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Carrefour Tingtong, Gave Me A 390b Usb Stick For Free

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Today I paid 400b for a 4 gigabyte Kingmax USB stick but remembered the pricetag showed 390b.

It took 20 minutes (<deleted> I'm waiting so long for 10 baht refund) but then I got my 400b back following their 'wrong pricing= product free policy'.

Not the first time but 'best buy' so far ! It's really worth double checking the prices when checkout :)

Tomorrow I'm gonna buy a couple of motorbikes :D

(when accidentally correct priced I just return them)


I'm glad to hear that you got it free; otherwise you would have paid well over the odds... With a bit of shopping around in any of the Chiang Mai computer plaza you can get an 8GB stick for less than 500 Baht now. All of the supermarkets are ALWAYS well overpriced for computer accessories.

Anyway - congratulations!


I think it would be dishonest not to point out an obvious error like the one mentioned above. Taking something without properly paying for it is a form of stealing. I don't think it is anything worth bragging about. On the contrary, it's shameful.

I think it would be dishonest not to point out an obvious error like the one mentioned above. Taking something without properly paying for it is a form of stealing. I don't think it is anything worth bragging about. On the contrary, it's shameful.

What planet you come from ???

Sounds very 'black stockings & hat' / 'cart pulled by a horse' :)

I think it would be dishonest not to point out an obvious error like the one mentioned above. Taking something without properly paying for it is a form of stealing. I don't think it is anything worth bragging about. On the contrary, it's shameful.

How is it stealing? It is their policy not his. If they say that they will give it free if thry price it wrong then they have a duty to fulfil their promise.

I think it would be dishonest not to point out an obvious error like the one mentioned above. Taking something without properly paying for it is a form of stealing. I don't think it is anything worth bragging about. On the contrary, it's shameful.

How is the OP being dishonest or stealing?  He pointed out he'd been overcharged for the item.  It's Carrefour's policy to give you the item for free if their tills ring up the wrong price.   At check out, you need to watch all the prices being rung up, because they do occasionally unintentionally overcharge.  It's their policy & it keeps them on their toes.  It's bad for them if they get a reputation for overcharging.  Once you've pointed out the error, the item is yours for free.   It's not a case of getting the price corrected at the till, they give it to you.

oops, posting at same time as BWpattaya....


Wow! A puritan!

I think it would be dishonest not to point out an obvious error like the one mentioned above. Taking something without properly paying for it is a form of stealing. I don't think it is anything worth bragging about. On the contrary, it's shameful.
(when accidentally correct priced I just return them)

no need, just go to the barcode scanners that are placed within the store and scan the item, if its correct, place it back on the shelf , but i havent yet seen anyone pick up a scooter and scan it :)

btw what was the outcome of the other thread about wrong pricing in Carrefour, the OP was livid coz he thought the teller was shortchanging him, but most comments after outlined it was near impossible due to barcodes, or someting,

i did a quick search but nothing


I have had three similar experiences t Carrefour Pattaya. It takes a few minutes but they always follow their policy.

Wow! A puritan!
I think it would be dishonest not to point out an obvious error like the one mentioned above. Taking something without properly paying for it is a form of stealing. I don't think it is anything worth bragging about. On the contrary, it's shameful.

I think a poll is in order.. Stay tuned.

Wow! A puritan!
I think it would be dishonest not to point out an obvious error like the one mentioned above. Taking something without properly paying for it is a form of stealing. I don't think it is anything worth bragging about. On the contrary, it's shameful.

I think a poll is in order.. Stay tuned.

No doubt the freak of polls will be past shortly. :)

Wow! A puritan!
I think it would be dishonest not to point out an obvious error like the one mentioned above. Taking something without properly paying for it is a form of stealing. I don't think it is anything worth bragging about. On the contrary, it's shameful.

I think a poll is in order.. Stay tuned.

No doubt the freak of polls will be past shortly. :)

I don't know what that means. Will try again after coffee. :D

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