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My Wife Hates The Sun In Thailand


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I know this topic has been done and overdone in this forum.

But well, let's make it different.

Why is white better than brown or black?

My wife makes sure she won't be too dark


But I do not really care actually. Do you?

Edited by eurasianthai
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I prefer darker skin too be honest but then again my wife is from Rayong so her skin is a bit darker, I've told her off in the past for using the whitening cream and she just replied that she didn't bother to notice that its whitening, she just liked the cream etc, she likes to sit in the garden and get a tan, My step daughter however I fear has been influenced with the "white skin is better" bug (which I personally think is nonsense.)

At the end of the day for me if its a preference by personal choice fine but if its a choice influenced by friends etc saying that white skin is more hiso then I think its rubbish.

As the op says also, regarding the colour I don't care.


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And I give you a French saying that will make you love tanned girls, I think.

Les filles bronzées sont comme les poulets, c'est le blanc le meilleur.

Difficult to translate actually.

In French, the nice part of the chicken is called the white.

So tanned girls and chickens are the same, the white part is the best... :)

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People - especially guys - are not blind.  We have an image of what is attractive and what is not.  Some of this is environment driven.  Thais grew up in a different environment, so their perception of beauty will be somewhat different too.  I don't see the point in trying to tell them/persuade them that x is prettier or y doesn't matter.  Aesthetics are - and should be - in the eye of the beholder.  

Well, at the end of the day, it is just bullshit Dave.

Another example of how superficial Thais are.

Still a long way to go but this is probably part of the attraction.

Of course it's bullshit, just like someone's preference for dark skin, or someone's claim that they don't have a preference.  Same with other attributes like hair color, weight, etc, etc.  

I have a question.  How well do these whitening creams work?  

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the thai wife says...

dark skin = lo-so, farming type girls working the land or the noodle stand or the bars in bangkok

-- many of the older westerners here prefer the dark skin for a gf...

white skin = hi-so, thainese upper class office & educated ladies

-- how many white skin thai girls do you see at Nana or Cowboy? Not many.... why?

simple as that...

Edited by wallhigh
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All the ad's on TV and in the magazines re-enforce the perceived ideal of beauty, same as they do everywhere else, happens that the perceived ideal in Thailand is whiter is better. My g/f is fairly dark, she just kinda jokes about it, she doesn't cover up with the hat/face cover thing though. I worry a little about her daughters, but girls the world over can have image consciousness issues not helped by projected stereotypes in the media.

Eldest girl (9) given the choice of three barbie dolls, (one white, one black, one brown) always plays with the white one and comments on how beautiful the doll is, I always tell her she's more beautiful, we are what we are and as long as the people we love, love us back then it's all good.

I did struggle to find an aftershave cream for myself that didn't have whitening as a selling point! I said if I get any whiter nobody will see me!

You get the same thing here in London in reverse, white white girls with orangey brown faces from all those 'touch of sun' creams and make up!

One thing I did notice in Thailand is that the men tend to cover up too with the whole head/face hat things.

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You have a beautiful wife, Eurasianthai. Just be thankful for what you have... as you probably are. It's a Thai thing that has been indoctrinated into the girls at an early age. You can't fight it, so just accept it.

When I first came to Thailand 14 years ago I was surprised at the same thing. I never could figure it out. One thing that ALWAYS bothered me, and still does, is all that skin whitener that makes the women look like zombies freshly dug out of a grave. It makes for HORRIBLE photos... and especially when a flash is used.

Others have already given the stupid reasons why most Thais value white skin over brown. Us Farangs couldn't give a dam_n if women are whiter than others... just so long as the woman is attractive in the first place.

However, all that said, the Thais ARE smart for covering up in the sun. A lot of us farangs who spent too long in the sun in their early years are now dealing with skin cancer.

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Some limited exposure to direct sunlight is now recognised as having significant health benefits. However, it is obvious that there is significant prejudice in most Asian countries in favour of people with fair skin. The reasons are pretty obvious - the darker the skin, the likelier it is that the person works at a menial occupation, and/or lives in a rural setting where exposure to the sun is hard to avoid.

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It's sometimes strange how many things are so opposite here. I have often told Thais that back in the UK if you have just come back from a holiday abroad and are sun tanned people will say you look well.

Whereas if you look really white people will say you look ill. They can't get their head around it.

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People - especially guys - are not blind. We have an image of what is attractive and what is not. Some of this is environment driven. Thais grew up in a different environment, so their perception of beauty will be somewhat different too. I don't see the point in trying to tell them/persuade them that x is prettier or y doesn't matter. Aesthetics are - and should be - in the eye of the beholder.
Well, at the end of the day, it is just bullshit Dave.

Another example of how superficial Thais are.

Still a long way to go but this is probably part of the attraction.

I have a question. How well do these whitening creams work?

It worked pretty well for Michael

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It's sometimes strange how many things are so opposite here. I have often told Thais that back in the UK if you have just come back from a holiday abroad and are sun tanned people will say you look well.

Whereas if you look really white people will say you look ill. They can't get their head around it.

Well since everyone around them is so white, its nice to look different and be darker.

Just like everyone in thailand are so dark, its nice to look different and be lighter.

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At the end of the day for me if its a preference by personal choice

Well, at the end of the day, it is just bullshit Dave. Another example of how superficial Thais are. Still a long way to go but this is probably part of the attraction.

it is not limited to Thais, you find that attitude all over Asia and even in southern Europe.

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At the end of the day for me if its a preference by personal choice

Well, at the end of the day, it is just bullshit Dave.

Another example of how superficial Thais are.

Still a long way to go but this is probably part of the attraction.

Western people are as superficial as the Thai people, lying every day under Sun light, using darkening creams, go on a holiday and lying 24/7 in the sun.

This all by knowing the having higher risk on skin cancer, who is SUPERFICIAL.

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... how superficial Thais are.

Wouldn't you say that westerners wanting to be tanned (at the risk of skin cancer etc) is another example of this?

I think that claiming Thais as 'superficial' for wanting to show themselves as 'elite' (this is why they want to be white btw) is no different from the westerner's sub-conscious assumptions that being white and pale represents sickness and laziness.

You can like what ever you want to mate but put ya brain into gear before stereotyping an entire people...

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At the end of the day for me if its a preference by personal choice

Well, at the end of the day, it is just bullshit Dave. Another example of how superficial Thais are. Still a long way to go but this is probably part of the attraction.

it is not limited to Thais, you find that attitude all over Asia and even in southern Europe.

not really superficial! more PRACTICAL!

im amazed at how few "black" thai are employed where they work in air conditioning :):D:D . not referring to the grunts but those higher ups.

its fact white skin in thailand have better job prospects! :D:D from the pm to girls who work bar :D:D:D

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mate, your wife is already too black by thai standards. She can bleach her skin all she wants but those is black folks lips!

tell her to get some corn rows and a water mellon stand, black is beautiful, ya hear?

Be happy in the skin you are in people!

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