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Is Giving My Girlfriend 20,000 Baht Per Month Enough?


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Why pay her money each month to start with.....its a slippery slope.....

Well said, "...a slippery slope" is the best way to describe this. Admittedly, I give the wife money when I go to work (month on/off rotation) but when I come back this stops. If we go shopping (on v.rare occassions I might add), I'll buy her what she wants within reason. If she's hungry - have a few hundred baht and indulge...need lipstick have 100 baht and enjoy. Don't take the p*** out of me and everyone is happy. For what it's worth stick to the 20k which is MORE than enough....if the GF continues to kick up a fuss....do I need to say anymore?

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Normally I dont bother to read this type of topics. I'm usually in the opinion of - If you dont realize it after a month, youre a fool getting taken for a ride. I can spot it a mile away.... But I got bored, so I read. lol

20k is excessive. Now if she stuck both her kids in private school, I can understand. But I'm assuming no, they are in the regular school. 20k is "Hi So" living for someone who is NOT also paying rent and payments for car or something.

hel_l here you guys are spending these massive amounts on girls, who in the end, sits at home and spends more while I'm scrimping to get by on a budget less then 5k (not including dorm, school, visa). lol That 20k would pay for visa and 2 months of class at my university. lol

If you like her and believe the feeling is mutual under all that, put her on a spending diet. YOU personally send money to her mother. YOU pay for the things for the kids. YOU pay for the things she needs. Dont just give her that amount at once.

I personally think 10k would be enough to buy snacks and such for the kids, and school supplies, some new clothes to replace worn items. She shouldnt need more unless she's counting food and household items into it. And I think those things should be monitored by you anyways.

Anyways, if she doesnt like that and makes a fuss... well you know what should happen then. Yeah, sounds harsh but so is her taking advantage of your generosity.

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what you say is so true F1.Some guys seem to want to give their new loved ones a life style comparable to living in the west and in so many cases once the lass has them,pisses the guy off.I cannot understand why they cannot better their lifestyle more slowly.For example,say a thai lady who is not uni qualifed were to work 6 days a week,either in shop or factory,she would likely receive a salary of 6-7 thousand baht pm.So why not take her out of the factory and give her a monthly allowance of say 10,000 baht pm.She is immediately better off by 3000 baht,does n't have to work,pay rent or buy food.It seems some guys are hel_l bent on off loading more money than most thai ladies would see in a life time and do it in a few months or a year of meeting them,the usual land/house/car package.Its unlikely western guys would do it so speedily back home,so why do it here?

I think those Western guys off load their money so quickly here because of the heat... it just screws up your judgement... lol 55555555555

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"..am I being taken for a ride?..."

Yes sir, you most assuredly are.

To be fair, many men here on decent packages are more than happy to pay 20k per month to be taken for a ride with a live-in-girl.

Just don't think there is feelings involved [from her] and things will be fine.

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From what I've heard about the Asian internet dating sites there are a lot of misconceptions with both the women and men participants. Lonely men want a pretty gal they would have no chance of meeting in their home country and are willing to spend big dollars to get one. On the other side there are thousands of attractive Asian women who come from very poor families and want someone to take them out of their predicament. Very often the gals get a unrealistic picture of the real story and think every farang is loaded with money.

That is all okay until personal attraction and personalities come into play. Add to that the case where the men can't or won't live full time in Thailand. When the cat's away the mice will play. I've seen it so often that I've become hardened to honesty in all participants.

If you want to throw money away then that is your choice. I just consider any money I spend on women as form of charity. Just don't make any long range plans.

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I for one have enjoyed reading this thread in its entirety. It is a classic discussion of the have and have nots. Some people have brains and some people have not.

Some people have a clue about what is going on and some people have not.

It answers another question I have often wondered about and that is how many people who post on Thai Visa live in Thailand. Deduct multiple posts and it is easy to figure out.

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Thanks Transam. Even at 20,000, that's double what many of my Thai friends pull in and they get by just fine. In fact, they usually have nicer cellphones and gadgets than I do. Rent 2K a month, Utilities 1K, food 1K. The rest is all just beer and pool money. Tommy does make one good point though whether he intended it or not. The key word used was "existing" and I am actually taking that as a compliment. I work hard, and to be existing in a country that is not my own without help or backup is an accomplishment in my eyes. I do still wish I could have just a small portion of all that "Stupid Farang Cash" that I see the girls spending on useless crap everyday. In all honesty, I've been on the receiving end of it more than a few times. When one of my female Thai friends' wants to party and blow through some cash and the BF is back in Farangland, I get the call and am usually more than happy to show up.

Her thinking is that if he was stupid enough to keep sending it, she might as well enjoy it with people she "wants" to hang out with. :)

If ya can't beat 'em join 'em, and my most sincere gratitude to whoever picked up my tab the other night. :D

Are you joking? 1k a month for food? :D What are they eating Mamma noodles and fresh air? :D

And yes, you must be truly handsome and a great catch for any TG :D :D


Edited by RAZZELL
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I would say about half of my neighbors wives are stay at home moms. The other half seem to leave every day so I assume they are working. The gold digger guys comment is quite reflective to me ... he says most family's "he knows" ..... I don't believe that translates to most family's ..... I don't know any people who live on that except the street sweepers here. And that doesn't translate to mean that no one does. All I'm saying is enough for what and who is the question, obviously it's not enough for her so why he is asking us in the first place is kind of odd. People have different expectations obviously her's is higher than 20K per month extra. I wouldn't jump to the conclution that she's a gold digger, perhaps she just has a higher expectation for her lifestyle than 20k would provide, nothing wrong with that. Her working to support that is no doubt a decent idea, but to say that because someone is Thai that they should be happy to live on that money or are greedy if they don't want to I think is wrong. I'm not even saying if he should or shouldn't tell her to work, or give her anything, i'm just saying I think people deserve more than a 20k lifestyle provides and I wouldn't call a woman greedy for wanting a better lifestyle than that. People want things like cars, weekend trips, day spas, ect and that cost money and wanting it isn't by default greedy or unreasonable.

This idea that because some people live on 10k per month it makes it a reasonable standard or a Thai standard is crazy to me because those people are at the very lowest end of the wage earners in an already poor country, and using the low end of the scale and thinking it's all anyone needs or deserves is kind of the opposite of the gold digger idea. It's a bit like going to America as a person with more money than Americans and thinking that some young pretty girl or any girl should be happy or is a gold digger if she wants more than what a wall mart worker makes and using the rational that lots of people live like that so why shouldn't you ? Just because a lot of people are poor doesn't mean everyone will be or should be happy to be poor.

And saying people who raise family's on 10K bhat are not poor is just plain stupid.

Exactly...great post :)


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Why can't she work p-t.? Do you think this is okay, having to pay a girlfriend for being with you? 20 k seems a lot more than what the average girl is making in such a shop. Go figure.

Guys, look at girls with better jobs. But those won't say "hello sexy man" :)

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Man O man........ Is this for real?

How can "farang" men be so naive (stupid)?

Thailand is a paradise for ill intentioned "farangs" but remember, it is also a paradise for ill intentioned Thai ladies.

Once I met a Thai lady having a monthly income from 7 different "farangs". Each paying her 15.000. That makes 105.000 Baht a month. All of that money went to her Thai husband who was a drinker and gambler.

She was even proud of herself that she could manage doing that. For her, as for so many other ladies, it was just normal.

One direct question. Would you pay any of the ladies you know in your country about 3.000 euro or about 4.500 US$ a month? Would you? Just give it to her and pay extra for the food and living costs to her? Would you?

Get real man.

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Man O man........ Is this for real?

How can "farang" men be so naive (stupid)?

Thailand is a paradise for ill intentioned "farangs" but remember, it is also a paradise for ill intentioned Thai ladies.

Once I met a Thai lady having a monthly income from 7 different "farangs". Each paying her 15.000. That makes 105.000 Baht a month. All of that money went to her Thai husband who was a drinker and gambler.

She was even proud of herself that she could manage doing that. For her, as for so many other ladies, it was just normal.

One direct question. Would you pay any of the ladies you know in your country about 3.000 euro or about 4.500 US$ a month? Would you? Just give it to her and pay extra for the food and living costs to her? Would you?

Get real man.

No doubt there is a good deal of this here. I just can not understand such a twisted and corrupted psyche, on the part of these women. It is something you would only see only from hard core hookers and their pimps in my home country. Here in LOS such stuff is common.

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[quote name='invex' date='2010-04-02 10:26:08' post='3464865']

Man O man........ Is this for real?

How can "farang" men be so naive (stupid)?

Thailand is a paradise for ill intentioned "farangs" but remember, it is also a paradise for ill intentioned Thai ladies.

Once I met a Thai lady having a monthly income from 7 different "farangs". Each paying her 15.000. That makes 105.000 Baht a month. All of that money went to her Thai husband who was a drinker and gambler.

She was even proud of herself that she could manage doing that. For her, as for so many other ladies, it was just normal.

One direct question. Would you pay any of the ladies you know in your country about 3.000 euro or about 4.500 US$ a month? Would you? Just give it to her and pay extra for the food and living costs to her? Would you?

Get real man.

This Thai husband brings me on a a idea :)

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So basically you dont live all the time with your gf ?

Just visit her ?

And you know her only for one year ?

Assuming am right on those 3 points :

Well 30,000baths as hair dresser is pure bullshit unless she is the boss .

My gf last time started at 8000 baths a month 3 years back as hairstylist near Patunam ,

So your gf lied to you , that should already alert you .

Besides be aware that often a girl receive money not only from one farang

but from a few , and that many have a thai bf or husband to keep them company

when their "bf's" is not around .

With this in mind you should find a bit more about her . And 10K seems to me the maximum

until you find the real story

If you live with her all the time then forget what i said , but then it should be fairly easy for

you to know how much is needed for the household .

Good luck mate

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i feel so lucky reading these posts :)

i met my g/f in yangon, when she was working selling hotdogs for 20 US dollars a month!

she got the sack because of her relationship with me, so i started paying her $60 per month to teach me burmese. her parents lost their home in the cyclone, and i came back to visit but they didn't ask for a penny. i gave them a couple of thousand dollars to rebuild, and they still want to pay it back. amazing, but that's burma for you - NOT thailand.

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When I started coming to Thailand I was earning the big farang dollars, and as naive as some of the other posters in this thread. I met a nice girl working in a laundry (~฿-3000/m) to support her 3 kids. Got her out of the laundry, brought the kids down from up-country, give her 5000/m to live on in my long term rental house, and after a few years, married her. Retired @ 50 because of arthritis with what I thought was enough money to live on for the rest of my life; WRONG! Marrying is like giving the keys to the blood bank to a vampire! Comparing a girlfriend who gets some spending money to a prostitute is plain stupidity.

Assets severely depleted, and after some time, I moved in another lady. I found her a job as a barmaid (not a girly bar), 6 x 8hr shifts /week for ฿1500, which she considered to be good working conditions. I topped that up with another ฿ุ6000, she got a nice place to live and use of a Wave. She quit the job after a couple of years, said she didn't need the money. I don't ask what she does with her B6000, but I had to buy another wardrobe to hold all her clothes, she has more shoes than Imelda Marcos, and since she quit work I get 2 quality thai meals a day. To be honest, I chip in another 1500-2000/m for market money, I buy her one baht of gold each birthday (retirement plan), and I bought her a new bike after 4 years in which she has asked me for very little.

In contrast, one of my neighbours was a beautiful young thai girl who had married an American dentist in his early 30's and quite handsome, according to the gf. He spent 3-4 months here each year, and sent her ฿200,000/m when away. He bought a new pick-up, bike and got her a green card. She hung herself.

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i feel so lucky reading these posts :)

i met my g/f in yangon, when she was working selling hotdogs for 20 US dollars a month!

she got the sack because of her relationship with me, so i started paying her $60 per month to teach me burmese. her parents lost their home in the cyclone, and i came back to visit but they didn't ask for a penny. i gave them a couple of thousand dollars to rebuild, and they still want to pay it back. amazing, but that's burma for you - NOT thailand.

Interesting experience .

But there are good ladies in Thailand , my gf one of them

she lived with me two years and though i was broke at that time,

never complained . We are together ever since (that was 12 years ago)

Edited by moresomekl
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When I started coming to Thailand I was earning the big farang dollars, and as naive as some of the other posters in this thread. I met a nice girl working in a laundry (~฿-3000/m) to support her 3 kids. Got her out of the laundry, brought the kids down from up-country, give her 5000/m to live on in my long term rental house, and after a few years, married her. Retired @ 50 because of arthritis with what I thought was enough money to live on for the rest of my life; WRONG! Marrying is like giving the keys to the blood bank to a vampire! Comparing a girlfriend who gets some spending money to a prostitute is plain stupidity.

Assets severely depleted, and after some time, I moved in another lady. I found her a job as a barmaid (not a girly bar), 6 x 8hr shifts /week for ฿1500, which she considered to be good working conditions. I topped that up with another ฿ุ6000, she got a nice place to live and use of a Wave. She quit the job after a couple of years, said she didn't need the money. I don't ask what she does with her B6000, but I had to buy another wardrobe to hold all her clothes, she has more shoes than Imelda Marcos, and since she quit work I get 2 quality thai meals a day. To be honest, I chip in another 1500-2000/m for market money, I buy her one baht of gold each birthday (retirement plan), and I bought her a new bike after 4 years in which she has asked me for very little.

In contrast, one of my neighbours was a beautiful young thai girl who had married an American dentist in his early 30's and quite handsome, according to the gf. He spent 3-4 months here each year, and sent her ฿200,000/m when away. He bought a new pick-up, bike and got her a green card. She hung herself.

For 6-8K bht pr mo you are getting a good deal. I presume your lady is true to you and trustworthy and you get 100% of her free time, if you want it. The ones I see most often I would put in the prostitute class, because they have no intention to be exclusive to me. They are constantly on the lookout for an upgrade. They think money is the end all to be all. I have only seen a couple different from this.

I suppose the 200K girl went to America, since you mention green card. I think such is a drastic move to a foreign woman, unless they are prepared for the culture shock. It's like going to another planet from Thailand. So sorry she came to such an end.

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Assume the OP is living with his "farang" girlfriend and her two children here in Thailand, what should be the right amount to give her ?

Do you know any Farangs who lives with a Farang GF in Thailand? ... and with two children no less?? Never heard of it.

You have now.... :)

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Assume the OP is living with his "farang" girlfriend and her two children here in Thailand, what should be the right amount to give her ?

Do you know any Farangs who lives with a Farang GF in Thailand? ... and with two children no less?? Never heard of it.

You have now.... :)


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She gives 5k to her mom and her room rent (Maybe around 3k-4k?)

so she has 11k left for herself and her kids.

If she tighten her belt. She can live with that amount of money.

but Since she has kids, I think give her 25k per month is OK. but shouldn't give her more than that.

Time to wake-up, smell the coffee and piss her off. I'm sure she has a Thai bf to support and they can be expensive! :)

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When I started coming to Thailand I was earning the big farang dollars, and as naive as some of the other posters in this thread. I met a nice girl working in a laundry (~฿-3000/m) to support her 3 kids. Got her out of the laundry, brought the kids down from up-country, give her 5000/m to live on in my long term rental house, and after a few years, married her. Retired @ 50 because of arthritis with what I thought was enough money to live on for the rest of my life; WRONG! Marrying is like giving the keys to the blood bank to a vampire! Comparing a girlfriend who gets some spending money to a prostitute is plain stupidity.

Assets severely depleted, and after some time, I moved in another lady. I found her a job as a barmaid (not a girly bar), 6 x 8hr shifts /week for ฿1500, which she considered to be good working conditions. I topped that up with another ฿ุ6000, she got a nice place to live and use of a Wave. She quit the job after a couple of years, said she didn't need the money. I don't ask what she does with her B6000, but I had to buy another wardrobe to hold all her clothes, she has more shoes than Imelda Marcos, and since she quit work I get 2 quality thai meals a day. To be honest, I chip in another 1500-2000/m for market money, I buy her one baht of gold each birthday (retirement plan), and I bought her a new bike after 4 years in which she has asked me for very little.

In contrast, one of my neighbours was a beautiful young thai girl who had married an American dentist in his early 30's and quite handsome, according to the gf. He spent 3-4 months here each year, and sent her ฿200,000/m when away. He bought a new pick-up, bike and got her a green card. She hung herself.

For 6-8K bht pr mo you are getting a good deal. I presume your lady is true to you and trustworthy and you get 100% of her free time, if you want it. The ones I see most often I would put in the prostitute class, because they have no intention to be exclusive to me. They are constantly on the lookout for an upgrade. They think money is the end all to be all. I have only seen a couple different from this.

I suppose the 200K girl went to America, since you mention green card. I think such is a drastic move to a foreign woman, unless they are prepared for the culture shock. It's like going to another planet from Thailand. So sorry she came to such an end.

Good as gold mate, 24Karat. The other lady had too much money, not enough to do, and it happened here. First I knew of it was a colour photo on the front of a Thai newspaper - bloody disgusting!

Edited by OzMick
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  • 1 month later...
20,000 baht is enough,no hairdressers earn 30,000 baht a month,its BS.the "missing in action" thai fathers must laugh at us dopey farangs taking on their responsiblilty of looking after their kids.

My wife is a hairdresser and when she owned her salon in Lat Phrao she'd earn about 60k a month. As an employee she'd make about 20k plus around 2-300 baht a day tips.

---- Just noticed the date on the post....

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I wouldn't give her shit. Find an educated woman with a real job. I've got a fantastic girl I've been seeing for 4 years. Has a BA & MA both from universities abroad, runs two businesses of her own, owns her own house, has her own car, never asks for money. Why burden yourself?

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Considering my Thai colleagues have Master degrees and receive B15,000 a month, I would say yes!

B20,000 is a good little number....

yep , give her the money ,,, SWIFT.

gives us cheap charlies ,

a good chucle ..

p.s. whats her telepnone number ..???

don,t want her lonely ,, when you go back ..cheers ,,


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That is not enough. You should be giving her more. How much does it cost to have your house cleaned, dinner on the table, wash your clothes and service you in your time of needs? Sounds cheap to me. If the services you are recieving not up to par then cut the money or get another employee.

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