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What's Going On With This Forum?


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Although not a regular contributor to the forum I did get a lot of fun, info, and yes sometimes irritated via the posts therein. But lately it seems to be bereft of stimulating and, provocative comments, (the life blood of any forum worth it's salt). Although not my favourite poster I was happy to see Blinky Bill offering his two penny worth recently, long over due I may add. What about the rest of the agents provocateurs that used to ply their trade so aggressively, have they all become Moderators (God Bless 'em) and thereby skilled at preempting 'naughty stuff' before it gets out of hand. The cynics, still onboard, may well and maybe correctly 'advise' me to do my bit towards stimulation but as we all know some have it and some not. I'm one of the not lot! Anyway just food for thought.




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People are preoccupied with the conflict between reds and yellows. There are so many threads relating to that same topic that everything else gets stuffed on a back burner.There are other things I could say but not allowed to.

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People are preoccupied with the conflict between reds and yellows. There are so many threads relating to that same topic that everything else gets stuffed on a back burner.There are other things I could say but not allowed to.

Such as??????

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People are preoccupied with the conflict between reds and yellows. There are so many threads relating to that same topic that everything else gets stuffed on a back burner.There are other things I could say but not allowed to.

Such as??????

What does that comment mean? Do you want him to say things he said he wouldnot say? Are you a trouble maker?

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Slightly off subject but I have noticed that they no longer put the members who are reading a thread at the bottom . Wonder why? I miss that feature.

That must be your settings... I can see the list of names at the bottom of my pages!

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I understand the OP's feelings. I'm not opposed to keeping political discussions that aren't specifically relevant to Chiang Mai out of the forum though.

There are some other issues that are a bit unfortunate, but best not to comment I think.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Slightly off subject but I have noticed that they no longer put the members who are reading a thread at the bottom . Wonder why? I miss that feature.

That must be your settings... I can see the list of names at the bottom of my pages!

Don't start jacking with your settings, BTDT. The names come and go. It is something on the TV end of this thing. They will probably get it worked out. Some of the pages wouldn't refresh properly yesterday also. Maybe their system was overwhelmed.

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People are preoccupied with the conflict between reds and yellows. There are so many threads relating to that same topic that everything else gets stuffed on a back burner.There are other things I could say but not allowed to.

I don't fully agree with "people are preoccupied with the conflict between reds and yellows" (perhaps the expatriate members are more interesed in it that Thais) but from what I see Thai's do not really give a fc_k one way or another.

And for anyone who contributes anything approaching controversial "it's holiday time again"

Edited by krakatoa
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We have to remember that this forum was not set up as a feel good community service but as a business venture to generate income for it's founder and as such the 'Mod Squad' has an obligation to remove anything that could be perceived as a threat to the existence of this enterprise.

Sometimes the 'Hall Monitor Syndrome' must rear it's ugly head.

wait for it , wait for it


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Since joining Thai Visa I have received much help from its members.

I try to ignore the negative comments on this Forum - as in Life.

My search for compassion continues.

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Seedy,

We also feel we've received help and kindness here on TV CM, for which we are thankful.

While we try to ignore comments that appear to be a mixture of "drool, dribble, and raving ignorance" (unless they are redeemed by consummate style and/or wit, or by being so bizarre they approach a form of glossolalia or something done in the style (say) of a Hunter S. Thompson), we don't ignore comments we might perceive as "negative" in the sense they express views that we disagree with.

There are some posts that while we react to (emotionally) as being "mean-spirited" still seem to us valuable to read because they are provocative in some interesting way, not boring.

And sometimes we read comments we perceive are made out of a need to "ventilate" the frustrations of Farang life here; most of the time we respond empathetically to those since we have "walked the same walk."

Your mention of "search for compassion" reminds us of :

"This thing we tell of can never be found by seeking, yet only seekers find it." Abu Yazid (9th. century CE, Persian Sufi)

best, ~o:37;

Edited by orang37
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fluffer labor shortage in CM.




Sawasdee Khrup, Khun CobraSnakeNeckTie,

We find this a most mysterious and evocative poem: it only needs four more syllables (if you count "CM" as two syllables), and a little re-arranging to be a haiku of a sort.

Actually had to go and Google on "fluffer" : was not aware of the connection of that term with porno movies at all: our association with that term are the bicyclists who roam around Delhi neighborhoods with a giant thing that looks like a harp with one string on it, calling out "kawadee," and somtimes plucking the string which gives out a unique sound. They are professional mattress fluffers who will cut your mattress apart, fluff up all the compressed cotton ticking, and put it back together for you all nicely fluffed up (that was in 1975-1976: no idea if the "kawadee men" still bicycle around Delhi).

Of course we'd never mess with an oracular paen like this, just like we'd never volunteer to help you put your necktie on.

We can only grope within our own labyrinth for something within us resonant with your frequencies: we'll put it in pseudo-haiku form (three lines, seventeen syllables, first and third line five syllables, middle line seven).

how many fluffers

make keyboards unreachable:


Thank you for this stimulating post !

best, ~o:37;

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