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No Knowledge Of Free Tourist Visa In Kota Bharu

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With the usual efficiency, Kota Bharu embassy today denied that they had been informed of free tourist visas as of 1st April. I watched the sour faced girl deny multiple tourists free visas and tell them they could not pick up their visa till sunday - despite the giant sign on the window saying drop off passport today and collect visa tomorrow (i presume due to the closure for the sultans birthday)

How difficult would it be for her to smile, to check or just simply be courteous? Obviously the land of smiles does not extend to their embassies which is the first point of call for incoming tourists.

Add in the red shirts, the protests and trouble and many simply walked out. Shame on you Thailand for your empty promises and efforts to attract tourism. If you are going to offer free visas then carry out your offer, if you aren't going to do that then don't bother in the first place as it just makes you look bad.

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Typical Thai bureaucracy. But the again maybe its an April Fools hang over.

The only fools in my eyes are the thailand tourist authority...egg all over their faces again...wish it started and stopped only on the 1st of april but unfortunately they are fools year round.

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Yes sometimes Thai consulates abroad are not so well informed about rules that have changed. An American customer of mine was told by the consulate in New York that without a visa, he would get a 30 days entry stamp when entering through a land border crossing, whilst in fact it is only 15 days, has been like that for I think 15 months.

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I had the same experience yesterday in Lisbon. I was advised that the embassy had no knowledge of any visa fee waiver extension since the waiver expired on March 4th. The visas were only issued after I'd paid a fee of EUR 50 in total for self and wife (single entry).

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