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Hot Season Hide-aways


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Seems homophobia is alive and well in educated expat circles.

A cool setting for lunch on a hot day is very appealing, so I'm interested in the topic here.

The OP likely had no knowledge about the "gay" links to his original recommendation.

But if I find second opinions which might be useful to other readers of this forum, I'll continue to post them.

Among readers of ThaiVisa are a significant number of Christians.

Christians don't bother with slurs like, "homophobia" -- they simply consider sodomy to be an "abomination".

I don't want to eat in that kind of environment, nor will I support such businesses as a customer.

There are others reading this forum who have similar values, I am certain.

Brix, in the Montri Hotel, I've recommended several times before, so no need to say much about it yet again.

But I offer Brix as a high standard of comfort, cleanliness, and quality food.

Where else might be up to that standard?

I've mentioned coffee shops in general, because they are consistently cool and comfortable.

The Black Canyon chain serves light meals at some of their shops.

So -- in answer to the OP's original questions -- that's another option, with many locations around Chiangmai.

(However, while the iced coffee is fine, I don't enjoy the food at Black Canyon.)

Like the OP, I'd like to find out about other places that are appealing for hot season hide-a-ways.

And I will keep checking for second opinions.

-- Oneman



I thought that this was a jolly little thread about nice cool places to have lunch during the hot season but you seem to have done an excellent job of spoiling it with your nasty vitriolic “christian” poison.

I think that you need to re-read your book Brother Oneman, especially the parts where your founder talks about judgement of others, throwing the first stone and charity, of which there is a gross lack in your posting.

Since prejudice and discrimination are often born of ignorance, allow me to enlighten yours. Sodomy is not synonymous with homosexuality it may or may not be a part of individual homosexual practice and, indeed, it is not entirely unknown in heterosexual practice.

When it comes to abomination, I should have thought that some of you Christians would best be advised to keep quiet, since it would be difficult to imagine anything more abominable than the rank viscous evil conduct of some of your clergy against children. Now that is truly an abomination.

I suggest that you add the following to your daily prayers Brother Oneman:

“Enter Thou not into judgement with this Thy servant O Lord, for in thy sight shall no man living be justified”.

And leave abomination to the judgement of your God, who is very likely better qualified.

With apologies to those TVM Christians who do not share Oneman’s perversion of the faith.

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W for Wanlaman on Chang Moi soi 2 near the Thai Military Bank has a pleasant garden area with excellent Thai and fusion cuisine and a really cool air-con room with really nice French pastries and good iced/hot coffee.

By the way, anyone who does not realize that homosexuality has a biological origin in this day and age needs to do some thinking.

Like many people my age, I was brainwashed into believing that being gay is a mortal sin, but later realized lot of the priests that were spouting that nonsense were indulging in it on the side - or covering up for others who were - and they were certainly not the only hypocrites that were lying through their teeth about their own sexuality.

It is pretty obvious that homosexuality is a natural thing. Religion is no excuse for hatred and I think that most mainstream Christians these days would agree. It is time to put backward thinking behind us. :)

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Brix, in the Montri Hotel, I've recommended several times before, so no need to say much about it yet again.

But I offer Brix as a high standard of comfort, cleanliness, and quality food.

Where else might be up to that standard?

Brix is indeed clean and comfortable, but the food is somewhat ordinary. I can get better food and larger portions down at the Stube, just no air-con.

Am I just getting too old to care, or is there another reason I never noticed anything slanted one way or another at the Lemon Tree?

And thanks for the head up on the Kiat Num, as I now have another possible location to track down my wacko brother-in-law so as to serve him legal papers.

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A Bible lesson on gay sex from a Christian poster who has a degree in Christianity, and has studied the subject more than most Christian ex-spurts...

There are only two verses, located in a fulfilled book of the Old Testament which is not binding on Christians, in the entire Bible, on the subject. Those verses state that it is righteous for a good Jew to insert his penis inside all the mouths and all the anuses of all his many wives and concubines. The Hebrew word toevah means ritually impure, and includes overeating, which many evangelists have done.

Sodomites should define inhabitants of the village of Sodom. including women and children. Every adult male of Sodom from his bar mitzah to age 120, including great-grandfathers, wanted to rape strangers, male or female. God killed them for being inhospitable.

Jesus never mentioned gay sex, and Paul probably didn't, either. Liars and gossips shall not enter the kingdom of heaven, nor those who hate their enemies. The main ethic of Christianity is love.

With love,


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Seems homophobia is alive and well in educated expat circles.

Among readers of ThaiVisa are a significant number of Christians.

Christians don't bother with slurs like, "homophobia" -- they simply consider sodomy to be an "abomination".

I don't want to eat in that kind of environment, nor will I support such businesses as a customer.

There are others reading this forum who have similar values, I am certain.

That pretty much devalues the meaning of the word values. :)

Personally I don't even think you're a Christian, just bitter and close-minded. Feel free to hide behind religion though.

Look on the positive side Winnie - at least when we are enjoying a beer in the pleasant surroundings of the Number 1 Bar we can be certain our time will not be spoiled by "Oneman" coming in spouting his poison! :D



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