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Whats The Best Way To Tag My Boars?

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hi guys i have been searching hard for a few days now about those tagging guns and clips or whatever but i cant find anywhere that sells

could you guys help me also what are other options to tag these guys?

thats not gonna make me dependant on these guys for tags and whatever


p.sstill look for people with wild boars 100% breed for sale

c ya :)

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u already have the boars or are u just planning ahead? what about cattle tags. nto sure how cattle tags are in thailand, are they big? ; or camel tags (the small metal tags that clip over ear tip since camels have smaller ear flaps, as cattle tags are bigger plastic - at least the ones we use. the few pigs ive seen here that are about to go on thai workers' bbq's have small metal clipped over the ear tags taht are like folded over the ear . its not the same as the goat/cattle tages we use which are like a button on one side and a flat plastic thingy /number onthe other side.


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I bought a set of tags from another forum member and the pliers. I would suggest you check out ebay and the like as there. are a number of manufacturers that will send limited quantities by post. Also there are some large piggery operators that also ooperate vet supplies and feed outlets, ie. in Buriram, you could try them.

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