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Throwing Blood


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Collecting 1 million cc's of blood for simply throwing at a building is one of the most selfish acts ive ever heard of. Surely the hospitals are always in need of blood donations. These 'Thais love Thais' have proven again they will do anything for money and Thaksin and his cronies have proved again that they will stoop to any level to get what they want.

Any medics out there know what the health implications are for splattering 1 million ccs of mixed human blood around??

Also how much is that in pints?

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1760.5 pints

That could save a few lives in hospitals. What a waste.


Considering the shortage of blood donors in Thailand and around the world...this is a true crime against humanity.

Oh Thaksin..........

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1760.5 pints

That could save a few lives in hospitals. What a waste.


Considering the shortage of blood donors in Thailand and around the world...this is a true crime against humanity.

Oh Thaksin..........

If there is a shortage then why not put it up for sale ?

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All of you whiners go to the hospital and donate right now. Oh you won't? Hypocrites.

I donate blood 4 times a year. Have done since my cousin was involved in a motorbike accident and needed pints and pints of donated blood during emergency surgery. That was 20 years ago!

Am i still a hypocrite?

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I'm not discouraging people from donating. And I'm definitely not expressing any opinion at all concerning Thai politics. (Glass houses come to mind)

But I worked in a Blood Bank for several years in a city in the Northeast (US) and a shortage of blood was never a problem. In fact, I heard stories about all the blood that was destroyed not long after the September 11th attacks because it had expired.

Saying it's selfish or wrong because this blood could be used in hospitals instead is a very weak argument against this act, IMHO. Certainly not a crime against humanity. And to suggest that it is even on the same level as true crimes against humanity is to make light of actual crimes against humanity and the level of human suffering they inflict. Shame

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All of you whiners go to the hospital and donate right now. Oh you won't? Hypocrites.

I donate blood 4 times a year. Have done since my cousin was involved in a motorbike accident and needed pints and pints of donated blood during emergency surgery. That was 20 years ago!

Am i still a hypocrite?

Yes, because as a person who has done selfless acts such as these you still have the mind to tell others what to do with their bodies and their own blood, as if they somehow now owe their blood to the hospital once it's been extracted. That's hypocrisy. They have zero obligation to engage in any sort of blood donation. None whatsoever.

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All of you whiners go to the hospital and donate right now. Oh you won't? Hypocrites.

I agree, its their own blood, they can do what ever they want with it.

like faeces?

I guess. Fortunately we're not dealing with the Brown Shirts here... could have been a messy ordeal

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Any doctor or nurse who take the blood to be wasted, probably don’t care how they do draw the blood. They used dirty needles, or same needle. This would one more Mr. T. legacy transmitting HIV from one to all his supporter

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All of you whiners go to the hospital and donate right now. Oh you won't? Hypocrites.

I donate blood 4 times a year. Have done since my cousin was involved in a motorbike accident and needed pints and pints of donated blood during emergency surgery. That was 20 years ago!

Am i still a hypocrite?

Yes, because as a person who has done selfless acts such as these you still have the mind to tell others what to do with their bodies and their own blood, as if they somehow now owe their blood to the hospital once it's been extracted. That's hypocrisy. They have zero obligation to engage in any sort of blood donation. None whatsoever.

i didnt anywhere in my post say that they had to donate it to hospitals. I just said it could be put to better use.

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Any doctor or nurse who take the blood to be wasted, probably don't care how they do draw the blood. They used dirty needles, or same needle. This would one more Mr. T. legacy transmitting HIV from one to all his supporter

Any sources on these claims?

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Any doctor or nurse who take the blood to be wasted, probably don’t care how they do draw the blood. They used dirty needles, or same needle. This would one more Mr. T. legacy transmitting HIV from one to all his supporter

Perhaps underestimating the compassion and intelligence of Thai medical professionals.

People come from all over the world to be seen at Thai hospitals. The healthcare system is world class.

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All of you whiners go to the hospital and donate right now. Oh you won't? Hypocrites.

I have a 5-gallon donor pin and not a drop of it was ever wasted on some tin-pot dictator.

How about you, name-caller?

Edited by zirc
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I'm not discouraging people from donating. And I'm definitely not expressing any opinion at all concerning Thai politics. (Glass houses come to mind)

But I worked in a Blood Bank for several years in a city in the Northeast (US) and a shortage of blood was never a problem. In fact, I heard stories about all the blood that was destroyed not long after the September 11th attacks because it had expired.

Saying it's selfish or wrong because this blood could be used in hospitals instead is a very weak argument against this act,

As a former Blood Bank worker, then surely you know that shortages/surpluses are regionally and situationally determined. There is no such blood surplus here as you experienced in the USA.

IMHO, it is selfish to shamelessly discard this essential medical component and particularly for such a worthless cause.

The choice to donate is, of course, entirely voluntary, but it's ludicrous for someone to go to the trouble of having blood extracted from their body... only to throw it in on the ground. While it's certainly their right to do with it what they want, they are stupid to toss out potentially life-saving material.

The health hazards of such nonsense far surpasses any civil liberties. Blood is a notorious medium for disease-causing organisms to thrive on. That's why septicemia (blood infections) kills thousands every year. It's also why hospitals around the world spend billions of dollars properly and safely disposing of blood-contaminated articles.

Fortunately, I just read that out of 100,000 promised donors, only 500 idiots came through today, thus reducing the hazard.

Edited by zirc
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I'm not discouraging people from donating. And I'm definitely not expressing any opinion at all concerning Thai politics. (Glass houses come to mind)

But I worked in a Blood Bank for several years in a city in the Northeast (US) and a shortage of blood was never a problem. In fact, I heard stories about all the blood that was destroyed not long after the September 11th attacks because it had expired.

Saying it's selfish or wrong because this blood could be used in hospitals instead is a very weak argument against this act, IMHO. Certainly not a crime against humanity. And to suggest that it is even on the same level as true crimes against humanity is to make light of actual crimes against humanity and the level of human suffering they inflict. Shame

Is this really the point?

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All of you whiners go to the hospital and donate right now. Oh you won't? Hypocrites.

I agree, its their own blood, they can do what ever they want with it.

like faeces?

Yet another moronic act by these brain-challenged... and yet another harbor for the most vile of disease-causing bacteria to thrive in.

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Any doctor or nurse who take the blood to be wasted, probably don't care how they do draw the blood. They used dirty needles, or same needle. This would one more Mr. T. legacy transmitting HIV from one to all his supporter

Perhaps underestimating the compassion and intelligence of Thai medical professionals.

People come from all over the world to be seen at Thai hospitals. The healthcare system is world class.

It is cheaper but not the best. May be that is more of the reason

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I have to wonder who came up with this brilliant idea, was it Taksin himself?

I don't think they realized the missed metaphor: "sacrificing your blood for your country" is a way of saying you will lay down your life in the cause of patriotism. Surgical extraction and splashing it around is just another way of being ugly.

I'm wondering if the political satire crowd (like Colbert) will pick up on this, but maybe they will find it too exotic (criticizing foreign cultures amounts to insensitivity) or just downright crude.

On the other hand, after giving blood they'll have a little less energy today.

What next? "Blood in the streets" and canals?

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I have to wonder who came up with this brilliant idea, was it Taksin himself?

I don't think they realized the missed metaphor: "sacrificing your blood for your country" is a way of saying you will lay down your life in the cause of patriotism. Surgical extraction and splashing it around is just another way of being ugly.

I'm wondering if the political satire crowd (like Colbert) will pick up on this, but maybe they will find it too exotic (criticizing foreign cultures amounts to insensitivity) or just downright crude.

On the other hand, after giving blood they'll have a little less energy today.

What next? "Blood in the streets" and canals?

don't give them any idea please


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As evidenced by the outrage of most of you guys and from the coverage by the national and international media I feel that the stunt is very effective. People are talking about it and that's exactly what the Reds want and need. The worst thing for them is being forgotten. Their symbolic act is something that raises the attention of the masses not only in Thailand and they all want to know the answer to why they are doing it. No matter whether good or bad - the people are talking about it.

The people that are against the Reds will find hundreds of reasons why this is a stupid idea, the people that are strongly in favor of the reds will understand, encourage and appreciate it and the majority will not care much. The reaction to the blood splattering will polarize more people and that's again what they need.

I just read in the Bangkok Post that Thaksin was actually not supporting the blood idea - the idea was born by some of the leaders and supported mainly by the Eastern and North Eastern Khmer influenced people. The blood is used to also curse the government an in their belief this is an extremely strong act.

Don't flame me for taking the Red's side by claiming their stunt is effective; I'm not a friend of such groups (I would rather see the no-shirts than the yellow, blue, red or green shirts..) - I just try to take an objective viewpoint here.

Edited by TallForeigner
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