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Tourists Shaken As Bloodshed Erupts In Bangkok


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Not sure if its the heat or just another crazy episode in thai politics --- well one this is for sure after two years of war in the streets - and the airport closures by the untouchable yellow shirts -- who is going to bother coming back here again for songkran or for that matter any other reasons to visit the "land of smile" - this has to be the death blow for the tourism sector - as if the world economy was not enough -- well maybe the PM can create a new project to plant more rubber trees and mass produce rubber duckies -=- VNAT - Vietnamese Association of tourism will be rubbing there hands in glee -the next major tourist destination - feel sorry for the hospitality industry workers also who are sure to face layoffs because of all of this --

if normal practice in riot control were applied -- and not the use of live rounds - things may have been a little different - maybe not - but without the high body count -- so much for the govt saying they were using international standards in riot control -- maybe i have missed reading something about the police and army shooting live bullets into the protesters - tear gas and water cannons are the most common methods used -

Pretty clear what side you back

You believe any red rhetoric and rants you read

Put yourself in the ARMY boots for ten seconds ..

then imagine a petrol bomb being tossed at you

What would you do?

If I as in the ARMY .... Kaboom

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yestarday at 21:10 "Prachatai reporter from Kok Wua intersection reported that two foreign tourists were injured by soldiers. One was shot at the chest after having shouted 'fuc_k You!' to the soldiers. They have been sent to hospital." http://www.prachatai.org/english/node/1726

I am take it with a grain of salt. However, I though prachtai was banned by the government. How did you access the webpage? Through proxies?

Can be access normal.

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I have lived in Bangkok for many years but am still amazed when I hear about tourists getting injured during times like these. True, occasionally people get caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, but a majority of the tourists are in these areas because they want to be a 'part of the action'. Either that or they think they have the right to voice their opinion concerning the affairs of someone else's country. I don't wish harm on anyone but have no sympathy for those who knowingly (stupidly) put themselves in harms way.

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I have little sympathy for those who attend a riot as of it were some kind of sporting event. Those are real bullets being fired along with rubber ones and those grenades are deadly enough to kill and maim also. These riots and the political instability experienced Saturday night was without doubt the worst in almost 20 years. True, Thai politics can be fearsome and often has, in the past resulted in great inconvenience to Thai’s and foreigners alike, but Saturday’s violence was like no other of recent times.

The big question now is; just how long the Thai military will allow Abisit the opportunity to extricate himself from this political mess before they {they military} intervene with a coup, which hopefully may act as a circuit breaker giving all the protagonists a chance to think things through.

One word of caution. The reds will now stop at nothing in order to see through their bloody campaign.

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As is the tourist who said f-you to the soldier. these soldiers have been under incredible strain for a week, and then have some punk mouth off- only sympathy here is for the soldier.

The soldier showing just how unprofessional he is, shooting at a foreigner with verbal provocation.

No wonder there is chaos on the streets of Bangkok.

But in this case Yes. This kind of people is too stupid to live in this world.

A similar sentiment no doubt expressed by many of the upper-classes towards those people in the firing line today and yesterday, on both sides.

The farang deserved the bullet. Perhaps on their head is even better. Making this world a better place to live. Is not a matter of bad language. It is matter of how to behave in a such situation. The soldier had been provoked. Every act will have an action in return. Just as simple as that.

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As is the tourist who said f-you to the soldier. these soldiers have been under incredible strain for a week, and then have some punk mouth off- only sympathy here is for the soldier.

The soldier showing just how unprofessional he is, shooting at a foreigner with verbal provocation.

No wonder there is chaos on the streets of Bangkok.

But in this case Yes. This kind of people is too stupid to live in this world.

A similar sentiment no doubt expressed by many of the upper-classes towards those people in the firing line today and yesterday, on both sides.

Do not forget that the conscripts, most of them simple farmers’ sons, have to do the dirty work and that they also are the first victims.

My Thai wife says that Abhisit, 45 years old, never had a serious job and evaded military service.

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Not sure if its the heat or just another crazy episode in thai politics --- well one this is for sure after two years of war in the streets - and the airport closures by the untouchable yellow shirts -- who is going to bother coming back here again for songkran or for that matter any other reasons to visit the "land of smile" - this has to be the death blow for the tourism sector - as if the world economy was not enough -- well maybe the PM can create a new project to plant more rubber trees and mass produce rubber duckies -=- VNAT - Vietnamese Association of tourism will be rubbing there hands in glee -the next major tourist destination - feel sorry for the hospitality industry workers also who are sure to face layoffs because of all of this --

if normal practice in riot control were applied -- and not the use of live rounds - things may have been a little different - maybe not - but without the high body count -- so much for the govt saying they were using international standards in riot control -- maybe i have missed reading something about the police and army shooting live bullets into the protesters - tear gas and water cannons are the most common methods used -

Not a good idea to have live rounds at all. In the stress and heat of a situation, it is very easy for a soldier to load the wrong bullets or forget if has rubber or live rounds in the weapon. Even if the army was shooting into the air the bullets will fall back to earth and potentially injure or kill someone.

Contrarary to what you think, it is a very good idea for a policeman or military to have live rounds with you if it is known that the opposing "forces" are armed too.

Any police force reacting to an uprising, demonstration or whatsoever will have a shield, a kind of baton, helmet, body armour, maybe cs-gas or pepperspray AND his personal weapon.

As I see it, the body count, seen the violent behaviour of the reds, the arms used against the police and the army, the high temperature, the knowledge that they are more or less at the end of their tether, it is indeed an example of high restraint of the security forces that the body count was not much higher.

Some time ago in The Netherlands there was a beach party that backfired.

The policemen threatened to be killed by the mob were indeed very lucky that they had available their pistol.

Several policemen were severely wounded, in the mob several were wounded and one "nice sweet boy" was shot and died.

So sorry, if you protest against something, better refrain from violent behaviour, it can backfire.

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I don't think anyone "deserves" a bullet but this is like handling a live cobra and laughing while doing it. I'm sure the farang moron thought he was Tom Cruise or something and that no one in Thailand could hurt him because he was such a tough man. That is up until he got a couple in the chest..

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Pretty clear what side you back

You believe any red rhetoric and rants you read

Put yourself in the ARMY boots for ten seconds ..

then imagine a petrol bomb being tossed at you

What would you do?

If I as in the ARMY .... Kaboom

And if I am a convicted demonsrators of my true thinking, when i see thousand of police or army engaged in "cleaning" the demonstrators, i will stay quiet and offer them a lot of yellow flowers to put in their weapons (guns !).... of course not... win - win solution became a clash with dead peoples. No one to protect, red or yellow they have all their part of responsability, but army or police with government who lie all the day and said they use only teargas and rubber bullet for finally confirm they are loaded with real bullets just for shot in the sky... BIG LIERS AS ALWAYS IN POLITICS

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Not sure if its the heat or just another crazy episode in thai politics --- well one this is for sure after two years of war in the streets - and the airport closures by the untouchable yellow shirts -- who is going to bother coming back here again for songkran or for that matter any other reasons to visit the "land of smile" - this has to be the death blow for the tourism sector - as if the world economy was not enough -- well maybe the PM can create a new project to plant more rubber trees and mass produce rubber duckies -=- VNAT - Vietnamese Association of tourism will be rubbing there hands in glee -the next major tourist destination - feel sorry for the hospitality industry workers also who are sure to face layoffs because of all of this --

if normal practice in riot control were applied -- and not the use of live rounds - things may have been a little different - maybe not - but without the high body count -- so much for the govt saying they were using international standards in riot control -- maybe i have missed reading something about the police and army shooting live bullets into the protesters - tear gas and water cannons are the most common methods used -

Pretty clear what side you back

You believe any red rhetoric and rants you read

Put yourself in the ARMY boots for ten seconds ..

then imagine a petrol bomb being tossed at you

What would you do? You would do what you'd been trained to do, depending on who's army you were in, either hold discipline and do what your NCO's tell you to do, or lose it completely and fire into the crowd

If I as in the ARMY .... Kaboom thankfully, you aren't

Some army units are trained only for front line combat, it's never a good idea to put them in front of an undisciplined mob on the streets, when the British Army in Northern Ireland put the Parachute Regiment on the streets people got shot and killed, later in 'the troubles' as they are referred to other units had better training in dealing with petrol bombs and stones being thrown at them. It's better, if possible, to have trained police units deal with civil unrest or riots as they should have containment and dispersal as their main aim, with snatch squads making arrests. The large majority in any crowd are along for the ride, if you go in and snatch the more 'hardline' elements, the will to fight is usually diluted.

It's a sad day when a nation's troops open fire on it's own citizens.

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I don't think anyone "deserves" a bullet but this is like handling a live cobra and laughing while doing it. I'm sure the farang moron thought he was Tom Cruise or something and that no one in Thailand could hurt him because he was such a tough man. That is up until he got a couple in the chest..

I am 100% agree with you. Nobody deserve to die. I was just saying it is goodf for them dead. Some guys on this thread are just too sensitive with wording.

Just not much different with those soldier are who too sensitive with the word <deleted>-k you..

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Sorry to hear the idiot was shot; very stupid Farang to not have enough brains to keep his mouth shut; sounds like an ugly american; just thinking...I came here to Udon Thani becuse I hated watching foreigners make complete asses of themselves. Seems Faraangs here have enough sense to stay away from danger...

Saying Fu_k you to armed soldiers during a riot is about as stupid as you can be,

I'm with you pal I moved up here in nowhere village 5 years ago to get away from fools making them selves look stupid.

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yestarday at 21:10 "Prachatai reporter from Kok Wua intersection reported that two foreign tourists were injured by soldiers. One was shot at the chest after having shouted 'fuc_k You!' to the soldiers. They have been sent to hospital." http://www.prachatai.org/english/node/1726

I don't think I'd do that in my country let alone someone else's unless there was some good reason. I'm sure some people are just unlucky their hotel is in the wrong place and the violence erupted around them which they didn't expect after the peaceful demonstrations so far but some are obviously ignoring the advice given by their embassies. I'm in the UK but since I'm registered with the embassy I'm still getting updated information.

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Sorry to hear the idiot was shot; very stupid Farang to not have enough brains to keep his mouth shut; sounds like an ugly american; just thinking...I came here to Udon Thani becuse I hated watching foreigners make complete asses of themselves. Seems Faraangs here have enough sense to stay away from danger...

This must be from the wise Euroid that hasn't quite learned how to post to a quote yet! And the only foreigner I have read about being shot and killed was a Japanese national. I see you don't follow your own advise. What are you thinking? Ah, you assume? Ass U Me?

But when 47 countries issue warnings to their citizens to stay away from the demonstrations in Bangkok and they don't, sum num nah!

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Not sure if its the heat or just another crazy episode in thai politics --- well one this is for sure after two years of war in the streets - and the airport closures by the untouchable yellow shirts -- who is going to bother coming back here again for songkran or for that matter any other reasons to visit the "land of smile" - this has to be the death blow for the tourism sector - as if the world economy was not enough -- well maybe the PM can create a new project to plant more rubber trees and mass produce rubber duckies -=- VNAT - Vietnamese Association of tourism will be rubbing there hands in glee -the next major tourist destination - feel sorry for the hospitality industry workers also who are sure to face layoffs because of all of this --

if normal practice in riot control were applied -- and not the use of live rounds - things may have been a little different - maybe not - but without the high body count -- so much for the govt saying they were using international standards in riot control -- maybe i have missed reading something about the police and army shooting live bullets into the protesters - tear gas and water cannons are the most common methods used -

You are right visited Hanoi, first welcome to Vietnam at customs, then stayed at Ba Din district, the business district, was stopped at the street and asked to have my picture taken with their children, I am tall Vietnam Vet. Was surprised with their hospitality and made a few friends there which I am still in contact with. With LOS that left with this administration. Sorry I rather have the old military Generals back in power instead of this.

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ROFL ; Yes indeed somnamna, if that farang knows anything about Thailand he would have known that it's not the same

yelling the F# word here in Thailand as it is in other countries, talking like that can get you killed in any f# little soi all over Thailand.

It's just a fact that you can't say f# you here if you don't know that... inform yourself if you go to another country and

as a mather of fact, don't say it anywhere, be f# polite and keep your maners.

one more thing; why in buddha's name is a farang protesting amongst the thais???? since when is this his business??

don't like the politics here? go home! or get shot...

nobody deserves to die but if i drive 200 with my bike i know there's risk involved, so did he.. AMEN!

And red, yellow.. whatever use that little brain of yours and stop this sh# b4 u can all go back selling rice

just my 2cents :-) PEACE!

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As is the tourist who said f-you to the soldier. these soldiers have been under incredible strain for a week, and then have some punk mouth off- only sympathy here is for the soldier.

The soldier showing just how unprofessional he is, shooting at a foreigner with verbal provocation.

No wonder there is chaos on the streets of Bangkok.

But in this case Yes. This kind of people is too stupid to live in this world.

A similar sentiment no doubt expressed by many of the upper-classes towards those people in the firing line today and yesterday, on both sides.

Do not forget that the conscripts, most of them simple farmers’ sons, have to do the dirty work and that they also are the first victims.

My Thai wife says that Abhisit, 45 years old, never had a serious job and evaded military service.

I think he's got one now though.

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Hope not

Shouldn't you be hoping that your country doesn't descend into total civil war or anarchy and further become a laughing stock in the eyes of the civilised World rather than concentrating on a minor incident of typical Thai military unprofessionalism?

There are bigger things at stake here.

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As reported numerous times, and actually shown on Thai television

Perhaps you need to pay attention to the international media for a more balanced perspective.

To address the rest of your post, the reds have been given a green light by Government, Police and Judicial inaction over the yellow shirt actions. If they were dealt with in the first place, none of this red shirt nonsense would ever have happened.

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