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Bangkok Traffic Police Preparing For A Tough Saturday


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The Read only News threads will be making a come back when there is enough news and/or important events to warrent it - it was a resounding success and we will be using the same format again in the future

You don't have to make a new thread every day if things remain calm but why not run one read only news thread about the current situation which may cover a few days or more?


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Whether mass transport, like underground trains and the BTS service should also be disrupted, is being discussed among DAAD leaders.

Now if they disrupt these services, the Reds might not have to worry about the Army/Police doing violence to them... they would have to worry about the Bangkok Residents doing violence to them!

This would be the best case secnerio, not the military or the cops but Thai citizens themselves standing up against terrorisim and fighting back against these bastards. Drive by shootings, mobs tearing to peices the redshirts. So ravenous should be the red shirt carnage that the military should have to come in and arrest the remaining redshirts and bus them back up to their chili farms in whatdaphukaburi somewere so they can make it out of Krung Thep alive.

lol ,,im with you on that one, maybe a little "escape from bangkok" style street justice is whats needed for these guys and gals and a little boycotting of northern goods and services....

Seems like I heard the PM on TV earlier this week say something to the effect that he would go after people who used inflamatory language inciting people to cause damage to any of the people of Thailand.

Tone down please!

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the joys of living in the capitol of a country in many parts of the world. at least they are not bombing the hel_l out of the place as the IRA did, having said that it worked for the IRA. the ballot box does not work here occupiying airport does. as the minister said it was good fun, free air con and free food. why anybody comes here to try and run a business is beyond me, wheres the sence in opening a business in one of the most unstable regions in the world. maybe try palestine, afganistan or iraq, probably more chance of succeding than here.

Thais are at a huge disadvantage when compared to the IRA, as a Thai hunger strike only lasts a few hours.

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the joys of living in the capitol of a country in many parts of the world. at least they are not bombing the hel_l out of the place as the IRA did, having said that it worked for the IRA. the ballot box does not work here occupiying airport does. as the minister said it was good fun, free air con and free food. why anybody comes here to try and run a business is beyond me, wheres the sence in opening a business in one of the most unstable regions in the world. maybe try palestine, afganistan or iraq, probably more chance of succeding than here.

Thais are at a huge disadvantage when compared to the IRA, as a Thai hunger strike only lasts a few hours.

right, but i am really dying its been a whole 2 hours since my last snack, could be why it took some of them 3 days to get down form cm :)

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I've been watching Thaksin's call ins each night on the Red's TV channel. I have no idea who is right and wrong, but he is very smart in the way he appeals to the plight of the little guy who just wants a better future for his kids, but can't get it because of the group of elites who want to keep the poor people in their place. I even found myself wanting to rise up and overcome something!

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BANGKOK: -- Traffic policemen at all stations in Bangkok have been instructed to put more effort into controlling heavy congestion

Good job the protests aren't being held round my way because if a traffic cop put any less effort into controlling heavy congestion he'd most probably be suffering from narcolepsy.

You mean like this?


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I think the rhetoric can tone down. I have deleted numerous posts, including off-topic remarks about US democracy.

Please stay on-topic and keep your comments civil.

In my 20 years in the city, it's been in a perpetual state of chaos.

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They are told: "keep going, keep going, don;t give up...!"

...and they will do unless the income source dries up!

"I am in Cambodia, in Dubai, in Switzerland, in Germany, in Nicaragua, in Montenegro, in Hongkong...!"

who cares, it's Publicity to keep hm in the News once people understand this and would stop reporting

this non sense he would fade rather quickly!

and who cares if "Thaksin rejects peace efforts"!

Who cares, he has no say... no more... stop this "advertising" about him and over!

Edited by Samuian
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Whether mass transport, like underground trains and the BTS service should also be disrupted, is being discussed among DAAD leaders.

Now if they disrupt these services, the Reds might not have to worry about the Army/Police doing violence to them... they would have to worry about the Bangkok Residents doing violence to them!

This strategy gives rise to a high risk of violence and the red leaders are preparing for this by claiming that others are infiltrating the red mobs to provoke violent incidents. The violent ones are part of their own overall movement, like Khattiya, and there is no need for any opposing groups to infiltrate them for this purpose. A few cases of Saeng Som will fuel the flames nicely. I believe there is real potential for a backlash by Bangkok residents.

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Chaos planned for Bangkok tomorrow


Shortly after Mr Jatuporn addressed the media another key UDD leader, Veera Musikhapong, showed foreign media representatives a text message purporting to be from deposed former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

The message said, “I am now back in Dubai. As you can see information about my being banned from returning is a lie. Thank you to everyone helping spread our message for democracy over the internet and through other media channels”.

A check of the sending telephone number showed the message appeared to have originated in Dubai."


-- thaivisa.com 2010-03-19


Be interesting to see if the Spiv got back into Dubai.......bringing 'sack of cash' from his latest retreat in Monty, I wonder?

Any reaction or information around? Brewsta

Edited by Brewsta
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Great idea - 1 tambon 1 product 0 buyers. Find out what poor really means!

Sadly it would have been better named 'One Tambom Ten Prostitutes',

because it never became enough of a market to actually support the families,

so same old 'market' gets the same old 'new product'. Quite sad actually.

Some hope offered, amid massive PR spalsh,

and then bad management and marginal marketing.

Sounds like the Thai Elite Card ...

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You might want to go out and greet the people who feed you every day.

Like them or hate them, they are the backbone of the nation.

i hate to break it to you but the working class is made up of people form all across thailand , burma, cambodia ect, not just the north. And i can cook for myself... Maybe they should say thanks to those that are their customers,

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Whether mass transport, like underground trains and the BTS service should also be disrupted, is being discussed among DAAD leaders.

Now if they disrupt these services, the Reds might not have to worry about the Army/Police doing violence to them... they would have to worry about the Bangkok Residents doing violence to them!

This strategy gives rise to a high risk of violence and the red leaders are preparing for this by claiming that others are infiltrating the red mobs to provoke violent incidents. The violent ones are part of their own overall movement, like Khattiya, and there is no need for any opposing groups to infiltrate them for this purpose. A few cases of Saeng Som will fuel the flames nicely. I believe there is real potential for a backlash by Bangkok residents.

Deep down I have the feeling they have wanted this the entire time. The leaders can say whatever they want, but they have done some provoking which to this point, thankfully, has not worked. As another poster pointed out earlier, it's CYA in the event it does happen.

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ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.............. In most countries demonstrations have to be announced and approved ahead of time....... Don't they need to advise when it will start and end?????? Seems like that would be a reasonable request to make of any organized demonstration and that it not disrupt the general public too.......... I think it is time to advertise that the streets will ALL be subject to a periodic cleaning, Then bring out the WATER CANONS and if they decide to clean the particular street where the red shirts are............. Tuff sh*t.......... Most of them could probably use a shower anyway, altough I think that most of their "dirt" is on their insides, and a shower won't help........ Strictly in my own opinion, however..........

what an idiot. This guy must have been living in Chile when Pinochet brought out the water cannon and conveniently dropped a few thousand Chilean "reds" from aircraft over the ocean.

Is that what he wants here?

You are talking about something that happened in Argentina, not Chile. It would be better to do some reading before making comparisons with South America, rather than cutting and pasting some muddled nonsense from your own mind.

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This would be the best case secnerio, not the military or the cops but Thai citizens themselves standing up against terrorisim and fighting back against these bastards. Drive by shootings, mobs tearing to peices the redshirts. So ravenous should be the red shirt carnage that the military should have to come in and arrest the remaining redshirts and bus them back up to their chili farms in whatdaphukaburi somewere so they can make it out of Krung Thep alive.


Terrorists? Bastards ? I hope that you dont mean seriously what you say

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Great the Thai economy hasn't lost enough money in this latest round of the "hilbillies visiting town". Next time the relatives ask for money I tell them to call on Thaksin as mybusiness has lost over a 100.000 baht already and I cannot afford to sponsor supporters of the person whom is negatively affecting my income.

Maybe time to vent my anger on the nearest redshirt I encounter.


Is it really necessary to insult people. Surely you must be capable to express you unhappiness in a civil tongue.

Please try it. People will respond in a like manner.

Get real! He was polite and to the point; no insult made. If I lived in Bkk, I would feel the same.

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Great the Thai economy hasn't lost enough money in this latest round of the "hilbillies visiting town". Next time the relatives ask for money I tell them to call on Thaksin as mybusiness has lost over a 100.000 baht already and I cannot afford to sponsor supporters of the person whom is negatively affecting my income.

Maybe time to vent my anger on the nearest redshirt I encounter.


They might be angry you have a business that generates 100,000 baht in a week while they labor in rice fields for 300 baht a day.

I say that sounds like a personal problem.

if he generates100,000 baht a week how many Thai's does he employ and pay stuff all in wages

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I don't think any one on this forum has any objection to the poor being given the opportunity to work themselves out of poverty and to have a brighter more secure future. And as Abhist has offered mediated talks; which would be an ideal forum in which to bring up their hopes and concerns, and have some concerete promises laid down, as to how a brighter more equitable future can be achieved - A meeting with the PM seems the perfect opportunity. So why dismiss it?

It seems that the 'poverty' card gets played with the provision, that only a 'red' alligned political party is allowed to solve this problem and that makes me seriously wonder if certain political parties really want to solve the so called underlying problem. Or if they prefer to use poverty as an excuse to further exploit the down trodden.

The whole democracy thing is just smoke and mirrors. Democracy takes may forms in many different countries. And in 18 mopnths new elections will be held. If the Dems manage to solve the poverty problems in that timeframe. Then the Reds really will be up the creek.

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"The disruption is needed because middleclass people like Bangkok residents are naturally reluctant to express themselves, unless their lives are affected," the source explained.

What planet is this guy on? It was the urban middle class who got screwed by Thaksin, and they definitely don't want him or his proxies back.

Maybe the red-shirts should read this...


The middle class and the rich always get screwed no matter what country your in, to help feed the poor and jobless people. It's politics, and when has the government ever helped out its own individuals, no matter what country. They are only in it to benefit themselves.

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Whether mass transport, like underground trains and the BTS service should also be disrupted, is being discussed among DAAD leaders.

Now if they disrupt these services, the Reds might not have to worry about the Army/Police doing violence to them... they would have to worry about the Bangkok Residents doing violence to them!

This strategy gives rise to a high risk of violence and the red leaders are preparing for this by claiming that others are infiltrating the red mobs to provoke violent incidents. The violent ones are part of their own overall movement, like Khattiya, and there is no need for any opposing groups to infiltrate them for this purpose. A few cases of Saeng Som will fuel the flames nicely. I believe there is real potential for a backlash by Bangkok residents.

Deep down I have the feeling they have wanted this the entire time. The leaders can say whatever they want, but they have done some provoking which to this point, thankfully, has not worked. As another poster pointed out earlier, it's CYA in the event it does happen.

The more sensible red leaders seem to genuinely favour a non-violent approach. But Thaksin is messed up in the head and clearly loves a bit of the old ultra violence, as long as he and his family are well out of harm's way. Remember how he used to gloat over the daily murders in his obscene war against drugs and how enthusiastically he sanctioned abductions, murders and other ttrocities in the South, not to mention those convicts he had paraded in front of the TV cameras on their way to the one man firing squad, having just been informed they were to be executed half an hour earlier. Khattiya and Panlop are personal favourites of his and he tried to drag Chavalit into the militant wing by announcing that he had been appointed commander in chief of the "People's Army". Thaksin would have no qualms at all about a strategy that involved using red shirt hillbillies as cannon fodder to be deliberately mown down to provide benefit for himself and his cronies. There are not his people anyway as they are not members of his clan and not even Chinese. Therefore they count as nothing but merely serve a purpose.

Edited by Arkady
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argh im coming to BKK this saturday til tuesday. what should i do..cant cancel the flight.

dont give them the power to change your life, come, eat drink have fun...all these protests amount to a nuiscance at best, traffic has been a breeze latley, maybe not so this weekend, but when dosent traffic here suck :)

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argh im coming to BKK this saturday til tuesday. what should i do..cant cancel the flight.

The taxi drivers would love to see you! I went to BKK the day Thaksins verdict was announced, the taxi driver told me he had been waiting for almost three hours for a fare. It depends on where you are trying to go in BKK I guess as to what you'll run into...

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The more sensible red leaders seem to genuinely favour a non-violent approach. But Thaksin is messed up in the head and clearly loves a bit of the old ultra violence, as long as he and his family are well out of harm's way. Remember how he used to gloat over the daily murders in his obscene war against drugs and how enthusiastically he sanctioned abductions, murders and other ttrocities in the South, not to mention those convicts he had paraded in front of the TV cameras on their way to the one man firing squad, having just been informed they were to be executed half an hour earlier. Khattiya and Panlop are personal favourites of his and he tried to drag Chavalit into the militant wing by announcing that he had been appointed commander in chief of the "People's Army". Thaksin would have no qualms at all about a strategy that involved using red shirt hillbillies as cannon fodder to be deliberately mown down to provide benefit for himself and his cronies. There are not his people anyway as they are not members of his clan and not even Chinese. Therefore they count as nothing but merely serve a purpose.

This is the main problem with the reds. They don't have any credible moderate leaders. Khattiya and Panlop are loose cannons while the 3 stooges are just plain crazy. The reds have had their movement hijacked from within.

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