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Opinions Are Proper For Everyone

Gonzo the Face

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To those who make remarks that being guests in this country, should make one blind , deaf and dumb to those things surrounding them....need a reason check also....

Being human gives us every right to have an opinion....... now as to where to show and express that opinion is another matter.

Should one be able to express an opinion ???? yes in certain circles and ever in certain group circumstances.

Should one go on stage and further rally certain violence prone elements...... than thats a definite no.

Abhiset did everything in his power to restrain the forces that be from confrontation, but for each step back he tookbackward, the reds took two steps forward until they crossed the line on legalities. Whether we, the foreign "guest" community like it or not there is a system of laws here, and they are to be obeyed by all guests and citizens. No I say the major share of the blame for this latest violence and death lies with the dishonorable Mr. Thaksin and his puppet monkey red leaders.

Now to all those foreign guests, think about this...... stand back from the issue if you can.....

We deplore the actions that are going on in the south of Thailand at the time...... why ??? well if you are honest with your own mind, those people are fighting for something that they want,,,,,, right or wrong,,,,,, they want things their way,,,,,, but it is against the law, so we agree with the government in most cases...... or is the reason we agree really because they are Mulsim...???? THINK ABOUT HONESTLY .... why do we take sides in our opinions there silently, and express little or no opinion when there are many times the number of deaths involved???


What is the difference between the southern group and their demands and wants and the redshirt wants and demands.

Is it my wants are stronger or better than your wants ???

Search your heart and soul and give an honest answer, to why you care so much in one example and so little in the other....

.... and none of the pat answers either....like Issan wives and GF's etc........ one issue vs the other...... who is right and who is wrong.... Both cases are like little spoiled children , spoiled brats that talk democracy, but haven't a clue as to what it really is..

Remember Mr. Spock in one of the Star Trek movies..... just before dying..... saying..... [Paraphrased] "the sacrafice of the few for the good of the many" ..... now that is a non-existant thought in the red camp.

Just my opinion.... and its just as good as any others.

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I think what you are trying to say is that one man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist. To some the Reds are merely exercising their democratic rights to protest but to others they are a mindless mob of thugs.

I agree that even as non-Thais we are allowed our opinions on the current situation but we must temper those opinions, or at least the expression of them, mindful that it is their country, their home.

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We deplore the actions that are going on in the south of Thailand at the time...... why ??? well if you are honest with your own mind, those people are fighting for something that they want,,,,,, right or wrong,,,,,, they want things their way,,,,,, but it is against the law, so we agree with the government in most cases...... or is the reason we agree really because they are Mulsim...???? THINK ABOUT HONESTLY .... why do we take sides in our opinions there silently, and express little or no opinion when there are many times the number of deaths involved???

The southern provinces are a known no-go area for expats and few live down there. Where as Bangkok is popular with expats. The answer to your question has more to do with inconvenience and selfishness than compassion.

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out of sight, out of mind

the deep south has never featured much in the lives of majority Thai (except those that live there) its only since 2004 that people started to pay it any notice. a lot of Thais I met in previous years hadnt even heard of Pattani

it took a lot of violence and killings taking place to put Pattani on the map - very sad, but also reality of life and logic

people have so much happening in their daily lives, that they can only pay attention to things that matter to them and affect their lives the most

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