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Large Coke, No Ice Please.


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Ha Ha the OP souds like a mate iv got back home he does the same thing and his other trick is when shopping if he has to pay for a plastic bag he huffs and puffs about paying them to walk around town advertising thier shop ,,so he turns the bags inside out ,,,,,,colino

Where the hel_l do they charge you for a plastic bag?!

Back in the UK

And in Phuket if i have to believe the latest news reports.

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I'm asian, acting like a whinny girl makes no difference. No need to prove my man hood here.

Yes indeed. Please keep your "man hood" to your self. My god what a non topic. Geriatrics, illiterates, homophones and morons unite.

Only thing on this site of lower quality are the closed protest coverage "news" update threads with up to the second info from such reliable sources as bangkok Dan and Thaivisa member.

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Try going to Australia & asking for ice in your beer. Those who ask such are deemed as "fairies".

BTW, it's not whinny....it's whiney.

Aussie drink anything with alcohol in it then turns in to ferries , thanks for the educational grammar lesson Skippy.

Here's another one for you loverboy;

ferry noun

/ˈfer.i/ n [C] (also ferry boat)

a boat or ship for taking passengers and often vehicles across an area of water, especially as a regular service.

You really are a strange person :)

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I'm asian, acting like a whinny girl makes no difference. No need to prove my man hood here.

Yes indeed. Please keep your "man hood" to your self. My god what a non topic. Geriatrics, illiterates, homophones and morons unite.

Only thing on this site of lower quality are the closed protest coverage "news" update threads with up to the second info from such reliable sources as bangkok Dan and Thaivisa member.

The best reply so far. :)

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Try going to Australia & asking for ice in your beer. Those who ask such are deemed as "fairies".

BTW, it's not whinny....it's whiney.

Aussie drink anything with alcohol in it then turns in to ferries , thanks for the educational grammar lesson Skippy.

Here's another one for you loverboy;

ferry noun

/ˈfer.i/ n [C] (also ferry boat)

a boat or ship for taking passengers and often vehicles across an area of water, especially as a regular service.

You really are a strange person :)

Edited by basjke
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Ha Ha the OP souds like a mate iv got back home he does the same thing and his other trick is when shopping if he has to pay for a plastic bag he huffs and puffs about paying them to walk around town advertising thier shop ,,so he turns the bags inside out ,,,,,,colino

Where the hel_l do they charge you for a plastic bag?!

Back in the UK

And in Phuket if i have to believe the latest news reports.

Its a crazy world in the UK they are meant to be cutting back on the amount of plastic bags given out by shops

But if you go in any of the major supermarkets and use the self service check outs ,they have all made the bags smaller so they can fit and hang on the built in weigh scale , so you end up using more bags.colino

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Try going to Australia & asking for ice in your beer. Those who ask such are deemed as "fairies".

BTW, it's not whinny....it's whiney.

Aussie drink anything with alcohol in it then turns in to ferries , thanks for the educational grammar lesson Skippy.

Here's another one for you loverboy;

ferry noun

/ˈfer.i/ n [C] (also ferry boat)

a boat or ship for taking passengers and often vehicles across an area of water, especially as a regular service.

You really are a strange person :)

I corrected it already. 2 bad you court it 1st. oh well I snooze I lose!!!!....

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Ha Ha the OP souds like a mate iv got back home he does the same thing and his other trick is when shopping if he has to pay for a plastic bag he huffs and puffs about paying them to walk around town advertising thier shop ,,so he turns the bags inside out ,,,,,,colino

Where the hel_l do they charge you for a plastic bag?!

Back in the UK

And in Phuket if i have to believe the latest news reports.

No - plastic bags are still free. The pictures of the governor with a sign "Reduce plastics at retails" (I think I know what they meant) have also been removed from the electric poles around Phuket Provincial Hall. I guess they were a bit embarrassing for him.

Regarding no ice in drinks, they've been doing that for years at KFC: "mai sai nam kaeng" (don't put ice) does the trick. So I reckon the OP was totally right.

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A-hole. :D

So what movie did you watch? Was it any good? Did you make a move on the lucky lady? :D Are you going to make half asian half thai babys? :):D

Avatar 3d and it was good. No didnt make a move on the lady. Already made half asian half thai baby.

Anymore questions while were at it?

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Your right. I was speaking English and didn't realize the circumstances.

I need to control this western habit of mine and respect the culture. :D

Raising ones voice and generally getting angry over something like that is a western habit? Yeh..well..maybe so, but not for all of us.

Personally I can see the point of the amount of coke that was given, even though goes against most peoples views here. Plus, i dunno how anyone could drink a full Large cup size of coke anyway. Just my opinion, not that its worth much!

Large in thailand is more like a medium in the states.

Ive no idea about the sizes in America (im guessing thats the "states" you mean ). Im talking about the large sized cokes you get at the cinema in Thailand...as in what the OP is talking about. :):D

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A-hole. :D

So what movie did you watch? Was it any good? Did you make a move on the lucky lady? :D Are you going to make half asian half thai babys? :):D

Avatar 3d and it was good. No didnt make a move on the lady. Already made half asian half thai baby.

Anymore questions while were at it?

no more questions. But you should relax and help them not to lose face. they make crap money and it might come out of their pay if there is a lose somewhere.. so next time just chill. Perhaps some ice will help :D

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Ha Ha the OP souds like a mate iv got back home he does the same thing and his other trick is when shopping if he has to pay for a plastic bag he huffs and puffs about paying them to walk around town advertising thier shop ,,so he turns the bags inside out ,,,,,,colino

Where the hel_l do they charge you for a plastic bag?!

In China, it's the law. Encourages you to use your own reusable bags. Good idea, IMO.

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You're in the wrong, but you should have gotten a pass because % wise, most folks are willing to allow most establishments their full markup and the downside from customers causing a scene is more than the upside of one fountain drink.

Try making that argument when the item is say pricey alcohol in a restaurant or club. It's like arguing that you deserve a comped night at a 5 star hotel because you stayed with the lights and air con off the whole time. It's irrelevant what your health issues or how much you 'could have' bought/paid somewhere else.


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You're completely in the right, they should fill it up to the top in any combination of soda and ice that the customer wants, there is no fine print stating you are buying this percent ice and this percent soda, and they only pay like 2 baht for the soda they charge you 70. But it's not worth arguing about.

One of the best things about Thai movie theatres is that you can bring in any outside food you want. Don't even deal with their stand. Get a few cans of soda or beer, and a burger, sushi, KFC, or whatever, and enjoy your movie.

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And back in the control room: We've got another clever one here... he passed the Coke No Ice test. Let's see how he handles the 'withheld rent deposit' followed up with the 'car accident where all the witnesses say you were in the wrong' program.


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On the question what quantity of beverage should be put in, I think it should be the same with and without ice.

It all depends on what they advertise - if it says coke - 50cl, then there has to be coke until the 50cl mark.

The ice displaces liquid,of whatever brand,hence you receive less in this case coke. :) Elementary my dear Watson.

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I think they are just doing what their boss has told them to do. Personally I buy all of my refreshments from outside of the cinema and take them in, and have done for the last 35 years.

As they now check bags, and have signs saying no food from outside, what do you do when they see the food you are taking in?

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Large in thailand is more like a medium in the states.

Is that why people in the USA are considered to be the fattest in the world?

Sorry, I COULDn't help myself :)

No need to apologize. We Americans tend to be on the fat side...and that includes me. On those occasions when I would go into a Wal-Mart I would wonder how the floor was holding up!

But, pun intended, the Thais are gaining on us. It used to be a rarity to see a fat Thai person, and when you did someone would typically say, "Oh, they're Chinese," and usually be correct. Now, fat, fat, fat. Especially fat school girls!

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