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Car "pinking"


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My comments in red.
In no way did I infer that you ever had anything to do with any kind of engine. You seem to be puting words into your own mouth.

The japs may have obtained all of their knowledge and engineering about engines from what they pirated from both England and America but what they did do was to improve on the designs...without a doubt. Arguable given the current recalls in place and technology on both sides has not stood still..BTW it's my job to put words in my mouth :D:) ..

The 'current recalls' have only happened once, as far as I know, in the recent past. My guess is that they were forced to follow the yank manufacturering methods (cost cutting), thus the recall.

:D :D :D You don't DO irony do you? How about contradiction then? Yeah that's what happened, BTW just once? But a new record those Japs sure don't do anything small and there they go again pirating even our bad habits if you're example is to be factual...

My friend was very well informed & is a very good engineer (he makes his own parts...by hand). That's good but hardly an exclusive endorsement, lots of people including myself "fabricate" much of their own parts I'm a rather capable engineer myself..

Are you a mechanical engineer? As it happens,yes...But thanks for asking

At least Mitsubishi 'learnt' something pretty quickly...I'm not sure if GM, Ford etc has ever done that. Anyway, I'd only ever have a jap car as I've learnt my lesson about the 'other stuff'. :D :D No they just invented much of it and then passed on that technology to others who "learned" it quite well...

Again & for the benefit of the OP, the actual direct translation of 'engine knock' is - kruang yon nok. Left in the quote for the benefit of keeping on topic to benefit of the OP..

Anyway I'm done with this tennis match as you're going to start beating your racket on the ground..

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All my years in the us, I've never heard the term "pinking," just "pinging." Maybe it's a US vs UK thing, like petrol vs gasoline or rubber vs eraser. My bad on the rude correction.

So in US when squealing away at the lights you 'burn erasers?"

There is such a thing as context, you know. IE, an ass is donkey, but in the wrong context it could mean other things.

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Well maybe I have shot my foot but I've yet to see any RR's winning any races or even competing for that matter and that takes a load of engineering in this day and age, even if the frame is still wood.. As they are accomplishing something in the performance/competition arena, their engines are manufactured by BMW outside of the Stateside market.. But still I was trying to give you SOME credit :D ...... JFYI it seems that if an automotive company in the UK is to survive it seems it's only option is to be sold off. Lotus Malaysia is doing well though... :D :D

I think a tranny is worth far more then a 1 out of 10 since the car can't go anywhere without it, it then becomes a fancy monument to British ingenuity and engineering in your drive way kind of like an MG..

Well, once again l disagree Warpy,

R/R does not or has never needed to advertise via racing to sell it's superior product, totally unnecessary with a product of this quality and the market that it is aimed at, not at boy racers. In fact l have never seen a R/R car ad.

The advertising to the "R/R mark" is a global entity that virtually the whole planet has heard of and has followed up in their parent aviation engine technology that shone way back in the 1930's with their piston engines and speed records in the air and on to today's jet's, in fact the 1940's U.S. P51 Mustang had it's U.S. engine pulled and a R/R (Spitfire) motor fitted.

The purchasers of the R/R company choose to fit their own engine as it is now their company..

As for the trans, a choice was made and the TH400 won so naff argument about going anywhere as there was a choice.

MG, l had a 1964 MGB Roadster. Never on the drive, very easy car to maintain, simple construction with a Austin/Morris 1800cc engine. Up to 65 used a 3 main bearing crank which was a bit troublesome but when the 5 bearing main engine came along problem solved. Perhaps where you come from you can't fix them, but easy stuff for me. MG stands for Morris Garages. :)

First off my answer wasn't related to advertising so do try to keep up eh?? Your challenge was about engineering and Morgan is engineering and performing against top competition of all makes, Engineering a car to be compatible with several manufacturers is problematic and when it can be done successfully as has Morgan is doing it says a lot about the end resulting product. Motorsports is as much about R&D as it is about anything else, improving the breed.. I don't see RR really doing anything to improve the breed rather they are just resting on the laurels established decades ago.. The Phantom has to be one, if not the ugliest car on the road and far from trouble free it's just that those who own one don't really care and don't want to talk about how much money they wasted on such a pretentious and expensive piece of crap just to say they owned/own one....

No one has disputed the power of the RR engines over the years nor their versatility in many applications but every major high end car maker has proven their mettle on the motorsports battle field and so could Rolls, if their engines are so fantastic just as their engineering in a series such as Lemans that produces it's own chassis primarily around the engine..

So you got one of the rare MG's that didn't have electrical problems with their 6V system and absurd grounding?? Lucky you... As for the mini yep that one I liked and still do, shame it has been appropriated by BMW and is now their step child.. Opppsss!!! Is that ANOTHER German company purchasing, reviving and improving the breed.. I guess even with all of our efforts and sacrifice in the end we still didn't manage to keep Germany from taking over the UK :D:D ...

It Sounds like you are just a bit jealous you can't cruise in a Roller yourself. :D

Not in your wildest fantasies, I could never be rich enough to want one of those pretentious pieces of junk.. I'm not even a Ferrari fan nor Porsche in that context and as for envy? You don't know me very well at all.. Drive one in competition if the opportunity was presented, without hesitation but to own for the sake of owning and say I own/owned one, not me at all...... Now if it was an affordable toy for me that's an entirely different thing (speaking about the sports cars not the RR which I still would never own)...

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You've been talking to yourself for several posts now anyway.. I've already made my points which are valid and let it drop from there, JFYI I am intimately informed on the reasons for racing and marketing through it but I'm sure those less informed appreciate the info....

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Knocking (also called knock, detonation, spark knock or pinging) in spark-ignition internal combustion engines occurs when combustion of the air/fuel mixture in the cylinder starts off correctly in response to ignition by the spark plug, but one or more pockets of air/fuel mixture explode outside the envelope of the normal combustion front. The fuel-air charge is meant to be ignited by the spark plug only, and at a precise time in the piston's stroke cycle. The peak of the combustion process no longer occurs at the optimum moment for the four-stroke cycle. The shock wave creates the characteristic metallic "pinging" sound, and cylinder pressure increases dramatically. Effects of engine knocking range from inconsequential to completely destructive. It should not be confused with pre-ignition (or preignition), as they are two separate events.

Edited by OZEMADE
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Debate still going ay! I've decided to no longer call it "pinging", instead I'll use the term "engine knock" so everyone is happy. Errr, everyone is happy with "engine knock".......right?

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Debate still going ay! I've decided to no longer call it "pinging", instead I'll use the term "engine knock" so everyone is happy. Errr, everyone is happy with "engine knock".......right?

car manufactorers call it "engine knock", and a "knock sensor" can avoid it and adjust engine to be able to run on lower octane without knocking :)

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You've been talking to yourself for several posts now anyway.. I've already made my points which are valid and let it drop from there, JFYI I am intimately informed on the reasons for racing and marketing through it but I'm sure those less informed appreciate the info....

I find your reply a little insulting to someone who thought he was having an interesting discussion, same as your negative remark about my homeland, which of course l took tongue in cheek but now l realise you perhaps do not like being proven wrong on a subject or talking to someone with perhaps superior hands on automotive knowledge. And yes l will drop it, don't want you making any more mistakes. If you decide to add snide remarks in your post replies, though may be for you having some fun, then expect a little something in return.

Sorry no insult intended, I'm just done with the conversation, it is going nowhere but down at this point and off topic so I pulled out before it got personal.. I made my points and you made yours, will you not be satisfied until it becomes a shouting match or I take your point of view?? It's win or loose no middle ground? It's YOUR OPINION that I am wrong nothing more...You can not tell me my personal opinion is wrong, it is not a stated fact, it is an opinion.. Superior hands on knowledge??? That's like saying my D@#$ is bigger then yours while wearing your pants :D :D :D Ok so I bow to your "superior knowledge" happy now? :) will that put it to bed? I have less interest in this discussion then I would discussing Man U or anything else related to the Premier League and that's saying a lot..

I think your skin is just a little bit thin on the matter and where your country is concerned so that's one more reason the leave it where it is.. JFYI the comment about your country was justified in the context it was made as an answer to a "snide remark" by a pretentious, condescending and arrogant post/poster (which was not you or yours in that case) and only partly tongue in cheek in that context...Anything else is hypersensitivity on your part.

Edited by WarpSpeed
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Knocking (also called knock, detonation, spark knock or pinging) in spark-ignition internal combustion engines occurs when combustion of the air/fuel mixture in the cylinder starts off correctly in response to ignition by the spark plug, but one or more pockets of air/fuel mixture explode outside the envelope of the normal combustion front. The fuel-air charge is meant to be ignited by the spark plug only, and at a precise time in the piston's stroke cycle. The peak of the combustion process no longer occurs at the optimum moment for the four-stroke cycle. The shock wave creates the characteristic metallic "pinging" sound, and cylinder pressure increases dramatically. Effects of engine knocking range from inconsequential to completely destructive. It should not be confused with pre-ignition (or preignition), as they are two separate events.

Thanks for that, l read it too. Strange that there are other sights that use the word pinking to explain the same theory, so looks like the two words are accepted in the circles dealing with a rattly problem. :D

American Wiki??? Acceptable??? But....................Not American Google? :)

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Thanks for that, l read it too. Strange that there are other sights (SIC) that use the word pinking to explain the same theory, so looks like the two words are accepted in the circles dealing with a rattly problem. :)

But you cleverly don't post any links.

Ignorance is bliss huh? BTW the word is SITES

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You've been talking to yourself for several posts now anyway.. I've already made my points which are valid and let it drop from there, JFYI I am intimately informed on the reasons for racing and marketing through it but I'm sure those less informed appreciate the info....

I find your reply a little insulting to someone who thought he was having an interesting discussion, same as your negative remark about my homeland, which of course l took tongue in cheek but now l realise you perhaps do not like being proven wrong on a subject or talking to someone with perhaps superior hands on automotive knowledge. And yes l will drop it, don't want you making any more mistakes. If you decide to add snide remarks in your post replies, though may be for you having some fun, then expect a little something in return.

Sorry no insult intended, I'm just done with the conversation, it is going nowhere but down at this point and off topic so I pulled out before it got personal.. I made my points and you made yours, will you not be satisfied until it becomes a shouting match or I take your point of view?? It's win or loose no middle ground? It's YOUR OPINION that I am wrong nothing more...You can not tell me my personal opinion is wrong, it is not a stated fact, it is an opinion.. Superior hands on knowledge??? That's like saying my D@#$ is bigger then yours while wearing your pants :D :D :D Ok so I bow to your "superior knowledge" happy now? :) will that put it to bed? I have less interest in this discussion then I would discussing Man U or anything else related to the Premier League and that's saying a lot..

I think your skin is just a little bit thin on the matter and where your country is concerned so that's one more reason the leave it where it is.. The comment about your country was justified in the context it was made as an answer to a pretentious, condescending and arrogant post/poster (which was not you or yours) and only partly tongue in cheek in that context...Anything else is hypersensitivity on your part.

The topic was about pinking, so you made unnecessary comments aimed at my country and it's vehicles and me.

You see warpy, once again you'v gone down the personal attack route in your reply comments. When you told me "to keep up" as if l am some old boy, mentally beneath then you should expect some flack..

You made mistakes in your mechanical knowledge leading to actually slagging off a vehicle because of a non existent problem where l showed you your mistake.

My "hands on" comment is from one who has taken the skin off his knuckles many times exploring stuff, where as you come across as a magazine reader who believes he has superior mechanical knowledge or intellect. BUT on a lighter note, l think you confused Morgan with TVR. :D

Oh <deleted> give it up already!!! And they say Americans are single minded and nationalist? :D Good grief Charlie Brown!! :D

Just FYI on the highlighted portion noted above would you like to put a friendly wager on that? As you'd be sorely mistaken in making such a mindless ASS-u-mption and yes that has it's condescending and sarcastic tone to it as a response in kind...

Edited by WarpSpeed
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anyone know how gasahole is written in Thai, from what I can read on line, its bad stuff, since changing petrol stations, 5 fill ups now, my bike has started knocking and running rough and low rpm. I try to ask them. They have 91 and 95 and a Thai word next to it. My wife knows nothing about it when speaking to she. Anyone know what I should be looking for to avoid the stuff xxxxx91 ?

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Say you want 95 benzene even if isn't actually benzene that's what they understand as gasoline without gasohol..Can only get it at a few specific brand stations though such as Caltex, Esso, Shell, etc. not PTT, Petronas, Jett, etc. to my knowledge.

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Pinking or Pinging is something you used to here about years ago, Caused by spark to far retarded , Easy to fix just advance the distributor timing 1-2 deg , Easy to fix :

Minefield, you're thinking along the right lines, but you got it wrong way round. :) Pinking occurs when ignition timing is too far advanced. Retard to stop it.

Not so easy to do nowadays with electronic management. With the good old fashioned distributor you would have turned it slightly in the same direction as the rotor arm rotation to retard. Against rotation to advance. Some had a thumb screw to save having to slacken the clamp off.

Edited by Lancashirelad
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anyone know how gasahole is written in Thai, from what I can read on line, its bad stuff, since changing petrol stations, 5 fill ups now, my bike has started knocking and running rough and low rpm. I try to ask them. They have 91 and 95 and a Thai word next to it. My wife knows nothing about it when speaking to she. Anyone know what I should be looking for to avoid the stuff xxxxx91 ?

แก๊สโซฮอล์ = gasohol

เบนซิน = binzine (petrol)

The general conception is if you use gasohol then do not leave your engine un-used for long periods of time.

If you use the car/bike every day, gasohol should be ok.

If you use your car once a week, then use benzine.


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