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Thai Government Ready For More Talks With Red Shirts

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The reds won't negotiate. That might make them look a little bit democratic.

If they ever get into power, they won't negotiate then. They will look after themselves. They won't care about Thailand as a whole. They will just look after the people that voted for them.

All graduates of The Thaksinomics Institute

Propaganda 101

Profit for Life 102

Face saving 103

Jocularity aside. The idea that these people will start listening when they get into power

is a slightly below my beating Beuakaow at Muay Thai ; Not gonna happen.

Can any one imagine Jatuporn as Speaker Of The House....

Senator Weng? Chief Justice Veera? Attorney General Arisman...

You won't have to worry about any of them because you missed Thailand Supreme Commander Khattiya Sawasdipol. Red supports would be satisfied with the plays that this butcher is making? They should be very wary of what they wish for.

The biggest mistake that Pinnochio made was not taking Seh Daeng out with the same efficency that he closed down his field Commander in the first skirmish. But the Puppet as he shown in the recent past does not err twice.

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The redshirt position is clear. No negotiations. Dissolve parliament immediately and prepare for the revenge that shall be heaped upon you once we have the power.

I am disturbed by what may be coming. Here's the worst case scenario as nearly as I can tell.

The redshirts will increase their level of protest again. Expect an influx of new footsoldiers after Songkran, only fewer grannies and babies and mostly 18-40 year old males. They haven't yet achieved their goal. They smell blood and aren't about to back off. Not now. They will begin baiting the government again, daring them to make a move. They will spit in the face of the law, the people of Bangkok, and ultimately in the face of Thailand. They will taunt and shout, bully, threaten and abuse.

The propaganda wars from both sides will continue in earnest.

The government and military will take it on the chin at first. They'll make weak-sounding proclamations about restoring order and apprehending the redshirt leaders. They will appear helpless and defenseless, but they won't cave in to the redshirt demands. So the redshirts will escalate, and continue to escalate, pushing and squeezing. They will become more daring with each offensive.

Until finally the government and military will have no choice but to react, a second time. But they won't forget the incidents on April 10th. They will understand exactly what they are up against. And the redshirts, blackshirts, ronin, and anyone else who will fight on their side will be waiting for them. They will be prepared and fortified. All defenses in place and strategies formulated. Then... all hel_l breaks loose. And thus begins a civil war.

I don't see how it could get much worse than that. A deadly serious game is being played out in the streets of Bangkok. The redshirts aren't in any mood to negotiate. Consider this rather telling incident

Natthawut Saikua, one of the 24, said the red shirts were preparing a "welcoming party" if the government cracked down on protesters.

"I confirm the red shirts will not waver if the government is to launch a new round of anti-riot operations early next week," he said, adding that the red shirts would not disperse before the dissolution of Parliament.


The redshirt position is clear. No negotiations. Dissolve parliament immediately and prepare for the revenge that shall be heaped upon you once we have the power.

I am disturbed by what is coming. Here's the worst case:

The redshirts will increase their level of protest again. Expect an influx of new footsoldiers after Songkran, only fewer grannies and babies and mostly 18-40 year old males. They haven't yet achieved their goal. They smell blood and aren't about to back off. Not now.

They redshirts will begin baiting the government again, daring them to make a move. They will spit in the face of the law, the people of Bangkok, and ultimately in the face of Thailand. They will taunt and shout, bully, threaten and abuse.

The propaganda wars will continue in earnest.

The government and military will take it on the chin at first. They will make weak-sounding proclamations about restoring order and apprehending the redshirt leaders. They will appear helpless and defenseless, but they won't cave in to the redshirt demands. So the redshirts will escalate, and continue to escalate, pushing and squeezing. They will become more daring with each offensive.

Until finally the government and military will have no choice but to react, a second time. But they will not forget the incidents on April 10th. They will understand what they are up against. While the redshirts, blackshirts, ronin, and anyone else they can get to fight on their side will be waiting for them, prepared, fortified. All defenses in place and strategies formulated. All hel_l breaks loose. And thus begins a civil war....

I don't see how it could get much worse than this. A deadly serious game is being played out in the streets of Bangkok. The redshirts aren't in any mood to negotiate. Consider this rather telling incident

Natthawut Saikua, one of the 24, said the red shirts were preparing a "welcoming party" if the government cracked down on protesters.

"I confirm the red shirts will not waver if the government is to launch a new round of anti-riot operations early next week," he said, adding that the red shirts would not disperse before the dissolution of Parliament.


There are many scenario's. Another and probably best outcome for Pinnochio and his Army coalition is the other mob/gang being the Yellows comes back out into the streets. The ineviatable blood letting of these two extremes occurs, which leaves the Reds in no position to focus on what the coalition Government and Army are up to. Welcome to the hood bro, but the trouble is the munitions and casaulties are heavier. But that is probably the price that Thailand has to pay to learn that the extremes either side of the centre can not hold political positions. The Army can then just come in, surround both groups and deal to them.

There are many scenario's. Another and probably best outcome for Pinnochio and his Army coalition is the other mob/gang being the Yellows comes back out into the streets. The ineviatable blood letting of these two extremes occurs, which leaves the Reds in no position to focus on what the coalition Government and Army are up to. Welcome to the hood bro, but the trouble is the munitions and casaulties are heavier. But that is probably the price that Thailand has to pay to learn that the extremes either side of the centre can not hold political positions. The Army can then just come in, surround both groups and deal to them.

That's an interesting strategy. Maybe you should apply for the position of Supreme Commander. It's soon to be vacant I hear.

The govt is finished. The military for the most part are backing the red shirts. Pretty much game over. :)

Another pearl of wisdom from TV's resident soothsayer. No discussion, reasoning, or rationale. Just a stand up comedian, with a very small audience.

The govt is finished. The military for the most part are backing the red shirts. Pretty much game over. :D

Another pearl of wisdom from TV's resident soothsayer. No discussion, reasoning, or rationale. Just a stand up comedian, with a very small audience.

:) Playing that tired old mantra....

Most of your contributions are one-line mantras.

Pearls of wisdom I am not so sure.

Thaksin's cast-offs more like it.

Yes the violent red thugs think that have it all won. But they are playing a dangerous game not negotiating. They demand all or nothing. That may have good odds to get all, but by not talking, they risk getting nothing. There are still powerful forces in play here not ready to cave to this red mob terror wave.

Jingthing - I don't know where you're located - but if you live in BKK - take some time out and go to Rajaprasong - any day of the week - and view all those "violent red thugs".

In fact - what you'll see are ordinary decent Thai people of all ages - tens of thousands of them - gathering as one to show their disdain and contempt for this current government. A government and PM that are nothing more than proxies for the the ruling elite and what it truly represents - repression and exploitation of the Thai people.

And as you so rightly say - they are indeed powerful forces.

Powerful forces indeed but that comes later.

Going to Rajaprasong - Centerpoint - is a good suggestion so I'm surprised I haven't heard directly and in detail from more farang who did visit or from those who live in the area. I spent all of last week, from Sunday to Sunday at Centerpoint, 24/7. And what did I see, hear, feel, smell, taste and sense of the people, the time, the place and the circumstance?

I was surrounded by Redshirts. Regardless of their color, however, I was among Thais, the Thai people, ordinarly everyday Thai people. During the nights a small skeletal shift of Redshirts danced to music and sang together. During the days those remaining sought shelter from the sun. The 7-Elevens and other convenience stores were sold out of ice cream, bread foods and water. Evenings under the moon young men sat with young women putting their smiling charms on the damsels while brimming with egar expectation - some pairs of males sat together too chatting, flitting and flashing smiles of anticipation.

While the Redshirts tied up or blocked traffic they as Thais equally moved out of the way in passing on the sidewalks. Some Redshirts apologized directly for the inconveniences while others extorted money to pass through their barricades. Redshirt vendors set up shop on the sidewalks to sell their shirts, buttons,, bandanas, flags and other paraphnalia. In classic Orwellian manner and duty, all cheered repeatedly and regularly when it came time to listen to the nightly 9 o'clock hate speech of their leaders.

These are Thais who are Redshirts and, as with the Yellows in their heyday of occupying the airport, follow their leaders. And make no mistake about the Redshirts, they are highly organized, with certain regular crews present in day shifts and night shifts, with certain among them apointed to remain at Centerpoint during the day's marches and seiges, designated to remain at Centerpoint and its surrounding areas to maintain blockages of traffic flow and to cheer and then to tend to the returning warriors after their hard day's work storming Thaicom, the 11th Infantry and eventually to riot against the army.

The Redshirts are Thais through and through which is the tragedy. The cynical will lead and the sheep will follow to kill and mame other Thais who are in opposition. The elites have a responsbility as well but the elites are not beyond negotiations as are the high and mighty leaders of the mass of Redshirts who follow like the herd of sheeple we see them to be. I'm a republican (small 'r') so I don't fear change. I do fear the self-righteous and absolutist 'leaders' of the Redshirts who refuse to negotiate or to work towards a peaceful solution to the current crisis.

Once again the ordinary Thai is a pawn in the games of both camps

The reds won't negotiate. That might make them look a little bit democratic.

If they ever get into power, they won't negotiate then. They will look after themselves. They won't care about Thailand as a whole. They will just look after the people that voted for them.

How do you know?

The current ruling elite are totally ruthless. They'll do their damndest - and everything within their means and power - to make sure this Red-Shirt movement is crushed and totally discredited. That's if they get the chance.

Why not just start a Topic who is better? who is right? [the mafia or the triads] Anybody who sides with either group doesn't know the Yellow and Red leaders are some billionaires trying to be trillionaires. They WANT in the catbird seat of corruption.

For 80 years, with the odd exception of Chuan Leekpai, Thai democracy has been gang warfare politics. This set of crocodiles will be repalced by others, the biggest one is just around the corner. Unless the swamp is drained don't hold your breath..........


No in fact it was you and your red mob that murdered all those people and no amount of spin and lies will change that fact. :) The talk about the elite vs. the poor is an old Communist ploy in fact the same used by Pol Pot as excuse to exterminate 2 million of his own people. :D Question is are the red leaders willing resort to violence and murder? Unfortunately the answer is a resounding yes.. :D

The reds won't negotiate. That might make them look a little bit democratic.

If they ever get into power, they won't negotiate then. They will look after themselves. They won't care about Thailand as a whole. They will just look after the people that voted for them.

How do you know?

The current ruling elite are totally ruthless. They'll do their damndest - and everything within their means and power - to make sure this Red-Shirt movement is crushed and totally discredited. That's if they get the chance.

You said it straight to the point,, they will do what ever it takes to discredit the movement such as lie on TV, close the red shirts TV , radio stations, internet content etc. And ,, lately saying that they are terrorists .

I submit that Abashi==t is an anti democratic terrorist . He is a terrorist against the truth.

You've just defined a dictatorship. Total control and state sponsored lies. And when you're up against a dictatorial regime - which this one undoubtedly is - then drastic measures are required to overthrow it and all the rotteness it represents.

Up the Reds!

Red shirts love Thailand and if elections bring them to power - good things will happen for all in thailand!! :)

You just had me spilling my water of laughter .....

britmaveric's right.

If they ever get the opportunity to govern - then I'm sure they'll do a dam_n sight more for the ordinary people of Thailand than the current elitist and totally self-serving bunch of power megalomaniacs has done so far.

Yes I am sure the red leaders will do more for the ordinary people

"30 baht health care for the for ordinary people = 1 million baht for me, their dear leader"

Either it is mob rule

or rule of law via actual democracy,

not democracy if the mob agrees this week...

Those are the two choices.

Someone MUST have the stomach for the hard decisions.

National leaders must do just that, lead where the nation MUST go,

whether it is in the leaders best interest or not.

The countries best interest MUST come first.

The problem is , and it's been quoted in Thaivisa many a time, in as many days, they don't know democracy from a bag of rice, their idea is third world democrocy, so saying all that, 2/1 a coup in the next two weeks.

The govt is finished. The military for the most part are backing the red shirts. Pretty much game over. :D

Another pearl of wisdom from TV's resident soothsayer. No discussion, reasoning, or rationale. Just a stand up comedian, with a very small audience.

:) Playing that tired old mantra....

Most of your contributions are one-line mantras.

Pearls of wisdom I am not so sure.

Thaksin's cast-offs more like it.

What is your problem? We all understand you fear the UDD and you hate Thaksin. WE GET IT. All you do is make snide remarks against anyone you disagree with. You of all people should not be complaining about reasoning or rationale since your comments never ever offer anything substantive, just cheap and petty insults. If you are getting some sort of sick delight trying to provoke people, then I suggest you consider another past time because it is obnoxious. Grow up

The reds won't negotiate. That might make them look a little bit democratic.

If they ever get into power, they won't negotiate then. They will look after themselves. They won't care about Thailand as a whole. They will just look after the people that voted for them.

How do you know?

The current ruling elite are totally ruthless. They'll do their damndest - and everything within their means and power - to make sure this Red-Shirt movement is crushed and totally discredited. That's if they get the chance.

You said it straight to the point,, they will do what ever it takes to discredit the movement such as lie on TV, close the red shirts TV , radio stations, internet content etc. And ,, lately saying that they are terrorists .

I submit that Abashi==t is an anti democratic terrorist . He is a terrorist against the truth.

garbage should be dis-allowed folks.


> Anyone know where I can donate umbrellas and

> towels to our dear friends the red shirts? biggrin.gif

At Ratchaprasong. Any crackdown will happen at night, as it alwasy does; during the day you can safely get there.

I have talked to plenty of reds in Pattaya. I have heard enough. Suggesting foreigners go now to the red hub is irresponsible advice these days. Listen to your embassy! STAY AWAY!

Jingles, the redshirts you are talking to are not the ones in Bangkok are they? Pattaya is not Bangkok either.

I went to Bangkok to observe for myself. Yes, we should stay away from the protests, but the likelihood of violence or an intervention is low at this time as the government claims it wants to now "talk". I think there is a 24-72 hour window of opportunity to observe with limited risk. Go on, check it out. I promise that if you incur an injury I will send some bandaids. :)


Another pearl of wisdom from TV's resident soothsayer. No discussion, reasoning, or rationale. Just a stand up comedian, with a very small audience.

:) Playing that tired old mantra....

Most of your contributions are one-line mantras.

Pearls of wisdom I am not so sure.

Thaksin's cast-offs more like it.

What is your problem? We all understand you fear the UDD and you hate Thaksin. WE GET IT. All you do is make snide remarks against anyone you disagree with. You of all people should not be complaining about reasoning or rationale since your comments never ever offer anything substantive, just cheap and petty insults. If you are getting some sort of sick delight trying to provoke people, then I suggest you consider another past time because it is obnoxious. Grow up


Yes the violent red thugs think that have it all won. But they are playing a dangerous game not negotiating. They demand all or nothing. That may have good odds to get all, but by not talking, they risk getting nothing. There are still powerful forces in play here not ready to cave to this red mob terror wave.

Jingthing - I don't know where you're located - but if you live in BKK - take some time out and go to Rajaprasong - any day of the week - and view all those "violent red thugs".

In fact - what you'll see are ordinary decent Thai people of all ages - tens of thousands of them - gathering as one to show their disdain and contempt for this current government. A government and PM that are nothing more than proxies for the the ruling elite and what it truly represents - repression and exploitation of the Thai people.

And as you so rightly say - they are indeed powerful forces.

Powerful forces indeed but that comes later.

Going to Rajaprasong - Centerpoint - is a good suggestion so I'm surprised I haven't heard directly and in detail from more farang who did visit or from those who live in the area. I spent all of last week, from Sunday to Sunday at Centerpoint, 24/7. And what did I see, hear, feel, smell, taste and sense of the people, the time, the place and the circumstance?

I was surrounded by Redshirts. Regardless of their color, however, I was among Thais, the Thai people, ordinarly everyday Thai people. During the nights a small skeletal shift of Redshirts danced to music and sang together. During the days those remaining sought shelter from the sun. The 7-Elevens and other convenience stores were sold out of ice cream, bread foods and water. Evenings under the moon young men sat with young women putting their smiling charms on the damsels while brimming with egar expectation - some pairs of males sat together too chatting, flitting and flashing smiles of anticipation.

While the Redshirts tied up or blocked traffic they as Thais equally moved out of the way in passing on the sidewalks. Some Redshirts apologized directly for the inconveniences while others extorted money to pass through their barricades. Redshirt vendors set up shop on the sidewalks to sell their shirts, buttons,, bandanas, flags and other paraphnalia. In classic Orwellian manner and duty, all cheered repeatedly and regularly when it came time to listen to the nightly 9 o'clock hate speech of their leaders.

These are Thais who are Redshirts and, as with the Yellows in their heyday of occupying the airport, follow their leaders. And make no mistake about the Redshirts, they are highly organized, with certain regular crews present in day shifts and night shifts, with certain among them apointed to remain at Centerpoint during the day's marches and seiges, designated to remain at Centerpoint and its surrounding areas to maintain blockages of traffic flow and to cheer and then to tend to the returning warriors after their hard day's work storming Thaicom, the 11th Infantry and eventually to riot against the army.

The Redshirts are Thais through and through which is the tragedy. The cynical will lead and the sheep will follow to kill and mame other Thais who are in opposition. The elites have a responsbility as well but the elites are not beyond negotiations as are the high and mighty leaders of the mass of Redshirts who follow like the herd of sheeple we see them to be. I'm a republican (small 'r') so I don't fear change. I do fear the self-righteous and absolutist 'leaders' of the Redshirts who refuse to negotiate or to work towards a peaceful solution to the current crisis.

Once again the ordinary Thai is a pawn in the games of both camps

Publicus - I was cheered when I started to read your post - first four paragraphs - but then - predictably - a very cynical final one.

Perhaps one reason the Red-Shirt leadership are so disinclined to negotiation is that they're REALLY after much more than dissolution of the House. And when that's the REAL agenda I guess there's no point in them sitting around the table with the government discussing minutiae.

Maybe they realise - and the government too for that matter - that the only way they're going to achieve their goals is through violent overthrow - as shocking as this may sound.



Red shirts send survival kit to Abhisit

By The Nation

BANGKOK: -- A red-shirt supporter showed up at the 11th Infantry Regiment yesterday with some food for Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva, but this was by no means a gesture of goodwill.

Attached with the noodles, cans of coffee and bottles of water was a message from the Democratic Alliance against Dictatorship, which read: "Let the prime minister eat so that he can survive at least until he dissolves the House of Representatives and pays for his bad deeds as a murderer."

Chantisa Rojanapimuk, who was accompanied by her boyfriend, said core red-shirt leader Natthawut Saikua had assigned this duty to her. She left the food and the message with the guards at the gate.


Lone woman challenges red shirts

by the Nation

An unidentified lone woman turned up behind the Rajprasong rally stage of the red-shirts at 9 am Thursday and criticised the leaders for causing trouble to the public.

Worachai Hemma met her and tried to explain the causes of the red shirts while other protesters started to boo her.

Eventually, red-shirt guards had to escort her out of the area to a spot in front of the President Hotel.

Reporters saw some protesters with sticks in hands running after her.

despite the current murderous reputation of the Army, who seemed to behaved better here and respected another parties right to have an opposing opinion?

> Anyone know where I can donate umbrellas and

> towels to our dear friends the red shirts? biggrin.gif

At Ratchaprasong. Any crackdown will happen at night, as it alwasy does; during the day you can safely get there.

I'll qualify that. Just last week I was strolling around Rajaprasong at around 3.00-4.00 AM getting some night air and I felt as safe as houses.

Red shirts love Thailand and if elections bring them to power - good things will happen for all in thailand!! :)

Unless you happen to live in a province which doesn't vote for PTP, or has that old policy been withdrawn, yet ?

britmaveric's right.

If they ever get the opportunity to govern - then I'm sure they'll do a dam_n sight more for the ordinary people of Thailand than the current elitist and totally self-serving bunch of power megalomaniacs has done so far.

Perhaps they might pay people, to go to a hospital, since the "current elitist and totally self-serving bunch of power megalomaniacs" already made it free ? A big improvement on charging 30 Baht for it !

You said it straight to the point,, they will do what ever it takes to discredit the movement such as lie on TV, close the red shirts TV , radio stations, internet content etc. And ,, lately saying that they are terrorists .

I submit that Abashi==t is an anti democratic terrorist . He is a terrorist against the truth.

On the contrary, PM-Abhisit is very careful to distinguish the ordinary Red-Shirt protesters, from the gun-toting/grenade-throwing black-hearted/black-dressed terrorists who lurk amongst them.

Now will the red-shirt leaders be allowed to come again, to the negotiating-table, or do they still wish to spill more of their supporters' blood ? The VAST error, of their previous intransigence, is now clear for all to see. The price has been paid by hundreds of 'ordinary citizens' and ordinary-troops, but can they be allowed to do a deal, or not ? Only their absent 'true-democrat' leader can decide. :D


Another pearl of wisdom from TV's resident soothsayer. No discussion, reasoning, or rationale. Just a stand up comedian, with a very small audience.

:) Playing that tired old mantra....

Most of your contributions are one-line mantras.

Pearls of wisdom I am not so sure.

Thaksin's cast-offs more like it.

What is your problem? We all understand you fear the UDD and you hate Thaksin. WE GET IT. All you do is make snide remarks against anyone you disagree with. You of all people should not be complaining about reasoning or rationale since your comments never ever offer anything substantive, just cheap and petty insults. If you are getting some sort of sick delight trying to provoke people, then I suggest you consider another past time because it is obnoxious. Grow up

And you do the similar in paragraph form. Same same, but mean.

Yoshi commented on style; Single line mantras sound bite length.

and then whether the ideas held water; Generally BM is a one note piper hoping the rats will follow.

and then a likely source for the ideas. Clearly this is Thaksin inspired....no other possible conclusion.

But nothing about the person Britmavaric.

You just did exactly the inverse, but personalized, in greater detail, and much more vituperatively.

You do exactly what you accuse, but make it about the person and not their comments.

Argument lost dude.

"If you are getting some sort of sick delight trying to provoke people" *

* Pearls from the aluminum Kettle to a stainless teapot.


Red shirts send survival kit to Abhisit

By The Nation

BANGKOK: -- A red-shirt supporter showed up at the 11th Infantry Regiment yesterday with some food for Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva, but this was by no means a gesture of goodwill.

Attached with the noodles, cans of coffee and bottles of water was a message from the Democratic Alliance against Dictatorship, which read: "Let the prime minister eat so that he can survive at least until he dissolves the House of Representatives and pays for his bad deeds as a murderer."

Chantisa Rojanapimuk, who was accompanied by her boyfriend, said core red-shirt leader Natthawut Saikua had assigned this duty to her. She left the food and the message with the guards at the gate.


Lone woman challenges red shirts

by the Nation

An unidentified lone woman turned up behind the Rajprasong rally stage of the red-shirts at 9 am Thursday and criticised the leaders for causing trouble to the public.

Worachai Hemma met her and tried to explain the causes of the red shirts while other protesters started to boo her.

Eventually, red-shirt guards had to escort her out of the area to a spot in front of the President Hotel.

Reporters saw some protesters with sticks in hands running after her.

despite the current murderous reputation of the Army, who seemed to behaved better here and respected another parties right to have an opposing opinion?

come on you red shirt apologists and sympathisers

please rise up as one and have the committment to the red cause to tell me that you think its ok for red shirt protestors to chase a woman down the street with sticks who had the courage to challenge the red shirt leadership and tell them that she thought what they were doing was wrong

doesn't democrasy allow opposing parties to have a differing opinion to yours without suffering penalty for doing so?

please tell me where the democrasy you are supposed to be seeking was when this happened?

or is just a red democrasy you are seeking?

if so i think they call that by another name

Anyone know where I can donate umbrellas and

towels to our dear friends the red shirts? :)

Just come to Ratchaprasong, see for yourself, bring your towels and umbrellas and give them to the folks you see around in need. You will be overwhelmed by the friendliness and the warm welcome.

My wife and I happen to live in an apartment right down in the middle of the Ratchaprasong area. Today like yesterday we will go down and we will give some pillows to families with small children and old and sick people in need. We are doing that not because we are red - we are both neutral observers involuntarily living among the Red Shirts but most importantly we are human beings with a heart. What we see are tens of thousands of generally wonderful Thai people down there and many are really in need.

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