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Iv just come on to check whats been updated and what new topics there are, and I always see my good friend Scouser in here :o

I have had some great help and advice from him and others, which has changed my plans on going to live in Thailand with my wife and soon to be son or daughter.

He and others have given me some sound advice and hope that I can now act on and go down the right channels in getting a visa for my wife and child to come live in UK.

I say this because this man and others are helping people with there lives in such a way its amazing. I mean advice he and others give can be the differnce between getting a visa and not.

Not only that its peoples lives were talking about, peoples future. He and others are not just helping wuth small non important matters but, with issues that can cause people to come and have a happy future. To live here in the UK and other countrys around the world and not having to resort to change ones life and so have to live in the Kingdom that although Im sure we have all have come to love, isnt the same as home, if that be UK, USA or any other country.

So I would just like to close this by saying thank you Scouser and thank you anybody that has helped me so far and helped others, because even the smallest bit of advice you can give someone can make all the difference in this ever so hard world we all have to live in.

Thank you!



Credit where it's very due there. Although I haven't gone looking for advice myself (yet), I've read so many posts containing what appears to be good, solid, reliable advice by the scouser and a fair few others.

Big kudos to everybody for taking the time out to assist others, and also to TV for providing this wealth of knowledge for the costly sum of - absolutely nothing :o


What a great post, westybrook! I've been checking out this site for past couple of days now and joined yesterday. I couldn't aggree more, the advice Scouse and others give to people is really helpful and am sure greatly appreciated by those who receive it including me!



The two fonts of all TV knowledge - Scouser and Lopburi3. The forum would be much less informative without these two. That's not to say that there aren't other knowledgeable people on here, but Scouse and Lop seem to be the most active. Credit to them all. And thanks.

P.S. Mine's a *chang* :o

The two fonts of all TV knowledge - Scouser and Lopburi3. The forum would be much less informative without these two. That's not to say that there aren't other knowledgeable people on here, but Scouse and Lop seem to be the most active. Credit to them all. And thanks.

P.S. Mine's a *chang*  :o


Lopburi3............ member no. 326 .......4,423 posts

The Scouser...... member no. 3,169 .....1,026 posts

Two of our biggest assets! :D

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