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News, Security Be Searched By Sexy

Gonzo the Face

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Ok ... I tried to be good and I waited but noone has brought to the attention of this forum a most important story... so....

I read an article this morning that the Redshirts have announced that they are going to have 1000 redshirt women search the security soldiers for secretly stashed weapons. This stash, are supposedly stored in soldiers tents. The ladies will supposedly ask the soldiers to let them search and if they don't let them........ uh oh ....

I would like to suggest for balance and equality that the searchers seeking this stash, should themselves be searched just to be upfront and fair, or go sans shirts, so as not to have any splosives stuck somewhere and un-seen.

Anyone hear anything about photos from the search. ?????

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Purely in the interest of research I have concealed a blunt instrument upon my person they can search for.

Ssssshhhhhhh... .maybe better not to broadcast that...... when you read in the newspaper every day of murder deaths being caused by the force of a blunt object,,,,,,, well..... just be careful the pole-leece don't come knocking on your door.


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