own blood than try the more traditional political protest of a hunger strike?


Yes that tickled my funny bone too. A hunger strike in Thailand is inconceivable, but imagine if they did, now that would certainly hit some big headlines, although it may well have the unwanted effect of alienating them from the rest of the population!

Besides, its highly likely to be ineffective, the government could just end it within a few hours with a few food stall operators and industrial sized fans wafting the scent over the crowd.

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This is absolutely ridiculous conduct by the reds. It will achieve nothing, make for a very bizarre semi occult spectacle and not gain them any friends domestically or internationally. I condemn it whole heartedly.

Now as for the conduct of the nurses. Very wrong in my opinion. However, the concept of what a medical person is and how they should conduct themselves is very different here in Thailand in comparison with the West. Lest we forget Chula hospital stating that it would refuse to treat police hurt in the clashes with the PAD. For which they were disciplined if I remember correctly.

Someone stop this insanity and deem the spreading of human blood an attack with a biohazard endangering the protesters themselves and arrest whoever is part of this stupidity.

You make an interesting point about Thailand and conduct - Thailand continues to promote itself as a first class medical tourism destination :D , yet it's code of conduct would appear to be nothing near like that - cake and eat it spring to mind :) . As far as I am concerned, the Nurses and Doctors are acting without ethics, morals and professional standards and they should be ashamed of it, just as those at Chula should be ashamed of their stance.

Irrespective, it is irresponsible of the medical bodies not to clamp down on this particular issue - and those that have instigated it should be charged for endngring public health.

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Does anybody find it slightly amusing that Thais would rather part with their own blood than try the more traditional political protest of a hunger strike?

Hunger strike? I wonder how long they could last without eating something? 1 1/2 hours max I would reckon in my extensive experience of Thai eating habits.

I would imagine that that tactic is in the CIA handbook for how to torture Thais. The perspex box with the carousel of food as in the Japanese game shows would get Thai's to spill the beans in minutes. I tell you what though, a hunger strike would probably scare the authorities even more. I can see it now.

"If they can go as far as to starve themselves, we underestimated their commitment to the cause."

A Thai starving themselves would probably be the equivalent of Christian self flagellation.

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I am beginning to wonder if it is you that needs to come to your senses. The way forward is by the due electoral process. What reason at all do you have that Abhisit should stand down?

The objective of these rallies is to 'demand' (thank you JT) that Abhisit dissolve the house. The reasons for this 'demand' are quite well understood by the protestors and by many others who have been ostracised by the current government.

Please suggest some sensible alternatives for peaceful protest that will ensure that the 'demands' are met tomorrow.

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I am beginning to wonder if it is you that needs to come to your senses. The way forward is by the due electoral process. What reason at all do you have that Abhisit should stand down?

The objective of these rallies is to 'demand' (thank you JT) that Abhisit dissolve the house. The reasons for this 'demand' are quite well understood by the protestors and by many others who have been ostracised by the current government.

Please suggest some sensible alternatives for peaceful protest that will ensure that the 'demands' are met tomorrow.

There are none. The majority of Thai people (by far) based on recent polls do NOT want the current government to dissolve and cave into the Thaksin red shirts. The red shirts have neither the people nor the moral authority to make such demands, by way of either violent or peaceful tactics. There are no peaceful tactics that will work for their unreasonable demands. They have a small chance of winning their demands by violence and chaos. Now the ball is in their court, accept defeat with the face saving (and PR damning) of their blood theater, or escalate a la Black Songkran, and try to create incidents that may stir up more support for their demands from the people. I have no idea which way they will choose. I hope the retreat choice, of course.

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From webfacts recent post

Protest leaders have announced 500,000 cc of blood has been collected. World record?

10 cc each, which means they have collected blood from 50,000 people!!!

THE NATION: To our knowledge, there r only a few dozens medical personnel for the bloody job. Each "collection" took 3-5 mins. pls help me with the math

If they had 50 people collecting the blood and managed to complete the operation in less than one minute (god help them), it would have taken 16 hours, but if each is taking 3-5 minutes, with half that many collectors...

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Wednesday will be fling collected tubs of ejaculate day. :)

I could be tempted to get involved in that, but as i am not allowed to join the protests, i would need some of the (female) protesters to put in the effort for me :D

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This seems almost scripted.

Reds predictably demand the government go home, the government of course refuses.

Reds swarm an army base, then are charmed by the army to clap their clappers and go away.

Reds draw blood, then state their intention to "intensify" the next level of action.

Etc etc.

If this is scripted, is it in the script that after all the unsuccessful peaceful protests to bring down the government, the Redshirts simply will go home quietly and peaceably to stay that way for up to the next 18 or so months?

I have my doubts.

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I am beginning to wonder if it is you that needs to come to your senses. The way forward is by the due electoral process. What reason at all do you have that Abhisit should stand down?

The objective of these rallies is to 'demand' (thank you JT) that Abhisit dissolve the house. The reasons for this 'demand' are quite well understood by the protestors and by many others who have been ostracised by the current government.

Please suggest some sensible alternatives for peaceful protest that will ensure that the 'demands' are met tomorrow.

There are none. The majority of Thai people (by far) based on recent polls do NOT want the current government to dissolve and cave into the Thaksin red shirts. The red shirts have neither the people nor the moral authority to make such demands, by way of either violent or peaceful tactics. There are no peaceful tactics that will work for their unreasonable demands. They have a small chance of winning their demands by violence and chaos. Now the ball is in their court, accept defeat with the face saving (and PR damning) of their blood theater, or escalate a la Black Songkran, and try to create incidents that may stir up more support for their demands from the people. I have no idea which way they will choose. I hope the retreat choice, of course.

True. The onus is on the protesters to prove why their demands should be met given that most people don't want dissolution now and their current protest is descending into some kind of surreal cult fantasy.

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I am beginning to wonder if it is you that needs to come to your senses. The way forward is by the due electoral process. What reason at all do you have that Abhisit should stand down?

The objective of these rallies is to 'demand' (thank you JT) that Abhisit dissolve the house. The reasons for this 'demand' are quite well understood by the protestors and by many others who have been ostracised by the current government.

Please suggest some sensible alternatives for peaceful protest that will ensure that the 'demands' are met tomorrow.

1. There are none.

2. The majority of Thai people (by far) based on recent polls do NOT want the current government to dissolve and cave into the Thaksin red shirts.

3. The red shirts have neither the people nor the moral authority to make such demands, by way of either violent or peaceful tactics.

4. There are no peaceful tactics that will work for their unreasonable demands. They have a small chance of winning their demands by violence and chaos.

5. Now the ball is in their court, accept defeat with the face saving (and PR damning) of their blood theater, or escalate a la Black Songkran, and try to create incidents that may stir up more support for their demands from the people. I have no idea which way they will choose. I hope the retreat choice, of course.

1. Let's hope not. There's only so much blood to give per-capita.

2. I suppose you mean the majority of Bangkok professionals working in offices with Internet access?

3. What makes you think that?

4. I hope they go more with the chaos than the violence.

5. This is why I ask again, what peaceful alternatives are there to this symbolic gesture of blood spilling?

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From webfacts recent post
Protest leaders have announced 500,000 cc of blood has been collected. World record?

10 cc each, which means they have collected blood from 50,000 people!!!

THE NATION: To our knowledge, there r only a few dozens medical personnel for the bloody job. Each "collection" took 3-5 mins. pls help me with the math

If they had 50 people collecting the blood and managed to complete the operation in less than one minute (god help them), it would have taken 16 hours, but if each is taking 3-5 minutes, with half that many collectors...

These are the same "protest leaders" who said there were 3,000,000 protestors yesterday.

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5. This is why I ask again, what peaceful alternatives are there to this symbolic gesture of blood spilling?

Well, I am finished playing games with you. Maybe someone else wants to play. To repeat, there is NOTHING peaceful they can do right now to get their demands, except wait for the next election. This is clear to rational people.

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I am beginning to wonder if it is you that needs to come to your senses. The way forward is by the due electoral process. What reason at all do you have that Abhisit should stand down?

The objective of these rallies is to 'demand' (thank you JT) that Abhisit dissolve the house. The reasons for this 'demand' are quite well understood by the protestors and by many others who have been ostracised by the current government.

Please suggest some sensible alternatives for peaceful protest that will ensure that the 'demands' are met tomorrow.

If I peacfully demand you no longer post on this forum, woud you comply? If I upped my language to strongly demand you cease posting on this forum, would you comply? I thought not. I'm not really asking you to stop posting, just illustrating how unreasonable demands are reacted to.

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I am beginning to wonder if it is you that needs to come to your senses. The way forward is by the due electoral process. What reason at all do you have that Abhisit should stand down?

The objective of these rallies is to 'demand' (thank you JT) that Abhisit dissolve the house. The reasons for this 'demand' are quite well understood by the protestors and by many others who have been ostracised by the current government.

Please suggest some sensible alternatives for peaceful protest that will ensure that the 'demands' are met tomorrow.

I say again: Go home and let the due electoral process take place. The current Government is legal. Start canvassing, start political campaigning, but there is no peaceful process that will allow the lunatic demands to be met by tomorrow. Thailand is just starting to make progress again, and here we are ready to start taking 10 steps back.

The reasons for this 'demand' are quite well understood by the protestors

Yes the reason for the demand being that I make 2000 baht if I join the protest! As Jingthing rightly says, the majority of the people involved in this protest have no idea of the political aspects of this.

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5. This is why I ask again, what peaceful alternatives are there to this symbolic gesture of blood spilling?

Well, I am finished playing games with you. Maybe someone else wants to play. To repeat, there is NOTHING peaceful they can do right now to get their demands, except wait for the next election. This is clear to rational people.

Okay. For lack of any other peaceful alternatives, we can only conclude that this symbolic gesture is rather original and creative, and certainly bound to create a lot of publicity to get tongues talking. Hopefully there are other suitable alternatives for peaceful demonstration still available for tomorrow.

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I hear that all flights to Bangkok will be issuing sick-bags to passengers upon landing, and not on departure.

As a disclaimer, this is not true (as far as a I know), this is a joke, with sadness & a certain world-weary cynicism & also a bit of despair. Please forgive me. Words fail me when I see this blood-curdling news story.

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Daftest thing I ever heard of, if the reds wanted to find a way to shoot themselves in the foot then this is definitely it.


What other peaceful mechanisms would you recommend now that Abhisit has refused to abide by Monday's request?


It was not a request.

It was a rude DEMAND with no room for negotiation of any kind.

Sugar coat it with your polite words, but the red shirt leaders are anything but polite. And now the blod. It is indeed disgusting.

Okay then, if you want to split hairs because of your attitude, then please tell me what other peaceful mechanisms you would recommend now that Abhisit has refused to abide by Monday's demands?

Is that a better way to rephrase the same question more to your liking?

I believe PM Abhisit was right to say NO, and I sincerely hope and believe he will continue to say NO.

Let the red shirts come up with there own strategies, none of which will win or force PM Abhsisit to change his mind.

He's absolutely right to refuse their request/demand or whatever you call it.

Here's what so many refuse to acknowledge:

- Thailand definitely needs change / reform or whatever you want to call it, many many Thais from all walks of life will very quickly acknowledge this point, including:

- More equitable sharing of the common wealth of Thailand, including a strong lift in the quality of life for the people on the lowest rung of the ladder.

- More equitable access to quality education (hopefully free) and more equitable job pportunities etc etc.

- Equal justice for all Thais regardless of personal background.

There is a need for a credidble well informed democracy movement to push for these changes, because current 'old boys club' politicians, many of them rural poo yais, will not quickly give up their existing easy access to the spoils.

But, the UDD red shirts are not a credible well informed, insightful democracy movement.

When has any of their leaders / members ever made a presentation / taken part in a debate, a round table discussion talking in depth about the benefits of democracy, the pillars of democracy, the factors which have to be protected very carefully to protect democracy?


They set up 495 'democracy schools'. What's the curriculum? Sit and listen, again and again to old tapes of hatred. Nothing constructive is 'taught'.

The rural poor (with absolute respect for the rural poor, same as respect for all human beings) have been manipulated and used by their own local poo yai for decades. Their local poo yai have in fact got rich, powerful and in many cases ruthless, whilst the local village people have remained poor and in many villages in need of handouts to survive. All deliberate.

They have been ruthlessly used by the vast majority of their local politicians who make up the cdentral parliament. Their local politicians have in fact used them ruthlessly by keeping them poor, deliberately no development, deliberately poor quality education, and uninformed and by buying their votes and promising them the world (and falsely promising hope), in fact buying their votes is a small price to pay for open access to stealing the wealth of Thailand.

I say again, the UDD / red shirts are not a credible force for change.

Thailands best hope is PM Abhisit and Khun Korn. They are already taking Thailand forward and are already working towards reducing the gap in sharing the wealth, massive improvments in education etc. etc.

And you might like to note that PM Abhisit has respected their right to freedom of speech, their right to protest etc.

Back to the thread, splashing blood is not going to impress anybody and will certainly not change PM Abhisit's stand. Nothing will.

PM Abhisit and Khun Korn, please keep up your good work.

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Thank you for posting. In response to BBC's comment at the bottom of their article:

Are you in Thailand? What do you think of the protests? Send us your comments:

Will send links to the photos of the 11 year-old boy's blood stick to the email they list there.

International condemnation of this insanity needs to come out.

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5. This is why I ask again, what peaceful alternatives are there to this symbolic gesture of blood spilling?

Well, I am finished playing games with you. Maybe someone else wants to play. To repeat, there is NOTHING peaceful they can do right now to get their demands, except wait for the next election. This is clear to rational people.

Okay. For lack of any other peaceful alternatives, we can only conclude that this symbolic gesture is rather original and creative, and certainly bound to create a lot of publicity to get tongues talking. Hopefully there are other suitable alternatives for peaceful demonstration still available for tomorrow.

YOU and only YOU can conclude that this symbolic gesture is rather original and creative, and certainly bound to create a lot of publicity to get tongues talking.

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5. This is why I ask again, what peaceful alternatives are there to this symbolic gesture of blood spilling?

Well, I am finished playing games with you. Maybe someone else wants to play. To repeat, there is NOTHING peaceful they can do right now to get their demands, except wait for the next election. This is clear to rational people.

Okay. For lack of any other peaceful alternatives, we can only conclude that this symbolic gesture is rather original and creative, and certainly bound to create a lot of publicity to get tongues talking. Hopefully there are other suitable alternatives for peaceful demonstration still available for tomorrow.

YOU and only YOU can conclude that this symbolic gesture is rather original and creative, and certainly bound to create a lot of publicity to get tongues talking.

Precisely, unless YOU have a better idea?

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It is already creating a lot of publicity. Bad publicity. People all over the world are laughing at Thailand now. Kudos, Khun Thaksin. Within Thailand, you can feel the backlash growing against the irrational red shirts. The idea of this group ruling this country is scary now to the majority, and with good reason.

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