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Thailand Crime Rate?


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The crime rate is really high here. Almost everyone in my village drinks illegal whisky and rides their motorcycle without a helmet. Some even do both at the same time....which really isn't funny since drunk driving is a really big problem here. All the foreigners here brush their teeth everyday which is essentially doing dental hygiene work...and none of them have a work permit for this. Crime starts at a young age...children ride their bicycles on BOTH sides of the street and noone even yells at them or tries to help them obey the law.

But, you must understand, I live in the north. I have heard that in the south people are more law abiding. To be safe its best to stay in the south....definitely the south...not the north....definitely.....

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  • 3 years later...

Don't listen to these idiots here. They spend too much time getting drunk with their bargirls they call mia (wife). I lived in Thailand and did business here for many years. If you are a tourist and stick to tourist activities, you are generally safe, except for some overcharging. But other than that, crime is very serious in Thailand, huge murder rate, etc. Thai can get angry very fast and they will kill you, for a number of reasons. Try not to get on their bad side unless you are like me, an expert in martial arts such as aikido and jujutsu, well connected with local mafia (influential people who have friends in high places like chief of police), and you will need money to pay these people to facilitate various personal and business transactions. Then you will be known as a well-connected farang with a circle of influential Thai friends, just like other influential Thais, and then you will be safe from all kinds of crime. Nobody will mess with you because you can do some serious damage to them if necessary. Otherwise, stay away from Thai males, especially young ones. Also stay away from crazy acting Thai women, as they are likely to have Thai male friend who will kill you in one second. It really helps to speak and understand at least some Thai, have substantial amounts of money, and well connected Thai friends, not these stupid farangs who hang out with other stupid farangs in local bars. If you want to know big people, don't make friends with low level patrolman, make friends with big police, top connected lawyers, etc. People like this are not easily available to farang, so you will need some influential Thai person to introduce you to those types of people. Generally, as Buddhist, I can recommend being a good person and then good karma will follow you. If you will go out there making problems, then problems will find you as well. Goodluck.

Edited by newyorkman
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google on "nationmaster". this web site has stats on a range of topics. last i heard though was that Thailand had stopped providing stats on crime so therefore the thailand stats well out of date.

You could swing by the web site anyway and see if that situation has changed

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What type of crime? White collar, criminal, or poor?

I think Thailand is one of the safest places in the world. Well compared to Los Angeles.

I can walk at night and feel 99% safe. I don't even worry about my car getting broke into and have my radio stolen.

You see vendors in Chatujak and on the streets where their goods are laid down infront. This would never be possible in L.A. because people will just run pickup stuff and run away. You see those food vendors tht have their money in a basket? In L.A. some guy would just run take the basket and leave.

Lets just say if you are smart and avoid some places you are much safer than you will be in Los Angeles, or even South Africa. I feel safer in Bangkok than I do in China.

Avoid the slums though. Avoid those long dark alleys. If muggers don't get you the snakes and soi dogs might.

As for white collar crime in Thailand. Lets just say a check is just a piece of paper and a one's word is just someone exhaling with noise.

Take "newyorkman's" advice and stay away from those crazy women, gold diggers, and bar girls.

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Don't listen to these idiots here. They spend too much time getting drunk with their bargirls they call mia (wife). I lived in Thailand and did business here for many years. If you are a tourist and stick to tourist activities, you are generally safe, except for some overcharging. But other than that, crime is very serious in Thailand, huge murder rate, etc. Thai can get angry very fast and they will kill you, for a number of reasons. Try not to get on their bad side unless you are like me, an expert in martial arts such as aikido and jujutsu, well connected with local mafia (influential people who have friends in high places like chief of police), and you will need money to pay these people to facilitate various personal and business transactions. Then you will be known as a well-connected farang with a circle of influential Thai friends, just like other influential Thais, and then you will be safe from all kinds of crime. Nobody will mess with you because you can do some serious damage to them if necessary. Otherwise, stay away from Thai males, especially young ones. Also stay away from crazy acting Thai women, as they are likely to have Thai male friend who will kill you in one second. It really helps to speak and understand at least some Thai, have substantial amounts of money, and well connected Thai friends, not these stupid farangs who hang out with other stupid farangs in local bars. If you want to know big people, don't make friends with low level patrolman, make friends with big police, top connected lawyers, etc. People like this are not easily available to farang, so you will need some influential Thai person to introduce you to those types of people. Generally, as Buddhist, I can recommend being a good person and then good karma will follow you. If you will go out there making problems, then problems will find you as well. Goodluck.

Sound advise for the tourists. Very valuable list of thinks to do to stay safe. Or it could be a drunk's explanation of a life gone down the tubes. Either way, good job!

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NewYorkMan says some truth to it.

It's best to not drink in bars or in public as this is when trouble draws to you like a magnet even if you're well behaved and maintaining your composure. Reason being, guys with bad intentions, often your server, will try you for some extra baht and if you argue, oppose, or worse, insult them, you might get killed. At best, it'll cost you thousands of baht to buy your way out and then you'd better leave the local area if you've landed on a shit list. Well, in short, most farang have common sense to not lose face, not get shit faced in public, and avoid dealing with guys who are quite obviously shady characters. The mellowed out married guys do best in LOS, while the single adventurous guys like me tend to walk into problematic situations often. Thai guys being confrontational, rude, and jealous who over charge me or demand more is a common repeating problem that is lessoning my affection with this beautiful tropical country. I don't think I'd want to spend many years where few have respect for me and many act so jealous of me as if I owe them something.

Your drinking, drug use, being out too late, arguing, and insulting is what will make the crime rate go up in a second. Hang low and take your beers home or to a friends place instead of going out where you're sure to get ripped off like a walking ATM. It's really tough to not get into arguements as con men and scammers try you for some extra baht as if you owe them a living just because they think you have more than they have. Thankfully, most of the time, these lowly scummy grungy guys are not high influencial people in high places nor have the money to pay off someone important to do anything to you so you really don't have as much to worry about as it appears. This is how so many farang get by OK. Usually, a tactful arguement to contest the over charging works, but sometimes they do threaten police action or try to physically surround you. I suppose the ones that threaten do have some backing so you better listen and not return to those establishments or areas.

Yes, violent crime happens. I've heard reports of things like a farang stabbed to death in a bar on Koh Samuii for argueing or misbehaving. Not sure what transpired, but that tells me to not piss the Thai guys off or make a situation that would cause a woman to sick em' on you.

Thailand is indeed much more risky than somewhere like Korea, but is also a lot funner than Korea and offers many more variety of food, social activities, year round fishing, and generally more options in everything. Common sense lets you avoid most of what you hope to never experience or find out about. I don't consider it to be a real safe country unless you have locals on your side looking out for you.

Edited by RobotTeacher
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New York is safe then????

What a load of twaddle,utter garbage.you make it sound like there is a good chance of dying if you are not well connected.Thats called a snob in the uk,and i suppose you have a thai/chinese gf/wife thats got loads of money and her father is Thaksin.

All you need to be safe in Thailand is to be a good honest nice person,not be too loud and and dont be an idiot,just like most countries in the world.

sorry but i have lived here for years and i don think Thailand is dangerous.

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New York is safe then????

What a load of twaddle,utter garbage.you make it sound like there is a good chance of dying if you are not well connected.Thats called a snob in the uk,and i suppose you have a thai/chinese gf/wife thats got loads of money and her father is Thaksin.

All you need to be safe in Thailand is to be a good honest nice person,not be too loud and and dont be an idiot,just like most countries in the world.

sorry but i have lived here for years and i don think Thailand is dangerous.

I agree,

NY you make it as if Thailand is like the slums or prison, If you cant fight and if your not well connected your not going to make it in Thailand? is that what your trying to say??? :o

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New York is safe then????

What a load of twaddle,utter garbage.you make it sound like there is a good chance of dying if you are not well connected.Thats called a snob in the uk,and i suppose you have a thai/chinese gf/wife thats got loads of money and her father is Thaksin.

All you need to be safe in Thailand is to be a good honest nice person,not be too loud and and dont be an idiot,just like most countries in the world.

sorry but i have lived here for years and i don think Thailand is dangerous.

Like I said, idiots who sit at their bars with tourist police 10 meters away think Thailand is safe. I saw dead body of middle age farang lying next to major road two hours north of Phuket couple years ago, wearing only underwear. Locals explained that instead of just getting suicided in his hotel room this was done in retaliation for offense to a Thai woman. As a person of influence, I was offered a hit to be done for a discounted price of 6,000 baht when the going rate was 40,000 to which I said not interested at the time, but your farang behind is worth about that much in Thailand. Still think Thailand is safe? Thai murder rate is twice the US, which is already high to start. The real danger of Thailand is that, unlike NY which is rough, Thai pretend to be all nice and sweet and peaceful while being twice as dangerous as US, and some farang fall for the image of Thailand and suffer consequences. I can't count how many farangs were killed while in a court dispute with mia Thai or business partner. Still think you are safe? Thais care so much about farang that they closed all major airports a few months ago. UK is joke, tried to take over entire world and thank God finally kicked out from every country. Only idiots would try to take over USA as a colony, total idiots. And now UK people apply their retarded reasoning to Thailand and claim that it's safe. No, only I and Steven Seagal are truly safe in Thailand, because we are more bad ass than any Thai kickboxing punk or a gang of kickboxing punks. My interest in Thailand is business, not Thai women who are the biggest criminals in the world with the highest incarceration rate in the world. That's why so many farang get screwed by their Thai wife. Thailand is not safe on so many levels that I don't have enough space to type in all the examples.

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New York is safe then????

What a load of twaddle,utter garbage.you make it sound like there is a good chance of dying if you are not well connected.Thats called a snob in the uk,and i suppose you have a thai/chinese gf/wife thats got loads of money and her father is Thaksin.

All you need to be safe in Thailand is to be a good honest nice person,not be too loud and and dont be an idiot,just like most countries in the world.

sorry but i have lived here for years and i don think Thailand is dangerous.

Like I said, idiots who sit at their bars with tourist police 10 meters away think Thailand is safe. I saw dead body of middle age farang lying next to major road two hours north of Phuket couple years ago, wearing only underwear. Locals explained that instead of just getting suicided in his hotel room this was done in retaliation for offense to a Thai woman. As a person of influence, I was offered a hit to be done for a discounted price of 6,000 baht when the going rate was 40,000 to which I said not interested at the time, but your farang behind is worth about that much in Thailand. Still think Thailand is safe? Thai murder rate is twice the US, which is already high to start. The real danger of Thailand is that, unlike NY which is rough, Thai pretend to be all nice and sweet and peaceful while being twice as dangerous as US, and some farang fall for the image of Thailand and suffer consequences. I can't count how many farangs were killed while in a court dispute with mia Thai or business partner. Still think you are safe? Thais care so much about farang that they closed all major airports a few months ago. UK is joke, tried to take over entire world and thank God finally kicked out from every country. Only idiots would try to take over USA as a colony, total idiots. And now UK people apply their retarded reasoning to Thailand and claim that it's safe. No, only I and Steven Seagal are truly safe in Thailand, because we are more bad ass than any Thai kickboxing punk or a gang of kickboxing punks. My interest in Thailand is business, not Thai women who are the biggest criminals in the world with the highest incarceration rate in the world. That's why so many farang get screwed by their Thai wife. Thailand is not safe on so many levels that I don't have enough space to type in all the examples.

Never heard so much tosh here on Tv for a long time. Thailand with a worse murder rate than the USA you are obviously reading too many comics. A link to this statistic would be nice ? Get a real life and I would bet my small Thai missus could kick your sad sorry ass all over Thailand ha ha ha

PS Steen Segal is just a coke snorting fat basT$%^d now and couldn't kick his own ass never mind anybody elses. Ha ha ha

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Never heard so much tosh here on Tv for a long time. Thailand with a worse murder rate than the USA you are obviously reading too many comics. A link to this statistic would be nice ? Get a real life and I would bet my small Thai missus could kick your sad sorry ass all over Thailand ha ha ha

PS Steen Segal is just a coke snorting fat basT$%^d now and couldn't kick his own ass never mind anybody elses. Ha ha ha

Thailand is one of the World's most dangerous places according to the daily Telegraph.


Then this from the Independent...

With so many Britons murdered in Thailand, why does our Government not warn of the dangers faced there?

At least 17 Britons have been murdered in Thailand since 2003 – including Toby Charnaud, brutally slain by his Thai wife. Now, his family want to know why our Government is so reluctant to warn that the 'Land of Smiles' is one of the most dangerous places on earth for its British residents.


Edited by Oberkommando
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Newyorkman, are you well connected to the A Team? Are you Mr T?

How did you get to Thailand anyway? I thought you "ain't gettin' on no plane"

edit: newyorkman your history game is weak.

Edited by scottyd
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New York is safe then????

What a load of twaddle,utter garbage.you make it sound like there is a good chance of dying if you are not well connected.Thats called a snob in the uk,and i suppose you have a thai/chinese gf/wife thats got loads of money and her father is Thaksin.

All you need to be safe in Thailand is to be a good honest nice person,not be too loud and and dont be an idiot,just like most countries in the world.

sorry but i have lived here for years and i don think Thailand is dangerous.

Like I said, idiots who sit at their bars with tourist police 10 meters away think Thailand is safe. I saw dead body of middle age farang lying next to major road two hours north of Phuket couple years ago, wearing only underwear. Locals explained that instead of just getting suicided in his hotel room this was done in retaliation for offense to a Thai woman. As a person of influence, I was offered a hit to be done for a discounted price of 6,000 baht when the going rate was 40,000 to which I said not interested at the time, but your farang behind is worth about that much in Thailand. Still think Thailand is safe? Thai murder rate is twice the US, which is already high to start. The real danger of Thailand is that, unlike NY which is rough, Thai pretend to be all nice and sweet and peaceful while being twice as dangerous as US, and some farang fall for the image of Thailand and suffer consequences. I can't count how many farangs were killed while in a court dispute with mia Thai or business partner. Still think you are safe? Thais care so much about farang that they closed all major airports a few months ago. UK is joke, tried to take over entire world and thank God finally kicked out from every country. Only idiots would try to take over USA as a colony, total idiots. And now UK people apply their retarded reasoning to Thailand and claim that it's safe. No, only I and Steven Seagal are truly safe in Thailand, because we are more bad ass than any Thai kickboxing punk or a gang of kickboxing punks. My interest in Thailand is business, not Thai women who are the biggest criminals in the world with the highest incarceration rate in the world. That's why so many farang get screwed by their Thai wife. Thailand is not safe on so many levels that I don't have enough space to type in all the examples.

newyorkman, is so tuff that he can hide in his dirty little flea bitten condo room each night and push all the keys on his keyboard, scaring each little key as he strikes it with his grubby skinny little fingers. After each keypunch he slowly gets stronger and stronger. If he keeps working out at this rate, he will be a quivering 49kg after next christmas dinner :D

During the daytime he heads off to his office, where he makes all the coffee's and fetches morning tea & spends the rest of the day being pushed around by a thai grandmother before again returning to his keypunching duties at night.....you see behind the keyboard he can be anyone & as tuff and scarey as he wants to be.

Please stop with the tuff torque mre newyorkman, your really scaring me :o

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New York is safe then????

What a load of twaddle,utter garbage.you make it sound like there is a good chance of dying if you are not well connected.Thats called a snob in the uk,and i suppose you have a thai/chinese gf/wife thats got loads of money and her father is Thaksin.

All you need to be safe in Thailand is to be a good honest nice person,not be too loud and and dont be an idiot,just like most countries in the world.

sorry but i have lived here for years and i don think Thailand is dangerous.

Like I said, idiots who sit at their bars with tourist police 10 meters away think Thailand is safe. I saw dead body of middle age farang lying next to major road two hours north of Phuket couple years ago, wearing only underwear. Locals explained that instead of just getting suicided in his hotel room this was done in retaliation for offense to a Thai woman. As a person of influence, I was offered a hit to be done for a discounted price of 6,000 baht when the going rate was 40,000 to which I said not interested at the time, but your farang behind is worth about that much in Thailand. Still think Thailand is safe? Thai murder rate is twice the US, which is already high to start. The real danger of Thailand is that, unlike NY which is rough, Thai pretend to be all nice and sweet and peaceful while being twice as dangerous as US, and some farang fall for the image of Thailand and suffer consequences. I can't count how many farangs were killed while in a court dispute with mia Thai or business partner. Still think you are safe? Thais care so much about farang that they closed all major airports a few months ago. UK is joke, tried to take over entire world and thank God finally kicked out from every country. Only idiots would try to take over USA as a colony, total idiots. And now UK people apply their retarded reasoning to Thailand and claim that it's safe. No, only I and Steven Seagal are truly safe in Thailand, because we are more bad ass than any Thai kickboxing punk or a gang of kickboxing punks. My interest in Thailand is business, not Thai women who are the biggest criminals in the world with the highest incarceration rate in the world. That's why so many farang get screwed by their Thai wife. Thailand is not safe on so many levels that I don't have enough space to type in all the examples.

Are you Nicholas Cage?

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UK is joke, tried to take over entire world and thank God finally kicked out from every country. Only idiots would try to take over USA as a colony, total idiots. And now UK people apply their retarded reasoning to Thailand and claim that it's safe.

You've clearly not thought this through have you?

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With unemployment rising you need to padlock the padlock and chain that are securing your goodies. hel_l, if they can climb on thje roof and nick the UBC dish (a blessing to some here) after they have poisoned your dogs, they will nick anything :o

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New York is safe then????

What a load of twaddle,utter garbage.you make it sound like there is a good chance of dying if you are not well connected.Thats called a snob in the uk,and i suppose you have a thai/chinese gf/wife thats got loads of money and her father is Thaksin.

All you need to be safe in Thailand is to be a good honest nice person,not be too loud and and dont be an idiot,just like most countries in the world.

sorry but i have lived here for years and i don think Thailand is dangerous.

Like I said, idiots who sit at their bars with tourist police 10 meters away think Thailand is safe. I saw dead body of middle age farang lying next to major road two hours north of Phuket couple years ago, wearing only underwear. Locals explained that instead of just getting suicided in his hotel room this was done in retaliation for offense to a Thai woman. As a person of influence, I was offered a hit to be done for a discounted price of 6,000 baht when the going rate was 40,000 to which I said not interested at the time, but your farang behind is worth about that much in Thailand. Still think Thailand is safe? Thai murder rate is twice the US, which is already high to start. The real danger of Thailand is that, unlike NY which is rough, Thai pretend to be all nice and sweet and peaceful while being twice as dangerous as US, and some farang fall for the image of Thailand and suffer consequences. I can't count how many farangs were killed while in a court dispute with mia Thai or business partner. Still think you are safe? Thais care so much about farang that they closed all major airports a few months ago. UK is joke, tried to take over entire world and thank God finally kicked out from every country. Only idiots would try to take over USA as a colony, total idiots. And now UK people apply their retarded reasoning to Thailand and claim that it's safe. No, only I and Steven Seagal are truly safe in Thailand, because we are more bad ass than any Thai kickboxing punk or a gang of kickboxing punks. My interest in Thailand is business, not Thai women who are the biggest criminals in the world with the highest incarceration rate in the world. That's why so many farang get screwed by their Thai wife. Thailand is not safe on so many levels that I don't have enough space to type in all the examples.

Never heard so much tosh here on Tv for a long time. Thailand with a worse murder rate than the USA you are obviously reading too many comics. A link to this statistic would be nice ? Get a real life and I would bet my small Thai missus could kick your sad sorry ass all over Thailand ha ha ha

PS Steen Segal is just a coke snorting fat basT$%^d now and couldn't kick his own ass never mind anybody elses. Ha ha ha


Learn to do your research before you open your mouth. Much better that way. Steven is 7th dan in Aikido, I got my first dan 15 years ago in Aikijutsu, the original martial art of a samurai, from which Aikido, Judo, Jujutsu and other martial arts came from. Too many morons around here, that's y I don't post much. You talk tough on the net, but I hope u never run into me, Steven, or some Thai gangs that blow you away just for looking at them the wrong way.

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Are you questioning our newyorkman's intelligence? Be careful where you tread or he will get his homeboys onto you for a discounted price!

Perfect example of idiot taking facts out of context. They not my homeboys, just members of local Thai gang that service your farang butts on the beach by renting you jetski, and supplementing their incomes at night with hits, yaba, and other underground activities. Most comments here are corny, trying to be funny for another dumb farang. I'll bet ya all think you so cool with your retarded wisecracks. It's like talking to children. Here is a link for you to check out:


As baseline, Japan is relatively safe. As for my intelligence, retards, I have more degrees than I can count on my one hand, including MBA in Finance and International Business from New York University, that's IVY League. I make hundreds of thousands of US dollars per year, and my businesses grow at over 25% per year. I have so much money I don't know what to do with it, especially in a cheap country like Thailand. Most farangs only lose money here, and few that turn profit ... well, it's a very small profit. That's because Thais would never let you near their money making highly profitable businesses. I am a little happy to see that I was right when I thought my initial comment would draw lots of weak corny comments. Yes, UK did try to colonize what is now USA, and American Revolution that followed kicked all Brits out of US, followed by India, Burma, and any other former colony of UK. Go read history books like I have. And I still stand by the fact that Thailand is not a safe country, which answers the original question asked. And I still expect more retarded comments from some of you, at least.

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I am the love child of Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee and I will roundhouse kick you and your half pint gang members back into your mothers wombs, only for you to be reborn, and slapped again by the midwife.

Oh and for the record, only little bitches use guns and knives. I have been shot and stabbed in the past and guess what, it didn't even hurt. Infact, I didn't even realise until they started shouting nasty words at me. Thats when I slapped them, bent them over and introduced them to my Arnold Schwarzenegger.

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Learn to do your research before you open your mouth. Much better that way. Steven is 7th dan in Aikido, I got my first dan 15 years ago in Aikijutsu, the original martial art of a samurai, from which Aikido, Judo, Jujutsu and other martial arts came from. Too many morons around here, that's y I don't post much. You talk tough on the net, but I hope u never run into me, Steven, or some Thai gangs that blow you away just for looking at them the wrong way.

Sure dude.


Edited by DP25
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What are one's chances of walking out of Suvarnabumi without getting murdered?

Nil. You cannot, as a foreigner, walk out of Suvarnabumi without being murdered. You just have to enjoy the beautiful airport, I heard it really comes alive at night.

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