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Thai Government, Protesters Edge Towards Talk

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Reds are starting to get concessions:

Abhisit has said he was willing to disband Parliament but there must be conditions attached

He mentioned three conditions for an election a few days ago. I cant remember them all but one was the right for any candidate to campaign without fear of attack anywhere

I believe that we can all agree on - he should not, however, use this as an excuse never to hold elections (which he will lose - and we all know it - that's the problem - if he is not fearful - then why fear?)

Where do you get the idea he will lose...???

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This is starting to look like it will end badly which will be sad.

It has looked that way to me from the beginning. Violence very well COULD ruin the future for Abhisit and Korn

I very much hope not... violence has no part in this and I would defend anyone against it - of course debaters know my sympathies are more red than yellow but that does not mean i support violence OR Khun Thaksin who should be ditched by the reds eventually.

Why should he have not been ditched already?

Because The Red Shirts are all about Thaksin....nothing more ... nothing less... Who do you think is paying for all this... He is the Grand Master behind all red shirt protesting... anyone who thinks the Red Shirts are really about democracy is living on another planet...We are in Thailand for Gods sake... Its ALL about Thaksins Ego.... and moneys.

Jatuporn: "It's all right if you don't dissolve. When we finish our coffee we will just go back to the rally."

Must have been good coffee. :)

Perhaps a carry-out, from a hotel, somewhere in Montenegro ? :D


Abhisit noted that the government used to push for charter amendments but the Pheu Thai Party itself boycotted the proposed amendments after former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra said "no" to the amendments.

Abhisit noted that the amendments could also cause problems if other people regard that politicians would amend the charter to grant amnesty for themselves or amend the charter for their own benefits.

A key point in the negotiations.

The forum Thaksin apologists can wriggle all they want but this event is exposing the reds as agents of Thaksin.

Abhisit noted that the government used to push for charter amendments but the Pheu Thai Party itself boycotted the proposed amendments after former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra said "no" to the amendments.

Abhisit noted that the amendments could also cause problems if other people regard that politicians would amend the charter to grant amnesty for themselves or amend the charter for their own benefits.

A key point in the negotiations.

The forum Thaksin apologists can wriggle all they want but this event is exposing the reds as agents of Thaksin.

"...agents of Thaksin" is a good way to put it. Another is "water boys" of Thaksin and much overpaid water boys at that.

Anyone who says this isn't about Thaksin is blowing hot air out his arse.


This debate has a clear winner.

Unfortunately with "debating" not really being thought at school here, the Thai people will not see that.

Abhisit slaughtered them and then some :)


Reds are starting to get concessions:

Abhisit has said he was willing to disband Parliament but there must be conditions attached

He mentioned three conditions for an election a few days ago. I cant remember them all but one was the right for any candidate to campaign without fear of attack anywhere

I believe that we can all agree on - he should not, however, use this as an excuse never to hold elections (which he will lose - and we all know it - that's the problem - if he is not fearful - then why fear?)

Where do you get the idea he will lose...???

well i guess thats a fair point... let's find out? trust me who ever wins a fair election outright get's my full support - whatever colour - Abhsiti knows and has admitted it isn't the best way for him to be PM - if his mandate was solid he would not even consider dissolving parliament would he?


Abhisit's softening them up now by going off on a tangent and telling a story relating to a simple minded poor person he once met in the UK on a farm during a school field trip to Yorkshire. Followed up by a suggestion that they all take a 30 minute Lao Khao and somtam break. Give him credit he's trying his best to communicate on the Red Shirt level.


Hold on, Veera's countered by invoking an ancient Brahmin curse and appears to have ordered a live chicken to be delivered to the debating hall. Things are hotting up, unless my beginner's level Thai language skills deceive me.


The PAD arent going to like these talks. Abhisit has signalled he doesnt mind ammending the constitution which will set the PAD off. It will be interesting to see what Thanong's take is too.

This debate has a clear winner.

Unfortunately with "debating" not really being thought at school here, the Thai people will not see that.

Abhisit slaughtered them and then some :)


Yes, my view is that Abhisit did a debate "Superman" in this one, himself taking virtually every point or counterpoint to be made.

A balanced view of this is that Abhisit won the moment he sat down in the room with the three Redshirt leaders. (Abhisit already has kept the army restrained and constrained but the army itself has done well, especially in diffusing the Redshirts at the 11th Regiment facility last time.) Abhisit sitting down to discuss matters with the (disloyal) opposition is something Thaksin never for a moment contemplated or would ever comtemplate. Thaksin when faced with even a single voice of opposition or critique instead immediately slapped a lawsuit or shut off the spigot - Thaksin never would sit with anyone in disagreement with him much less in opposition. Abhisit is a man who can face his opponents and argue the points and principles, Thaksin is not. The three Reds in the room are reciting their stale and uncompromising standard lines.

Abhisit has shown only reason, balance, calm and rationality. No blood throwing by the cool guy in charge, no weeping, no running. Abhisit looked 'em in the eye and said his piece. Impressive.

The Redshirts now must return the serve straight and true.

Abhisit's softening them up now by going off on a tangent and telling a story relating to a simple minded poor person he once met in the UK on a farm during a school field trip to Yorkshire. Followed up by a suggestion that they all take a 30 minute Lao Khao and somtam break. Give him credit he's trying his best to communicate on the Red Shirt level.

What would be perfect is a timetable for an election - provided the red shirts go home... say in six months? the vast majority would support that - there is no way people will wait until end next year - so compromise, compromise and more compromise and if he wins he wins and I for one shall whine no more!!! (jing, jing!) :)


It will be interesting to juxtapose Abhisits inclusiveness and reasonableness with whatever Dear Leader's next phone-in has to say. I could be wrong but I'd guess he will show a lesser degree of equanimity and bon homie.

Abhisit also noted that he, as the prime minister, would also have to listen to opinions of other people, who were not in the negotiation room.

He's offering an open invitation for TV posters to attend. With all the incisive, in-depth fair and balanced political commentary we can come up with we'll sort it all out for him within the hour.

(Now where's that tongue in cheek emoticon)?

well i guess thats a fair point... let's find out? trust me who ever wins a fair election outright get's my full support - whatever colour - Abhsiti knows and has admitted it isn't the best way for him to be PM - if his mandate was solid he would not even consider dissolving parliament would he?

Huh? When you weren't getting your way you claimed he was illigitimate because of that, now that he is doing what he has always said he would do and negotiate you try and use that to prove a point too? You have learned well from the reds!

I rather missed where he "knows and has admitted it isn't the best way for him to be PM"

, could you please point out where he said that?

You know better than to use this type of strawman argument ...

well i guess thats a fair point... let's find out? trust me who ever wins a fair election outright get's my full support - whatever colour - Abhsiti knows and has admitted it isn't the best way for him to be PM - if his mandate was solid he would not even consider dissolving parliament would he?

Huh? When you weren't getting your way you claimed he was illigitimate because of that, now that he is doing what he has always said he would do and negotiate you try and use that to prove a point too? You have learned well from the reds!

I rather missed where he "knows and has admitted it isn't the best way for him to be PM"

, could you please point out where he said that?

You know better than to use this type of strawman argument ...

I already posted the quote earlier - cant remember which thread - he said it dude - live with it


Well this is very interesting so far. My take on the personalities.

Veera: Calm, cool, collected. Smart. He appears to agree with some of what Abhisit says. He is not the hard-liner in the group. He seems to sincerely want a way out for the good of Thailand.

Weng: Stiff. Boring. Convinced of his own beliefs and unwilling to listen to any other.

Jatuporn: A snake. Many veiled threats. Intransigent.

Abhisit: Friendly but frustrated. Articulate. Seeks a way out for the good of Thailand but realizes that he represents all of Thailand, not just one faction, and must take that into consideration. Therefore he is unwilling to make any agreements without talking to coalition groups.

Korbsak: Didn't say much. I wasn't too impressed.

Abhisit looks very nervous and fidgety - odd as everyone else seems relaxed and jovial. Dont think Eton prepared him for dealing with medallion wearing revolutionaries.

No But Oxford sure did.

Eton prepared him for Oxford, Oxford prepared him for country boys. and "medallion wearing revolutionaries".

I think they all performed very well.

Is anyone following The Nation's updates on the talks? Horrible spelling, completely one-sided journalism.

You obviously do not speak Thai .... the conversation is one sided .... they keep on repeating the same points and Abhisit tears their points apart. With calm and deducted reasoning .... so it is one sided!


Is anyone following The Nation's updates on the talks? Horrible spelling, completely one-sided journalism.

Why not watch it yourself and make your own judgements:


I'm watching it on TV, but I find this comment from The Nation a rather poor piece of journalism:

THE NATION: Oh no. Weng wants to give another lecture.

Seriously, what kind of journalist writes something like that?

It will be interesting to juxtapose Abhisits inclusiveness and reasonableness with whatever Dear Leader's next phone-in has to say. I could be wrong but I'd guess he will show a lesser degree of equanimity and bon homie.

I agree that he would be *very* foolish not to come across in a concillatory way - KA has good advisors (well he would wouldn't he)

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