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How Democratic & Non Elitist Is/was,thaksins Use Of Power


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This was a man after all who was convicted in a court of law for unpaid taxes in the millions.Hardly democratic.You could veiw it as stealing from the poor people of issan,considering that the OFFICIAL reason that the poor people liked thaksin was that he actually did something for them rather than the usual taking care of the elite in bangkok.

A man who was known to have ordered the assasinations of many suspected drug dealers without trial.Hardly democratic.

Ok the thai economy was said to have grown substantionally under thaksin,but there was also the allegation that most of that growth was in his own buisnesses?

Did he try to control the media when he was in power?About 3 months ago i was watching his propaganda tv channel (hardly democratic) where slightly guilty looking noodle sellers talk about how amazing the former leader is.

As for the red shirts,in their fight for democracy it seems that throwing liters of diseased blood is the way to go,which quite frankly makes me feel like puking,not just the physical aspect of it,but also the thought that somebody actually come up with the idea in the first place.I can understand disgruntled farmers spraying manure over government buildings.Theres something almost wholesome about it,but throwing human blood around just seems so...undemocratic,& not to mention irresponsible given that hospitals need the blood.

It's widely reported that the majority of the red shirts are from issan,an area known for freindly,down to earth,hard working honest farmers,but its also famous for its ladies working the bars & going wherever the money is.An area where rumours of paid for votes are rife.

I dont for a minute believe that the actions to get rid of Thaksin were done for the good of thailand.I just think he could do what he wanted with his power/money,& the elite/military got nervous about their piece of the pie,or lack of it.

I think i would have a huge amount of respect for the red shirts if they didnt have a multi-billionaire corrupt politician behind them (or at least it would be believable).Can you honestly imagine thousands of people travelling miles down from the north of england for a politician who was convicted of not paying tax?It would be totally bizarre.You couldnt make it up. :)

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I am sorely dissapointed in Thaksin

he was in a position to really guide thailand into its next era

and do alot of good for the country being a selfless leader

however he could not see beyond himself.

though truly the man is delusional. he makes frequent references

comparing himself to Martin Luther King, Ghandi and Mandala

however he sorely misses the one core component that all

these gentlemen share....

but to answer your original question. the milk had turned sour and had to be thrown out.

(which was not cleaned up and now seems to be attarcting flies which are giving birth to festering maggots)

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Yep, Shah has nailed it. Countries are severely damaged when they allow themselves to be led by the extremely mentally ill. For example, Nixon, Hitler, Kim Jung IL, and Thaksin.

Edited by Jingthing
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though truly the man is delusional. he makes frequent references

comparing himself to Martin Luther King, Ghandi and Mandala

however he sorely misses the one core component that all

these gentlemen share....

but to answer your original question. the milk had turned sour and had to be thrown out.

(which was not cleaned up and now seems to be attarcting flies which are giving birth to festering maggots)

I recently saw him hold some conference in cambodia,which he gave in english.He said it was better to be a statesman than simply a politician.He was basically calling himself a statesman.I was waiting for someone to stand up & ask 'do statesman pay their taxes',but it never happened.He also assured people that he had no interest in pursuing buisiness interests in cambodia.

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He abused a great idea and used it for personal gain. As mentioned early, other very powerfull leaders used the same type of strategies to get and stay in power. The premise behind the elected official was great! the execution once in office sucked!!!

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