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How To Get Rid Of Ants In A Condo ?


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yes my new place here is nice...if only there were no ANTS....they are everywhere.....especially in the kitchen.....no surprise....cannot store any kind of food, bread, cake, fruits....outside the fridge.....they even managed to get in the cereals (even it was vacuumized when I bought it, but they managed to open the bag)...... I know I can buy a lot of chemicals to kill them, but the instruction on such items is in Thai only and i dont wanna buy anything that is too poisoneous and kills any life within a radius of 50 kilometers....anybody can give advice ? had the same problem and solved it ? okay, I might consider to buy some posion as well, but at least I would like to know what are the ingredients......

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You could get one of the local pest repellent companies to spray a couple of times a month. The owners of our previous place used to do this. Now I have my own place I'm too mean and normally just spray with the normal can of deet stuff for mosquitos, roaches and ants. Pretty effective for short periods. Make sure kitchen surfaces are disinfected and keep everything in glass sealed containers or the fridge. Without the sweet stuff they'll not bother you. :D My kitchen is ant free until my wife's family come and leave all their food on the table :o

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Trace them back to a hole - they'll be coming from somewhere in the masonry or woodwork. Get one of the sprays with a fine tube to attach and spray into and soak the hole. That's the best spray as it goes in the hole and you don't have lots of chemical residue hanging around outside. (Try Shelldrite in the orange can - works well)

If you don't want any chemicals get a raw bone from the butchers (big one) leave overnight and plunge into boiling water in the morning(by which time covered with entire ant population of condo hopefully)!!

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Ant eaters make great pets and cost nothing to feed if you have this problem! On the down side once they clear the house of ants you are going to have to go out and find several hundread thousand each day to keep it happy.

Sorry i know you want serious answers but it was first thing that came to mind. The suggestion about finding the source then spraying the heck out of it is a good one though. Are they red or black ants? There is a type of red ant i have had probs with that love to move about taking there eggs with them, if you place a black plastic bin liner in a warm spot chances are they will move under it on mass then nuke the bastards in one go. But i think this is one type of ant not a general thing. good luck.

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I bought some of the little yellow pellets (comes in a green box - like an ant motel) and just put the pellets wherever I see the ants.

There's a small crack between the panel and the wall where I thought the ants were making there home, so I put some in there. About an hour later, hundreds of ants came out. Many appeared to be dead or close to dying. So I'm assuming the stuff is very effective.

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I had a simlar problem, so on a trip back to Australia, I picked up this stuff which looks like honey and attracts the ants. YOu put it in your kitchen and along the ant trails and let them drink it up.

The beauty of it was though it didn't kill the ant immediately, it lets the ants drink the stuff and then take it back to the nest to feed to the queen and any baby ants living in the nest. Kills off the queen and the next generation. After 2 or 3 treatments, my condo was ant free for the next 18 months.

I don't think it is available in Thailand, but if you know anyone in your home country (or in OZ) get them to send over a couple of small bottles (which are about as big as a tippex bottle).

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I had a simlar problem, so on a trip back to Australia, I picked up this stuff which looks like honey and attracts the ants. YOu put it in your kitchen and along the ant trails and let them drink it up.

The beauty of it was though it didn't kill the ant immediately, it lets the ants drink the stuff and then take it back to the nest to feed to the queen and any baby ants living in the nest. Kills off the queen and the next generation. After 2 or 3 treatments, my condo was ant free for the next 18 months. 

I don't think it is available in Thailand, but if you know anyone in your home country (or in OZ) get them to send over a couple of small bottles (which are about as big as a tippex bottle).

What's it called samran?

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I don't think it is available in Thailand,

I've used the bottle stuff in UK, not seen it in LOS either, but I have bought a powder which does the same thing. It comes in small flat round tins and is available in supermarkets. Sorry can't remember the brand name.

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I had a simlar problem, so on a trip back to Australia, I picked up this stuff which looks like honey and attracts the ants. YOu put it in your kitchen and along the ant trails and let them drink it up.

The beauty of it was though it didn't kill the ant immediately, it lets the ants drink the stuff and then take it back to the nest to feed to the queen and any baby ants living in the nest. Kills off the queen and the next generation. After 2 or 3 treatments, my condo was ant free for the next 18 months. 

I don't think it is available in Thailand, but if you know anyone in your home country (or in OZ) get them to send over a couple of small bottles (which are about as big as a tippex bottle).

What's it called samran?

I wish I could remember...."Ant Rid", I think.....

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The small fluorescent green plastic boxes work great. Can get them at Tesco. You fill the box with small yellow pellets that come in a pouch. They carry the poison back to the nest and it kills them all.

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Micro-wave them :o

Is THAT on the menu at the FC as well??? Sort of a topper? :D:D

I had ants in my place at first, about a year ago. I just paid attn where they were coming in from (in the various tiny cracks etc) and sprayed the entrance with a tiny bit of 'skelotene' mossie spray (all I had at the time, about 50 baht). It worked. Then after about a couple days of doing the same in other entrance points I came across and absolutely not leaving a single crumb about, they were gone for good.

Skelotene has deet tho, so take care to clean it after and try not to spray it on surfaces the kiddies can reach. :D If I had to fight the ants again, think i'd get the stuff they take back to their nests as someone posted earlier

Edited by bahtandsold
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My sister let it sprayed once a year ( for all insects ). My mom never let it sprayed but first you have to put some powder on their nest. My mom usually using "Poon Khao "sorry dont know this alternatives powder in English. If no more ants or other insects..then take very good care of sweets or food, keep them in a box. Later you can use "Lemon grass spray" smell good and keep ants or moskitoes away too. Rest of food are ants temptation to come to visit again. Have you ever seen some house has a table with 4 small bowl with water under the table to keep ants away from the food on the table too.

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Trace them back to a hole - they'll be coming from somewhere in the masonry or woodwork. Get one of the sprays with a fine tube to attach and spray into and soak the hole. That's the best spray as it goes in the hole and you don't have lots of chemical residue hanging around outside. (Try Shelldrite in the orange can - works well)

I did this exactly- with the same Shelldrite spray and long skinny nozzle.

I set out a feast for them on the counter at night... sugar, jam, etc. and followed their "marching line" back to the nest the next morning (clear across the room in the bathroom door frame) and sprayed into it and the surrounding area for a few days. Haven't seen any ants since and that was over a year ago.

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The safest and most enviornmentally-correct way to get rid of ants is to use a solution of boric acid powder (primarily used as eye wash), water and sugar. This really works and is safe for larger pets (dogs and cats) and for kids. No prescription is needed for boric acid and it is readily available at all pharmacies.

I would start with a few ounces of water, a tablespoon of sugar and a teaspoon of boric acid. Adjust as you see fit.

Pour the solution where ever you see collections (trails) of ants. The closer to their anthole, the better. The ants will eat it and eventually wander back to their ant nest where they will die. Ants are cannibals and will consume the dead ants and the boric acid will keep on killing. The ultimate in recycling...

If the ants die before going back to the nest, other ants will drag their carcasses back to the nest for consumption. It is therefore important to leave the dead ant bodies where they are.

In less than two weeks, you will be rid of your problem with ants. Apply again if the ants become a problem in the future.

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WOW! I got 20 replies within few hours on this boring topic......and only 2 of it nonsense-crap....hahaha......amazing.....seems like THIS is the main problem a Farang is facing in LOS...... but well, thanks for all the advices....I hope i can find something useful with an english description at Tesco, Carrefour or BigC...... the mean "take the posion back to the nest" thing seems to be the most effective and gets along very well with my bad sick perverted mind ....HARHARHAR..... :D lets start the KILL THE ANTS - Party :o

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I use Aswin Powder outside the house, but it might not be very pleasant inside a condo. I also try to never leave food out - even small crumbs - and seal food that is not kept in the fridge with sellotape (e.g. for cereals) or plastic bags and rubbers bands for most other foods.

As other posters have said, never kill them straight away - always follow the trail back to the hole that they appear from and then zap the little buggers from there all the way to the food source.

What I want to know is why do the really small ants smell so "aromatic" ? It's not a nice smell, but it's not repellent either. And before you ask what am I doing smelling squashed ants, it's only because my Thai g/f said they smelled when you squashed them that I had a sniff! If you squash just one with your finger, you can actually smell it on your finger. :D:o

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I use Aswin Powder outside the house, but it might not be very pleasant inside a condo. I also try to never leave food out - even small crumbs - and seal food that is not kept in the fridge with sellotape (e.g. for cereals) or plastic bags and rubbers bands for most other foods.

As other posters have said, never kill them straight away - always follow the trail back to the hole that they appear from and then zap the little buggers from there all the way to the food source.

What I want to know is why do the really small ants smell so "aromatic" ? It's  not a  nice smell, but it's not repellent either. And before you ask what am I doing smelling  squashed ants, it's only because my Thai g/f said they smelled when you squashed them that I had a sniff! If you squash just one with your finger, you can actually smell it on your finger. :D  :o

It all depends on events leading up to it. Squashed ants in the bedroom smell different from sqashed ants in the toilet.

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I had a simlar problem, so on a trip back to Australia, I picked up this stuff which looks like honey and attracts the ants. YOu put it in your kitchen and along the ant trails and let them drink it up.

The beauty of it was though it didn't kill the ant immediately, it lets the ants drink the stuff and then take it back to the nest to feed to the queen and any baby ants living in the nest. Kills off the queen and the next generation. After 2 or 3 treatments, my condo was ant free for the next 18 months. 

I don't think it is available in Thailand, but if you know anyone in your home country (or in OZ) get them to send over a couple of small bottles (which are about as big as a tippex bottle).

What's it called samran?


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