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What Is It About Thailand That Makes Foreigner And Thai Hard To Leave It.


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Thailand is a civilised country that reminds me of the Australia I grew up in, but no more be.

Thailand is about to become uncivilised over the next few years. Soon it will be time to exploit Myanmar or Bangladesh or Zimbabwe, because the plague of academia is epidemic here now, and nobody with a voice is brave enough to cure it.

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There is nothing magic about Thailand. Thais don't leave because the country people can't afford to, and rich people in Thailand are too busy exploiting the poor ones. And, the type of Thai education system curtails any advancement. On top of that, many countries such as Canada and the USA, the immigration rules and regulations make make it almost impossible for Thais to immigrate.

Foreigners don't want to leave because there are some things that Thailand offers that other countries don't... such as a warm climate and a reasonably stable government (despite all the recent BS between Red and Yellow). If you are prepared to live similar to Thai people you can live very cheaply in Thailand.

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There is nothing magic about Thailand. Thais don't leave because the country people can't afford to, and rich people in Thailand are too busy exploiting the poor ones. And, the type of Thai education system curtails any advancement. On top of that, many countries such as Canada and the USA, the immigration rules and regulations make make it almost impossible for Thais to immigrate.

Foreigners don't want to leave because there are some things that Thailand offers that other countries don't... such as a warm climate and a reasonably stable government (despite all the recent BS between Red and Yellow). If you are prepared to live similar to Thai people you can live very cheaply in Thailand.

I do believe that there is a special kind of magic here in Thailand, that I can only find in Australia when I go out in the country by myself with a tent and a sleepingbag in the wilderness. In Thailand I can have that same magic in an air-cond hotel room because the people I know here are as magical as the trees and winds and rains and waters and marsupials of the Australian forests in the kindness and care they return, like the fellow this morning at around 7:30am. My asthma puffer ran out at 01:40 this morning, and I just managed to get showered and down stairs by 7:00 am this morning with not much oxygen left in my blood, but looking for a drug store that might be open at 07:30. I collapsed on tghe front verandah and Pueng came running to helpp me blowing air into mhy lungs and pummelling my back the way she knows how to do for her little daughter, (who is also asthmatic) and a stranger, Mr Tow, came up and spoke to me, and he took my empty Ventolin and drove his car around the neighbourhood to find the very first open drug store, and paid his own money to buy a ventolin to save my life. I have arranged to meet him tomorrow to repay him most properly for saving my life.

This is the majic of Thailand. Somehow, while all the rest of the world has gone to the dogs, Thailand remains a civilised country, where people can trust in the kindness of strangers.

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Low house rentals, unlike Aus.

My house here, multiply the rent by 10 in Aus. :)

Thailand magic? :D It was 10 or more years ago.

The honeymoon is over.

Civilised? Not in a million years, matey.

Edited by GungaDin
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My intension with this topic is to hear what's that thing about Thailand, that makes it both for foreigner and thai hard to leave. ( Like many posts on this forum state ). It just an honest question, that keeps lingering in my head :)

Is it just the illusion of friendly people? Offcourse the warmer climate I can understand though. Or is it simply because Thailand hasn't modernized yet, so many things is possible for cheap money?

Thanks in advance for your own story :D

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for me its not just thailand,its the magic of s/e asia.Its the simple lifestyle,its cheaper than home although the weather is the same and finally its the ladies,beautiful and feminine,and i find living in a foreign culture exciting,the thais laughing and smiling,seemingly enjoying themselves in simple banter.

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the expectation of waking up every day and never knowing quite what was going to happen next. kind of like an adrenalin rush of blood, surely thats the whole point of living your life. after all you only get one shot at it and its not up to me when its my time to go, thats up to the big man upstairs.

a feeling i lost a long time ago living back in my own country.

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I believe that many Farangs in Thailand cannot leave for one reason or another.

Look at the constant complaining on Thai related Forums, most topics are about how bad it is for Farangs in Thailand.

Yet, the same posters are in Thailand year after year, suffering untold horrors and still can't take the plunge to leave.

So yes, there is certainly something about Thailand that magnetises people, quite what that is is open to debate.

My personal opinion is the availability of women in Thailand, I know many forum members will deny this, but in my limited experience, it's the main draw for many, otherwise why would they stay when so unhappy about so many things in Thailand, except the women ?

They took the GIANT step of leaving their home countries, yet seem powerless to leave Thailand, a country where they have no vote, no rights , and in many cases are totally at a loss when it comes to Language, Food, Culture and serious relationships.

Yet they still stay there.

It has to be the women, or the men of Thailand that influences the mind of many long termers in Thailand.

I expect a few posts saying I don't know anything and the Thai Chinese wife with degrees coming out of her a@@ from the rich family is the sole reason for being in a 3rd world country, yet for the majority this is simply not the case.

I know many western people who live in Thailand, and most live with ex BG's.

There again, the women is usually 15 - 30 years younger. :)

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I'm not old, I'm 24. But you all know that feeling when you first board the plane, and arrives in LOS " That feeling " I'm talking about.

Indeed, it's known as Jetlag where I come from, usually takes a few days to shake off.

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I believe that many Farangs in Thailand cannot leave for one reason or another.

Look at the constant complaining on Thai related Forums, most topics are about how bad it is for Farangs in Thailand.

Yet, the same posters are in Thailand year after year, suffering untold horrors and still can't take the plunge to leave.

So yes, there is certainly something about Thailand that magnetises people, quite what that is is open to debate.

My personal opinion is the availability of women in Thailand, I know many forum members will deny this, but in my limited experience, it's the main draw for many, otherwise why would they stay when so unhappy about so many things in Thailand, except the women ?

They took the GIANT step of leaving their home countries, yet seem powerless to leave Thailand, a country where they have no vote, no rights , and in many cases are totally at a loss when it comes to Language, Food, Culture and serious relationships.

Yet they still stay there.

It has to be the women, or the men of Thailand that influences the mind of many long termers in Thailand.

I expect a few posts saying I don't know anything and the Thai Chinese wife with degrees coming out of her a@@ from the rich family is the sole reason for being in a 3rd world country, yet for the majority this is simply not the case.

I know many western people who live in Thailand, and most live with ex BG's.

There again, the women is usually 15 - 30 years younger. :)

You got my point, this is what I mean.

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It was magic, it isnt anymore and it's real easy to leave.

And you did ?

yep :)

I still have a business there, I still keep up to date with the news and I will continue to visit. Although the visits are getting shorter, it's just too wonderful for me. Constantly seeing the lovely Thai people laughing together, Thai's desperate to save my life should I fall to the ground and the wonderful women who are attracted to farangs who are not only beautiful on the outside but inside as well. Not to mention the stable political enviroment.


The neighbour who looks at me like I am sh**t and then when drunk with his taxi driver mate tells me "to go back to my own country", police who will execute children should they get in the way of a "proper bit of business", the crowd of Thai onlookers round a farang who has just been hit by a hit and run truck and then bleeds to death at a "civilised" hospital due to lack of insurance evidence, women who generally would give an asprin a headache (that ranges from the average bg to hi-so without much of an exception) and as for this red shirt yellow shirt bs, I mean c'mon! Can you picture a group of old ladies with handclappers bringing Heathrow to a standstill for 10 days? Or for that matter Gordon Brown mobilising and Army of Geordies so that he could get his few billion back which he corrupted out them in the first place? (No offence to Geordies like).

Sorry, been there for five short years and watched it go mad and loose all it's magic, feel sorry for those who remember it from 10 years ago, I bet it was fantastic. With the exchange rate adding to the pressures I have to agree that it really must be the last chance saloon for an ex-pat, for a holiday yeah ok, but to live? It's done!


And either my laptop has had it's day or even this board is going wrong? Anyone else having issues posting?

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My two cents after 12 years, is its still the people. I have been to the

cities and the rual area's and thai people as a whole, just have big

hearts and make me feel good. Plus when they party, they party

with such innonence, like kids. Makes me feel young. :)

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The obvious answers are;

i) You can't take the families and spouses/partners out of here due to visa restrictions etc., and that uprooting a family isn't easy.

ii) Some of the losers here (see thread on those with no money) can't leave either because they are unwanted at home or can't leave because they are abject failures.

iii) The opportunities to exploit the poor are such that they outweigh the costs of staying.

iv) Some people have been quite successful with legitimate careers or businesses.

Thailand is a civilised country that reminds me of the Australia I grew up in, but no more be.

Thailand is about to become uncivilised over the next few years. Soon it will be time to exploit Myanmar or Bangladesh or Zimbabwe, because the plague of academia is epidemic here now, and nobody with a voice is brave enough to cure it.

Plague of academia? Right..... This a country where uni students spend days preparing for ceremonies making flower arrangements and where universities are the equivalent of western high schools.

Magic? How so?

The reason it is difficult to leave for some is that it is the Last Stop . . . can't get any lower.


Here is one place in the world where we might overcome the guilt of our own past lives if we follow the good examples set before us.

What?Good examples? Like what? Taking bribes? Shooting people in drunken rages? Taking a runner after a car crash? Thais are no better or worse than people elsewhere. As much as I would like to identify one unique characteristic of goodness in Thailand, I can find the same goodness in most other places as well. It is all about who we associate with.

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The reasons I can sum op so far are:

- Nice weather ( cold and clouds back home work depressing )

- Nice woman ( on the surface )

- Nice food ( easy if your not good in cooking back home )

- Cheap costs of living ( it has gone up in time, but still OK, compared to Western prices )

- more?

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QUOTE (GM1955 @ 2010-03-29 22:14:01) *

My personal opinion is the availability of women in Thailand, I know many forum members will deny this, but in my limited experience, it's the main draw for many, otherwise why would they stay when so unhappy about so many things in Thailand, except the women ?

Of course it's the easy sex, it might not be the reason we came here, but it's the reason we can't go back.

The old argument about sex workers is completely invalid as pretty much everyone out here enjoys the casual attitude towards sex.

Not only Foreigner/Thai but Thai/Thai.

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