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How Many Of Your Male Friends Cheat On Their Spouses?


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gik = person you have casual sex with

mia/pua noi = person you have a sexual relationship with (but not main partner)

mia chow = person you have sexual relationship with that you pay (but not main partner)

mia/pua luang = main partner

This is Thailand, sexual relationships are not viewed in the same was as in the Western world. Sex is entirely more casual and considered a form of entertainment (by men and women). Everyone is at it, but some people lie and say they aren't.

My wife (Thai) says it's OK for me to have sex with other people as long as they don't mean anything to me.

My neighbours wife (Thai) has gone off sex and arranges for "nice" girls to come to her home and sort out her husband.

This is Thailand, we should leave our outdated prudish christian morals back in our homelands.

How if it was the other way around, does your neighbour allowed his wife the have sexual relation ship with another man :)

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