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Uk Settlement Visa Info Please. ( Stuck On The Visa Form )

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I know this may have already been coverd, but i would appreciate any help you can give me.

Im in the process of applying online for a settlement Visa on vfs-uk website.

I am filling the form out on behalf of my partner as she is not too confident about her English skill's.

But on the second part of the application it has the question.

" The intended dates of your travel to the UK " Which we know,

Then it has the question.

" the intended dates you will leave the UK "

Im not sure as what to put here, as my partner does not intend to leave the UK. This being a settlement visa.

If anybody has any info or advice that can help me it would be much appreciated.

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This shows the magnificent planning of those who design UK visa forms and IT systems!

As you rightly say, she is applying for settlement and so does not intend to leave the UK, but this question is on the online form and you cannot proceed if you don't answer it!

I suggest a date 27 months ahead of her intended arrival date, as this is when the visa will expire.

BTW, the paper version of the form doesn't ask this question; just when the applicant intends to travel to the UK. Marvelous!

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Thanks for the reply 7by7

Yea i had seen this question is not on the paper version and thought it was strange for it to be on the online version.

Will most likely stick with the paper form as i don't want the application to be rejected over 1 litttle thing.

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It wont be rejected over this; the ECO's have seen it before. If concerned, enter a date and then explain in your sponsor's letter why you did so.

It's up to you, but the advantage of completing an online application is that you can then make an appointment for your partner to attend the UKVAC to hand in the supporting documents and have their biometrics taken. If you complete a paper form then they will just have to turn up and wait their turn; which at busy periods, like now, could mean an all day wait!

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