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Minor Surgery And Antibiotics


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Hi i just got back from the hospital to have a wart removed from my big toe. After they were done i got a bag full of medicine (paracetemol and antibiotics). How crucial is it to take antibiotics after this minor surgery or can i just forget about it.

Also they told me to come to the hospital to change my dressing every day. Can i do this myself (i bought all the pads and stuff and alcohol and beta dine ) Its not about being cheap its about not wanting to go there all the time it costs too much time.

When i had stitches in my head they told me to come everyday too.. but i started to treat it myself and it was not hard at all.

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This is my personal opinion I would like to share with you.

If the cut was dirty and the doctor stitch it up then there is a reason to take prophylaxis antibiotics.

In your case, it is a clean small wound( I believe) that was done under sterile technique at the hospital with probably cauterization as well,I just do not think it is neccessary.

Again, it is just my opinion.

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This sort of management after such minor surgery unfortunately seems to be a routine locally.

There is no real medical reason to routinely use antibiotics after minor surgery; of course if the wound was infected prior to the surgery or if a post surgery infection seems a real risk, but not routinely.

You don't need a medical degree to be able to apply basic wound care and watch out for any signs of infection; redness, oozing, pain etc..

Again, none of us giving advice here has seen the wound and can only comment on basic principles, final responsibility for decisions made would rest with you.

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This sort of management after such minor surgery unfortunately seems to be a routine locally.

There is no real medical reason to routinely use antibiotics after minor surgery; of course if the wound was infected prior to the surgery or if a post surgery infection seems a real risk, but not routinely.

You don't need a medical degree to be able to apply basic wound care and watch out for any signs of infection; redness, oozing, pain etc..

Again, none of us giving advice here has seen the wound and can only comment on basic principles, final responsibility for decisions made would rest with you.

I understand you , of course you can never take responsibility for my actions. I already wanted to do the cleaning myself and not take the antibiotics. I would however go to the hospital if i see any signs of infection. I don't do this to save a buck but to save some time and hassle.

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This sort of management after such minor surgery unfortunately seems to be a routine locally.

There is no real medical reason to routinely use antibiotics after minor surgery; of course if the wound was infected prior to the surgery or if a post surgery infection seems a real risk, but not routinely.


I'm not sure why you imply it is just locally? I have been given 10 day prescriptions for antibiotics for minor surgery in the States, as well.

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This sort of management after such minor surgery unfortunately seems to be a routine locally.

There is no real medical reason to routinely use antibiotics after minor surgery; of course if the wound was infected prior to the surgery or if a post surgery infection seems a real risk, but not routinely.


I'm not sure why you imply it is just locally? I have been given 10 day prescriptions for antibiotics for minor surgery in the States, as well.

I can say this much in Holland where i am from we almost never get antibiotics to make sure there wont be too many resistent bugs going around. Many people never finish their cycle with it.

I just changed the dressing myself.. it was real easy and there was a nice round hole in my toe. Just used some alcohol to clean it (stung a bit) and then some betadine on it. And bandage the whole thing again... nothing to it actually.

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As an MD I would advice you to follow the advice of your doctor. It is outright stupid to ask for advice on the net. People do not know your record, they have no medical background and it is close to impossible to form an opinion without seeing a patient.

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Just use a good topical antibiotic, another thing often overlooked and internal antibiotics prescribed instead which are much more harmful to your physical presence and the potential of antibiotic resistant bugs..

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As an MD I would advice you to follow the advice of your doctor. It is outright stupid to ask for advice on the net. People do not know your record, they have no medical background and it is close to impossible to form an opinion without seeing a patient.

Sure but have you ever been to Thailand ? Ever been in a hospital there.. the doctors are always out to make a few bucks. I just don't like taking medicine.

They seem to give antibiotics all the time without reason just to spike your bill. How do you think it comes there are so many resistant to antibiotics ?

Anyway i did not take them also did not take the painkillers and everything is healing quite nicely.

I would believe a normal doctor for sure, but not the kind you have here. I am sure they are knowledgeable but here they just give medicine to make the patient feel better and to make a buck.

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To be fair, there are many doctors here do practice as you said but many of them as well just do not work like that.

Unfortunately I guess the doc you saw must have been in the private financial oriented hospital.

Good to hear you completely healed.

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To be fair, there are many doctors here do practice as you said but many of them as well just do not work like that.

Unfortunately I guess the doc you saw must have been in the private financial oriented hospital.

Good to hear you completely healed.

Almost completely but its looking good, and yes it was a private hospital.

They wanted me to get back there every day just to replace the dressing. I have successfully replaced the dressing everyday used alcohol, beta dine and fresh bandages. Its not rocket science mind you if it was looking bad or if it was a real big wound i would have gone back there and let them do it.

They just took of a wart and cauterized the wound as they went on and then bandaged it.

I do think doctors here know what they are doing but i also think they just give out too much medicine to spike up the bill. (especially at private hospitals)

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