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Just a heads up , something I just figured out , but maybe obvious to others .

Watching the French tennis open , the audio was in Thai . I had the settings set to English audio but it was still in Thai .

If anyone else is having the same problem , there is a button on the very bottom of the remote , second from the left that has a little speaker icon on it . If you push this button a little audio window comes up with one Thai selection and two English selections , pick the middle English selection and the commentary will change back to English .

Fantastic picture from the open as well !

Even easier if you set up English as your default language for all channels.

Sorry I should have mentioned that I had the settings set to English . Oh wait I minute , I did say that lol .

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Just a heads up , something I just figured out , but maybe obvious to others .

Watching the French tennis open , the audio was in Thai . I had the settings set to English audio but it was still in Thai .

If anyone else is having the same problem , there is a button on the very bottom of the remote , second from the left that has a little speaker icon on it . If you push this button a little audio window comes up with one Thai selection and two English selections , pick the middle English selection and the commentary will change back to English .

Fantastic picture from the open as well !

Even easier if you set up English as your default language for all channels.

Sorry I should have mentioned that I had the settings set to English . Oh wait I minute , I did say that lol .

Sorry. I should have read your post more carefully. If English is your default language it's weird that you should need to manually change the audio. Must be something amiss in the system.

There would be no need to import the dish and lnb for Astro, just make sure you have the right size of dish

to receive the signal adequately.

Judging from the footprint map only southern Thailand is covered http://www.lyngsat-maps.com/maps/mea3a_malaysia.html

but I beleive there have been reports of reception in the north?

Only the receiver and card are needed. It maybe necessary to set it up before leaving Malaysia

as I beleive there is a scheme to match the card to the receiver

So what is the right size ( amd quality ) of the dish needed for Astro in HD?

I have the box and receiver coming next week but am unsure if I can use my current 3 metre mesh dish which I am currently using to pick up Multichoice. Obviously I would like to use this if poss!

I am amazed that more locals are not concentrating on Astro HD which is cheaper and better tha True!

Easy to obtain also!!!

Just a heads up , something I just figured out , but maybe obvious to others .

Watching the French tennis open , the audio was in Thai . I had the settings set to English audio but it was still in Thai .

If anyone else is having the same problem , there is a button on the very bottom of the remote , second from the left that has a little speaker icon on it . If you push this button a little audio window comes up with one Thai selection and two English selections , pick the middle English selection and the commentary will change back to English .

Fantastic picture from the open as well !

Even easier if you set up English as your default language for all channels.

Sorry I should have mentioned that I had the settings set to English . Oh wait I minute , I did say that lol .

Sorry. I should have read your post more carefully. If English is your default language it's weird that you should need to manually change the audio. Must be something amiss in the system.

No problem , for some reason , on my unit anyways and I assume on all these models , going into the main menu and changing the language does not change the language on the hdtv channels (well the sports channel anyways, have not had the option on the HBOHD) .

I can go into the main menu and change the language to Thai but it will not change the language on the hd sports channel . It will however change the language on the sdtv channels :)

Thats why I mentioned it here as it is not intuitive at all .

So what is the right size ( amd quality ) of the dish needed for Astro in HD?

I have the box and receiver coming next week but am unsure if I can use my current 3 metre mesh dish which I am currently using to pick up Multichoice. Obviously I would like to use this if poss!

I am amazed that more locals are not concentrating on Astro HD which is cheaper and better tha True!

Easy to obtain also!!!

The size of the dish depends on where you live in Thailand.

The further south the smaller the dish that will work.

The link to Lyngsat, that I gave in the previous post, shows the contours for the signal strength

and a table to match that to dish size.

Personally I would aim on the large size for the dish, to minimise rain fade.

I am not sure that your exsiting dish will work, but I may be wrong.

Your 3m dish is for C-band signals, around 4Ghz, the Astro signal is 12Ghz (Ku band)

and the shorter wave length may leak through the holes in the mesh.

(No I am not joking).

Having said that, aim your 3m dish at Measat and see what happens.

You will, of course, need a Ku band LNB mounted on the dish.


Nice to hear that HD is getting started here. After spending most of the last few years here in Asia. I am now just back from Europe and kinda made a research what I am missing out on. In my former home country 20MB internet is the norm, 50MB everywhere available. Many channels are in HD but you gotta pay a bit extra as well.

I don't mind being a bit behind, we definitely have other advantages that totally make up for whatever high-tech thing we are missing :)

So what is the right size ( amd quality ) of the dish needed for Astro in HD?

I have the box and receiver coming next week but am unsure if I can use my current 3 metre mesh dish which I am currently using to pick up Multichoice. Obviously I would like to use this if poss!

I am amazed that more locals are not concentrating on Astro HD which is cheaper and better tha True!

Easy to obtain also!!!

The size of the dish depends on where you live in Thailand.

The further south the smaller the dish that will work.

The link to Lyngsat, that I gave in the previous post, shows the contours for the signal strength

and a table to match that to dish size.

Personally I would aim on the large size for the dish, to minimise rain fade.

I am not sure that your exsiting dish will work, but I may be wrong.

Your 3m dish is for C-band signals, around 4Ghz, the Astro signal is 12Ghz (Ku band)

and the shorter wave length may leak through the holes in the mesh.

(No I am not joking).

Having said that, aim your 3m dish at Measat and see what happens.

You will, of course, need a Ku band LNB mounted on the dish.

Thank you for that info. Very helpful indeed. Well I am trying out the big dish first as it seems such a shame to waste it!

I will have to get the Ku Lnb and we'll see!. I live in Pattaya btw so should be able to get the signal OK. I'll ket everyone kmow how it turns out!


Got the HD box from true and on my 42" LCD the quality is great - only problem that still remains besides more channels is :

Was watching French open last night and just as a match got exiting it started to rain and even with the new box - the signal went and I had to wait 20 minutes for the picture to come back by which time the match was over :)

Will they ever solve this problem? This is a country with a long rainy season after all and there must be a muppet responsible for customer service at true?

Was watching French open last night and just as a match got exiting it started to rain and even with the new box - the signal went and I had to wait 20 minutes for the picture to come back by which time the match was over :)

Here in Chiang Mai, no rain last night, decent SD picture, rain in Paris, the players went.  Can't win.  :D

Was watching French open last night and just as a match got exiting it started to rain and even with the new box - the signal went and I had to wait 20 minutes for the picture to come back by which time the match was over :)

Will they ever solve this problem? This is a country with a long rainy season after all and there must be a muppet responsible for customer service at true?

Not completely.

They transmit on the Ku-band, which is susceptible to "rain" fade.

The only thing you can do is get a bigger dish/better LNB, but still, if the rain/clouds are heavy enough, signals will still disappear.


Sorry if this has already been asked, but for True Sport HD what type of matches are broadcasted? Are they mainly football?


Depending upon where u are in Thailand you should be able to use dish to get astro. You may have to get a Ku band reciever fitted to the dish and you should move the dish to point directly at astro. most shops should manage this.

There would be no need to import the dish and lnb for Astro, just make sure you have the right size of dish

to receive the signal adequately.

Judging from the footprint map only southern Thailand is covered http://www.lyngsat-maps.com/maps/mea3a_malaysia.html

but I beleive there have been reports of reception in the north?

Only the receiver and card are needed. It maybe necessary to set it up before leaving Malaysia

as I beleive there is a scheme to match the card to the receiver

So what is the right size ( amd quality ) of the dish needed for Astro in HD?

I have the box and receiver coming next week but am unsure if I can use my current 3 metre mesh dish which I am currently using to pick up Multichoice. Obviously I would like to use this if poss!

I am amazed that more locals are not concentrating on Astro HD which is cheaper and better tha True!

Easy to obtain also!!!

Was watching French open last night and just as a match got exiting it started to rain and even with the new box - the signal went and I had to wait 20 minutes for the picture to come back by which time the match was over :)

Will they ever solve this problem? This is a country with a long rainy season after all and there must be a muppet responsible for customer service at true?

Not completely.

They transmit on the Ku-band, which is susceptible to "rain" fade.

The only thing you can do is get a bigger dish/better LNB, but still, if the rain/clouds are heavy enough, signals will still disappear.

Have noticed a difference, with the signal at 100% the interruptions are much shorter like a few seconds instead of minutes - but still, at their price level, there shouldn't be any


  • 2 weeks later...

True have outdone themselves this time. Yesterday I thought I'd have a look at the WM only to see that they do not have any sound available. According to some text they show, there is a problem with the license ....... mad.gif but they still advertise the WM in HD

A real case of TIT


Just tried to send them an email to their customer service and as I tried to send it "this service is currently not available" - why was I surprised?


Comparing costs True visions V's Astro (Malaysia)

I spent the afternoon, researching costs, packages between True & Astro services... (Astro can be received & is available on Samui, I am not clear if 100% legal or not! I am told it is.... ???)

I had three price quotes, for the same services, to connect Astro) Ranging from 27,680 bt to 32,000 bt. For the year. (All quotes on packages included all the sports channels, which I not the slightest bit interested in! )

I'd be interested to know how others have found their quotes, are these within the "ballpark"?

Now, I'll try to get this right!

ASTRO: --- There is an initial set up "fee" which is roughly say about 18,000 baht...HD box etc. Depending on which "contractor" does the work. I had a Thai techie friend, make the calls, & he's probably going to make a commission, but that's ok, he's saved me thousands of baht on various things.

3 packages, is 12,200 baht per year. (Which works out much cheaper****, (see below) than Trues Gold package plus extra channels not on True Visions, (4 package 14,200 bt) The big difference comes next year, when you only pay the package fee, of which package you choose.

You gain a number of channels too, but loose from what I understand the DMX music channels, which I enjoy. (too lazy to change CD's! :D)

From what understand too, . Dolby Surround, from what I gather is only available on the HD services, on either the True or Astro Services. Can anyone clarify that.... ? That is one of the main reasons for me wanting to switch to HD, since TV wired through the stereo system....

With Truevion, because I brought my receiver box, initially, I have to pay 5000 baht, for a new box & pay 290 bt a month for HD (two channels, so far, 5 with Astro) ....

I cannot transfer the 2 months I paid last year (paid 12 months get 13th month free, due in August). That annoyed me! ( May be I'll wait to August!)

The fee for the year, will now be, with HD 27,680 bt for True visions. Gold package. (Per year, with the one month free for advance payment)

If working this out over say three years, Astro works out to being roughly 18,000**** baht per year. Nearly a 10,000 baht saving a year.... I think I have my math more or less right!:)

As far as current True Vision reception goes, I have never had any complaints, always good, except during very heavy rain.... makes me wonder if those with reception problems need the satellite adjusted, slightly or trees blocking the signal?

Well I hope that is clearer than mud! :D & might help a few people! :D


So how much is the HD receiver?, as I already have the dish?

ASTRO: --- There is an initial set up "fee" which is roughly say about 18,000 baht...HD box etc

It's included here, in the 18,000, use the UBC / True dish, I guess they move it to a different satellite.... ?

I'm no expert on this, I was just hoping to get some feed back... from those (if any) who have had experience, trying this.

In reading more on this elsewhere, it could back fire, where by you lost the investment... i.e cut off! :)

My sister who lives in Europe, has been doing the same thing, with Sky TV out of UK, occasionally she gets asked where the Satellite is.... answer of which seems to get accepted,.....Some how got away with it for years....



some positive feedback would be nice

:D I still waiting too! :D With it being so available to buy, I am surprised there is no one using who can provide some feed back.... Perhaps trying to clear inventory cos people not buying? hmmmm?... or perhaps glued to the telly & not here, to give us answers !? :)



some positive feedback would be nice

:D I still waiting too! :D With it being so available to buy, I am surprised there is no one using who can provide some feed back.... Perhaps trying to clear inventory cos people not buying? hmmmm?... or perhaps glued to the telly & not here, to give us answers !? :)

On what? Astro? Fabulous pic and 7 Hidef signals plus 4 Hidef WC! Streets better than True and cheaper too!

Its no contest.



some positive feedback would be nice

:D I still waiting too! :D With it being so available to buy, I am surprised there is no one using who can provide some feed back.... Perhaps trying to clear inventory cos people not buying? hmmmm?... or perhaps glued to the telly & not here, to give us answers !? :)

On what? Astro? Fabulous pic and 7 Hidef signals plus 4 Hidef WC! Streets better than True and cheaper too!

Its no contest.

Finally found someone locally (on Samui, with Astro) yes good picture quality, & sound.... better choice of channels too.... Price is cheaper, over say a three year period, the initial set up seems expensive.....

I have been quoted about 27,000 baht to 32,000 baht +- including first year package....

Can anyone give an idea whether this is a reasonable set up price?

  • 4 weeks later...

The HD quality is good, no complaint, except the blackouts but if NGC and Discovery / History channels are not added soon to the HD channels, I will cancel it. HBO shows Children's programs at 9pm and more repeats as well as crap movies than one can bare.

Stopped at Home Pro yesterday and had a look at the new 3D set from Samsung - wow - reached for my wallet already but when I heard the price - 100k for the 50" LED TV and another 30k for the 3D DVD player I stopped quickly.

The system is supposedly also able to turn normal DVD's into 3D - but they do not show this, only a presentation DVD - gather (hope) they will become a lot cheaper soon like with all TV stuff, but it is without a doubt the future of TV / DVD watching.

  • 1 month later...

Sorry I havent been through the entire thread but I have just had some HD boxes installed (probably the maid.)

What exactly do I get? And what are the channels?

Seems, from the thread I get two HD channels. Are these two new channels or simply two old ones in HD?

I assume more of the channels will turn HD over time. Quality is pretty good on the test channel I saw but definitely not up to HD video film formats like MKRV or Blue Ray.


Just contacted them and it seems like there has been changes to their packages AGAIN (that is what the lady at the other end of the line told me).

OK so here's the deal:

- The HD receiver warranty is 2000 baht, discount from 3,900 baht but since we all have paid that 2000 baht when we first got TrueVisions, then that 2000 baht is waived, therefore the HD receiver is completely free.

- The additional monthly fee for Gold package customers is 490 baht, 290 baht for Platinum BUT for the first two months, the two channels are completely free and according to the latest announcement the monthly fee has been reduced to 390 baht for Gold and 190 baht for Platinum customers.

- Minimum subscription time for HD package is 6 months. You cannot cancel your package during that 6 months period. (I hate this. It reminds me of stupid UK/Australian telcos)

- The new HD receiver doesn't have a smartcard but instead a system that is completely built-in to the system. Therefore if you do have TrueVisions installed in your cars, do not change to this machine yet.

- If you decided to stop the HD service, there is still no information regarding the receiver whether you will have to go back to the old receiver or not. TrueVisions still has no policy to accommodate this issue.

- In the future there is no clue about additional HD channels or whether it will be A-La-Carte package or change in pricing. There is still no policy regarding this.

- There is a slight lag in HD channels in terms of delay. That means you might hear your neighbour cheer for your favourite soccer team 2 seconds before you see what's happened on your screen.

- The first lot of the HD receiver is reserved only for current Gold and Platinum customers only.

Hope this answer some of your questions.

490 THB for 2 channels, are you guys crazy??? even 200 THB for 2 channels is nuts!!! in the USA you pay $10 and get 150 HD channels and even get some for free. I have an HD tv and just download my shows in HD now way would I pay that much for only 2 channels!!! if they added 8 or 10 channels maybe just maybe. They really need to add more decent channels period, years ago I had the highest packages plus all the extra discovery stuff it was 2,500 ++ now I am just on the silver. I miss AXN and CNN, BBC but get most on the web for free now. Star World is very bad just rerunning American ideal, and those lame next to model shows over and over. when the add syfy, fox, fox crime, Universal and a few others I might upgrade. My download shows look much better then any of the channels on true, yes the None HD shows even. I just do not understand, 2 channels in HD that cost so much!!! Most of the Fox channels are in HD now for asia, and I think even AXN is.

Most of the Fox channels are in HD now for asia, and I think even AXN is.

Yep AXN, FX, Fox, Fox Crime, Star World and many more, in Asia, in full 1080p plus most sports are in HD too now, not just premier league.

Beggars belief how they can charge so much for a crap service. I just got a WD TV Live media player for less than 2 months of what I pay True and if it weren't for Thai Channels, Premier League and the kids channels they would be coming to pick up their crap equipment.......

  • 2 months later...

My next door neighbour is away on medical leave in Australia and has bought a new HD 47" TV and is knocked out by the quality.

He's currently on True SD Gold and asked me to find out about upgrading to a HD package.

Is the True PVR HD ready? I tried Googling with mixed results. Has anyone any experience with reliability issues?

Any comments would be most welcome.

(He only really watches soccer but his wife watches soaps hence the need for a PVR with dual tuner and HD recording)

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