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Thai Troops Retreat In Face Of 80,000 Protesters

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Wonderful. A people that are labelled as red shirts-but in actuality have the guts/balls to face a gov't that has been put into power illegitimately. You Brits,American etc. can learn a lot from them. Your gov'ts have taken away most of what you enjoyed living for and with. How dare you criticise these protesters. Take your shirts-off and look back at the mirror..you see the yellow streak. I don't need to see your bare backs to know what nervous-paranoid-desperate-self-motivated opportunist and cowards you are. Sitting at your notebook or PC and criticising others who have the guts to make what was wrong, right again. Irregardless, who these protesters are...they are doing the RIGHT thing..what have YOU done to make it right in YOUR country? ..I thougt so.

Powerful words and not out of line. You say much stronger what I have felt for some time. My wife is SeDang, I am Sefarang. I don't participate, I do allow her to follow her own beliefs, something that most westerners in their own country have grown lazy to do. Once you have lived generations under Democracy, you lose sight of its value. Freedom is never free. It must be fought for constantly. Right or wrong, matters not so much as the importance of Red shirts have come alive and are struggling, spending money, time and energy for a cause they believe in.Reality is its not for Taksin. He is only the catilyst to created change. Red shirts know this, and the news media hasnt figured it out yet, or by prejudice, keeping it from the public.Mark the words, this is how it all began in all Demogratic countries. Sometimes there is violence, sometimes there is battle, sometimes there is civil war. Lazy a$$, over opinioniated, farang that have grown fat, sassy, and arrogant in their retirement, or easier working lives in this foreign foreign country, enjoying a cheaper cost of living than their incomes and lifestyles could afford them in their own countries, are the loudest to degrade, over devaluate the native people while they struggle to earn what they have learned you farang gave up in your countries to finish your lives out here.

Personally, 75% of what I read is funnier and more abundant than the Sunday edition of the comic section in the New York Times. 25% of you farang don't have a life, and need to get away from your pc's, get outside and get a real life. For God and Buddha' sake, you came here for what? Only economics and to stir the pot out of boredom?

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Elected by what kind of parliament ? What logic ?

A parliament where the leading party the PPP was disolved by a court ?

A parliament where even a naiv would suspect that many MPs switched side in exchange for

some kind amnesty in minor case of corruption ?

A parliament elected by the people ? Certainly not , the people elected another

parliament last time they were consulted . What democratic legitimacy has this parliament

anyway ?


Moresomekl, how often do you come up with this, even though it is explained to you again and again in great detail.

You know the drill:

All the MPs are elected by the people. The majority of the MPs elect one of their own to be PM. Coalition alliances change, which means a different majority select another MP to be the PM. That's how the system works here. It's also very similar to a lot of British Commonwealth systems.

I know the system , as i have explained here so many times that am tired .

Thats not my point . Thank you

So what is your point...

Please read my previous post

Yes, it is just you. 50,000 unarmed troops protecting 10+million mostly unarmed residents of Bangkok from 80,000 mostly unarmed redshirts that only have to change shirts to hide.

I think it's stretching the limits of credibility to expect that the entire group of 80000 [including grannies] would suddenly go on the rampage don't you jd?

That would be the mother of all riots! :)

Ummm actually I would only expect a few 1000 to be in on any riots. However for crowd control etc they will certainly need folks on the ground at multiple locations and you did cut out the bits about Sae Daeng and his grenades and Arisman and his petrol bombs that absolutely must be considered.

Yeah I know mate. Just pulling your chain a little. :D

So what happens when the army decides not to back down in a particular situation?

Eventually, there is going to be violence.

And the reds will come up with some lame propaganda to say that it was Abhisit's fault.

Abhisit/Sondhi banned 111 fairly elected, according to International observers, politicians. The yellow propaganda machine, which paid more money to yellow terrorists than the reds could even, also uses this shtick over and over again.

Why ARE so many farangs on the side of Establishment forces?

Were their ancestors handing out cake for Maria Antoinnette? [let them eat cake] Did they fight against Paul Revere and the Raiders?

There are some good concepts and ideas as elements of, both, the Red and Yellow forces and some bad architecture, as well. A win by either side will NOT be a win for Thailand.

The Joseph Solution takes elements of both sides, and other 'parties of interest', as well, and puts them as trains pulling on different tracks with one purpose, instead of crashing head on.

The biggest anchors for both the Reds and the Yellows is they have allowed associations with crooked and corrupt leaders, Thaksin and Sondhi.

[sondhi helped bank roll Thaksin into power, had him forgive billions in loans, one of the best examples of Thaksin's corruption IS Sondhi. Of course, Sondhi called Thaksin, "the best PM ever."

They are both alligators from the same swamp, products of the problem not the causers of.

If the swamp does not get drained, EXPECT the next 100 years to be like the last 100; the names and faces will change, is all.

The Joseph Solution irons out "ALL" of Thailand's factional disputes and aspirations and provides stability, peace, increased prosperity and reduced corruption.

Hi . Do you have an internet link to the Joseph solution ? It seems very interesting


Over history it shows that “world powers to be” often use to apply German philosopher Hegel’s formula:

Thesis + Anti-Thesis = Synthesis

Germany: Terrorist + Anti-Terrorist = Police-Computer Controlled Population

USA: Saddam Hussein + War On Terror = New World Order

Thailand: Yellow + Red = ???

Elected by what kind of parliament ? What logic ?

A parliament where the leading party the PPP was disolved by a court ?

A parliament where even a naiv would suspect that many MPs switched side in exchange for

some kind amnesty in minor case of corruption ?

A parliament elected by the people ? Certainly not , the people elected another

parliament last time they were consulted .

What democratic legitimacy has this parliament anyway ?


Since this was responding to my post I guess I must respond.

Most of that leading party are still in the Parliament in PTP.

Only leadership was lost FROM THEIR OWN ACTIONS:

Tough tits they cheated and lost the bet.

If that leadership PPP had dissolved the parliament, and run PTP with list,

they might well have won, but they didn't for reasons we will likely never know.

What;s this back room deal talk... made up it seems.

Newin would have still survived with or without this minor conviction.

He wasn't the only one to abandon Thaksin either.

And I have few doubts Thaksin helped out to hang him farther after he left.

You are so far the ONLY person in THAILAND to make this allegation.

quid pro quo to save his ass from a charge, by switching parties... righty O flyboy.

Like this wouldn't have been possible with the crooked Thaksin parties...HA!

Right dude, that dog don't hunt.


irrefutable fact.

Only a smaller than TRT leadership and some few party list EXECUTIVES were lost.

All valid seats were filled BY THE THAI PEOPLE voting in BY ELECTIONS.

PTP still had the biggest number of seats...

BUT no one wanted to work with them anymore.

Again : Tough tits they cheated and lost the bet.

This parliament has the DEMOCRATIC LEGITIMACY


Your sense of sour grapes doesn't make it less legitimate.

It just makes your positions less likely to be listened to with any gravitas.

Over history it shows that “world powers to be” often use to apply German philosopher Hegel’s formula:

Thesis + Anti-Thesis = Synthesis

Germany: Terrorist + Anti-Terrorist = Police-Computer Controlled Population

USA: Saddam Hussein + War On Terror = New World Order

Thailand: Yellow + Red = ???

Thailand: Yellow + Red = Motley turd in the punch bowl.

Yes, it is just you. 50,000 unarmed troops protecting 10+million mostly unarmed residents of Bangkok from 80,000 mostly unarmed redshirts that only have to change shirts to hide.

I think it's stretching the limits of credibility to expect that the entire group of 80000 [including grannies] would suddenly go on the rampage don't you jd?

That would be the mother of all riots! :D

LOL . The grand-mother of all riots :)

The thai army is not the red army of 1945 .

Back then they raped all the grandmothers

some to their delight i might add .

But i digress ....

Wonderful. A people that are labelled as red shirts-but in actuality have the guts/balls to face a gov't that has been put into power illegitimately. You Brits,American etc. can learn a lot from them. Your gov'ts have taken away most of what you enjoyed living for and with. How dare you criticise these protesters. Take your shirts-off and look back at the mirror..you see the yellow streak. I don't need to see your bare backs to know what nervous-paranoid-desperate-self-motivated opportunist and cowards you are. Sitting at your notebook or PC and criticising others who have the guts to make what was wrong, right again. Irregardless, who these protesters are...they are doing the RIGHT thing..what have YOU done to make it right in YOUR country? ..I thougt so.

Powerful words and not out of line. You say much stronger what I have felt for some time. My wife is SeDang, I am Sefarang. I don't participate, I do allow her to follow her own beliefs, something that most westerners in their own country have grown lazy to do. Once you have lived generations under Democracy, you lose sight of its value. Freedom is never free. It must be fought for constantly. Right or wrong, matters not so much as the importance of Red shirts have come alive and are struggling, spending money, time and energy for a cause they believe in.Reality is its not for Taksin. He is only the catilyst to created change. Red shirts know this, and the news media hasnt figured it out yet, or by prejudice, keeping it from the public.Mark the words, this is how it all began in all Demogratic countries. Sometimes there is violence, sometimes there is battle, sometimes there is civil war. Lazy a$$, over opinioniated, farang that have grown fat, sassy, and arrogant in their retirement, or easier working lives in this foreign foreign country, enjoying a cheaper cost of living than their incomes and lifestyles could afford them in their own countries, are the loudest to degrade, over devaluate the native people while they struggle to earn what they have learned you farang gave up in your countries to finish your lives out here.

Personally, 75% of what I read is funnier and more abundant than the Sunday edition of the comic section in the New York Times. 25% of you farang don't have a life, and need to get away from your pc's, get outside and get a real life. For God and Buddha' sake, you came here for what? Only economics and to stir the pot out of boredom?

Here, here! That was truely a majestic post :D I think that the "yellow" farangs and possibly even the "yellow" government feel that the red shirts are just a proxy for Thaksin, when in fact there is massive support throughout the countryside for those who are brave enough to gather in Bangkok and face 50,000 government troops!!! To write this off as a few paid protesters stirring up trouble is to make a big mistake, and a mistake that will come home to roost at some point in the future. It is not uncommon for the government or powers that be to try and degrade the protesters (as they are doing with the red shirts saying that they are just ignorant peasants from the countryside), so that the governemnt can ratioanalize that what they are doing has common mandate and is in the publics best interest. The same type of thing is occuring in the U.S. currently with the tea party movement, the Obama administration and the media sypathetic to Obama, has painted the tea party folks as uneducated right wing Republican extrmeists, when in fact most of the tea party attendees are independant voters and disaffected Democrats who are highly educatd :) Fortunately for those of us in the U.S. we have elections this November and we can peacefully change our government at the ballot box :D

Elected by what kind of parliament ? What logic ?

A parliament where the leading party the PPP was disolved by a court ?

A parliament where even a naiv would suspect that many MPs switched side in exchange for

some kind amnesty in minor case of corruption ?

A parliament elected by the people ? Certainly not , the people elected another

parliament last time they were consulted .

What democratic legitimacy has this parliament anyway ?


Since this was responding to my post I guess I must respond.

Most of that leading party are still in the Parliament in PTP.

Only leadership was lost FROM THEIR OWN ACTIONS:

Tough tits they cheated and lost the bet.

If that leadership PPP had dissolved the parliament, and run PTP with list,

they might well have won, but they didn't for reasons we will likely never know.

What;s this back room deal talk... made up it seems.

Newin would have still survived with or without this minor conviction.

He wasn't the only one to abandon Thaksin either.

And I have few doubts Thaksin helped out to hang him farther after he left.

You are so far the ONLY person in THAILAND to make this allegation.

quid pro quo to save his ass from a charge, by switching parties... righty O flyboy.

Like this wouldn't have been possible with the crooked Thaksin parties...HA!

Right dude, that dog don't hunt.


irrefutable fact.

Only a smaller than TRT leadership and some few party list EXECUTIVES were lost.

All valid seats were filled BY THE THAI PEOPLE voting in BY ELECTIONS.

PTP still had the biggest number of seats...

BUT no one wanted to work with them anymore.

Again : Tough tits they cheated and lost the bet.

This parliament has the DEMOCRATIC LEGITIMACY


Your sense of sour grapes doesn't make it less legitimate.

It just makes your positions less likely to be listened to with any gravitas.

Last general election in Thailand was held in September 2007 and brought the PPP

to power

There was NO GENERAL ELECTIONS after the dimantlement of the parliament

by the courts which came later . Oh yes no one wanted to work with PTP , I wonder why

probably some PPP Mps not so clean were offered immunity in return for them switching side

Please do not confuse everyone for your own purpose


For all to read

Last general election in Thailand Dec 2007

Two exit polls gave the PPP a clear first place, with either 256 to the Democrats' 162 seats (giving them an absolute majority of the 480 seats) or with 202 to the Democrats' 146. Four smaller parties also took seats. While the Democrats acknowledged their election defeat and stated it was the PPP's right to form the government, it is unclear what the military will do now, as the PPP is based mostly on former TRT supporters

Well everyone knows by now what they did . LOL .

One just dont dismantle the party with the majority (right or wrong , thats not my point)

and get a new parliament as a result without holding general elections and hope that nobody

will notice .

If they did this in my country half the country would be in the streets protesting

In 1992 the army killed 800 protesters in Bangkok .. It can happen again ...


In April 2009 the Reds sent burning buses at soldiers, threw bricks and bottles at unarmed fireman and threatened to blow up neighborhoods using hijacked LPG tankers. It can happen again...

Hooray for the reds! At last some hope for the poor people in Thailand.


Yeah, right. bring back the fugitive Thaksin to govern. If their hope is to bring down the government by whatever means necessary - and I believe that to be their objective - it will not work with a savvy PM like Abhisit sitting at the head of the government. Abhisit is western educated and any farang that was here when Thaksin was in power should know that Abhisit doesn't hate farangs & the west like Thaksin did/does. Thailand is very lucky to have such an educated, cool headed PM as Abhisit. The poor is Thailand will always be the majority just as they are in just about every non-Western country in the world. My wife's Bangkok educated brother lives in Maha Sarrakham and has lived there so long that he has lost his ability to think and reason and is backing the Reds. So even families are split over this. The Thaksin Reds are dividing the country and turning Thai against Thai and you can bet that the majority of Reds - just as their leader Thaksin - that we farangs get out of Thailand. We may never visit her brother again or travel to Isaan for that matter. They are stirred up and are willing to argue and fight with anyone. So she chooses for us not to visit him this year.

Last general election in Thailand was held in September 2007 and brought the PPP

to power

There was NO GENERAL ELECTIONS after the dimantlement of the parliament

by the courts which came later . Oh yes no one wanted to work with PTP , I wonder why

probably some PPP Mps not so clean were offered immunity in return for them switching side

Please do not confuse everyone for your own purpose

In September 2008 Somchai Wongsawat became Thailands Prime Minister. This was Thaksin's brother in law and he served only one purpose: changing the constitution in favour of his brother in law. Please, YOU shouldnt confuse the past events!

Hooray for the reds! At last some hope for the poor people in Thailand.


Yeah, right. bring back the fugitive Thaksin to govern. If their hope is to bring down the government by whatever means necessary - and I believe that to be their objective - it will not work with a savvy PM like Abhisit sitting at the head of the government. Abhisit is western educated and any farang that was here when Thaksin was in power should know that Abhisit doesn't hate farangs & the west like Thaksin did/does. Thailand is very lucky to have such an educated, cool headed PM as Abhisit. The poor is Thailand will always be the majority just as they are in just about every non-Western country in the world. My wife's Bangkok educated brother lives in Maha Sarrakham and has lived there so long that he has lost his ability to think and reason and is backing the Reds. So even families are split over this. The Thaksin Reds are dividing the country and turning Thai against Thai and you can bet that the majority of Reds - just as their leader Thaksin - that we farangs get out of Thailand. We may never visit her brother again or travel to Isaan for that matter. They are stirred up and are willing to argue and fight with anyone. So she chooses for us not to visit him this year.

Can see who wears the trousers in your house, then! :D

Last general election in Thailand was held in September 2007 and brought the PPP

to power

There was NO GENERAL ELECTIONS after the dimantlement of the parliament

by the courts which came later . Oh yes no one wanted to work with PTP , I wonder why

probably some PPP Mps not so clean were offered immunity in return for them switching side

Please do not confuse everyone for your own purpose

In September 2008 Somchai Wongsawat became Thailands Prime Minister. This was Thaksin's brother in law and he served only one purpose: changing the constitution in favour of his brother in law. Please, YOU shouldnt confuse the past events!

Samak was named the PM in 2007 and was replaced by Somchai later , because Samak got paid few hunderd

bucks for participating in a cooking show .

What Somchai or Samak did is not my point . My point is about general elections


the local infiltrators on this site will always bang on about how the PM was properly elected. This was on the back of a vote on the constitution that was a "take it or get no election" offer from the Junta! Even then the Military couldn't accept the will of the people, I am not saying that the PM is a bad guy; more of a puppet & if he wants authority then have an election. Simples.

the local infiltrators on this site will always bang on about how the PM was properly elected. This was on the back of a vote on the constitution that was a "take it or get no election" offer from the Junta! Even then the Military couldn't accept the will of the people, I am not saying that the PM is a bad guy; more of a puppet & if he wants authority then have an election. Simples.

I think PM has made a good offer to the reds, but of course they can´t take it because they don´t want a fair election. PM has 3 points:

- Leave thaksin out

- No vote buying

- Every party must be able to campaign all over the country

What is wrong with that??

I'm pleased there is no violence. I hope they get their way and get an election. Abhisit isn't a bad man, he just isn't elected.

Neither is Gordon Brown ( he was voted in as PM by the MPs, not the electorate ).

As there isn't "democracy" in either country, it's irrelevant.

Hooray for the reds! At last some hope for the poor people in Thailand.


That is is an interesting viewpoint. Perhaps you should read this:


Yep, Thaksin and his cronies really had the interests of the poor farmers in mind.. :D - if it wasn't so sad

I knew it was bad under toxin, but that's OTT!

I guess if you're a broke farmer, and someone offers you some money to wear a red shirt, and go to Bangkok to participate in a protest, you'll take the money, even if it's to support the man responsible for your present condition.

Am I wrong believing Chidchob is in the present government coalition?


Anyone have a translation of the Jakropob Penkair speech reported about in todays Thai Rath? From what I can gather he says Abhisit is legitimate and the Red people suffer from their leaders, of whom he had little good to say.

The provokation failed. The reds scored an owngoal, but it looks like they get more and more desperate. How far can they push the army without anything happens? I think it is an scary situation right now.

Sooner or later some redshirt will open fire out of the crowd Bloody sunday style , and the army will get the blame, I am sure a few of our readers have been in the same situation if they served in NI, :)

I'm pleased there is no violence. I hope they get their way and get an election. Abhisit isn't a bad man, he just isn't electe


have u been in thailand long?

if pm aphisit is not elected.... why are those senators siding with the reds and former pres who also is currently a convicted but escaped male convict permitting this gentleman educated in england to stand on the leadership podium day after day as the govt leader and as a priminister....?

just how do u think apisit got to be pm....?

did u or did u not realize that.... it was in that parliamentary chamber where the majority of the senators voted for him to lead the country?

and where were those senators come from....?

you got it.... the senators were duly elected by the people to represent them.....

these elected senators in turn within the chamber elect apisit....

only a moronic soul.... would argue that apisit is not duly elected to be the current pm....

Here's a thread that explains and discusses this issue.


THX MUCH for your research which chronologically explained the logic for many of us on thaivisa, who still may or may not be in agreement with you or with your post. :D

but thx much again, anotherpeter.... :)

Good preventive move!

What is the army supposed to do in the case some of the

soldiers are attacked or otherwise provoked,

maybe even taken for ransom?

Someone needs urgently a provocation, some wrong move and this is at "all cost" to be avoided!

this confirms ,,,, a weak goverment ..

on the positive side ....the thai bart would be even stronger ,

if there was not the , current political unrest .

The Thaksin apologists can be very sly.

But it gives everybody else an idea of what the red tactics are.

It works like this:

First, the red forces nudge forward, hoping that the government forces will push back.

The reds can then go violent claiming 'self-defence'.

On the other hand, if the government forces step back, then the red apologists leap in to say the government is weak.

And claim a little red victory.

But the war is being lost by the reds.

And they know it.

There you go again...dammed if they do ....dammed if they dont. If just one of them says something a bit over the top....it's clear evidence that the whole movement

is violent.....if they do nothing, or back off a bit, they are cowards....if they engage in confrontation without violence....then its a victory for the government...or army...or somebody.

If one hot headed red makes a "violent rhetorical speech"...that should be the benchmark...never mind the hundreds of speeches and statements to the contrary made by other Reds.

If they only assemble 100,000+ on the first weekend...its a total failure.... they "promised a million" Actually they never "promised" anything...they may have had a goal

of getting a million people involved and if you add up all the people who have attended at various times they probably have.

when many of they go home on Monday or Tuesday because they have to make a living....even more evidence of failure

When tens of thousands more come to replace them....well of course that's just because they are being paid.

Everything is about Thaksin....if someone posts without being viciously anti-Thaksin....then they must be pro-Thaksin

If someone posts in a non biased " lets wait and see" mode....they are being deceptive....closet pro-Thaksin supporters.

I wonder....have you ever actually met or talked with any of these people? Do you really have a clue what they are really about?

They have "lost the war" and they know it???

Here is what I know: I live in a community where I am surrounded by red supporters.

I would say that 90% or more are not active (ie. they don't go to Bkk in pickup trucks to protest because they have work to do and families to feed)

Those that I have met who are active are very non-violent people..I recently had a whole work crew at my house doing some renovations...really good people...all pro-red.

Many of them think Thaksin was a hero....and many of them don't really like Thaksin any more than I do....for a variety of reasons.

They are not by any means all uneducated rice farmers... the family next door to me are university teachers and they support the reds

My wife monitors the red TV channel for about 14 hours a day...(and it drives me nuts)...and again she is a passive supporter but is not active. She most certainly does not

support acts of violent and disagrees totally with some of the red leaders statements and over the top rhetoric. Believe it or not a person can support a movement--without

agreeing with the extreme elements which seem to be present in most movements of this sort.

I know that your mind may be made up, but maybe somewhere in your makeup there may be just a little bit of space to acknowledge that everyone who puts on a red

T-shirt is not necessarily see Thaksin as a hero, nor are they a violent thug. Some of them may be a bit rough around the edges and I don't think their strategies are always well advised but that does not make them bad people.

I truly hope this whole situation an be resolved, but if the Thais are as vitriolic towards each other as the ex-pats seem to be then I feel it will not end well...and the ex-pats are not even directly involved...can you imagine if we were?? If you want to see real violence just wait for the protesters at the next G7/G8 meeting...or the trade unions in Greece when they get their "perks" cut.....or the French fishermen and farmers next them the subsides come up for review.

I fully expect to be accused of being a coy---or closet Thaksin supporter again....it's pretty standard operating procedure for some TV members.

I really don't know what else I can say to establish that I am not....believe whatever you like...as they say in Thailand "UP TO YOU"

I appreciate some of the well reasoned responses even when they disagree with my own views. There are good arguments to be made on both sides of this issue, What is not helpful to anyone are the nasty, disrespectful cheap shots that often seem to dominate these "discussions" These frequently come from the those who have for whatever reasons developed some kind of anti-Thaksin fixation. Personally I have many reasons to dislike Mr. Thaksin. I would not wish to buy a used car from the man, but to me he is not the real issue

Well I agree....I find that whatever the intial drive to make people protest is individual and i admire that people are actually voicing opinion and be

ing allowed to do so...I think the protestors are behaving how protestors do - draw attention to their grievences - and the government are having to listen.

we shouldnt tarnish people with the same brush and simplify a very complex social divide that is has literally been divided and labelled.

I also wouldnt patronise people so much to the point where they have to put on a shirt to voice their opinion......remeber this is about a vote - and its value.



i sought thairath but could not find jatupon's comment....

could u be more specific.... thx

Anyone have a translation of the Jakropob Penkair speech reported about in todays Thai Rath? From what I can gather he says Abhisit is legitimate and the Red people suffer from their leaders, of whom he had little good to say.


I will arrive Bangkok on 3/April.

Do you think that will be safe to stay 2/3 days in Bangkok?

I want to walk arround the Grand Palace and surrounding areas!

Or do you think that i should go to Phuket, Krabi, etc, right after i arrive Bangkok?

thanks in advance


from Portugal

Dan, Bangkok is HUGE 15 million person at least.

There are so many places for people to go and see things,

reds can't be in all of them.

Get into town, chill out a bit, ask a tourist agent what's happening that day,

they should know, and just do something in another direction.

A bit of common sense and awareness and you should have no issues.

My country only have like 10 million!!! :)

My city only 20.000... :D

My plans are:

3/April Grande Palace and temples

4/April Floating Market and some other places

5/April Ayutuyha

6/7 April Sukhothai

........ beaches (Phuket, Krabi...)

and return to Bangkok on 15/April for 2 more days.

But still missing a week, so until then thing can be better and quietter !!!

Please please please do not worry a single moment.....just get yourself here,,,be polite,,,say please , say thank you,(when appropriate) dont worry about anyone but you and you having a good time..if you do that with grace and compassion and respect you will never have a worry in the world here.

Probably want to avoid provoking these types of people, giving them an excuse and justifying violence. Good on them.

These types of people!!where did you get your brains from?Th e army has no role to play in this, they are there to protect the people,the job is solely the job of the corrupt police, who sole interests in most situations is...how much can they make....its pretty obvious that the reds shirts have the upper hand,the way the Bangkok post played it today was the red shirts were devided and would soon go away,Thaskin was legally elected and should have been legally thrown out by the people not by the militarywho are only interested in their agenda and promotions and nice pensions.

Correct me if I m wrong

The military never kicked Thaskin out, he ran to another country to escape goin to jail

PM's are elected by their party, not by the people

The Party or parties in Power are those with the largest numbers

This is democracy and the way things are

So do you want a different type of democracy

Not th democracy the rest of us want


when you come to thailand, you won't know what thailand is really like.... unless and until you come to the southern part of thailand....

in southern parts of thailand, you will see and experience thailand of some 20 years of ago....

full of hospitality and good food.... uncrowded and inexpensive....

several of us live around trang for several years now....

there are beautiful beaches and numerous islands and spots for skin diving and scuba as well....

the price is around 1/3 of what tourists are paying if they are in phuket, pattaya or samui....

if you have a couple of days unfilled.... send me an email at nakachalet at gmail dot com, i'll send you some pix so you can decide for yourself....

as far as safety is concerned.... we have been around here for over a decade now.... and we have substantial investment around here too...so we know it is pretty safe around these provinces.... however, if you go further south to yala, pattani or narrathivart.... where many of our relatives are still there doing brisk businesses.... it is rather risky for tourists to travel to those very southern parts....

have a wonderful trip to thailand.... and keep all your valuables close to your chest.... ok?

sorry everyone.... i can not delete errors.... shame on me and thaivisa webmasters..... :D

I will arrive Bangkok on 3/April.

Do you think that will be safe to stay 2/3 days in Bangkok?

I want to walk arround the Grand Palace and surrounding areas!

Or do you think that i should go to Phuket, Krabi, etc, right after i arrive Bangkok?

thanks in advance


from Portugal

Dan, Bangkok is HUGE 15 million person at least.

There are so many places for people to go and see things,

reds can't be in all of them.

Get into town, chill out a bit, ask a tourist agent what's happening that day,

they should know, and just do something in another direction.

A bit of common sense and awareness and you should have no issues.

My country only have like 10 million!!! :)

My city only 20.000... :D

My plans are:

3/April Grande Palace and temples

4/April Floating Market and some other places

5/April Ayutuyha

6/7 April Sukhothai

........ beaches (Phuket, Krabi...)

and return to Bangkok on 15/April for 2 more days.

But still missing a week, so until then thing can be better and quietter !!!

Please please please do not worry a single moment.....just get yourself here,,,be polite,,,say please , say thank you,(when appropriate) dont worry about anyone but you and you having a good time..if you do that with grace and compassion and respect you will never have a worry in the world here.

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