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What Did Thaksin Do For Thailand?


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The premise of this thread is twisted. You could do the same thing with many historic villainous leaders and it would be similarly pointless. When a leader has gone so far wrong as Thaksin has, the good things he had done in the past become moot points.

Well, I was hoping I would get some posts from Thaksin supporters as to why they really love him.

But there's been very little from them.

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Thaksin was responsible for implementing and building the many RING ROADS around Chiang Mai, (his HOME TOWN) therefore he improved the driveability and liveability of Chiang Mai. Many in Chiang Mai who dislike him may consider this fact, as they cruise around the area...

signed: what politician doesn't put more money into their constituancy?

He was the PM. His constituency is the entire country.

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Which mean that you can't think of a single policy of his which benefited Thailand. The rest was just circumstantial.

Are you ignoring my post #17 ( http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Thaksin-Thai...22#entry3446922 ) on purpose, or is a requirement that every single poster lists 10 or so things that clearly benefited Thailand, some to this day?

When I was challenged on my list, I instantly provided the background and references in post #20. Did you read all that, including the Wikipedia links with facts about Thaksin's policies, includuing references? ( http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Thaksin-Thai...81#entry3446981 )

Carry on.. :)

OTOP was a copy of another country's idea

The Safari Park was a copy of someone else's idea, as was eating exotic animals

Casino building is not really an original idea, given Thailand's neighbour.

This is absolutely astounding. :D He is a politician, not a singer or a painter! I cannot believe I'm spelling this out, but please, hold my hand:

When artists, like writers, painters or musicians copy other peoples best work it's baaaaaddd. (pause)

When politicians, business people or engineers copy other people best work it's goooooooddd. (longer pause)

Being statesman means you're applying the best solutions to the challenges facing your country at any given time. You're truly clutching at straws when you can't offer any better retort than that someone else thought of it first?? Again, astounding. Truly.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Which mean that you can't think of a single policy of his which benefited Thailand. The rest was just circumstantial.

Are you ignoring my post #17 ( http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Thaksin-Thai...22#entry3446922 ) on purpose, or is a requirement that every single poster lists 10 or so things that clearly benefited Thailand, some to this day?

When I was challenged on my list, I instantly provided the background and references in post #20. Did you read all that, including the Wikipedia links with facts about Thaksin's policies, includuing references? ( http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Thaksin-Thai...81#entry3446981 )

Carry on.. :)

<snip other stuff>

I think you took Moonrakers post out of context. He was referring to another poster's efforts to say what Thaksin did, not yours.

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decentralization of state power, authorities


administrative reform, reducing bureaucracy (civil service pencil pusher have to work efficient, bureaucrats hate him for that)

30- baht health care

educational reform: smart brain learning program, focus on analytical thinking, new curriculums ( teacher' suddenly had to show performance, be employed by the local community and not central by the state - civil service paper pusher hate Thaskin for that - and the dems create now new jobs for the administration level)

loan funds for students of low income group

say yes to globalisation (while not forget your background) (ultra nationalists, old powers and lunatic socialists hate him for that)

FTA - free trade agreements

privatization of state-owned enterprises (no more waste of tax money for over sized administration and lazy state union officials and other bureaucrats)

casino legalisation

repay IMF debts, economic boom, microloans to impoverished people , help on small and medium enterprise

thaksin gave people hope, told them every man is the architect of his own fortune.

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The premise of this thread is twisted. You could do the same thing with many historic villainous leaders and it would be similarly pointless. When a leader has gone so far wrong as Thaksin has, the good things he had done in the past become moot points.

Well, I was hoping I would get some posts from Thaksin supporters as to why they really love him.

But there's been very little from them.

ohh, that is a fallacy of a lot of haters here. if i am not spreading irrational anti thaksin rhetoric 24/7 in every thread doesn't mean that i am a Thaksin lover.

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He made a step in the direction of fighting elections based on policies: using market research, he crafted a set of policies that were attractive to the rural poor; he campaigned on the basis of those policies; after winning the election, he rapidly implemented those policies. However, I wouldn't expect most TV readers to agree with this.

One obvious, albeit minor, success: he eliminated the motorcyle taxi mafia (which is one of the reasons why he still has such strong support amongst motorcyle taxi drivers).

I'm surprised people point to his war on drugs as a success. This was perhaps the worst human rights violation in recent Thai history. I find many of the legal cases against Thaksin dubious, but I am disappointed that he has not yet been prosecuted for this, which is far, far worse, and deserving of a life sentence.

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The premise of this thread is twisted. You could do the same thing with many historic villainous leaders and it would be similarly pointless. When a leader has gone so far wrong as Thaksin has, the good things he had done in the past become moot points.

Well, I was hoping I would get some posts from Thaksin supporters as to why they really love him.

But there's been very little from them.

ohh, that is a fallacy of a lot of haters here. if i am not spreading irrational anti thaksin rhetoric 24/7 in every thread doesn't mean that i am a Thaksin lover.

I think you misunderstood.

I'm talking about the ones that usually post how good Thaksin is. They seem to be very quiet.

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Some questions just have no definitive answer, either due to the preponderance of, or the lack of, results/proof. Ask what use a mosquito is to (mankind) or insert (the natural order of things), then look at the various responses.

So are you suggesting that there is a lack of proof that Thaksin did anything for Thailand, or a preponderance of proof?

My suggestion/opinion is that the man made a zero contribution to the good of Thailand and the general population based on proof. Based on results which you did not refer to from my quoted post, I would rank him in a class with the parasites of the animal kingdom. Having said this, I would expect some of his close henchmen/family/lawyers, etc would disagree and could even cite their gain, if so disposed.

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He made a step in the direction of fighting elections based on policies: using market research, he crafted a set of policies that were attractive to the rural poor; he campaigned on the basis of those policies; after winning the election, he rapidly implemented those policies. However, I wouldn't expect most TV readers to agree with this.


Actually, IMO, you would probably find that many TV readers agree with this.

The argument is more about the policies themselves, not how they were marketed and how quickly they were implemented.

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I also think that his reassurance that it was every Thai's patriotic duty, to take full advantage whenever possible of all farang tourists & residents, did a lot for international-relations. Not that this wasn't already perhaps a cultural bias, but his endorsement of it, surely helped cement the policy ? :)

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